
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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(Hii to my fellow exo-l aunties ♥)










"What are you doing here?" 

Munhee could clearly see how Baekhyun's face morphed into from initial shock to realization, and then finally his face scrunched in a way that could only be stated as anger. 

Munhee gripped the bedsheet under her palms tighter, gaining the strength to stay calm and keep the raging male calm while she sat up.   "I thought you invited me to stay here? You said it's okay if I start staying here with you."  Munhee timidly yet boldly told him, reminded him of his own words. 

His creased brows straightened a little, he closed his eyes and took a few deep breathes as if to calm himself with much force, and sat up straight.   "Yeah, I..did say it."  He agreed , sending a feeling of relief to Munhee.   "But I didn't expect you to come and sleep here without notifying me beforehand. Look, the way it turned out, is inappropriate!"   He gritted, his face and tone were the fair proof that he didn't like the outcome at all. And even though he wasn't shouting at her or was under enough control not to shoo her out of his room at that instant, Munhee knew it was because he was fighting inwardly with himself to keep his anger on check. 

"Baekhyun, nothing inappropriate has happened here!"   Munhee raised her voice a little more than previous to stand her ground strongly. 

"Well, for me, the way we woke up, that's inappropriate enough. And I don't even remember how I ended up like that. I know I told you that I'm going to accept you as my wife, but that doesn't mean we can just do....you can't just.."  Baekhyun heaved a sigh, he couldn't continue but Munhee wasn't a dumb to not understand what he meant. 

His words incarnated an eye roll from Munhee,    "Look, I don't know why do you always think of me as a bunny who would at any chance to jump on your body, but I'm not like that!  Last night,  I simply came here to check up on you."   Munhee explained, or at least tried to.  

" Why would you need to check up on me?"   Baekhyun asked, his voice suspicious, his eyes searching for answers with his piercing gaze. 

 Munhee didn't know what she just decided on a whim was whether accurate to do or not, but she honestly didn't want to play anymore hide and seek. She's tired of making lame excuses everytime. And after witnessing his condition in the previous night, she knew she had to be with him no matter what. And according to her, it's for the best if she'd just directly talk face to face with him without hiding facts from him.

"Actually, I...I met Minseok."  Munhee hurriedly blabbed while keeping her eyes close, before she lost her balls to confess the truth.

"You met whom?"   Baekhyun asked, his eyes round with shock. If it wasn't a serious discussion, Munhee would find him laughably cute.  Okay, you're losing your focus. Stay focused!   Inner Munhee scold herself.   

Munhee cleared and tied her hairs to kill more time so that she could prepare herself for any kind of blow coming from the male sitting just a few inches away from her.     "Minseok oppa, your friend. We talked. And yes, he already told me everything what you wanted to hide from me."   She crossed her arms over her chest as she saw him getting weaker and his mortified face gave that away. 

"You're not beating around the bush to grasp the real truth from me. Are you?"   Baekhyun asked, now seemingly nervous and maybe scared for some reason. 

"I came here last night to check whether you were sleeping, or you're having trouble just like Minseok oppa has explained. And seems like he was right. You were having nightmares."   Munhee revealed. And she kinda felt a huge weight was moved down from her chest after she told him the truth. 

"You uh..what did I d-do? I don't..why can't I remember clearly when did you enter here! Tell me, what did you see and hear?Tell me everything."   Baekhyun demanded, seemingly getting breathless again.  Munhee bit her lips, she had to take every step carefully if she wanted to help him. 

" Baekhyun, calm down first, please."   Munhee hesitantly scooted closer and patted his arm, to calm him down as it very much looked like he was panicking, and to her surprise he didn't jerk away from the touch, instead he made himself a little calmer than before.   "I'll tell you everything, but before that, can I ask something from you?"   Munhee tried, and hoped she'd succeed in what she wanted to do. And she almost heaved another huge sigh of relief when she saw him calming down a little more.

Baekhyun sighed, as if just at the thought of everything made him tired even though he just woke up a minute or ten ago.    "What do you want me to do?"   He asked. 

" I want to go somewhere with you. O-Only you and me."  Munhee laid down her proposal nervously as there was still a chance of Baekhyun finally losing his cool and lash out on her for asking him to come with her.    "I know you have office and all. But I really need you to come with me without questioning anything. I promise, it won't take your whole day. It would be just a matter of one or two hours!"  Munhee added and prayed in her head that the male would just agree.   

Baekhyun stared at her for some more time, more like took his time to contemplate her request. When Munhee thought she'd have to go another round of pleading to make him agree, he finally nodded his head before that.    "Fine. I'll go with you. After that, you better open your mouth and tell me everything."    

"Of course. Thanks."  Munhee told him gratefully and stepped down from the bed.   "Can we just go there before breakfast? I mean can we just go there right now? So we can get back before the kids wake up."   Munhee proposed. Though she didn't want to leave the kids here, but if they just go for one hour it wouldn't be a big deal, right?

"Sure. Do you want to go like this?"  He asked as he gestured at Munhee's attire. She was in her long silk nightdress. She knew her clothes and she herself looked nothing less than a mess.

"No!! Just get freshen up and change into something casual. I'll do the same. Then we can go."   Munhee immediately filled in, feeling a little embarrassed while she had no idea why'd she feel so. 

"Okay."  He nodded and also stepped down from the bed.

Munhee turned to leave the room to go to her bedroom and get changed as soon as possible, but she turned around again with the burden of worry inside her,   "But.."   Munhee mumbled and was surprised that Baekhyun actually heard her and he himself stopped at his track and trained his attention on her.

"Huh? You need something else?"   He asked.

"Is it okay to leave the kids here? I mean it wouldn't take much time and I know Miss Lonn's here, but still..."   Munhee couldn't complete as Baekhyun slightly laughed and waved her off.

"You worry too much. The kids will be fine. Now go if you want be back before the kids wake up."   He assured her.

"I guess you're right. Let's meet downstairs. And don't forget to bring your car's keys."    Munhee reminded him before leaving for real this time. 










 When Munhee left her room, Baekhyun was already out there, waiting for her.    "Let's go."  Munhee simply stated and walked towards outside of their house. 

"At least tell me where we're going? How will I drive if I don't know the destination!"    Baekhyun asked from behind while following her. 

"You'll see."   Munhee muttered back, not stopping in her track. 


"Now what?"   Baekhyun asked as they both were standing in front of his car. 

"Thank you for the keys. Take the passenger seat!"   Munhee hollared in a hurry as she swiftly snatched the keys from his hand and rushed to settle herself on the driver's seat. 

"What the...."   She could hear him almost cursing out loud at her action. But she didn't let it distract her, she put her whole concentration on opening the car's front door and sitting her bum over the driver's seat, otherwise, she wouldn't be able to drive the car while Baekhyun is standing over her head, as she knew Baekhyun wouldn't let her drive a car herself for whatever reason, and she didn't want to tell him advance where she wanted to take the both of them.   "Are you crazy?"   Baekhyun snapped at her as he merged inside the passenger seat, huffing and glaring at her.   "Give me the keys and get out of the driver's seat. I'll take you wherever you want to go."   He commanded in his serious tone.

Munhee's heart was racing at the impact of the bold act she carried earlier and also knowing that Baekhyun was getting more pissed at her.    "Let me drive today. I'll be careful? Please?"   Munhee softly asked, trying her best to show him a pleading face.  

"No way! Stop acting like a brat before I use strength to move you from there."   Baekhyun threatened her while gesturing with his open palm to give him the keys back. Well, it was scary, but Munhee wasn't someone to give in under the pressure of fear. 

" Hey! I'm asking you nicely and you're calling me a brat?  That's not fair!"   Munhee whined annoyingly to distract him and in a sleek movement she locked the doors so that he won't attempt anything funny like kicking her out through the open doors or something like that. 

His ears caught the sound of all doors getting locked, and his face grew more anxious, his glaring intensified.    "Munhee!"  He gritted as he grabbed her hands, so that she couldn't start the car.    "God! Am I dealing with a kid? Why won't you listen to me!   You can't drive! How many times do I have to tell you that?"  Baekhyun lectured her, and unbeknownst to him had brought both of them closer as he clutched the girl's hands closer to his direction. 

Munhee gulped, her previous bravery slowly but definitely leaving her body at the way he's holding her, glaring and pleading with his eyes at the same time, his face is a mix of concerned and anxious.    "Baekhyun.."   Munhee breathed, afraid to make a sound any louder than that.  "You're... hurting me."  She blurted out in a whisper. And that did the work. Her husband finally released her from his grip and sighed loudly.

"I'm sorry."  He mumbled in a defeated voice.   "But let me drive, hmm? I don't want any... I'm better driver than you."  He changed whatever he was about to say and claimed his expertise. 

"Baekhyun, can you trust me on this for once? I promise, I'll drive slowly. And, you're also here with me. I'm sure you'll handle if I am about to mess up. Please?"   Munhee gently asked this time. 

"That doesn't sound very reassuring."  Baekhyun mumbled while he stared at her with defeated gaze, his hands already reaching for his seatbelt.    "Fine. But this is the first and last time I'm letting you have your own way in this."  He grumbled.

"Thanks."  Munhee gave him a genuine smile, in a little daze that she'd finally managed to induce him.   "Let's get going, we've already wasted much time here."  Munhee did her seatbelt as well and started the car. 

"It wouldn't happen if you weren't being stubborn."   She heard Baekhyun mutter under his breath and rolled her eyes at his sassiness. But she opted for not saying anything back at him as she had already tested this man's patience to last for a day.  

"You're still not going to say where we're going?"   Baekhyun asked after a few minutes of staying mum, though his eyes didn't leave Munhee's figure even for a millisecond, keeping an eye on her driving so that she wouldn't mess anything up. It was a little nerve wracking for Munhee to have his scrutinized stares over her while she drove, but she somehow managed to drive without getting her limbs clammy at the impact. 

"We'll be there within twenty or so. You'll see when we reach there."  Munhee answered.   "And don't talk while I'm driving, it's distracting me!"   She added, just to make sure that he would keep his mouth shut.  

"Okay, fine!"  He grunted and like a good kid he went back to his previous practice of keeping his eyes on her.  











When they were almost five minutes away from their destination, Munhee could actually feel Baekhyun's figure getting stiffened, it looked like he was currently froze in his spot after realizing where she wanted to bring him.  


"We're here."  Munhee softly uttered as she stopped the car where she wanted to be. And like Baekhyun, she herself was getting numb with all the mixture of feelings that suddenly surged through her body. 

 Both of them sat there, not trailing their distant eyes from the front.  Munhee tried her best to gulp down the bile inside and keep her emotions on check before she even attempted to try talking.  After a few more minutes, Munhee let out a huge silent sigh.   You've got this, Mun. You can do this. You have to do this. Be a strong girl. C'mon.  

"Shall we go inside and meet her?"  Munhee finally asked, trying to keep her voice as nonchalant as she could, so that Baekhyun wouldn't feel the pain she had to undergo to talk normally at this moment.  She didn't wait for Baekhyun's response, in fact, she couldn't even look up at his face. She concentrated on undoing her seatbelt, she took more than necessary time to do so.  

She almost cried in relief when she saw him move in her peripheral vision as he undid his seat belts.  Without talking anymore, they understood each other's gesture as they both stepped out of the car.   Baekhyun walked towards her until he was standing just in front of her,   "Do you wanna go ahead or wait for me till I buy some flowers for her?"  Baekhyun asked, voice unwantedly weak and forcefully nonchalant. 

"I think I'll just go meet her and wait there for you."   Munhee replied, her eyes tracing over his features, but head numb enough to decipher any particular thought about the state of his current face. 

"Okay."  Baekhyun nodded.

"Don't be late and pick the freshest and brightest flowers for her!"   Munhee managed to tell him before her voice broke, and then she walked on the other direction from him. 


As Munhee stepped deeper into the place, she could see people, who also came here to visit their loved ones, were scattered here and there. The amount of  stones standing over the ground was unnerving her, they were

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OMFG look at that "Completed" sign!! :")
Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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42 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///