Chapter 33

Strictly No Dating
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Strictly No Dating

Chapter 33


Eunbi froze as she was looking at Sakura who was standing by the door.

The Japanese girl was peeking in, one feet inside the room and the other outside, as if she wasn’t sure if she wanted to be there.

“Oh, what is it, Kkura?” asked Eunbi, forcing a smile. She hid the towel that was soaked with tears behind her and stood up from the bed.

Sakura looked worried, her eyes were filled with concern like always. It was obvious that she cares.

“Are you okay, unnie?”

Eunbi paused but then she nodded, “I’m fine, hehe. Don’t worry about me.”

Sakura let out a heavy sigh. She took two steps forward inside the room and close the door behind her. Eunbi could hear the sound of the door clicked shut. She gulped, she wasn’t sure if Sakura locked it or it was just shut.

The younger girl took a few steps more, towards where the leader was.

“You’re not fine. I know it when you’re lying,” she said.

The red-haired girl gulped again, as her now ex-girlfriend inching closer to where she was.

“STOP!” she suddenly shouted with a hand extended in front of her.

Sakura stopped in her tracks, “Stop?”

“Yes, stop moving. Don’t come any closer to me.”

“Why?” asked the younger girl, confused.

Eunbi bit her lip, trying to come up with reasons. She has her reasons, but telling that to Sakura wouldn’t be the best idea.

“Just… don’t,” she said, averting her gaze.

Sakura sighed and she crossed her arms.

“I’m just worried about you, unnie. You were singing a song about break up and then cried. What do you think I’m going to do to you now? Don’t you think you’re being dramatic?”

Eunbi scoffed, “Dramatic?”

“Yeah, what’s with this distancing? Do you think I’m going to jump on you or something?”

The leader scoffed again and she rolled her eyes. She ran her fingers through her hair and huffed in frustration.

Sakura gulped, thinking maybe she crossed the line. Again.

“Okay, I didn’t mean it that way, I’m just-

“What? Do you think I’m crying because of you? Huh, Sakura?”

Sakura sighed, “Unnie, calm down. We can talk-

Eunbi shook her head, “Oh please, I didn’t cry because of you! It was just… some sad thoughts passing by!”

“Sad thoughts?”

Eunbi nodded vigorously, “Yes! I was thinking about… a puppy!”

“A puppy? And that’s sad?”

“My friend’s puppy passed away recently and I suddenly thought of that dog!”

“Oh yeah? What’s the name of the dog?”

“It’s… Kkudog.”

“A dog named Kkudog?”


They looked at each other, not saying anything. Eunbi was kicking herself for the lack of creativity. Why can’t she say normal names like Fluffy or Blackie? What kind of name is Kkudog? But, the damage is done and she have to be consistent with her story.

Sakura’s lips twitches a little.

“Okay, and this Kkudog died?”


“Well, that’s tragic. No wonder you cried,” said Sakura, playing along.

Eunbi crossed her arms, “I just have a lot of feelings, you know. I get attached to someone or something, and… I cry when it ends. Unlike someone.”

Sakura snorted, “And who that someone is?”

“Just someone.”

“Is it a Kkucat?”


Sakura smirked.

Eunbi looked away, embarrassed.

“Ugh I hate you, Kkura.”

“Are you sure?” Sakura walked closer to her.

“I said stop moving!”

Eunbi looked up and found Sakura standing right in front of her. Her cheeks immediately turned red. And she can’t even hide it.

“Cats are not obedient, you know? They do what they want,” the younger girl said in her low voice.

Eunbi bit her lip. She hates it when Sakura speaking to her in that tone, she hates it because she cannot resist it. She cannot resist her, and Sakura knows it.

“Look unnie, I only agreed to break up because it was what you wanted,” Sakura said softly.

They looked at each other.

“But if us being apart only making you sad, then what’s the point?” she continued.

Eunbi swallowed.

Sakura was right.

What’s the point of breaking up when her heart still yearns for her so much? So what if they have differences? They can work it out, right? Sakura was there right in front of her, and they’re alone in a room, what’s stopping her? All she have to do is wrap her arms around her neck and pull her down for a kiss, a passionate kiss, and they can turn this all around, undo this stupid distancing and go back to the way they were, mushy, stupid and in love.

Unknowingly, her right hand were already reaching for Sakura’s cheek, hovering over her skin. Just inches away from touching that perfect porcelain skin.

Eyes locked, and breathes were paused.

Eunbi knows where this will leads.

This is why she want Sakura to keep a distance.

She can’t control herself.

But, her conscience took over at that moment.

She took two steps back and retreated her hand. Sakura was dumbfounded when the older girl suddenly created distance between them.

“I’m sorry,” Eunbi suddenly said.

Sakura sighed, “For what?”

They looked at each other again, as tension filled the air. Sakura’s eyes were filled with frustrations, and Eunbi was looking back at her hopelessly.

Suddenly the door was pushed open. A sleepy looking Ahn Yujin entered with a blanket around her neck.

“Ah unnies! Let’s go to bed, I’m so tired!” she whined.


Sakura was still in shock when Yujin suddenly grabbed her by the neck and dragged her onto the bed.

“Y-Yujin-ah, what are you doing?!”

Sakura wanted to protest but the puppy girl was too strong. She was pushed down onto the bed, and then wrapped with the puppy’s limbs, as if she was a pillow.

“Sleep with me tonight, mommy,” Yujin said, hugging Sakura tight.

Eunbi shook her head, “Wait, Yujin, aren’t you supposed to sleep with Wonyoung? Chaewon and Minju are going to sleep in this room.”

“2kim already crashed in Sakura’s room apparently,” said a voice.

Hyewon was walking towards them with her face freshly washed.

Sakura scoffed, “What? My room? Where I’m going to sleep then?!”

“Just sleep with me here, Kkura mommy!” Yujin replied, shouting by the Japanese girl’s ear. Sakura smacked the younger girl’s thigh in response but she was only squeezed tighter in result.

Hyewon walked to Eunbi and wrapped her arms around her waist.

“Let’s sleep, unnie,” she said cutely.

Eunbi gulped, “With them? On one bed?”

She said, pointing at the mother-daughter duo that was curled up on the bed. It was actually two beds put together, but still.

“Is there a problem with that?”

“What? No. It’s just that… Yujin sometimes talks in her sleep.”

“It’s okay, you’ll sleep on this side with me, okay?”




It’s impossible to sleep.

Eunbi tried to shut her eyes, but failed. She was lying at the edge of the bed, right beside of Hyewon who was holding tight to her waist. The younger girl was already fast asleep, her face buried on Eunbi’s neck. She could feel her breath and it was ticklish. She had to pushed her away a few times.

But Hyewon wasn’t the reason why she can’t sleep. Neither was the fact that the room was filled with the sounds of Yujin snoring. It was Sakura. Sakura is right there with her on the bed, a

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0 points #1
Chapter 41: 2024🙃
Chapter 38: we need a continuation
jupiterupsky #3
Chapter 41: Plz I’m waiting for the update of this——what’s going to happen next ¿
Chapter 41: Damn you really cataloging their entire career… I love this story so much. I can’t wait to see what happens next with the bound ti be couple!

It’s so sad and disheartening to see Sakura and Eunbi kept going back and forth between responsibility/professionalism and personal happiness. I like how you describe their dynamics within the group being more petty, childish, snappy and tensions and actions are always interpreted differently since you’ve known this person and been intimate with them for so long. Now that you’re not together there is always going to have that bitterness and your partner knows what’s buttons to push to hurt the other. Like making each other jealous, saying hurtful words and in general not caring.

I really do hope that you update soon! You’re very through with your research in Eunbi’s and Sakura’s careers as you drugged up certain careers and specific schedules that they had in the past and utilized them for the story. Like their Monster unit, Sakura’s idol activities in AKB, their antics and specific interests!

It’d be interesting to see where’d they be now with Sakura on her comeback, and Eunbi releasing like her third mini album, how they’re feeling now, the groups dynamics in LE SSERAFIM and so on! I can definitively imagine this happening irl
Chapter 41: I've been waiting for an update and it was soooo good!! Thank you for updating~
teylaur #6
Chapter 41: You won't believe how my heart leaped upon getting the notification! And OMG! CANT BELIEVE SSERAGIRLS WILL ALSO ENTER THIS BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF WORK! My heart is thumping as both Eunbi and Sakura meet each other, like what's the odds? Thanks so so much for this update! Fighting!
1762 streak #8
Chapter 41: oh my gosh!!!! what a perfect update!!!
Sbear9810 #10
Chapter 41: Okay this adds up to my sadness for tonight. I'm just going to cry for a bit.