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"Tomorrow is another day. And you won't have to hide away"  - Run Boy Run, Woodkid.

"Crap!" Legs incredibly weak, Minah tripped and struggled to catch herself, left knee digging into the ground as the only way to salvage herself from her fall. Minah hissed, the hand that reached out to the nearest tree for support was now scraped, skin peeling back to reveal more of the red iron, I sight that was making her empty stomach dance in a grimacing way.

"Minseok!" was dry by now, aching more and reminding her of her need for water every time she spoke.

"Baekhyun!" The huts came into sight, and she kept repeating every name that sat at the tip of her tongue, her ears picking up moans and groans as she got closer.

"Minah?" A confused voice echoed back, and with a whine, Minah begged for her legs to pick up the pace.

"Junmyeon!" Minah gasped out and rustles bounded towards her.

"What are you doing out here? It's barely sunrise" Junmyeon stumbled out from behind a tree and onto the path, eyes struggling to stay open to look at Minah.

"It's Sehun. He needs help!" With what felt like the weight of the world pushing down on her, Minah fell into Junmyeon's chest. Like a sturdy wall, Junmyeon held her in place and looked down at her, lips pulled downwards in a frown.

"Did you say Sehun's hurt?" Yixing shuffled up from behind Junmyeon and Minah nodded, eyes heavy as she swallowed. Another set of bare feet slid closer to them, wide eyes looking worried by what his ears had picked up.

"He's been shot" Minah nodded with a sense of urgency as Junmyeon held her by the shoulders. The same sense of urgency came over the three men, and Junmyeon in a breath.

"Shot?" Yixing's eyes widened, and Minah swallowed.

"You don't know what happened out here last night? I could hear it from inside the house."

"The full moon, it's the one time that our wolves should have total control, we don't know a thing."

"Both of you go and look for the others right now. We're going back to Sehun" Junmyeon brushed the explanation aside with no time to spare. Kyungsoo and Yixing nodded, taking off with tremendous speed from their first step.

"Come on, you're in no condition to keep moving" Junmyeon quickly dropped down, and Minah wasn't able to refuse climbing onto his back with a little help from the man. She closed her eyes and bit down on her lip to avoid the whiplash that would come with how quick Junmyeon jumped into action and started running. The wind whistled in her ears, making her expression pull into a wince and she prayed, hoping they would get home and there would be something they could do to save Sehun.


It was horrible, after so many hours, the smell of iron still stung at her nose, expression unable to turn back up from the tilted down purse of her lips and pinch of her brows. Junmyeon was like a magician, doing things that Minah was too tired to see correctly, only able to hold Sehun's hand in both of hers, squeezing back reassuringly every time he clenched down on her hand in pain.

And then there was the fact that so far, only Jongdae had shown up to the house.

No one knew where everyone else was yet. When Jongdae said he had no idea and Junmyeon explained what Kyungsoo and Yixing were out doing and what he knew of the situation in a quick breath, he had reassured them that Yixing knew what he was doing, they would all be home soon. Minah hoped that was true, just like she hoped that Junmyeon would be finished with stitching Sehun's gaping fleshing back together soon, it had grown too much for her to see him cut open and in pain.

"I can hear someone coming! Jongdae proclaimed after a long time of silence only being interrupted by sounds of pain and patient encouragement from Sehun and Junmyeon. Minah looked up, eyes blinking sorely in the hope of someone arriving home safely as Jongdae scampered away, skipping over the trails of blood on the floor to pull open the back door.

"Minseok! Come quickly, someone!" All three heads in the room flicked to the door where they could no longer see Jongdae.

"Go. I'll take care of Sehun" Junmyeon instructed, and even if she had wanted to rebel, something about Junmyeon's tone made Minah's body move on its own without another thought. She gave Sehun's hand one last squeeze and ran away, also dodging the blood on the floor so that she wouldn't slip on it again. She paused at the back door and looked out into the yard at Jongdae holding up Minseok, both of them looking back into the woods for something.

"Oh my god, Minseok not you too" Minah ran down the back porch, skipped the stairs to jump down onto the grass and drag herself towards the two. Their heads snapped back to look at her, Minseok tried to smile at her.

"They only got me once," He said that as if it were a good thing, and even if it were, Minah glared at him.

"Bring him inside Jongdae. I'll get some clean sheets to put him on."

"What's wrong with the bathroom?" Minseok frowned at Jongdae as Minah ran back inside without looking back.

"Sehun and Junmyeon are in there" At Jongdae's words, Minseok straightened, biting down a wince as he took back the arm Jongdae had slung over his shoulders and forced himself towards the door and struggling legs. Jongdae made a sound of protest and followed him quickly, reaching out to support him only to have Minseok slap him away at the stairs.

"Junmyeon? Sehun?" He barreled into the house and towards the bathroom, stopping at the door.

"Holy " The sight of Sehun, Junmyeon and the bathroom was far worse than the blood still dribbling from Minseok's waist. His eyes crossed over several different emotions at the sight of the youngest male being stitched up and cleaned of all the blood possible, settling on shame.

"Minseok, you need to lay down" Minah put her hand on Minseok's arm, and he looked down at the blood-covered fingers holding onto him, but didn't slap them away as he had with Jongdae.

"Hey man," Sehun breathed out and tried to force his lips into a smile.

"Come," Minah guided Minseok to the couches, where a couple of bed sheets were covering the furniture and Jongdae made sure to tidy up the other couch as Minseok groaned, slowly lowering himself to sit down with Minah's help. Slowly he let gravity lower him down to lay on his side, wounded side up and in front of the anxious face of Minah.

"Do you know if there's still a bullet in there?" She asked, trying to keep her voice firm but Minseok could hear the tremor that her words contained.

"I didn't get it out" He shook his head, and Minah breathed out, tongue following to dampen her lips as she eyed Minseok's bloody shirt.

"Then I'm going to have to do what I did with Sehun. I'll take it out myself" She dusted her hands off and looked down at them.

"Go and wash your hands" Minseok instructed, and Minah nodded.

"Yeah," She hurried away to the kitchen where she ran the water and doused her hands in the soup to wash away all the blood and germs that were on her hands. She breathed in and breathed out. Ever since Junmyeon had appeared, there was a strange atmosphere that said "just calm down and take this seriously" the panic that was running through her before she had found him wasn't so bad anymore. But it didn't stop the nerves that built up in her again knowing that she was going to go digging for another bullet, and most likely not the right way that a doctor would do it. When she was back in the living room, Minseok had his shirt off, it was discarded on the floor, and Minah gave it a distracted note of attention before crouching back down in front of Minseok on her knees.

"Whenever you're ready," She told him, eyes on the weeping wound.

"I'm ready" Minseok nodded, and Minah put her hand out, pointing to Minseok's shirt.

"Give me the shirt."

"Please Jongdae" Jongdae waddled over to Minseok's discarded shirt and plucked it off the floor, throwing it at Minah. She pressed it down on Minseok's bullet wound, and he pursed his lips as she soaked up the blood that was blocking her way. When the damage was revealed again, she had a moment to look down the hole in Minseok's wast and winced, not seeing much.

"Just go for it" Minseok waved a hand at her as if he couldn’t feel any pain and wouldn't feel anything if she just let rip on his wound.

"I don't want to make the hole in your body bigger than it already is" Minah pointed out with exasperation.

"It'll heal, just get the bullet out for now" After telling her what to do, Minseok closed his eyes, and Minah huffed.

"Tell me if you're gonna pass out."

"Noted" Blood coated her fingers again, and Minah swallowed, pushing past more of it as it glugged out of Minseok's side. She wedged a finger in and gulped. Jongdae had to turn away as her finger visibly moved within Minseok and put a hand over his mouth, trying not to be sick at the sight he was seeing. Minah pressed further, and Minseok gave no response, not even when Minah's finger finally connected with something that wasn't meaty like Minseok's flesh.

"I've found it" She observed and Minseok hummed.

"Great, now pull it out" Minseok muttered carelessly, head not leaving the cushion that he had tucked underneath. Minah breathed, one finger was already almost too much space in the wound, she didn't want to wiggle and push the bullet down further, Minseok hadn't gone wild like Sehun, and his wolf had, resulting in their bullet holes being gashes that her fingers melted into in all the wrong ways. She closed her eyes and breathed, willing herself to think of something.

"I need a knife or a fork or a spoon, something thin that I can push in here" She turned to a green looking Jongdae, and he nodded, happy to look for a way out of the room, not commenting on her lack of manners again.

"You're gonna cut me open?" Minseok mused, and Minah shook her head.

"I'm only going to use it to help pull the bullet out like a clamp."

"Oh yay" Minseok chirped, much to the exasperation that showed on Minah's face as Jongdae came back with everything that she had listed off.

"I wasn't sure which one would work" He handed them all to Minah, and she breathed out, taking them with the hand that didn't have a finger wedged into Minseok's waist.

"Are you ready?" Minah questioned as she examined the thin handle of the knife and Minseok bobbed his shoulders, frightening Minah.

"Just do what you have to do" With his brave response, she put the thin side of the fork next to her finger and breathed out, eyes narrowing as she wished she could just close them and save herself from what she was seeing.

"It's going in, in three, two one."


Time moved slowly now, the morning dragging out into a long one as the safe ones safely resting in the house awaited and hoped for the arrival of those that were yet to return. Kyungsoo had made it back once but quickly disappeared with the knowledge that there were still members of the household missing. Everyone was worried, Sehun wasn't showing many signs of stress from his bed, but Minah sat next to him, chewing on her nails and then scolding herself for ruining them, just to go back to biting at them. Minseok didn't sit still like he was supposed to. Junmyeon reminded him as he paced back and forth to keep his trust in Kyungsoo and Yixing, which he never lost, but he worried that the members of his pack were somewhere in the forest, dead or dying with him doing nothing about it.

Jongdae couldn't crack jokes or find himself something that he could annoy someone with. Words had failed to come out of him since he stopped reassuring Minah that everyone

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Once again thank you to everyone who came along on this journey with me!


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Chapter 5: wow, that transformation was so unexpected!! but so exciting! now i understand why somebody booped baekhyun before xD
Chapter 11: Baek's so cute when he is jealous 🤣🤣😍😍
Chapter 5: I sit here reading one of my favorites, every time I say Boop I think of BBH being raised in the wild and it just blows my mind the thought of Baekhyun being some wild child from the woods like a modern Tarzan. Would his name be Kyoongzan? He is noisy enough for the yell as he swings through the trees.
*I think I love him even more though*
Chapter 3: I've been feeling sad and depressed and need a pick so I'm coming around to some of my favorite stories to cheer me up. Boop ❤
905 streak #5
Who's promising whom? 👀
Chapter 4: Baekhyun was so cute when he tried to mimic whatever she did. But goshhh the way he would protect her and instantly get panic if he sensed something was wrong was so 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 3: The early learning stage baekhyun is always one of my favourite. He was so so so cute like a curious puppy combined with a 2nd year kindergarten kid. He was too cute that we could not stop staring at him — like minah said, afraid we would miss anything he was about to do.

Ps. Really love every Minah's reactions to show her fear here *inserts teary eyes emoji* Minah my baby.
Chapter 1: This chapter still gave me anxiety when she was running away in the wood, and how it brought a little smile when he tried to cheer her up 🥹🥹
750 streak #9
Chapter 32: I really enjoyed this story, and I am so sorry to hear you won’t be on AFF anymore. However, I do have a Wattpad account, so I will definitely look for you there. Stay strong, you have every reason to be proud of your writing.❤️
THIS LOOKS INCREDIBLE!!!! i remember a few years ago wolf aus were super popular but so hard to come by these days :(( so happy you're keeping this au alive!! i’m all for hurt and comfort and baekhyun is my bias wrecker so i know this fic is going to hit me like a truck but i can't wait to start it, currently drowning in school work BUT THE MOMENT I DO, PLEASE ANTICIPATE MY COMMENTS HEHE ❤️❤️❤️