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“Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. More dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions.” - Primo Levi.

"If you come this way, we will show you the way out" Jihyo followed the police officers out of the room with Minah at her side, clasping at the sleeves of her sweater.

"Officer Jung, officer Han, if you have a moment" Minah looked up from the ground to find the woman she had first met on duty at the front desk. Officer Han nodded and officer Jung gestured for the two women to continue walking.

"Continue this way" He directed the way as officer Han stayed back with the other woman.

"We will call you in if anything more is needed from you and when your phone is ready" He explained as he opened the door for Jihyo and Minah to be able to leave.

"Thank you officer Jung" Jihyo bowed her head and Minah turned back, quickly doing the same.

Sehun sat up straight and blinked out of his daydreaming at the sound of a door opening. He looked up and his shoulders rose in anticipation as he watched Minah walk through the door with Jihyo behind her. Sehun stood up as Minah shuffled towards him with Jihyo clicking in her heels next to her.

"I'm trusting that you will be able to see Minah home safely?" Jihyo asked as she looked between the two. Sehun took in a breath as he looked to Minah and nodded.

"Of course" He nodded.

"I will be in contact with you soon Minah" Jihyo smiled, putting a hand on Minah's shoulder and squeezing.

"Ok" Minah nodded, waving as Jihyo stepped towards the doors of the police station, Jihyo smiled so that her teeth were showing and walked away.

"So," Sehun started as they too left the police station behind them, "how did it go?" He asked, wincing once the question was out.

"How did it go?" Minah scoffed and Sehun shrugged.

"What else do I say to make conversation?" He shot back and Minah shook her head as Sehun unlocked the car.

"Thanks, Sehun," Minah said instead of answering his question, she pulled the door open and got in the car as Sehun paused in his walking, blinking as his mouth dropped open and he watched the door click shut with Minah in his car. He collected himself enough to get in the car and cleared his throat as he started the car up.

"What do you mean?" He asked at the sudden comment and Minah shuffled in her seat.

"Exactly what I said, thank you," She told him simply as she put her seatbelt on and Sehun quickly did the same, narrowing his eyes at her.

"Seriously?" She looked at him.

"It means thank you, you were right. You're an and blunt as but you weren't wrong. I love Damon but it doesn't mean he loves me or that I can let him treat me the way he did, it also means that you've been someone I can still be comfortable with, even if everyone else that I see seems to be dangerous, it also means you're not as cold and tough as you act like you are"

"I'm tough as nails" Sehun cleared his throat and turned to face the steering wheel of the car, not realising he had turned his whole body to face Minah in the first place.

"Oh come on, you're my self proclaimed best friend now, you don't get to pretend you're no different to a freezer around me" Minah crossed her arms over her chest and looked away, biting down the small smile that wanted to tug at her lips.

"I would like to consider myself like the snow in winter, not a freezer, thank you very much"

"I see no difference" Sehun's fingers clenched the wheel at Mina's remark, itching to jump out and slap her for her smart mouth, but he held himself back, knowing it wouldn't come across as a joke to her.

"I'm punching Baekhyun when we get home" Sehun grumbled and Minah snorted.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"If I can't hit you without making you think it's with serious intent, I will hit him instead, it's the next best thing"


"You're back?" Jongin opened the front door to find Minah and Sehun in front of him, he smiled and Sehun nodded as Jongin stepped aside so that they could enter the house.

"Well, Baekhyun's having fun around the same kind as him so I don't know if you'll be able to get him to leave" Jongin informed and Minah took in a big breath, clasping her hands together as she followed Sehun into the home once their shoes were kicked off. Just like the first time, Sehun was the one leading her to the back door, where he opened it and a sight that was growing familiar met Minah's eyes. She stepped out onto the beck patio and looked around at the field of green grass the group of wolves were running around on.

"How did it go?" Chanyeol's deep voice had Minah jumping and her head snapped to the side, finding him sitting with Yixing at a table, looking at her curiously.

"She snorted at me when I asked that" Sehun rolled his eyes and sat down, pulling out the chair next to him so that Minah could sit down too.

"Well," Minah bit down on the flesh of her lip and lowered her eyes to her twitching fingers that reached for the opposite hand to intertwine together, "um," She didn't even know what she was going to say. Could she tell them? But Chanyeol already knew a little bit and he kept it to himself, but there was someone next to him and just the thought of looking at him was scary let alone talking in front of him.

"Are you asking her something personal? Why doesn't she talk much?" The other male asked and Minah flinched, eyes looking up without her consent as she tried to remember if he had introduced himself to her or not the last time she was in their house.

"Yixing! Minah's shy around other people, and yes I was asking her something kind of personal because I'm worried for her" Chanyeol shoved Yixing but he didn't move far and didn't seem to mind the violent gesture as he looked at Minah who quickly flinched and looked back down at her hands.

"Oh, you're shy? I have the perfect thing for that" Yixing smiled as Minah's teeth went back to the flesh of her lip.

"Flutter shy, flutter shy, I'd die if you'd leave me-" Yixing opened his mouth again and Minah wasn't sure what she was expecting from him. "Flutter shy, flutter shy, you are mine, only mine. Flutter shy, flutter shy-"

"He's making a comeback with the poetry?"

"-Rainbow dash is here. Flutter shy, flutter shy-"

"I thought we took him to the counsellor to scare him out of doing this?" Sehun raised a brow as Minah looked back up at Yixing in surprise. Yixing beamed when their eyes met and held his hand out across the table towards her.

"I'll go get the beer. Flutter Shy, flutter shy, and the skittles. Flutter shy, flutter shy," Yixing finished with a perfectly dimpled smile and Minah's hand in his warm one. Minah looked down, confused to when he had actually taken ahold of her hand without her noticing him doing so.

"That was beautiful" Jongin gasped, clapping his hands rapidly, and when Minah looked at him, his eyes were crossed as they looked to the clapping hands in front of his face.

"So, do you want to talk about how it went?" Chanyeol asked his question again in an attempt to ignore what just happened.

"We took the evidence we collected against Damon to the police along with what happened with Harvey and Peter, gave statements again and received the ok to go through with charging against Damon for domestic abuse as well as his brothers for assault and breaking and entering" Minah explained and the faces around her paled.

"This is what you meant when you said there were things we didn't need to know?" Jongin swallowed thickly as he looked at Sehun. With a shrug of his shoulders, Sehun stayed quiet.

"Well," Chanyeol in a breath and looked at Minah with soft eyes.

"I know we met not long ago, but you have my support" He nodded and Minah's lips pulled into a soft smile, making eye contact with Chanyeol.

"Thank you Chanyeol"

"How many times do you have to be told not to throw each other at the trees like wild animals?!" Minah jumped with a gasp and her body landed closer to Sehun's as they all turned to look at what was happening.

"It's alright" Sehun put his hand on Minah's shoulder and she nodded, rubbing

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Once again thank you to everyone who came along on this journey with me!


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Chapter 5: wow, that transformation was so unexpected!! but so exciting! now i understand why somebody booped baekhyun before xD
Chapter 11: Baek's so cute when he is jealous 🤣🤣😍😍
Chapter 5: I sit here reading one of my favorites, every time I say Boop I think of BBH being raised in the wild and it just blows my mind the thought of Baekhyun being some wild child from the woods like a modern Tarzan. Would his name be Kyoongzan? He is noisy enough for the yell as he swings through the trees.
*I think I love him even more though*
Chapter 3: I've been feeling sad and depressed and need a pick so I'm coming around to some of my favorite stories to cheer me up. Boop ❤
905 streak #5
Who's promising whom? 👀
Chapter 4: Baekhyun was so cute when he tried to mimic whatever she did. But goshhh the way he would protect her and instantly get panic if he sensed something was wrong was so 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 3: The early learning stage baekhyun is always one of my favourite. He was so so so cute like a curious puppy combined with a 2nd year kindergarten kid. He was too cute that we could not stop staring at him — like minah said, afraid we would miss anything he was about to do.

Ps. Really love every Minah's reactions to show her fear here *inserts teary eyes emoji* Minah my baby.
Chapter 1: This chapter still gave me anxiety when she was running away in the wood, and how it brought a little smile when he tried to cheer her up 🥹🥹
749 streak #9
Chapter 32: I really enjoyed this story, and I am so sorry to hear you won’t be on AFF anymore. However, I do have a Wattpad account, so I will definitely look for you there. Stay strong, you have every reason to be proud of your writing.❤️
THIS LOOKS INCREDIBLE!!!! i remember a few years ago wolf aus were super popular but so hard to come by these days :(( so happy you're keeping this au alive!! i’m all for hurt and comfort and baekhyun is my bias wrecker so i know this fic is going to hit me like a truck but i can't wait to start it, currently drowning in school work BUT THE MOMENT I DO, PLEASE ANTICIPATE MY COMMENTS HEHE ❤️❤️❤️