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“New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.” - Lao Tzu.

"Good morning" Minah poked her head into the room and Baekhyun having heard her coming, beamed when she finally showed her face from behind the door that he was eagerly staring at.

He was getting visibly healthier, little by little he was putting on weight through small meals to stop his body from freaking out, but what he wasn't able to tell the people around him was how his senses were awakening as his sense of concentration was getting better. Baekhyun thought to be on high alert all the time made him aware of everything, but he was starting to pick up smells and sounds he hadn't heard before and he was familiarising himself with sounds and smells, like that of the girl that kept visiting him, even after she was discharged.

"Minah" Baekhyun greeted. Minah entered and shut the door with shaky hands, Baekhyun knew once again that it wasn't easy for her to leave home to see him. She was brave, he noticed once more.

"How are you?" Minah asked and Baekhyun nodded his head as she moved to where he was sitting by the window.

"Baekhyun is good" More words were coming out, Minah thought that maybe having people talking to him was helping Baekhyun. They weren't full sentences but Baekhyun was learning what words meant quickly and using them to get his point across in a simple but understandable way.

"I'm glad" Minah nodded too.

"And Minah?" Baekhyun asked curiously and the girl chuckled at the question Baekhyun would always ask her right after she asked him.

"I'm doing ok, tired but ok" Minah hugged her jacket tighter to her body, soon, it would be too hot to be wearing such clothing. But her body was littered in more bumps and bruises than it normally was and she didn't want people asking her questions.

Despite what her parents wanted for her Minah stayed in her apartment that she was supposed to be sharing with Damon. They didn't like it, they made that very clear, but the apartment was home to her now and Minah felt like she would only be an irritation that wouldn't go away if she were to move back in with her parents. With nurse Eunji's advice in the back of her mind constantly, Minah wasn't planning to stay there long, she was looking for somewhere else to live, somewhere in her price range that didn't include money from her parents and somewhere that Eunji said Damon wouldn't be able to find her if he wasn't charged with prison time.

"Minah's tired?" Baekhyun frowned and Minah nodded.

"Yeah Boop, I'm trying to find a new home to live in, but I have to study and work as well" Minah wasn't letting anything in her daily routine change, no matter how scared she was, she refused it. She wasn't going to move back in with her parents and she wasn't going to stop studying and turning up for her shifts at work. That would mean she didn't have things to occupy her mind and she would only stress more about an angry Damon coming back to find her more than she already was.

A fist knocked on the door to Baekhyun's room and he peered around Minah as she flinched and shuffled further from the door and closer to Baekhyun.

"Come in," Baekhyun told them and Minah's lips twitched at his use of manners. The door opened a familiar doctor entered the room with a smile attaching to his face when he saw Minah and Baekhyun.

"Hello Minah, I was told you were visiting again, how are you?" The doctor asked and Minah bowed, brushing her hair out of her eyes.

"I'm doing better" Minah smiled and the doctor hummed.

"Have you made an appointment with the councillor I provided?" The doctor questioned and Minah nodded.

"I did"

"Good good, if you don't mind, I would like to speak to you outside" The doctor gestured to the door and Minah nodded. Baekhyun whimpered in her direction and Minah looked back curiously, wondering if the noise had really come from Baekhyun.

"Just came," Baekhyun told her and Minah nodded.

"I will be back in a moment" She assured him and Baekhyun nodded, showing reluctance to let Minah leave the room, but he wasn't that wild of an animal, he knew if Minah wanted to go he couldn't hold her back just because he didn't want her to leave. Minah shut the door behind her and looked to the doctor who held his files in his hand, sighing to himself as he flicked through them, looking at what Minah presumed her wanted to talk to her about.

"I wanted to talk to you about the aspect of Baekhyun's future since he was brought in with you. The two of you have naturally shared a bond through this experience, as many people would when facing trauma, so your connection is understandable,"

"My parents spoke to you about it, didn't they?" Minah presumed and the doctor nodded.

"Your father especially was worried that your sudden need to be around this boy was unhealthy and dangerous for you. Admittedly, it can be odd when it's a person that you've never met before. But this isn't the first time it's happened, people kidnapped at the same time or by the same person share connection and develop bonds, same with people who were ually assaulted, in abusive relationships with the same person or different people, once had the same boyfriend or best friend, so this is normal. Although, I do have some worry about the two of you" The doctor admitted and Minah's brows pinched.


"Whilst you are trying to get your life back on track, it seems that Baekhyun has never really had much of a life. When I'm able to let him go, he will end up on the streets where I presume he has been for some time now, though his physical health was only a mild case, the case of mental growth is not minor by any means. He takes longer to understand what a person is saying, he's learning to talk through listening to people talk to him and it's clear that he cannot read, nor is he aware of the boundaries and morals that people have. So I have two main worries concerning him. Firstly, that he will be returning to a life of homelessness and secondly, will his attachment to the person he knows best become unhealthy for him and for you"

"Baekhyun will be coming home with me, I've thought long and hard about it and he's helped me, so I want to set him up for life as best as I can and I'm working to pay for all of his medical funds as we speak. As for the two of us, it's not good?" Minah frowned and the doctor closed his folder and looked at Minah.

"I'm not one hundred percent sure, I have to be honest. But from my studies in psychology, his level of dependence and his need to be with someone he knows and someone he knows cares for him could turn into things like an obsession, an attention disorder or heavy independence where being away from that person causing all of this could lead to evoking anger and violence out of the person, in this case, Baekhyun"

"What do we do then? Baekhyun has nowhere else to go" Minah pointed out and the doctor sighed, adjusting his glasses.

"I've been watching Baekhyun closely during your visits and when you're not here. What needs to be done is set up a dependable friendship, so Baekhyun knows he can rely on you when he needs to, but has a spark of independence so that he won't spend all of his time relying on you and seeking for your help"

"Ok" Minah nodded her head.

"I think if we can work with Baekhyun that way, then we will have no problem"

"I'll do my best" Minah bowed and the doctor nodded.

"I told him he would be allowed to leave when you visit if you're ready. I'll let you make that decision"

"Then I will take him" Minah nodded and the doctor smiled.

"I'll check up on him one last time and then you can tell him the news"

"I would like that" The doctor knocked on the door again and Baekhyun's voice answered.

"In coming" He called and Minah bit down on her lip, she wouldn't giggle, she wouldn't make Baekhyun think to change up the way he said things was a bad choice.

"Ah, Minah and doctor" Baekhyun's back straightened out of the slouch he was sitting in as the doctor chuckled.

"You're a talkative fellow, Baekhyun"

"Go now?" Baekhyun looked up at the approaching doctor.

"Well you see," The doctor started with hesitance and Baekhyun stopped moving as he looked at him with wide puppy eyes that didn't want an answer he wouldn't like, "Minah and I were talking and it seems like you need to ask her if you can go, not me," The doctor told him and Minah heard the underlying tone of teasing that Baekhyun didn't.

"Minah, I leave?" Baekhyun turned straight to her, confused by it all. If he wasn't allowed to just walk out, then who did he have to talk to so that he could get out of here? It looked like no one was going to let him go, but he couldn't keep being locked away in a room he didn't know, his skin was starting to itch with the need for movement and freedom.

"The doctor wants to look at you first, then we can talk" Minah smiled promisingly and Baekhyun held his breath in hope that she wasn't going to give him an answer that had him seeking someone else for the one he wanted.

"Look" Baekhyun stood up and spread his arms out and the doctor laughed. Minah took a step back and moved out of the way as the doctor explained what sort of looking he needed to do. She leaned against the wall and watched Baekhyun curiously following the doctor's moves and let out a sigh. What she was about to do could have been considered crazy, dangerous when she remembered the fact that she didn't know this person, but her old self would take risks without question, and her cur

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Once again thank you to everyone who came along on this journey with me!


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Chapter 5: wow, that transformation was so unexpected!! but so exciting! now i understand why somebody booped baekhyun before xD
Chapter 11: Baek's so cute when he is jealous 🤣🤣😍😍
Chapter 5: I sit here reading one of my favorites, every time I say Boop I think of BBH being raised in the wild and it just blows my mind the thought of Baekhyun being some wild child from the woods like a modern Tarzan. Would his name be Kyoongzan? He is noisy enough for the yell as he swings through the trees.
*I think I love him even more though*
Chapter 3: I've been feeling sad and depressed and need a pick so I'm coming around to some of my favorite stories to cheer me up. Boop ❤
905 streak #5
Who's promising whom? 👀
Chapter 4: Baekhyun was so cute when he tried to mimic whatever she did. But goshhh the way he would protect her and instantly get panic if he sensed something was wrong was so 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 3: The early learning stage baekhyun is always one of my favourite. He was so so so cute like a curious puppy combined with a 2nd year kindergarten kid. He was too cute that we could not stop staring at him — like minah said, afraid we would miss anything he was about to do.

Ps. Really love every Minah's reactions to show her fear here *inserts teary eyes emoji* Minah my baby.
Chapter 1: This chapter still gave me anxiety when she was running away in the wood, and how it brought a little smile when he tried to cheer her up 🥹🥹
748 streak #9
Chapter 32: I really enjoyed this story, and I am so sorry to hear you won’t be on AFF anymore. However, I do have a Wattpad account, so I will definitely look for you there. Stay strong, you have every reason to be proud of your writing.❤️
THIS LOOKS INCREDIBLE!!!! i remember a few years ago wolf aus were super popular but so hard to come by these days :(( so happy you're keeping this au alive!! i’m all for hurt and comfort and baekhyun is my bias wrecker so i know this fic is going to hit me like a truck but i can't wait to start it, currently drowning in school work BUT THE MOMENT I DO, PLEASE ANTICIPATE MY COMMENTS HEHE ❤️❤️❤️