
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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(PS:  Read the A/N if you love me and my ramblings lmao)




Baekhyun stood there in a speechless state for a while and Munhee started to wonder was it that much shocking for him to take in that she wore the supposedly wedding ring, which apparently meant that she had forgiven him for his past behaviors.

"Oh!"  He muttered in disbelief again, one time pointing at the ring, other time staring at Munhee with wide eyes.  

Munhee couldn't stand his weird reaction, so cleared and patted her dress while she asked,   "Do I look okay? Is the dress way too casual?"  

"You look...."  Baekhyun's eyes were back at Munhee's figure, this time to scan her outfit so that he could give his opinion,  "...fine. Dress is also fine."  He mumbled softly, giving her an okay smile.   

Munhee nodded and closed her door behind her before walking into their living room, with Baekhyun beside her. Byun mansion was already decorated with modern interiors , so they didn't need to put any extra effort in the house's   appearance when any important guest would come over. All they needed to worry about was the food and their hospitality. 

"I should check the food.."  Munhee muttered to herself, but Baekhyun being just beside her heard her clearly. 

" I've already checked the food before calling you. Food tastes good.  Miss Lonn did a great job."  Baekhyun proudly let her know.

"Oh!"  Munhee nodded, realization set coldly inside her that she would probably never be able to make Baekhyun this proud with her own cooking skills. She had already gone through a lot of hazards in this day, so she decided not to ponder on any other disappointing thoughts.  "Where are the babies?" She asked, eager to end the topic of cooking skills where she had none. 

"They were playing in their room when last time I checked up on them."  Baekhyun let her know.  "And the last time is like fifteen minutes ago."  He added.

Munhee craned her neck to check the time from the wall clock,   "I should get them ready too. There's not much time left."   Munhee told the male standing before her and walked past him towards the stairs. 

"Hey, w-wait!!"   Baekhyun held her left arm, successfully stopping her from leaving. He looked nervous, his eyes were roaming everywhere but her for the first few seconds. Then his eyes slowly trailed towards her hand which he was still holding. Munhee had a feeling he was again staring at the ring on her ring finger. 

"Huh?"  Munhee asked as his behavior was making her uncomfortable and her stupid heart didn't seem to be in the mood of compromising, it only raced more stupidly without any valid reason. 

"You...you do know the meaning of wearing this ring, right?"  Finally, her husband let out what was troubling him all along. 

Munhee wanted to roll her eyes at him.  They both had a clear talk about this and the consequences of wearing the ring was also disclosed openly between the both of them. Then why did he need to confirm it again?  She wasn't  particularly willing to explain him the aforementioned consequences.  Munhee sighed and was about to give him a slight snappish reply, but when her eyes fell straight with his shaky ones, she pressed her lips shut immediately.  "I do." She replied, calmly. 

"You're not doing this only to make us look.... okay in front of the guests, r-right?"  He again asked. And this time it made Munhee's blood boil.

"Why would I do that?" She threw her hands in the air in disbelief, losing the warmth of his gentle grip in the process.  "You gave me this ring saying that it's our wedding ring. And you also said that when I'd forgive you, I should just wear this ring and you'll get it that I did forgive you. Then why are you having so much doubt about this?" Munhee asked, she didn't even know how she managed to tone down her voice, maybe because they weren't confined within the thick walls of a room and the whole house would hear her voice if she raised her voice in the middle of their living room. Or maybe she didn't have the heart to yell at him after knowing a big part of him just today. 

"Okay, okay. I get it. Calm down." Baekhyun tried to placate her. 

"I am calm."  Munhee this time openly rolled her eyes at him, and without waiting for his turn to say anything back, she rode through the stairs. She could feel him following closely behind her.

When the stairs ended and Munhee almost reached in front of the kids' room, Baekhyun decided to speak again,   "I'm sorry if I offended you in any way. I just wanted to confirm because...you know,  it's  hardly been one day that I apologized to you. It's kinda unexpected to see you wearing it this soon."  Baekhyun explained her.  

"Believe whatever you wanna believe. I'm not going to do anything to prove you that I'm being honest with the purpose of this ring."  Munhee lastly told him before entering the kids' room. 

The girls were indeed playing with their dollhouse and dolls.  They were so engorssed in their playtime that they didn't even look up when Munhee and behind her Baekhyun stepped into their room. 

"Babies, having fun?"   Munhee climbed onto their bed, kneeled beside them while asking to attract their attention. The little ones seemed to finally notice their mother.

"Mama! Daddy!"  They happily greeted their parents as Baekhyun also climbed onto their bed from the other side. 

"Mama, come play with us."  Sarang held Munhee's hand to give her one of their dolls. 

"Daddy too!"  Miseo did the same with Baekhyun. 

"Oh who are those two?"  Baekhyun pointed at the  barbie doll couple which were in Sarang and Miseo's hands, trying to play along with the little beans as they looked so excited to have both of their Daddy and Mama to play with. 

"He is Baekhyun!!"  Sarang pointed at the male doll in her tiny hands.  Baekhyun chuckled hearing his adorable daughter.

"Then whom she might be?"  Baekhyun played along, now pointing at the female barbie in Miseo's hands. 

"She is Munhee!"  Both of the tiny beings answered at the same time, super hyped to expose their dolls' names. Munhee could only smile seeing the adorable exchange among the three while they played together. 

"Hmm, she does look like Munhee." Baekhyun said while playfully showing a thoughtful expression. Munhee chuckled softly at his remark. 

"Yes, very pretty like Mama!"  Miseo chirped and Sarang nodded her small head vigorously. Munhee grined at the kids as her heart swelled for them.  She knew the fact that to every child their mother is beautiful no matter however their appearance is. And seeing them call her pretty with so much confidence and genuineness, her insides warmed and melted like soft marshmallows. She reached her hands to ruffle the tiny beings' hairs out of the pull of affection she felt towards these two lives.

"Yeah, pretty."  Munhee heard Baekhyun agreeing with his daughters while she ruffled their hairs. Munhee bit her inner cheeks when she felt a smile was about to appear in her face .   Don't go over the sky. He's just playing along with them.   Munhee strictly told her inner self. She knew for a fact that she could be considered average in terms of looks, people with  perfectly working eyes would rarely call her anything nearly pretty. 

 "So, what are they doing?"  Munhee asked in order to change the current topic. 

"They watch movie, then they sleep!"  Sarang told them, while smiling ear to ear. It suspiciously felt like the kids were ing the night they all had slept together. 

"But they are not friends." Miseo reminded Sarang. 

"What a shame! They should be friends."  Baekhyun joined in.  "And if they are Baekhyun and Munhee, then these little two must be Miseo and Sarang, right?"  Baekhyun pointed at the two tiny sized baby dolls which the kids gave both of them earlier. 

"Yeah!" The two little ones nodded their heads.  

"Then these two should help them to become friends."  Baekhyun suggested brought his and Munhee's dolls closer to the doll Baekhyun and  doll Munhee. 

"Daddy, Mama, please be friends!"  Miseo voluntarily took the tiny doll and started playing their characters. 

Sarang took the other tiny doll and spoke on it's behalf,  "Yes, fighting bad. Friends good!"

Munhee fidgeted on her seat. Well, she and Baekhyun, they have already cleared their relationship already. Now they're supposed to be friends, right?  But seeing Baekhyun urging to make the dolls friends, felt like he was also indirectly talking about their real selves.  It was odd to realize, even though he had already said it before, that he was genuinely trying to mend their relation. 

"Are they still not friends?"  Baekhyun asked, feigning a pout. While Munhee sat there, keeping shut, just watching whatever the three of them were trying to play.

"No." Sarang answered, joining her father to give even more adorable pout. 

"I know how to make them friends!"  Miseo exclaimed loudly. All three pair of eyes trailed on Miseo's direction as she again voluntarily held the two bigger dolls. "Handshake and kissies will make them friends!"  Miseo let everyone know even more enthusiastically. Munhee's eyes rounded at that.  Oh god! She should stop them.

Sarang clapped happily, very pleased with the idea. Munhee didn't dare to look up at Baekhyun to measure his face while the kids cheered at their marvelous idea. Without wasting any more time Miseo made the two dolls shake their hands and then making them downright kiss, kiss as in kiss through their lips, clashing both of their faces together. 

Munhee's eyes bulged and she could swear she heard a choking noise from the male before her. So much for playing with these naughty beings.   "H-Hey, who taught you that? You have to kiss on the cheeks to be friends. Not h-here." Munhee protested while pointing at her lips to demonstrate what she was trying to say.   

"But Ken and Barbie gives kissies like these!"  Miseo defended herself, pouting cutely. 

" Uh, we should be careful of what the kids watch. How inconsiderable of them to put such scenes in child shows."  Baekhyun muttered while clearing his throat.  Munhee nodded, still not able to look Baekhyun in the eyes. 

Heaving a sigh Munhee took the dolls from the kids' hands.   "Okay, babies. Enough of playtime. Come, let's get you two ready. Two guest uncles are coming. Do you wanna meet them?"  Munhee organised the dolls house and dolls on the tea table and engaged them in a different conversation while she went towards their closet to pick out their outfits. 

"Are they nice?"   Miseo asked, her tiny eyes following Munhee. 

"They bring chocolates?"   Sarang asked, doing the same as Miseo. 

"They sound nice enough."  Munhee mumbled.   "And no more chocolates for today. I know Daddy has already given you chocolates after lunch."  Munhee told like a strict mother and struggled to keep her strict face when the kids whined so much cutely. She wasn't here while the kids had their lunch or while Baekhyun gave them chocolates, but she already knew this sneaky habit of Baekhyun. But as he only had the opportunity to do this on weekends or whenever he'f stay over at home, so Munhee didn't seem it to be any issue to call at. 

"How did you know?"  This time it was Baekhyun who curiously asked. 

Munhee finally looked at him, while her hands closed the closet. She gave him a victorious smirk,   "You really thought you can feed them chocolates under my nose and I wouldn't know?"

Munhee couldn't help but to chuckle softly when Baekhyun groaned,   "How is it possible! Are you some kind of detective or what!"  He complained. Munhee almost chocked at the name 'detective', she didn't have a bright experience in her detective form earlier. 

 Munhee ignored his comment and set the selected clothes on the bed.   "Help me to get them ready. We don't have much time left before the guests arrive."  Munhee told Baekhyun, who nodded and both of them readied the two cute beings in their baby blue outfits. Munhee chose baby blue color as she wanted her babies' attire to match with hers, but at the same time she didn't want them in some strong deep colors. So she settled on choosing two baby blue frocks. 

 "My babies are so cute!" Munhee cooed after she was finished with their tiny ponies.  "Wait just there, Mama will click a few pictures of you two."  Munhee told the girls and started searching her smartphone.     "I left it in my bedroom!" Munhee groaned when she realized she didn't have her phone with her. 

"Take mine."   Baekhyun handed her his own smartphone. 

"Thanks." Munhee snatched the device from Baekhyun and started clicking pictures of her adorable babies like she always did.   "Look, they're so adorable. This picture is the best. We should frame this ."   Munhee clung to Baekhyun's side, excitedly showing him all the pictures she has clicked, not realising their close distance.  

"Mama, let's all take picture together!" Miseo proposed while jumping on the bed like the hyper kid she was. Sarang also joined in. 

"Oh! That's a good idea!"  Munhee exclaimed, still in her excited bubble.  "Baekhyun, hold the both of them, please."  Munhee instructed Baekhyun. Seeing the pleasant glint in her eyes, Baekhyun obediently did as he was instructed.   "Wow, these came out more cute. God, now I'm confused which one to frame!"   Munhee groaned after clicking another round of pictures, now those containing Baekhyun with his two daughters, three of them somehow matching their outfits, looking devastatingly adorable with their puffy smiles.

"Now we all take picture! All!"  Sarang whined.

"I think

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OMFG look at that "Completed" sign!! :")
Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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42 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///