Be A Normal Girl
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It’s been 3 weeks that Minjoo have been busy honing her cooking skills with the two boys who was with her – Eunsang and Dongpyo. They only have a week at most left for them to practice.

When they walked inside their classroom, they were greeted by the fabulous decorations placed everywhere inside and some tables with chairs that could be taken by couples or groups. They even placed another long table beside the window for those who would like to eat alone.


“Oh? You’re back!” A guy with Hantae as his name, approached the tall man beside Minjoo, and made a fist bump.

“We just finished finalizing the menu for our booth,” He handed over a piece of paper. “Check it if It’s in your taste.”

“No need. I trust in your cooking skills and to our lovely beautiful transferee.” Hantae winked at Minjoo, which in return, had a distasteful look on her face. Hantae just laughed it off and strode towards the representative.


Minjoo finally had time to take a break from all the countless trial and errors of every dish they had made. She can feel her hands shaking a little from the exhaustion but it didn’t last that long.

She laid her head in her desk and started dozing off until she really fell asleep. But one student was bothered by it.

She didn’t know who it is, nor she cares who it was but the fact that Minjoo was sleeping made her tick off.

She walked towards the sleeping girl with heavy steps. She was only a meter away when the girl was blocked by his cookmate – Eunsang.


“What are you doing?” the girl asked and tried walking past through Eunsang. It didn’t work. “Move out the way.”

“She’s tired let her be.” Eunsang reasoned out.

“I’m also tired you know?”  The girl raised her voice slightly, catching everyone’s attention except the oblivious sleeping girl. “Aren’t we all?”

“Just mind your own business, Bora.” This time, Dongpyo barked at her, while also blocking her way towards the sleeping girl.

“You too? Dongpyo? “Bora scoffed.”I can’t believe you two.”


The room became silent and all eyes were on them. Seeing that this matter is going nowhere, Bora left them and went out of the room. After she left, everyone went back and mind their business, like nothing happened inside at all.

Not long after, Minjoo woke up. She raised her head only to see her two friends standing in front of her with their backs on hers.


“What are you standing there for?”

Minjoo’s abrupt question made the both of them jolt in their place as they turned around to face the girl who was now awake. “Nothing. Just felt like standing here.” And Dongpyo nodded in agreement.


Minjoo felt weird but still bought their excuse.

She rose from her seat and invited the two of them to walk towards the cafeteria. Seeing that it was almost lunch time, they excused themselves and followed the brunette.

Once again, they were greeted by the amazing aroma surrounding the cafeteria as they pushed the door open. It was the smell of delicious food.

The trio felt their stomach growling so loud that it made them look at each other. They burst laughing in their place and walk towards the counter.


After picking their food, Minjoo felt a buzz on her pocket. It was her phone indicating that someone sent her a message.

She placed her tray at their table and pulled out her phone to check who sent her a message.

It was unregistered.




“We’ll be meeting soon, Minjoo.



Minjoo narrowed her eyes. What does the text mean?

She ignored it and sat with the duo. But as soon as she was about to plunge a spoonful of her food inside , she received a soft tap from her shoulder.

She turned around to see who gave her a tap. It was a guy whom she doesn’t know. Not even one bit.


“Is there something you need?” Minjoo asked.

The guy didn’t utter a single word but gave her a single flower. She kept glancing back and forth to the guy who gave her the flower and the flower itself. She didn’t noticed that she was already reaching for the flower, and only to be given confused stares by the two boys who were with her.

As soon as she got hold of the flower, the guy who gave the flower was already far from them. She stared again at the peculiar flower that was given to her.


It was a rose tainted in black.


She pulled her phone out once more and called her partner. It got through.


“Minjoo? Why the sudden call?”

“I’ll send you something. Please check it for me.”


“Don’t tell anyone about this.”

“Aye boss.”


After she ended the call, she took a picture of the flower and also saved the unknown number. She compiled the two and sends it to her hacker.

She suddenly felt a strong chill crawling up to her spines.


“Minjoo? Is something wrong?” Eunsang grabbed Minjoo’s attention. “You look pale.”

“Is everything okay?” Dongpyo pitched in the questioning.

“Sorry guys,” Minjoo apologized and stood up from her seat. “You finish your food. I need to attend onsomething.”


The girl suddenly lost her appetite and went off leaving the two of the boys alone in the table.

She started walking towards her room when she suddenly felt another buzz from her pocket. It wasn’t a message. It was a call from her hacker.


“Minjoo, it was a burner phone.”


“And that flower..”

“I know.” Minjoo admits.

“Be careful. I’ll set a tracker in your phone when we meet later.”

“Eung. You too.”


She placed it back to her pocket and continued walking towards her room.

She was about to reach for the door but was stopped when someone grabbed her other hand from the back.

It was Bora.

Minjoo tried swatting her hands away from the girl. It failed.



Getting irritated, Minjoo faced her head on. “What do you want?”

She finally let go of Minjoo’s hands. “Brave aren’t we?”

“I have no time for this, Bora. What do you want from me?”

“Stop flirting with Eunsang, you .” She was glaring at the brunette. If only looks could kill, she could’ve burn a hole in Minjoo’s pretty face.

“What in Hades’ hell are you talking about?”

“Stop hogging Eunsang for yourself. Was it not enough that you had Dongpyo?”


Minjoo finally gets it.


“Are you jealous?”

Bora was flustered but still managed to stand on her ground. “So what if I was? Got a problem with it?”

Minjoo scoffs. “Like I care. Hog all of them for all you want.” She turned her back against Bora. “With that lousy attitude, I don’t think liking you will be easy.”

Bora finally blew up. “You ing bi –!”


As she lob a punch at Minjoo, it failed miserably as the girl was able to avoid it. Minjoo grabbed her wrist and pulled it towards her, leaving her foot in front, tripping Bora.

As she fell down, they heard low jeering coming inside their own room. The windows were slightly opened, leaving for them to hear the whole conversation. Seeing that this is a chance for Minjoo to get reveng on the girl, she didn’t waste a single moment of it.


“Oops. I’m not sorry.” Minjoo sarcastically apologized to

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sorry for randomly putting tags HAHAHAHA but tbh i was seriously about to pair HW with MJ but i guess i forgot to remove it! HHAHAHAH sorry for that little misunderstanding :(((


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1762 streak #1
Chapter 23: Not the finale I expected but with Minju being alive and Chaewon having the gut to make new memories with her it leads to new doors that could be open! (P.s. sorry if I’m comment long again I couldn’t post my comments last night due to an error or something)
Maatt_booii #2
Chapter 24: Ooww.. So that was it??
Hehehehehe well, atleast they're alive, minju is alive even though she cant remember chaewon now..
1762 streak #4
Chapter 22: OMG!!!! TT someone please help Minju TT
Chapter 1: Well, that's a way to start a story. Minjo torturing a guy, shoving a knife in his ...that's hard...

...and I like it! :D
1762 streak #6
Chapter 21: O.M.G!!!!!!!!!!
1762 streak #7
Chapter 20: It’s good to see that Minjoo have great classmates! And trouble I see in the near future!
sunfany_24 #8
Chapter 19: take your time author but nakotomi vs minjoo incoming
1762 streak #9
Chapter 19: I smell trouble!!!!!!
1762 streak #10
Chapter 18: oh no!!!!!!!!!!!! fighting authornim!!!!