
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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(Do read the author's note at the end of the chapter!)






"And that's how you can impress your girlfriend's father without letting him realize that you're trying to impress him." 


Baekhyun sighed and closed the tab, ultimately locking his phone in utter dismal. He had been watching these sort of videos for the past hour, but none of them appeared a bit helpful in his case. All the tips and instructions were almost same; dress impressively, know their liking and disliking, bring a gift according to their liking, know their political views, be honest about yourself, and etcetera. 

These were all outdated tips for him. He had already been there. He already knew all of her parent's choices and views, and they also knew everything about him, since he had been their son-in-law for more than seven years. 

None of the videos explained on how to re-impress girlfriend's father - who was already his father-in-law for years, to earn his blessings and permission for dating his daughter - who was currently his girlfriend but had been his wife for two years.

Gosh, this sounded so messy and complicated just to think about it, his head was whirling while being unable to find out any helpful solution for this tangled situation. And who was to blame for messing up and making everything this much complicated?  "Me!"  Baekhyun groaned out, pressing his face into his pillow out of frustration and helplessness. 

His self-blaming session got interrupted with the sound of an incoming video call. Busy in drowning in his own complicated thoughts, he clicked the green button without fixing his facial features. So it was inevitable that Munhee would notice his state.

"Hello! Hey, Baekhyun? Are you alright? What happened?" The girl asked from the other line, not even took a minute for her to decipher how pathetic he was being and feeling.

The mention of his name brought him back from his own world of miserable contemplation. He wasn't even able to continue the eye-contact with her more than a couple of seconds. "I ed up, Mun. I ed us up!" He groaned out, falling back on his pillow after trying to sit up properly. 

"Hey, relax. And tell me what happened?" Munhee asked with concerned face, making him feel even more bad than he was already feeling. And it seemed like it didn't take her much time to decode the reason behind his statement. "Baekhyun, don't worry about it too much. Everything will go just fine. I trust you." She insisted, her voice held the presence of faith in what she was talking about.

Baekhyun finally managed to look up into the screen, "But, Baby, I have broken their trust and hurt them. Trust is like a delicate piece of glass. Once broken, it can't be stainless like it's previous form anymore." He spoke, and while doing so, his mind contemplated another heartwrenching truth, a new and stabbing realization dawned upon him.  "Does that... Does that m-mean, your trust won't be stainless anymore? I have broken your trust as well, r-right?" His heart clenched thinking all these, leaving him to shiver in the sheer vulnerability coursing through his whole being. 

Munhee watched the man with pained heart. His glassy eyes, his heaving chest, his scrunched features; everything indicated that he was going through a tough time. She took a deep breath and shook her head firmly, "That's not it, Baekhyun." 

"Then what else it could be! You're the one whom I've hurt the most! And w-why did you even forgive me in the first place? I can't possibly be forgiven just by doing something stupid like changing my hair color! A ing hair dying can't earn me forgiveness for the cruel things I d-did to you! Then why? Why are you... so naive?" He sniffled his words out, barely managing to talk in between his sudden outbreak. 

Munhee brought a spare pillow into her lap, trying to sit strongly. How much she wanted to run towards him and give him the tightest hug. How much she wanted to steal away all those salty waters crowding around his beautiful droopy eyes. "You're right, a ing hair color didn't earn you my forgiveness. It was you, Baekhyun! You have earned that forgiveness from me, not anything else!" She stated firmly, badly wanting him to listen clearly and understand the depth of her answer. "Why would you even think of it like that, you idiot!" At this moment, he wasn't a man ten years older than her; at this moment, he was the man whom she loved dearly, and he needed to know he was being an idiot by pondering over unnecessary sorrowful thoughts. "And about trusting you, I might've never stopped trusting you just like I've never stopped loving you. Because, probably something inside me knew what were you doing, I somehow knew that you will come around, that you just needed time to let go off all the inner-restrictions. I was probably waiting for you to realize everything on your own without anymore pressure from me. Though I had no idea how long you would take. But you didn't take long anyway. So, don't you ever think like this." She took a break, feeling a little out of breath because of the intense and somehow sensitive talk she was doing here. 

Baekhyun heaved through a long sigh, staring at her in awe, feeling the cold hands choking his chest had finally left him to breath properly.  "You're so y, Mun. So so y, !" He spoke in awe as well, gasping in sort of daze, his tone still broken as the aftermath of his breakdown - but the trace of sadness was gone from there.

His words cracked a smile at her face. She was aware that he didn't mean it literally. He had just used the word 'y' to express it in a more intense way of appreciation. So she shrugged and continued,  "And about tomorrow, things will go fine. Don't worry at all, okay, Honey?" She assured him, and was a bit to late to notice how she had unconsciously let that endearment slip off her tongue.

 The distressed male's tight features finally seemed to completely loosen up, a small smile managed to climb up to his mouth, and his slanted eyes were the brightest now. Munhee was again a few seconds late to realize the reason of the sudden three sixty degrees change in his demeanor. His smile broadened so much that he had to bite them pretty harshly to keep them in place. "That.... sounded too good to be true, Sweetheart. Can you.... please say it again?" He cutely requested, his eyes hopeful and his face just painted with so much handsomeness that the girl on the other line was barely managing to keep her leaping heart on track. 

Munhee felt her cheeks warming up, as she readied her lips to utter that sweet endearment that had been produced by them just a while ago, "Uhh... I... Hon- ughh I can't do this when you're staring at me like that!" Sure she had said it so fluently earlier, but it had come out purely unintentionally. And just the thought of saying it again was tummy butterflies to create a havoc.

Baekhyun sat up straight, his pink tresses messy in an attractive way, his lips formed into a sickening pout,  "Baby, if you let me hear it again, I will feel so.. so much better!" He urged her, blinking his eyes cutely. "And the short version of my name, say it as well!" The male added into the list of his adorable demands.

Could she ever deny when he would be using his cuteness as a weapon? No. "So... no negotiation possible here?" However, she still attempted, mostly to stall for some time so that she could prepare herself for doing the deed. 

"Nope." He shook his head vigorously, finishing his word with a loud pop. Cute, cute, stubbornly cute.

"Not even if I give you a... flying kiss?" The girl tried to tempt him with another alternative.

This time, he stilled for a moment, his firm eyes wavering a bit. But he again shook his head at her generous offer, which was already rare for her to personally provide. Then his eyes glinted into a newfound mischief, obviously something devilish might've appeared into his mind.  "There's only one way to negotiate." He rendered in a low voice, lips forming into a subtle smirk.

Munhee gulped but raised a brow at him nonetheless, she was sure it wouldn't be anything easy, at least for an abashed potato like her. But yet she asked for it,  "And what it might be?"

Baekhyun scanned her features closely, as closely as it was possible to do through phone's screen, causing her to slightly squirm under his deepened gaze,   "Flash me."  He then uttered, his lips curled into a full devilish smirk after that.

Munhee gave him an uncertain stare. "Huh? Flash you? How can I flash you?" She was genuinely confused, since she didn't have any idea exactly what he was talking about. Did he mean flashing light on his face? But why would anyone want that? 

Baekhyun let out a breathy chuckle, biting his lips, understanding that she actually didn't get what he meant. "Okay, I'll tell you..." Now that he had to give her an elaborated explanation of his mischievous demand, he himself felt a little embarrassed. He respected Munhee a lot, and since they were yet to go deep down the dirty lane of intimacy, it was a bit tough for him to give her the indecent details. "Flashing means... uhh you have to give me a... quick view of your chest. And it would be better if... you do it after undoing your bra." By the time he finished, he had gotten over the momentary embarrassment, and regained his smirk full of mischief. He could see her cheeks reddening, he was honestly getting prepared for her to end the call right on his face.

Munhee's eyes went to her forehead hearing the meaning of his version of 'Flashing'. Needless to say, her face was burning right now. "Baek, Honey, it's getting late. Go to sleep if you don't wanna look like a zombie in front of my father tomorrow!" Saying so, the flustered girl ended the call immediately, just like he had assumed.

Baekhyun chuckled to himself while staring at his screen, gazing at the small icon picture of his lovely girlfriend. Since he wasn't yet done teasing her for the day, he went to the familiar website to search for some relatable jokes, and copied them only to send them to her through text.


To: My Ninja Girl ❤

Victoria Secrets having a 50% off bra sale. Too bad I like bras 100% off ;)


He hadn't even finished snickering at the text he had just sent her, when her reply came fast.


From: My Ninja Girl❤

Don't even dare to start your stupid adult jokes now!


Ignoring her warning, he copied and sent another funny joke in the reply.



To: My Ninja Girl ❤

Q. What kind of Bees produce milk?

A. ies! :P



From: My Ninja Girl ❤

That's it, I'm blocking you. *angry emojis*


Baekhyun's fun time ceased, and he practically winced seeing her raged reply. So he sent her another 'Normal' text, to check whether she had actually blocked him or not.


To: My Ninja Girl ❤

Okay, Baby, I'll stop, for now ;)

Good night ❤


Luckily, he didn't have to wait long, since she did reply him back, indicating that she hadn't blocked him yet. Otherwise, he would have to run his brain into three hundred percent capacity tomorrow, to coax both his girlfriend's father and his angry girlfriend herself. 


From: My Ninja Girl ❤

Good night :/ ❤



"God! Why is she so cute! Even her texting style is so damn cute! Ughh!"  Baekhyun was rolling on his bed while his eyes read her last text again and again, cooing at her adorable way of texting. Even though she was pissed at him, she did add a 'Heart emoji' beside that slightly angry one. His heart was exploding in his chest just at that. Gosh, he was so much in love with this girl.  He never got tired of saying it, neither in present and nor would be in future.

After he was done with his alone cooing session, he forced himself to be tucked under the duvet, bringing Mrs.B into his arms. After a bit more tossing and turning, he finally was able to grasp onto some much needed sleep. 






Munhee was a fidgeting mess from the previous day till this morning. The atmosphere of her parent's house wasn't much friendly at this moment. Her father had been grumpy throughout the whole journey back home yesterday, and the older male became ever more grumpy after returning home - more like while talking with her mother. And her mother herself wasn't in much better state, her usually bright face was now a bit dimmed whenever she would speak. 

Her parent's relationship was transparent enough for her to decipher that they were having a fight, a continuous one - going on for god knows how long. From what she could pick out from her mother after the short conversation from last night, Munhee herself was the core reason behind their fight. Her father had been livid, when a few days ago, he got to know that her mother had provided Baekhyun her address in Japan. Now the ever-so-sweet older couple were having this disagreement due to having different perspective regarding the welfare of their daughter. And it made Munhee feel guilty, very much. 

Currently, Munhee was sitting beside her father in their living room. The fact that Baekhyun had called her a couple of minutes ago to let her know that they'd be reaching within half an hour atmost, was making her even more fidgety. 

 Right now, detective Munhee had her keen her subtly set on her father, trying to keep note on his movements or activities, hoping to find any clue of what her father was going to make Baekhyun do.

But much to her dismay, the older male seemed relaxed as he continued to watch those boring news channels like his usual routine.  'Just what in the earth is he planning to do?'  She was hoping to find at least something, that she could help Baekhyun with. But there was no trace of any elephant sized manual work for Baekhyun, nothing. It would've been a classic way for her father to test the younger male's dedication and patience for her.

Or was it all the older male's act, so when Baekhyun would arrive here, he would laugh out loudly and say, 'I was just testing you two, I don't have any objection with your relationship hahaha!'

Breaking her short-lived and definitely failed detective thoughts, came a notification of an incoming text message on her handphone. 


From: Mr. Byun ❤

I'm going in, Baby.

I love you.



'Oh god! They're already here! Oh My God!'  Munhee was busy hyperventilating inside when the bell of their house ringed, it was definitely Baekhyun. The girl was on her feet in flash, "I'll go get the door!" She announced, a bit too loudly than she was supposed to. But she couldn't even take one step further when she heard her father.

"Wait here, I'll get it." Her Dad firmly stated, leaving no choice for Munhee to keep standing still. 

Hearing the doorbell, her mother had also discarded out of the kitchen, wanting to receive their special guests for today. Her eyes caught the form of her pouting daughter in the living area, shaking her head she held Munhee's hand and led her towards the hallway near their doorstep. 

By the time the pair of mother and daughter reached there, the older male had just opened the door, revealing a slight nervously smiling Baekhyun, and two excitedly smiling Miseo and Sarang. Baekhyun had doned himself in a full formal attire, a striped ash suit with matching pants, a well-fitted black shirt underneath, shining black formal shoes to match with the outfit. His face was cleanly shaved, his hair swept in a modestly enticing way to reveal his glowing forehead. His favorite watch on his right wrist, his bracelet on his left one, and his wedding chain was worn over his dress shirt so that it wouldn't be hidden. All in all, he looked neat and crisp, and attractive, just like he would look during his most important meetings and events.  'Well, this is an important day for all of you, a veey important one!' Her mind reminded her. 

"Hello, Dad."  Baekhyun took a deep breath and bowed respectfully while greeting his girlfriend's father - after the older male was done greeting his granddaughters first. He didn't let himself get disheartened when he didn't get any vocal reply, the only thing he got was the older male's scrutinized gaze and a curt nod. Clearing his throat inwardly, he again started, "I've brought a small present for you and Mom, I hope you both would like it." At least his father-in-law accepted the nicely wrapped wine. He had actually gotten some more gifts, more than needed to be specific, but Munhee had strictly restricted him from bringing all those gifts in this situation - when they had talked about it earlier in the morning, since her father might point out that Baekhyun wanted to bribe them with all those gift.

The older male then accepted the formal handshake Baekhyun had offered him. "You look scared. Are you scared of me?" He asked the younger male, his intent eyes not leaving Baekhyun's features for a second.

Baekhyun straightened up even more, before taking another intake of oxygen,  "No, Dad. I am not scared." He answered honestly. He really wasn't scared, he was nervous, immensely nervous. 'Scare' and 'Nervous' was different, at least in his case. Also, he assumed that fathers liked fearless guys for their daughters, so he hoped his answer would do, because every question thrown upon him today, would probably be considered as a test.  

Her father raised a brow at him, "You aren't? I think you should've been scared of me if you really wanted to get my daughter back." He stated smugly, but subtly glaring at the younger male at the same time, their handshake still continuing - getting tighter by every second.

Baekhyun cursed himself for choosing a short answer instead of elaborating it. So he gave his girlfriend's father a small less-nervous smile, "Munhee isn't any prize whom I want to win or own back. I just want to... love her freely. I want to be with her on both her good and bad days, to share her happiness and sadness." The male stopped, not wanting to become emotional and appear weak before the older male,  "And I know you also want her to stay happy wherever she would go, you also can't bear seeing her in pain. You love her as much as I do, and will take the decision whichever would bring her happiness. So, I can't be scared of you when we both are the same." 

His answer had rendered her father mum, his hard gaze wavering a bit, but he didn't say anything else regarding that. "Come in." The older male grumbled to Baekhyun after he was satisfied with the hard squeeze he gave the younger male before finally breaking the handshake. 

"Thank you for inviting me, Dad." Baekhyun held back the wince, because it did hurt, his father-in-law was quite fit as for his age. And went inside to greet his mother-in-law. 

 By this time, the little ones were already done greeting Mama and Grandma. The older lady then greeted Baekhyun with a comparably warm hug, exchanging some warm words.

After that, his eyes landed on his girlfriend, she was looking back at him with loving and longing eyes, looking as pretty as ever. "Hi, Sweetheart." Baekhyun greeted her albeit shyly, since it was the first time he was calling her with such endearment in front of the elders.

 Giving him back a sweetly-shy smile of hers, the girl surprised him by engulfing him in a tight hug. "I love you too." She whispered into his chest while doing so, and it didn't take more than a second for him to realize that she had just replied to his last text.

The momentary worry and fear of what her father would say of their display of affection, had washed away immediately when he hugged her back after that, letting her melt into his arm like she would always do. Since her father was standing behind, he took the chance to sneak a quick peck from her soft cheek, and as well took in her soothing scent which he needed as much as oxygen right now. 

"Shall we go in?" Came the older male's albeit loud voice from behind. So the couple had no other option but to break their tight embrace and walk towards the living room. 

Reaching the living area, they all kept standing, no one taking a seat, as if everyone was waiting for Munhee's father to drop the bomb on Baekhyun. But fortunately or unfortunately, the older male did nothing, and sat himself down on the nearest couch.

"Baekhyun, son, please have a seat. I'll bring some refreshments for all of us, then... we can talk?" Munhee's mother broke the awkward silence and excused herself to the kitchen.

The couple was relieved at that. Munhee sat her babies down on the couch their Grandpa was occupying. Then she held Baekhyun's hand to bring them to the nearest vacant one and sat down. She looked up at her lover with a questioning look when the male stayed rooted on his feet, not taking the seat. He gave her a nervous yet solemn look which said that he was about to do something, his eyes were determined but a bit wavering at the same time. Not knowing what he was going to do was making the girl even more nervous. But then again, she calmed down, since she had faith on him. She knew he wouldn't do anything rash, as it was a very important time for them. She trusted his instincts. 

"Baekhyun, why are you still standing there?" Munhee's mother who was already back from the kitchen, asked the male. Placing the tray of refreshments on the coffee table, she then turned to her husband, "Did you say anything to him?" she asked the older male with skepticism. 

The older male merely rolled his eyes, "No, I haven't. Looks like he is throwing tantrums on his own."

"Mom, no one said anything to me. I'm sorry for causing misunderstanding." Baekhyun quickly interrupted and explained himself. Giving Munhee's hand one last reassuring squeeze, he left her and went to her mother. "I was just waiting for you to return. I wanted both of her parents to be present when I'd talk." He led the older woman to the couch and sat her down beside her husband.  

Munhee watched Baekhyun with careful eyes as he sat her mother down. And the next thing that happened, had opened and eyes widened, heart downright pausing in her chest. 

Baekhyun, he had kneeled down facing her parents, placing his clasped hands to rest over his thighs, his head slightly bowed down in respect. Honestly, it was something beyond her expectations. She had never ever thought, not even in her wildest imagination, that someday one man would be kneeling before her parents for her sake. Sure, she had those open-eyed dreams of her Mr. Right kneeling on his on knee to propose her for marriage. But this, somehow this felt even more intense and heart-melting than the said marriage proposal. When and how did she become this lucky to have such man as her lover? What did she do in her previous life to be blessed with such a dedicated man in this life?

"Um I think I should take the kids inside before we start." Munhee's mother was again the one to speak up first.

Hearing her, came a scoff from her father. "Let them stay here. He shouldn't be ashamed of expressing his love towards my daughter in front of his daughters. They should also know whether their father loves their Mama or not." 

"Yes, Daddy loves Mama, a lot!" Miseo filled in at the mention of their names. 

"Yeah, Daddy cried everyday when Mama was gone!" Since the twin had the habit of speaking one after another, Sarang also spoke up.

Baekhyun was fast at interrupting them before they could spill anymore, "Girls, we elders are having some important discussions. So, please don't say anything, it's a bad manner, remember?" He reminded them softly. Thankfully, the kids nodded and zipped their mouths.

Munhee's heart melted like wax hearing her babies. By then, she had gotten over the initial wave of surprise and awe, so she immediately shot up from her current position. She couldn't possibly be sitting here and let Baekhyun do all these alone. They were both into this, it was their fight for their love, so both of them should be putting equal efforts. If not more, then the least she could do was to be on his side at this moment, and provide him internal strength throughout whatever he was about to do or say. 

Baekhyun and everyone else's eyes now went to Munhee, as the girl didn't waste anymore time in settling down on the ground just beside her boyfriend, imitating Baekhyun's posture. "Mun, what are you doing? You shouldn't be here! Please, go back." Baekhyun requested her gently, but urging her at the same time.

"No! I want to be with you. So if you'll be kneeling here, I'll do the same." She protested firmly, shaking her head in determination.

"But you didn't do anything wrong with them. It was me who broke their trust and hurt them. So it should only be me asking for their forgiveness." Baekhyun also retorted back, as gently as he could. 

"You said you want us to share everything, good times and bad times. Then why would you stop me from being with you? That even in this crucial state?" Munhee half glared at him for being stubborn at this important situation. 

Baekhyun didn't like the idea of her stepping down on the ground like that. But he was starting to lack excuses and logics to not her be here like this. He was tracing his eager eyes everywhere to find some more logical excuses, when his eyes landed on her knees. Although her skirt was knee-length, it yet didn't help protecting her knees from the carpeted floor. "Mun, please get up, you're going to hurt your knees!" He panicked, inwardly cursing himself for not noticing it any earlier.

"If you can kneel down here, then I can as well." She shrugged stubbornly and repeated.

Baekhyun heaved a sigh and countered back almost in a hiss, "Baby, you aren't wearing pants like me!" He knew that he was having sort of an argument with the daughter of the people in front of whom he was kneeling down, ready to ask for their blessing and forgiveness; it would definitely earn him some negative points - especially from her father. But at this moment, her welfare was his priority, so he could care less about anything else.

Munhee gave him a pleading look, "But I just want to be here with you!" She repeated helplessly, finding no other option to protest anymore.  

Baekhyun let out another heavy sigh, he didn't like the look of helplessness in her eyes, at all; he could also understand her sentiments of being with him right now. So, he didn't have the heart to refute her wish anymore. "Okay, so want to be by my side, right?" He asked the girl with a calmer tone, while he busied his hands in shrugging his suit jacket off. Earning an eager nod from his love and seeing the bright twinkle in her eyes, he nodded at her. "Fine, but at one condition."  He let her know, folding the jacket nicely before placing it right before where her knees rested. "Hop on." He then gestured her towards floor.

Munhee bit her lips, wide smile threatening to appear in her face along with the eye roll. She did as asked, she knew it was the only way to coax him, and honestly it was kind of heartwarming of him to do small things like this - which definitely held deeper insights of how much he cared for her. "Thank you." Getting rid of her sassiness, she gave her boyfriend a shy smile of appreciation, mentally  keeping note to iron his suit for him later.

Baekhyun returned the smile and reached his left hand to hold her right one, intertwining their fingers so that they could share the warmth of each other. Looking back at the front, he found her parents still sitting silently, though their eyes were drilled onto the young couple on the ground.

He gulped down, wanting to wet his drying up throat before he started speaking. "Dad, Mom, I can not speak out page after page of heartwarming speeches, so I'll just be straightforward here." Maintaining a direct eye contact with the elder couple, Baekhyun brought his and Munhee's attached hands to his chest,  "This woman right here, your daughter, she is not only the woman whom I love with my all. She is... she is the pillar of my life. She is like the friend who has always been there for me, even in my darkest days. She might be tiny and younger in comparison to me, but she has been the one to bring me on right track whenever I have lost my way, she has been the one to put sense into me from time to time, she has been the source of strength for me. She is the woman I see my future with. I know we can see our future with many people, but I am willing to see mine only with her. I want to build our future with only her, I want to build open-eyed dreams with only her, I want to build our home with only her."

Munhee couldn't stop her lips from quivering anymore, neither she could stop shedding droplets of salty waters from her eyes. When he noticed her soundlessly sobbing, he stopped in the  midst and gave her hand a firm squeeze, letting her know that she had him with her. She inhaled and squeezed back, funny how she thought she would be the one giving him internal strength, whereas she was an emotional mess just by hearing him talk out his raw emotions for her. She knew it was very tough for him to express his feelings in words, even though he had been doing it fine with her, but her parents were a different case. Yet, he was being brave for her. Whenever she would think that she could not admire him any more, he would just prove her wrong every single time. 

"Sorry, I got lost while speaking."  Baekhyun again started, he was glad that his voice wasn't wholly breaking yet, and he was able to remain strong outside while baring his heart. "What I wanted to say, that Munhee is.... very special to me. I want to love and cherish her with everything I have. And I am aware of my wrongdoings in the past, I genuinely regret doing them. Since it's impossible to turn back time, so all I can do is ask for your kindness to forgive me, and grant me another chance to prove my diligence towards with your daughter and be with her. I will try my best to keep her happy, I will be responsible to bring smile on her face everyday. I will be the one to wipe her tears when good-time won't be on our side. I will respect her and protect her in every step of our lives. Thus, I, Byun Baekhyun, sincerely ask for you both to consider forgiving me for my past mistakes, and also give us your blessings because we can't start our new life without that. I hereby, am asking for your daughter Munhee's hand for officially dating her and all other further steps of our relationship." 

Munhee's heart skipped two to three beats at the last part, 'Further steps'. Her insides filled with raw anticipation. She was still crying though, while both of them constantly squeezing their embraced hands for supporting each other. Baekhyun wasn't downright sobbing like her, but she could tell he was holding himself back with much struggles, the small breaks he took in his talk and they way his voice shook sometimes - all of it gave away the fact that he was also having a hard time.  

She dared to remove her gaze from her lover, and cast it to her parents. Her mother was warmly smiling while drying her own face off of tears, Munhee assumed them to be her happy tears, and that also was enough to visibly proof that they had her mother's blessings already. 

 Meanwhile, her father, the older male had his ever-so-scrutinizing gaze fixed at Baekhyun. Now that Baekhyun was done speaking, and went back to keep his head bowed in respect while waiting for her father's reply, the space had become all-silent. 'This is bad.' Munhee cried out inwardly. This was really bad. Her father didn't show any sign of giving in, his features as tight as they had been since yesterday. When did her sweet father became so stonehearted? Did he not feel the sincerity dripping off of Baekhyun's words, and his eyes? 

Well, she had had enough of everything. She couldn't let Baekhyun kneel on the ground all day and get nothing in return since her father had decided to be this strongheaded. If Baekhyun couldn't persuade the older male in his gentlemanly way, then she will have to get that 'Yes' from her father in Munhee-way. However, before she could open to start protesting and throwing tantrums, something happened. No, her father didn't smile and told them that he wasn't against their relationship anymore. Not at all. It was someone else.

It was her babies. 

Miseo and Sarang had everyone's eyes bulged in surprise or maybe shock, when they also joined their parents on the ground, their tiny but determined eyes fixed at their grandfather.

"Babies, oh my god!" Munhee was on her feet within a blink. Even though she had promised to herself that she wouldn't leave Baekhyun's side, but her babies were exceptional, she couldn't let them kneel on the ground like their parents were doing.  "Please, get up!" She requested as calmly as she could. She somehow managed to make them stand up before they hurt their knees. But the little ones were still rooted beside their parents.

"Girls, don't do it. Listen to Mama." Baekhyun lifted his face to look at his daughters and told them albeit firmly. 

"No, Mama said family do everything together! So if Daddy and Mama are here, we will also do that!" Miseo protested, speaking wisely, determination shone in her tiny eyes.

"Yes, we will be with you two!" Sarang also joined in.

Miseo again turned to her grandfather, "Grandpa, we want Mama back too! Please, give us Mama's hand?"

"But what will we do with Mama's hand only?" Sarang pointed out, blinking adorably as she couldn't understand the meaning behind asking for someone's hand yet.

Miseo nodded in agreement with her sister. "Yeah, we don't want Mama's hand only. We want our whole Mama back!"

Munhee was torn between laughing at their adorableness, or crying out at the irony of their situation. "Babies..."

Before she could decide what exactly she wanted to say to them, her father's voice interrupted, "Sweethearts, come to Grandpa. I will answer your father then."

The kids looked at their parents, and both Baekhyun and Munhee gestured them to listen to their grandfather. So the kids finally went back to the older male.

Holding his granddaughters hands, the older male casted his gaze back at the younger couple, "Stand up, you two." The pair had no other option but to get back on their feet. Then he fixed his eyes at the younger male, "Do you have any problem in staying over for the night?" He asked Baekhyun, causing surprise to all the elders. 

Baekhyun blinked in confusion, not wanting to jump onto any conclusion yet, "If you allow me, then I don't have any problem." He replied politely.

  Munhee was the first one to speak up with an assumption, excitement coursing through her veins, "Dad, does that... does that m-mean you have..."

"Of course not, I can't forgive him just on the basis of few words." Her father grumbled. Instantly earning looks of disbelief from the two elder females - his wife and Munhee, and earning deep pouts from the little ones. Sighing, he continued, "But I am giving him time till tomorrow to prove me his sincerity. I will tell my decision tomorrow before they leave."

 Baekhyun walked forward and held onto the older male's hand in gratitude. "Thank you, thank you so much, Dad! It means a lot!" Baekhyun wasn't disheartened at that, not at all, he was immensely grateful. He would honestly take anything his father-in-law would give. He knew forgiving his horrendous acts wasn't easy, so he would continue to try. He could wait for Munhee for years without getting tired. And at present, at least her father's words meant that his chances weren't that low. "Please tell me how can I make you trust your daughter with me again?" He eagerly asked. 

"Nothing. You will just stay here until tomorrow." The older male rendered while shrugging. "And don't attempt to do anything extra." He added seriously.

"What? Aren't you supposed to give him some tasks or simply ask him some questions at this stage? Aren't you being too difficult with the poor boy?" Munhee's mother threw her hands in the air, visibly frustrated with her husband; exchanging short glare with the said male.

"Dad, how can he prove himself to you if you don't give him anything to do so? This is... so unfair!" Munhee stomped towards her father and demanded answer, her features mixture of disheartened and disapproval. 

Baekhyun left his father-in-law's hand, only to rub the seemingly raging girl's back, "Sshhh, it's okay, Sweetheart. We will be fine, everything is going to be okay." He whispered into her ears, bit by bit, calming her down. When he finally got her eyes on him, he gave her a mustered up solemn smile, "Have faith on me."

Munhee exhaled audibly, eyes scanning his face, his determined eyes. "I trust you." 





It was nearing lunch time, and currently, Baekhyun was helping his mother-in-law in preparing the food. He had volunteered to help like most of the times, since he liked helping, also as cooking was a strenuous task. Another reason might be, he was saved from the perused gaze of his girlfriend's Dad for the time being. However, that also meant that he wouldn't be able to see Munhee for that span of time, since her father had clearly restricted her to not enter the kitchen - saying that two people were enough to prepare for lunch. 

"Mom, you can go and take some rest. I will serve the lunch after I'm done with this." Baekhyun told the older lady, while he was busy in preparing ingredients for his in-law's regularly needed healthy salad. He had looked up the recipe on internet, and he was quite confident that he would pull it off without needing any help.

"It's okay, I'm not even tired!" She denied his kind offer, "I'll have to see that grumpy old man's face if I go out now anyway." She then mumbled to herself.

Being in close space, Baekhyun did hear his mother-in-law. "Is everything okay between you and Dad?" He cautiously asked. He himself had noticed that something was off between the older couple. 

"Well we... Umm it looks like I'd really have to leave the kitchen now." The older female changed the topic while wiggling her eyes at something behind Baekhyun, or maybe someone behind him. 

Baekhyun turned his head, finding his girlfriend peeking from the kitchen doors. Gaining his attention, she walked inside, stopping right before him. "Mun, why are you here?" The male cautiously looked out of the kitchen before bringing his gaze back at his beautifully smiling lover. "Your father will be upset if he sees you here." He continued, not wanting to fall weak under the spell named Munhee. 

"I've told Dad that I'll check the progress of lunch. He gave me permission!" She proudly let him know. 

"I am going out. Take as much time as you two need. I'll try to distract my grumpy hubby!" Munhee's mother spoke albeit loudly while making her way out, so that the couple busy with each other would at least hear her. 

Having the kitchen to themselves only, Munhee grinned and enveloped her boyfriend in a tight hug - the one she was dying to provide him throughout the day.  

Baekhyun sighed in contentment, having her in his arms like this had never failed to make him feel better. He liked hugging her, he liked- loved how she would sink into him everytime, no matter how much they'd do it. But even though it was a great feeling, right now they should be careful with their skinship. Specially when there was a risk of getting caught redheaded. "Mun, Baby, we should be a bit careful." Leaning her face away from his chest, he cupped her soft cheeks and told her gently. "Your Dad may walk on us at any time. So we can't-"

"Kiss me, Baek." Munhee had no idea how did she become this bold and demanded this off him. But there was no turning back, she had already let the words out of . And the way his lips parted in surprise, it told her that he had also heard her clearly. 

Baekhyun might not show it all time, but he was utterly weak for a demanding Munhee. So who was he to deny when the woman who owned his heart and soul, had asked for him to kiss her? Forgetting every single nerves and principles, he smiled down at her before capturing her awaiting sweet pair. 

It should've been a swift cautious kiss, judging by their current surrounding and situation. But how did it end up being a passionate one? Both of them had no idea. Probably because they missed the feeling of savouring the taste of each other so much. How long had it been since they had their last proper kiss back in Japan? Not the soft sneaky pecks on cheeks and foreheads, the proper ones, where they get to drown in pleasant waves at the intimacy of their mouths. Two weeks, the answer was. And these two weeks had felt longer than two freaking months or year.

Munhee tiptoed to deepen their lip-lock, her fingers clutching onto the front of his dress-shirt, but careful enough to not leave any crumples - which would've definitely indicated her parents that their daughter and her boyfriend had gone a bit wild inside the kitchen. She let her weight fall onto the male, causing his back to rest against the kitchen counter, that had definitely led them of muffle out some noises from the back of their throats. The eagerness seeping off of their bodies made them realize just how much they missed being physically close like this.

When time to break the kiss arrived, they held onto a few seconds more because none of them was ready to let go just yet. Warm breathes slapping onto their faces as they panted after leaning away, "Missed you so much. God!" Baekhyun huffed under his breath, but it was clear enough for Munhee to hear. 

"Me too." She countered, her arms went to wrap themselves around his neck, as she got more comfortable in the space between his spreaded legs, unable to stay even a centimeter away from the familiar warmth of his body. "Are you sure you don't need any help here?" She then asked.

Baekhyun froze for a second, thinking that she might be asking it suggestively. 'Oh god! Does that mean she is feeling me...down there?'  He inwardly panicked, he had no one but himself to blame for the growing situation, as he was just too weak under her touches. Her gruff tone didn't help his case at all either. "We... .we should... I mean you should go now."  His spoke in his still somehow breathless voice. Som

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Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
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42 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///