Chapter 11

Strictly No Dating
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Strictly No Dating

Chapter 11


Eunbi went to her show recording with Chaeyeon. They went to watch actress Lee Siyoung’s table tennis match as part of the segment for the show. When the management asked Eunbi who would she pick a one-day guest, she picked Chaeyeon, because the younger girl was so eager to go with her. The match went well, as expected, the actress was such a good player. They took a couple more shots with the whole cast before they parted.

Chaeyeon offered Eunbi to go to her house after the shoot because her mom and sister was such a fan of Eunbi. It was an offer that the leader can’t refuse. She missed her family especially her mother’s cooking, but they’re living outside of Seoul and she can’t go home regularly like Chaeyeon.

The Lee family welcomed Eunbi like their own daughter. Her mother was so excited and she cooked special dishes for the special guest, her younger sister, Chaemin was fangirling the whole time. Even their two dogs were happy to meet Eunbi.

“You’re very beautiful, unnie,” gushed Chaemin.

Eunbi smiled sheepishly, “But I think you’re prettier than me.”

Chaemin’s face turned red, “Really? Unnie, don’t say that.”

Chaeyeon laughed and hit Eunbi’s arm gently.

“Now she won’t be able to sleep tonight!”

Eunbi smiled and laughed along, enjoying the company of the Lee family. Deep in her heart she was thankful to Chaeyeon for bringing her there, as she really needed to get out of the house. She can’t be in the same space as Sakura for now, not after their argument this morning.

It really is over. They broke up.

The leader tried to mask her sadness with smiles and laughter with the Chae sisters. Chaemin wondered if she was being too funny that Eunbi was laughing with tears.


“Unnie, do you want to take a walk with me? There’s a beautiful mountain trail back there,” asked Chaeyeon as they walked to the balcony of the house.

The younger girl’s cheek turned slightly pink, “You know, before the bus arrive. We still have about 30 mins.”

Eunbi smiled, “That sounds nice.”




Eunbi was acting different the whole day, and Chaeyeon can’t help but noticed it. Though she was smiling, or laughing, her eyes was empty and hollow, like it was just a shell of her. They walked along the trail, and Chaeyeon tried to cheer her up with small talks and some funny stories from the dorm. Eunbi smiled and chuckled along.

But it felt empty.

They reached a lookout and sat on the bench. There weren’t many people around since it’s a workday and it’s not the start of the rush hour yet.

Eunbi stared emptily ahead, to the green lush in front of her, not saying anything. Chaeyeon glanced at the older girl, secretly studying her expression. Her lips would sometimes curl downwards, and her eyebrows creased, like there was something bothering her. Something major.

Chaeyeon took a deep breath and sighed. This is the Kwon Eunbi that she knows. She always seems so cheerful on the outside, she’s sometimes strict with the younger members and sometimes play along with them. She’s the best leader they could ever ask for, she’s gentle, caring, sensitive yet firm when she has to. But she’s so delicate inside. Like a soft ice cream with thin chocolate coating, she seems so tough on the outside but underneath that shell, she’s all mush. She’s not that strong.

“Are you okay, unnie? You seem sad,” Chaeyeon asked suddenly.

The leader was taken aback with her question. Despite her attempt of looking cheerful the whole day, Chaeyeon saw through all that.

Their eyes met.

“I-I’m okay,” she replied eventually.

She looked away.

Chaeyeon sighed, “You can share it with me, you know. You don’t have to keep it all inside.”

The younger girl hesitated but she gathered her strength to put a hand on the leader’s shoulder.

“You can share your burden with me, unnie. I’ll be your trash can.”

Eunbi looked at her amused, “Trash can?”

Chaeyeon grinned, “You can say anything you want to me, your concerns, your worries or the things that bothers you, and I will swallow it all like a trash can. You can throw that negativity away.”

Eunbi chuckled, “That’s a bad analogy. Who would say that they’re a trash can?”

“It made you smile, at least,” said Chaeyeon with a smirk.

The older girl rolled her eyes and then her shoulders slumped again. She looked down, her eyes fixed on her shoes. She wanted to let it out. All her pent up emotions inside. Her feelings, her thoughts her regret for saying the things she said, for ending things with Sakura. How happy she felt being with Sakura the whole time they were together.

How much she loves her.

And how hurt she felt at the moment.

It’s painful.

Too painful.

She didn’t even realize when the tears were rolling down her cheeks, and then she ended up crying, hard. She could feel Chaeyeon put her arms around her shoulders, pulling her into her embrace. She buried her face onto her chest, wrapping her arms around her waist as she cried her heart out.

The younger girl didn’t even ask her why she was crying. She silently rocking her body back and forth, rubbing her back gently with her hands.

But Eunbi wanted to say it.

“I love her,” Eunbi said suddenly.

“Hmm?” asked Chaeyeon, she didn’t hear it well through her muffled words.

“I love her.”

Chaeyeon froze.

Eunbi continued, “I-I love her but there’s no way I can be with her. We can’t be together and it’s killing me inside…”

Chaeyeon pulled away and cupped her face. She tucked her hair behind her ears and looked into her teary eyes.

“You’re in love with someone, unnie?”

Eunbi nodded.


The leader looked at her, hesitating.

Chaeyeon cleared , “I-I’m sorry, I

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Chapter 41: 2024🙃
Chapter 38: we need a continuation
jupiterupsky #3
Chapter 41: Plz I’m waiting for the update of this——what’s going to happen next ¿
Chapter 41: Damn you really cataloging their entire career… I love this story so much. I can’t wait to see what happens next with the bound ti be couple!

It’s so sad and disheartening to see Sakura and Eunbi kept going back and forth between responsibility/professionalism and personal happiness. I like how you describe their dynamics within the group being more petty, childish, snappy and tensions and actions are always interpreted differently since you’ve known this person and been intimate with them for so long. Now that you’re not together there is always going to have that bitterness and your partner knows what’s buttons to push to hurt the other. Like making each other jealous, saying hurtful words and in general not caring.

I really do hope that you update soon! You’re very through with your research in Eunbi’s and Sakura’s careers as you drugged up certain careers and specific schedules that they had in the past and utilized them for the story. Like their Monster unit, Sakura’s idol activities in AKB, their antics and specific interests!

It’d be interesting to see where’d they be now with Sakura on her comeback, and Eunbi releasing like her third mini album, how they’re feeling now, the groups dynamics in LE SSERAFIM and so on! I can definitively imagine this happening irl
Chapter 41: I've been waiting for an update and it was soooo good!! Thank you for updating~
teylaur #6
Chapter 41: You won't believe how my heart leaped upon getting the notification! And OMG! CANT BELIEVE SSERAGIRLS WILL ALSO ENTER THIS BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF WORK! My heart is thumping as both Eunbi and Sakura meet each other, like what's the odds? Thanks so so much for this update! Fighting!
1762 streak #8
Chapter 41: oh my gosh!!!! what a perfect update!!!
Sbear9810 #10
Chapter 41: Okay this adds up to my sadness for tonight. I'm just going to cry for a bit.