Chapter 3

The Devil Besides Me

Taemin is worried, looking over his shoulders constantly. He jumps when he sees a too long shadow or a weird noise nearby.

On the bright side, he managed to finish his book report just to take his mind off of things.

It's not working.

Key starts to question Taemin's paranoid behavior, but Taemin plays it off as one of his moods as he doesn't want Key to worry about him. It partially worked as Key brushed it off as a close call to the 7-Eleven incident.

Taemin shivers at the close call that there might be otherworldly forces at play. Something that he would not be able to control. He plays it safe as he goes straight home from school or library. But his one track mind to get straight to his destination causes him to bump into someone.

“I – I'm sorry.”

He tries to move away but the person keeps stepping in front of him. Frustrated he looks up ready to curse but it died in his throat when he sees them. Two handsome tall men. It wasn't the men's features that cause Taemin to be speechless.

One of them glared while the other frowned. Just looking at the two he felt that there was more than meets the eye. But its not something good as Taemin unconsciously took a step back.

“Youngins should watch where they're going,” one of the men drawled. “Always rushing off without a care in the world. Don't you just hate it, Kai?”

The other man, Kai, frowned as he watches his companion toy with the kid who just bumped into them. Taemin felt a sweat dropped at the situation he's in.

The man suddenly got up into Taemin's personal space, his eyes flared and the edge of his teeth sharpened. “Now what should I do to you, boy?” the man snarled. “If it were anyone I'd make them pay on the spot but you're face is too pretty to be touched. How will you compensate me, small one?”

Small one?!

A hand came up to the man's shoulder. It was Kai. “Stop playing around Xiumin,” said Kai. “The kid already said sorry.”

“Awww, I was just playing with him a little,” Xiumin whined. “Besides, I'm feeling a little bit... peckish.”

The way that these two were talking has Taemin on edge. This is all a misunderstanding and he couldn't leave. This isn't how normal people talk.

Taemin gave a nervous gulp. “Look hyung-nim,” he began. “I'm really sorry for bumping into you. I don't have any money to give but if you want I have some jelly.” Taemin rummages in his pocket, pulling out two squished pieces of jelly candy. “One of them is grape flavor, the other I think is strawberry. Wait no, that's watermelon.”

He offers the candies to the two with an outstretched hand. Kai numbly takes the candies. Xiumin cruelly snarled at the gesture. “Jellies are not gonna cut it, kid. I'm craving for something more filling.”

Xiumin was suddenly pulled back by the back of his shirt. “The hell was that for?! Is this how you treat your hyung?!”

Kai's grip was firm. One hand kept hold the back of Xiumin's shirt while the other is holding Taemin's candies. His eyes never left the candy in his hand, frowning as though he's trying to discern the thought.

“Thank you for the candy,” Kai finally said, taking his eyes off the candy to meet Taemin's gaze. “Sorry to have bothered you.”

Taemin gave a quick nod and bow before stepping to the side, leaving as quickly as possible. That was a close call. Things could have gone worse if the other man didn't intervened. But the way the other man looked at him like he was something to play. Like he was some sort of snack.

How will you compensate me, small one?”

Taemin inwardly shivered at the way the man had said it as he quickly goes home to get the day over with.



When the kid finally left, Xiumin breaks out of Kai's grip forcefully. He turns around and grabbed Kai by the collar, glaring at him. “You made a fool out of me in front of our prey!”

“You were being immature,” Kai stares back unfazed. “He is not food.”

Xiumin scoffed. “Everything is food.” He looks down at the candy in Kai's hand. “Except for that.”

He reached out to take the candy but Kai was fast enough to close his fist and put them in his pocket. Xiumin is surprised by that action before a wicked grin spreads across his face. “You like the boy.”

When Kai didn't answer back Xiumin's grin widened, a hint of spark in his eyes. He lets go of Kai's collar, smoothing away the creases in a mocking way. “I have to admit, the boy is pretty,” Xiumin said while he adjusts Kai's collar. Satisfied he steps back to admire his handiwork. “I bet his mangled corpse would be prettier when the light finally leaves his eyes. His screams would be a melody and his energy would be sweet like the jelly he ignorantly gave.”

Xiumin meets with Kai's gaze, watching for any reaction. When he found none his grin lessened for a fraction and turns on his heels and walks away. Kai follows behind him, the hand in his pocket tightens almost breaking the jelly.

“Don't think the boy is safe from me just this once,” said Xiumin. “If I ever see the boy again, I'll make sure to draw out his inevitable end slowly whether you are there or not.”



“Taemin that's the 3rd banana milk you had today, you got to stop!”

Taemin makes a point to slurp as loud as possible to Key's utter dismay. “Seriously what's wrong?” Key asked. “If this is how you reward yourself on finishing that paper, then you will need a change of tactics. Because drinking that much is unhealthy.”

When Taemin drinks the last drops in the container, he lets out a satisfied sigh, crushing the plastic container in his hand. As Taemin reached for his fourth helping of banana milk, Key intervened and takes the rest of the drinks out of reaching distance. “Kid, I am cutting you off!”

“Give it back!” Taemin tries to reach for it while Key is keeping it out of reach. “I paid for it so gimmie!”

“Onew!” Key called desperately. “A little help here?!”

Onew came by their table and takes the drinks out of Key's hand. Misunderstanding the situation, Onew takes one of the drinks from the pack and hands it over to an eager and grateful Taemin. Key gave an undignified squawk. “You're not helping Onew! He already finished half a pack today!”

Onew frowned. “Taemin, what's wrong?”

Taemin had his tongue sticking up to the side of his mouth as he concentrates to put his reused straw into the drink carefully. The bottom park of the straw has lost the sharp edge, one false move and his drink would have been a mess. “I'm trying to grow taller.” He finally succeeded and gives a grateful sip. “Milk is supposed build my calcium and make me grow.”

Key and Onew gave each other a glance before giving Taemin a simultaneous deadpanned look. “Taemin that is a supposed to be regular milk,” Key said. “Banana milk doesn't cut it.”

Onew snatches the drink out of Taemin's hand, drinking the milk in one go. Taemin gave a betrayed look. “I was drinking that!”

“Not anymore,” Onew crushes the plastic in his hand. “I'm going to put these in a safe place.” He gestures the rest of the banana milk in his hand. “Know your limits, Taemin-ah. This is for your own good.”

Taemin glares at the back of Onew's head as the cafe owner left their table with the confiscated goods. His mouth twitched slightly when he sees Onew tripped on air. Yeah, that's what he gets.

Key coughed to get his attention. “You were never concerned about your height before,” he pointed out. “Both of us are practically the same height except for a few centimeter difference. Did someone tease you about it?”

It's not like Taemin can say that someone recently bothered him about it. Sure there are guys like Xiumin who like to pick apart a feature to get under someone's skin. It doesn't bother him too much but it was the after thought that bothers him more. Of how similar but not the same the comment affected him that way.

Little one.

Taemin shrugged. “I don't know,” he murmured. “Maybe I should start take this growing thing seriously.”

Key gave a relieved sigh, reaching out to brush Taemin's bangs out of his eyes. The gesture was soothing, it had Taemin feel less stress on the matter.

“You're still young so you don't need to worry about this stuff too much,” Key reassured him. “Eat right and have a proper lifestyle is going to help you in the long run. From what I observed, you are on the right track. Growing tall has nothing to do with growing up.” The soft look on Key's face turns mischievous. “Except maybe you should start exercising more and drink less banana milk. With that much you drink you might get a banana belly.”


“Just telling the truth, kid.”



Onew had a small smile, watching Key and Taemin playfight in the booth. To be young and carefree. He's gonna miss these two the most when they move on and leave him behind.

A movement outside caught his attention. He looks up and sees a tall shadow across the street. The shadow has flame like energy, flickering with the wind. By its feet he could see a line running down the street. He follows the trail with his eyes, eyes widened when it continues into his cafe. It goes zigzag navigating between chair and tables until it comes to stop near –

“Excuse me? Can I get this to go?”

Onew blinks in surprise, a customer came to the counter with her plate of unfinished food. “I tried to get your attention,” she said. “But you didn't respond.”

Onew looks back up out of the window for that shadow outside. The mysterious entity is gone along with the trail that leads into his cafe. His eyes narrowed as he scans the occupants in the room. There isn't a lot of people at this time and that trail is supposed to lead to someone in his cafe. Whoever it was, their fate is sealed.

“I'm sorry about that. I'll pack this up right away.”



“Yo Taemin! What's the hold up?”

Key has his arms crossed as he waits outside of the restroom. “I told you that drinking too much banana milk is a bad idea but noooooooo...”

Taemin finally left the restroom with an exhausted look on his face. One hand clutches his stomach and the other holding onto the wall for support. “Oh sure Almighty Key is right all along,” he said in a mocking voice. “FYI, don't go in there.”

“T.M.I.!” Key sigh, patting Taemin's back sympathetic. “Better be careful there, some asians are lactose intolerant. If you drink banana milk like that again, I'm gonna make you chug 1 tall glass of real milk. Cold.”

Taemin inwardly shudder at the thought. “Ok, I'll listen to you.”

“Atta boy.”

With that being said they headed for the temple grounds. There were many students there lounging around. It's that time of year when exams are taking place so the students go to the temples to get their fortune told and get good luck charms.

“Aw man, we got here too late. This is all your fault, Taemin-ah!”

Both Key and Taemin wistfully stare at the empty tray that was supposed to contain good luck charms for taking the exam. The temple has ran out.

“Everybody bought them,” Key pouted. “If I get less than a 90 then I know who to blame.”

“What are you talking about? There's some charms left,” Taemin picks up a charm from the other tray. “Look here's a green one and it matches your eyes.”

Key clicks his tongue, flicks Taemin on his forehead. “That's a charm for getting pregnant!”

“A baby Key would be so cute! … or scary.” Taemin shrugs, putting back the charm. “I'm going to get the success in business charm for Onew.” He takes a charm from the other pile. “And I might get a health charm for you. You were complaining about your life being cut short because of all the nagging that you do.”

“Which is all thanks to you!”

“You're welcome my Key!”

The boys left after making their purchase. Taemin had bought a business charm and a health charm like he said. Unbeknownst to Key, Taemin had also bought a charm to ward off demons and a small bag of red beans (patjuk) to ward off evil spirits.

Even with so many people, Taemin couldn't feel the evil presence from before. With so many people around, whatever evil thing will think twice before making the first move. Just that feeling made him tense as he clutches the charm tighter in his pocket.

“Wow there are so many people here,” Key exclaimed. “It's going to take a while before we can enter the temple and pray. These students must be desperate. Let's go grab something to eat while we wait. I think I saw a tteokbokki stand over there – ”


Key and Taemin turned at the sound and see a fortune teller shaman. They looked around to see if the shaman was calling for someone else but it was just them.

“Handsome boys, how would you like your fortunes told?” asked the shaman. “95% of my fortunes are true and 5% are in the process of becoming true.”

“Think she's lying,” Key whispered to Taemin. “No way that is true.” Taemin slightly nodded agreeing.

“I'll give you a discount.”

“Okay let's get our fortunes told, Taemin-ah!”

Taemin gave a Key disbelief look for changing his mind so quickly. That's all he could do as he was bodily dragged into the shaman's temple. He barely had time to put his shoes away properly just to keep up with Key. He sits down on the cushion next to Key, watching the shaman begin their fortune reading.

“I sense good energy from you,” the shaman declared, moving her hands around to measure the energy around Key. “Strong and willful, never wavering from your beliefs for the right reasons. That will come in handy when your friend is in need of your help.”

Key side-eyed Taemin at that thought. “You plan on getting into trouble?”

“Hopefully not,” Taemin shrugged.

The shaman begins ringing her bells as she falls into a trance-like state, muttering some incantations. Key and Taemin watches her carefully as she begins.

“You will meet someone who transcends from the sky,” the shaman declared without opening her eyes. “Like a long lost piece of a puzzle finally found. You will shake their resolve while they open your eyes to a whole another world. The main key roles to help them ascend.”

Both Key and Taemin share a confuse look about the shaman's prediction. Key shakes his head and muttered, “Darn, we just got scammed.”

The shaman slams the bells down. “There is nothing fake about my predictions, nonbeliever!” Her demeanor changes when she turns to Taemin. “Would you like your predictions told? Free of charge for a cute boy like you.”

This had Taemin blushed while Key splutter in outrage. “What?! That's not fair!” Key complained. “You made me pay the standard price!”

“Think of it as a buy 1 get 1 option. 1+1,” the shaman wags a finger at Key. “I am also a business woman, I have to make a living. No refunds.”

Key clicks his tongue. “This is getting annoying.” He nudges Taemin's side. “Hey brat, get your fortune told so I can get my money's worth.”

Taemin looks at the shaman with unsureness. “Well I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try.”

The shaman smile. “That's the spirit.” She closes her eyes as though she's in a trance again, her hands move to measure Taemin's energy. After a while she frowned. “This is strange. I have never encounter an energy such as yours.”

Key scoffed. “Probably from all the banana milk he drank and it's not the healthy amount for human consumption.”

The comment had Taemin slap Key's shoulder but the shaman wasn't deterred as she concentrates harder. “I am serious. This boy's energy is something I have never encounter this before and I don't know what to make of it.”

“Wait you saying there's something wrong with me?!” Taemin exclaimed. “What is it?!”

“Dang it Taemin,” Key tries to shush him. “This is all just a phony trick. Only gullible people and ahjummas believe in this.”

“Quiet nonbeliever,” the shaman admonishes. “I will need to get serious. Quick, tell me your date of birth.”

“July 18, 1993?” Taemin tilted his head. “I'm still in school, shaman lady. But what's that got to do with my energy or – ”

“When a person is born, their destinies are predetermined through the stars,” the shaman answered while taking a handful of rice next to her and spills it on the table. She shakes her bells and goes into a trance, slapping the table to move the rice

While she is in her trance Key leans over to whisper to Taemin. “If she hints that she needs an offering to make her prediction, don't give it. That's how she makes money.”

The shaman opens her eyes wide, her hand spread out over the rice. “My dear boy, the fates gave you a burden that only you can bear. You are destined to save and destroy. Your energy attracts beings; good and bad. There is a possibility that you might not survive the outcome.”

Key and Taemin shared a mixed look of skeptical and confused about the shaman's prediction causing the shaman to be angry of their reaction. “You don't believe me? I swear this is the truth on my reputation as shaman.”

“Lady, I think you watch way too many dramas,” Key crosses his arms over his chest. “You're thinking you can trick a couple of students because you think we are gullible to fall for your tricks. Well think again. Thanks for the show it is very entertaining.”

The shaman angrily threw the rice at both Key and Taemin, raising a yelp from both of them. “My predictions are all truth, I have never made such a prediction like this before. If you do not believe me there is one last resort we could try. Free of charge.”

Key sighed. “Whatever. I have nothing better to do with my time. Taemin-ah?”

Taemin shrugged. “Go ahead, shaman-lady.”

The shaman cuts her finger to let a drop of blood touch the rice. She starts to fall into a trance and chants. It was much different than her earlier trance as the room begins to shake. Wind flows into the room, the lit candle besides the alter died, the room grows dark, and the shadows behind them begin to elongate and dance.

Unconsciously Key and Taemin move closer together. “The shaman-lady is going all out on this, isn't she.”

At the end of her chant the shaman looks up to the sky for otherworldly wisdom. Ominous winds gust wildly causing Taemin to shiver. Something isn't right.

The shaman collapse, the blood on her hand spreads across the rice. Key instinctively got up to see if the shaman was alright. “Ahjumma?! Ahjumma?! Are you alright? Wake up!”

Taemin is stuck to his spot, shocked at the image the bloodied rice have created. The grains of rice form into a rough image of a sigil. A sigil that Taemin had drawn with markers at home.

Key sets the woman to sit upright. “Alright. We get it. We believe you, ahjumma. Don't scare us like that.”

But the shaman acted like she couldn't hear him. Her eyes half-lidded and her body swayed, her hands outstretched on the table to support her weight.

“Shaman-lady?” Taemin carefully looks over her. “Are you alright?”

All of the sudden the shaman's body snapped causing the boys to immediately to move back. Her head tilt straight, her eyes wide open staring straight at Taemin.

Taemin's arms almost give out. The shaman's eyes are no longer her own. Her eyes are glowing, pulsing, malicious as though she is staring straight into Taemin's soul.

The final push was when the shaman speaks in a voice that wasn't her own. And by then it sets to confirm for Taemin that his life will never be the same.

Hello, little one.


Writing the author's note here because it's long. I'm feeling tired and lack the energy and motivation to update. So let's try something new.

While readers wait for the next chapter, they should contribute to SHINee's MVs on Youtube to show support. Let's help them reach 100M... eventually. So spread the word and get others involve.

Realistically baby steps. Let's try to have at least 4 of the mvs reach their goal (2 MVs if they go beyond the goal by a 100k) and I'll post an update. This will give me the time and the motivation to write. 

MV Current views Goal Views
Hello 73.44M 74M
View 47.7M 48M
Sherlock 39.49M 39.85M
Dream Girl 22.32M 22.5M
1 of 1 15M 15.5M
Onew's Blue MV 2.4M 3M

I also encourage readers to contribute views to other MVs (SHINee or solos) that were not listed above. Even the MVs that had reach 100M (Lucifer and RDD). I have the full list so if some of the MVs made their goal, they will still count toward the next chapter update.

Tip: Just switch SHINee videos to spread the views out.

Like this story? Give it an Upvote!
Thank you!
Thank you everyone for coming along on this journey. As mentioned I will be taking a long break to recharge and plan. I'll be fixing some of my fics here to be posted on my AO3 account TGIntentX. See you next time, bye!


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kisstomylips #1
Chapter 37: It is my pleasure to read such a great work. I was moved by the feelings of SHINee five people, gentle warm onew, reliable Jonghyun, sweet key, awkward and lovely Minho, like the sun of the Taemin. Happy to finally see the reunion of Minho and Taemin, demon hyeong and his little one will always accompany each other as humans, can not find a better ending than this.Thank you for such a beautiful work💕
Chapter 37: Nice 👍
749 streak #4
Chapter 37: I just finished the ending as well as your author’s note. This was such an enjoyable story - both plot and characters. I am definitely glad that you saw it to the end, I also can’t wait to see your next adventure.

Quick question, did Minho keep the blue star and that is what turned him fully human? Also, is Onew just human now, without his powers?

It’s also interesting that Taemin’s parents are now in his and Taecyeon’s lives. The saddest scene was when Jongin hugged Taemin. I am still in hopes that they can see each other again at some point. Lastly, Minho and Taemin remembering each other almost brought a tear to my eye, as I can picture the whole scene. Thank you so much for writing such a great fic and sharing it with us.
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 37: Thank you for all the final explanation. It doesn't matter that it took you 4 years to finish it, I'm just so happy you did finish it. I've enjoyed that story very much with it intricate plot. And love the fact that everytime you gave answer to some questions, more questions pop up in my mind. This was a great story and I'm sure I'll be rereading it often. :) Take care and looking forward to reading another of your story in the future, no matter when that will be. :)
Chapter 37: Thank you for your explanation and story. I really enjoy it.
Beau1996 1380 streak #7
Chapter 37: Thank you for the detailed epilogue - I'm glad I read the story first though so I could develop my own movie in my mind !! This is one of my favorites and I was always happy to see an update!! Take care of yourself author-nim - rest and recharge!!!
Chapter 37: This had to have been a labor of love!
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 36: Wow.... Can't believe it is over already! I had been waiting (impatiently :P) for the ending but at the same time, I'm sad it is already over. Sorry if I was a pain and keep asking for update. :P I love this story very much and am very grateful you finished it. :)
I got a few questions:
- What happened to Onew? Since he gave his blue star to Minho, does it mean he will become old now? He is no longer immortal?
- For Taemin, since he got back, he doesn't have any recollection of what had happened? For him, live as usual for 6 months before he met Minho again?
- He said his brother was in the hospital and his parents is coming to pick him. So something change, since his parents are not death and his brother is also still alive?
- Is Jonghyun still there or is he gone back?
- Where did Jongin as well as the others that were present during the final fight gone?
- What is the future of Taemin and Minho? (you should have a second epilogue. :) )
So many answers, but so many more questions left....That has been the case from the beginning of this story. I really love it and I hope you will write many more. Can't wait to read your next one. :) Thank you so much for keeping us on our toes until the end!
Beau1996 1380 streak #10
Chapter 36: Was Jongin reliving a memory with Taemin before leaving and where did he go??

Such a good story!! I wondered if part of Minho's journey to save Taemin and accepting Onew's blue star would be giving up his demon powers.

Thanks for finishing your story!! So many times I come across a good fic only to realize that it has been abandoned! I'm already imagining what Minho and Taemin's life will be like now... 👏