Be A Normal Girl
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At the Miyawaki Residence…


After what happened earlier, with the help of a certain hamster-looking student named Jo Yuri, they managed to escape that hole of a building. They took the injured girls to Sakura’s house to get them treated.

Now, Minjoo and Sakura, silently seating at the living room, waiting for someone to speak first. The deafening silence surrounding the room makes it harder for the flower to speak. Especially if the one asking for an explanation is glaring at you really hard.


“So,” Minjoo started. “Care to explain what the hell is happening?”


Sakura gulped. She has no escape right now, except to come clean.

She explained everything that has been happening at school since Minjoo was gone. She filled in the necessary information to the girl. As Sakura explains everything about what happened to the girls, how Chaewon got those wounds, how Yujin got involved in the process, Minjoo could only ball her fist in anger.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Look, here.” Sakura changed her sitting posture and faced the girl properly. “I tried calling you secretly because Chaewon doesn’t want you to know of this.”

Minjoo’s eyes widened after hearing that. Her eyes full of wanting to ask questions to the girl. She wanted to know what the reason for her to not tell me. Sakura can see her wanting to ask those questions and she so badly want to answer it for the girl.


“It’s best if you ask the girl herself.”

“What about Yujin? What about her?”


Sakura carefully explained Yujin’s situation. Her parents are famous doctors wherein they are widely known by people. Even the mention of her last name could stir some problems for the girl and her family. She didn’t want her parents to know that she was getting bullied and such. Because if ever it comes to light, she will be transferred to another school.


“I see…”

“I hope that answered your questions.”


With that, she invited Minjoo to check on them upstairs.


“Wonnie, are they awake?”

Sakura asked the tall maid who was treating the girls.

“Miss Cutie here is still sleeping.” She pointed at Chaewon. “And the tall one is awake.” She added.


Minjoo rushed to Yujin’s side who just woke up. “Are you okay?”

“Wh-where are we..?” Yujin asked barely opening her eyes. The unfamiliar ceiling, the room, the bed, it was a different feeling.

Minjoo was about to answer her question but the tall maid girl cuts her off. “You’re at the house of Sakura-Ojou.”

“O-oh..” – Yujin.

Sakura could only shook her head with what she heard.


Suddenly, Yujin’s eyes widen when she realizes something. “W-where is Chaewon?! Is she safe??” She was panicking and tried to stand up from her bed. The moment she stood up, pain soared directly to her body.

“Just lay down will you??” Minjoo pushed her back to the bed. “She’s okay. She’s sleeping right there.”

“T-thank goodness she’s o-okay..” and there she goes sleeping again.


The bruises are still visible at her arms but maybe it will be gone if she takes a rest for a few more days.


Seeing that Yujin is fine already, Minjoo went on to check on the other girl who’s still unconscious. She gently sat down at her side. She can’t tear her eyes away from the sleeping girl as she caressed her long red hair, slowly revealing her bruises in her neck. It was still visible and it looks like it will take time to heal.

Why the hell is this happening? Most importantly, to you Chae?

Suddenly, Minjoo felt the bed moving; the girl was awake already.


“Chaewon! Are you okay now??”


Minjoo’s sudden outburst caught the attention of the girls. They rushed to Chaewon to check if she’s okay already. Even Yujin stood up from her bed to see the girl.

“Chaewon-ah! You alright??” – Yujin.


“Cutie-unnie..” – Wonyoung.


“I’m glad you’re awake!” – Sakura.


Chaewon was getting barrage by the nonstop spouting of the girls. She was getting flustered all of a sudden and couldn’t even say a single word.

“Oi! Don’t round the girl!” Minjoo shouted as she pushed the girls away from Chaewon. “Yah! Yujin! If you’re okay, you better eat something!”

 “I’ll prepare the food~” – Wonyoung offered.  “Come with me, Yujinnie~”



Minjoo and Sakura was shocked at what they were seeing right now. Yujin acting all cutesy and bouncy towards Wonyoung. For a moment there, both girls thought that is she really even hurting at all?

Sakura could only shrug seeing her young maid flirting with the other tall girl. Minjoo could only laugh at it.

“Anyway,” Minjoo reverted her attention back at Chaewon. “Are you okay now, Chae?”

“I’m alright, Min.” – Chaewon.


That didn’t made Minjoo’s worry fade away. Suddenly, the guilt hit her. She’s blaming herself.

Why was she not here? Why didn’t I check on her? Why did I not protect her? She could’ve protected her if she was only here for her. Not that she could blame everything on her father’s work.

She could only let out a hefty sigh.

“Hey,” Chaewon reached out to Minjoo’s hands and grabbed it gently. “Seriously, I’m really al–”


“Kkura, could you leave us for a while?” Minjoo cuts off.


“Sure. We’ll be waiting downstairs.” Sakura said and went off.


As the door closes behind the girl, silence finally engulfs the enormous room leaving the two girls inside it. Awkwardness was filling the air and it was getting uncomfortable. Chaewon has her eyes on Minjoo whose attention is at the floor.

‘You changed, Min..’ After not seeing her for a month, Chaewon could see that she changed her hair color. Even her presence was different from before. She lost some weight too.

‘How are you, Min?’

“Why did you hide it?” Minjoo broke the silence first.

Chaewon gulped. She couldn’t find the right words to tell her. “M-Min..”




Chaewon flinched at the sudden outburst of the girl. This is the first time she’s seeing her like this. She was still holding the girl’s hand and she could feel it trembling.

Was it of anger? No.

She was trembling out of fear. She was afraid that she will lose another one. She already lost her father, she can’t bear it anymore if she loses the girl. She would lose her sanity. 


“I talked to Sakura earlier..” Minjoo finally said it.

Chaewon’s eyes widened at the sudden revelation. “I see..”


“Kwon Eunbi,” Chaewon started. “She’s my cousin on my father’s side.”

Minjoo didn’t say a word and just listened. Chaewon took that to continue her story.


“We were never on good terms in the first place. Considering that I was born out of wedlock.”

The latter was in disbelief. Was she hearing the girl right? Out of wedlock?

“After my father knew that my mother was pregnant with me, they banned my mother from stepping foot inside the Kwon’s household. My father couldn’t even care less as to what will happen to us. Not that I care.”

“In fact, I was glad to have even left that ty household. If not, I would have become another toy for that hag.”

“When I reached high school, I am what you call there ‘servant’. I attend to them whenever they call for me, whenever they needed something from me, or more than that. But it became worse when we reached second year.”

“Remember that time when I wasn’t able to stay longer with you and Yujin? I was called there. At their favorite hideout. I thought that they would ask something from me but when I got there...” Chaewon stopped for a while.

“It’s okay. You don’t have to say it.” Minjoo said.

Chaewon wanted to stop but she just shook her head in disagreement. She continued.


“When I got there, I thought I would be doing there simple errands again. But I was wrong, they suddenly started beating me up. I thought I was going to die but fortunately, Sakura found me.”

Minjoo irked at the sudden mention of the girl. She is so dead when they finish talking in this room.


 “Don’t be mad at her. I told her not to tell you anything about that incident. If not for her, I would’ve been laying on the ground lifeless.”

“And the rest is history.”


Minjoo was expecting her to cry while sharing everything to her. She expected that the girl would bawl her fist in anger as she reveals everything. But here she is in front of Minjoo, so calm and collected. Like she was not bothered by it. Not even a little bit.

It bothered Minjoo.

She placed her hands at Minjoo’s cheeks and scanned it. “Min, stop it. You’ll get wrinkles if you keep doing that!”

Chaewon chuckled at Minjoo’s little antiques. She could see the girl blushing from her ears. It was adorable that all Minjoo could do was look away.

This is dangerous for Minjoo’s health. Getting flustered was something she could handle but anything more than that? She could faint from it. She moved away from the girl not wanting to show more of her embarrassing side.

“I-I’ll bring you fo-food! Just re-est right th-there!”

And Minjoo turned her back at the girl. And left the room.


“What a confident gay am I.”

She just slumped back at her bed. She was in distress as to what happened earlier. How could she confidently hold her face like that? What’s more, she made the pretty girl blush in front of her. Good thing the heart is far from Chaewon’s hands or else she could feel the girl’s heart beating fast.

Well, it was worth it anyway.



When Minjoo went downstairs, she could see the tall girl talking with the tall maid. They were all smiles and laughs. Is she flirting with the maid?? The audacity of the Ahn Yujin.

“I thought you were eating. But it seems like there’s more to that.” Minjoo smirked at the tall girl.

Yujin flinched when Minjoo suddenly appeared at the kitchen. But the maid was not even affected by it at all.

“M-Minjoo! How’s Chaewon? Is she alright?” She asked trying to change the topic.

“She’s resting and I need to cook food for her,” Minjoo looked at Wonyoung and asked. “Can I take some food and cook some of it?”

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sorry for randomly putting tags HAHAHAHA but tbh i was seriously about to pair HW with MJ but i guess i forgot to remove it! HHAHAHAH sorry for that little misunderstanding :(((


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1762 streak #1
Chapter 23: Not the finale I expected but with Minju being alive and Chaewon having the gut to make new memories with her it leads to new doors that could be open! (P.s. sorry if I’m comment long again I couldn’t post my comments last night due to an error or something)
Maatt_booii #2
Chapter 24: Ooww.. So that was it??
Hehehehehe well, atleast they're alive, minju is alive even though she cant remember chaewon now..
1762 streak #4
Chapter 22: OMG!!!! TT someone please help Minju TT
Chapter 1: Well, that's a way to start a story. Minjo torturing a guy, shoving a knife in his ...that's hard...

...and I like it! :D
1762 streak #6
Chapter 21: O.M.G!!!!!!!!!!
1762 streak #7
Chapter 20: It’s good to see that Minjoo have great classmates! And trouble I see in the near future!
sunfany_24 #8
Chapter 19: take your time author but nakotomi vs minjoo incoming
1762 streak #9
Chapter 19: I smell trouble!!!!!!
1762 streak #10
Chapter 18: oh no!!!!!!!!!!!! fighting authornim!!!!