Chapter 14

Strictly No Dating
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Sakura had been awake for a while now, but she didn’t want to wake up. The last time she checked the time it was 7am, and it’s must’ve been at least almost an hour after that. She snuggled closer to the person next to her, putting an arm across her stomach and a leg over her, tangling their bodies together under the sheets. She looked at her face, studying it closely, taking in her serene sleeping face. Her lips were curled upwards even when she’s sleeping. Sakura smiled, thinking that the older girl must’ve had a good dream.

Suddenly Eunbi turned her body towards her, and now their faces were barely inches from each other. The leader also pulled her waist closer, as if she was a bolster. Sakura let her be, she grinned in delight as she leaned closer to her face and gave her a quick peck on her lips. Feeling the touch, Eunbi murmured and her lips a few times before slowly opening her eyes. Their eyes met and for a while, the older girl just looked at her blankly.

“Good morning, unnie,” Sakura greeted.

A smile formed on the leader’s lips, and soon it became a silly grin. She went into her baby mode sometimes, and Sakura thought it was unbearably cute.

“Morning Kkura.”

She reached for Sakura’s face and then caressed her cheeks.

“Aww baby, your face is swollen because you cried last night.”

The younger girl pursed her lips, “It’s your fault. You made me cry.”

Eunbi chuckled and then leaned closer to peck her lips, “Sorry baby, it was unnie’s fault. How are you feeling today?”

Sakura smiled and then buried her face at the crook of her neck, peppering the older girl’s skin with kisses.

Eunbi giggled and she kissed her temple, “Stop it.”

Sakura replied against her skin, “I feel better now that I’m with you, unnie. I want to cuddle with you forever.”

“We don’t have forever, but only 15 minutes before we have to get up. We have workout and dance practice later.”

Sakura groaned in frustrations. Eunbi got into her leader mode really early this morning.

Realizing sulky Sakura, Eunbi ran her hand through the girl’s short bob and kissed her forehead gently. She felt Sakura shifted her body even closer to hers, until she felt every front part of them touching. They’re only separated by the thin shirts they’re wearing. The leader bit her lip and swallowed, trying to control herself. But suddenly she felt wet kisses around her collarbone. Sakura had pulled down her shirt’s collar to get better access to her bare skin. Eunbi’s breath hitches but she didn’t stop the younger girl. It felt too good to be stopped. She trailed upwards to her neck and her jaw before capturing her lips with hers.

Eunbi knew that Sakura wasn’t going for soft kisses. The younger girl was kissing her hard, ing her tongue and Eunbi had to pull away to stop her. But Sakura grabbed her face and kiss her again, as she climbed on top of the older girl. She pinned down the leader and kissed her again, making her weak beneath her.

Eunbi was cursing in her head.

She thought she had more self-control than this. But it’s bound to happen anyway. Sakura is too hot to handle and she had held herself back for too long.

But she’s the leader. She can’t let this happen. If it happens once it’s bound to happen again. What if they get too serious after this?

But does it even matter?

We love each other.


Suddenly there were knocks on the door.

“Sakura! Eunbi! We’re leaving in 10 minutes!” a voice shouted. It was Manager Miyeon.

Both Sakura and Eunbi stopped moving.

“You put Kkura unnie and Eunbi unnie in a room??” it was Yujin. Her voice was loud, they must be standing right outside the door.

“Yes, why is there a problem?” Miyeon asked.

“No problem at all!” another voice chimed in, it must’ve been Chaewon.

“W-We have to get up now, move Sakura,” Eunbi said, pushing Sakura away.

Sakura whined, “Seriously? Now? What a timing.”

Eunbi was secretly relieved they got disturbed. She had lost her self-control earlier, and now her mind had been cleared again. She made mental note not to be roommate with Sakura for the time being. It’s too dangerous.






The girls were gathering at the airport that morning, waiting for their flight back to Seoul. They will be going straight to join the Idol Sports Athletic Championship, as they were scheduled to attend. Their maknae, Wonyoung will be participating in the pitching category, while the four from unnie line will be joining the relay. They are the defending champion of the female relay category after all.

They were sitting at the waiting area, some of them busy fiddling with their phones and some just chatting with each other or with the manager. Eunbi was busy talking with their manager, Jenny and Miyeon who were fussing about their trip to LA the next day. They have a hectic schedule this week.

Sakura was sitting next to Nako who was busy chatting with Yujin about some funny incident that happened that only they know. Sakura noticed that her junior had gotten closer with Yujin for the past couple of weeks, they’ve been spending a lot of time together just joking around in their own world. The Japanese girl leaned her back on the seat and glanced over at their leader. Eunbi was still talking with the managers, with her expression serious, and her eyebrows furrowed. At times she would slightly stuck out her tongue, it’s her habit that she didn’t even realize, and Sakura found it really adorable. She didn’t even realize that she was grinning the entire time.

“That’s subtle, alright,” said a voice.

Sakura blinked her eyes a few times and looked at the girl who was sitting next to her. It was her best friend, Chaeyeon. She was too focused on watching Eunbi that she didn’t realize she was sitting there. And Nako and Yujin were already left, they were joining Yuri and Yena at the opposite side.

They were left alone.

The Japanese girl cleared , “Oh hey, Chaeyeon. I was just staring into space…”

Chaeyeon smiled and she let out a chuckle.

“That space is called Eunbi unnie, huh?”

Sakura gulped and looked at her friend. The younger girl smiled and looked at her. Their gazes met, and they keep looking at each other for a while.

“I know about you and Eunbi unnie.”

“Y-You do? Who told you? Wait, was it Yujin?”

Chaeyeon’s eyes widen, “Even Yujin knew? And you’re not planning to tell me at all?”

Sakura bit her lip and then let out a sigh.

“I’m sorry, Chaeyeon…”

“Yes, you owe me an apology. For not telling me about it.”

Chaeyeon put an arm around Sakura’s shoulders, “Hey, I thought we’re best friends. We tell each other things like these. I’m just mad that you don’t trust me enough to tell me this.”

Sakura looked down, “I don’t know how to tell you. I know you like Eunbi unnie too.”

Chaeyeon chuckled, “I admire her, I may have a crush on her, but it’s clearly one-sided. It’s like a cliché teen drama of two best friends who likes the same girl. But hey, she likes you. I don’t stand a chance at all.”

Sakura looked at her best friend, puzzled, “What do you mean?”

“Well, you asked me how I knew about this? It was Eunbi unnie who told me herself.”

“S-She told you??”

The younger girl nodded, “I think it was the day you guys fought or something. She was crying her eyes out telling me how much she loves you but she can’t show it publicly. I was honestly crushed inside, I had no idea she’s in love with someone else, especially with you. That’s why I snapped at you during practice, it was so childish of me.”

She snorted, “You two did a really good job fooling

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0 points #1
Chapter 41: 2024🙃
Chapter 38: we need a continuation
jupiterupsky #3
Chapter 41: Plz I’m waiting for the update of this——what’s going to happen next ¿
Chapter 41: Damn you really cataloging their entire career… I love this story so much. I can’t wait to see what happens next with the bound ti be couple!

It’s so sad and disheartening to see Sakura and Eunbi kept going back and forth between responsibility/professionalism and personal happiness. I like how you describe their dynamics within the group being more petty, childish, snappy and tensions and actions are always interpreted differently since you’ve known this person and been intimate with them for so long. Now that you’re not together there is always going to have that bitterness and your partner knows what’s buttons to push to hurt the other. Like making each other jealous, saying hurtful words and in general not caring.

I really do hope that you update soon! You’re very through with your research in Eunbi’s and Sakura’s careers as you drugged up certain careers and specific schedules that they had in the past and utilized them for the story. Like their Monster unit, Sakura’s idol activities in AKB, their antics and specific interests!

It’d be interesting to see where’d they be now with Sakura on her comeback, and Eunbi releasing like her third mini album, how they’re feeling now, the groups dynamics in LE SSERAFIM and so on! I can definitively imagine this happening irl
Chapter 41: I've been waiting for an update and it was soooo good!! Thank you for updating~
teylaur #6
Chapter 41: You won't believe how my heart leaped upon getting the notification! And OMG! CANT BELIEVE SSERAGIRLS WILL ALSO ENTER THIS BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF WORK! My heart is thumping as both Eunbi and Sakura meet each other, like what's the odds? Thanks so so much for this update! Fighting!
1761 streak #8
Chapter 41: oh my gosh!!!! what a perfect update!!!
Sbear9810 #10
Chapter 41: Okay this adds up to my sadness for tonight. I'm just going to cry for a bit.