Chapter 15

The Devil Besides Me

Thanks for patiently waiting. Happy new year everyone!



Taemin is glad Onew hadn't put him down yet, thinks it's probably good his legs are wrapped around Onew's waist. He would no doubt crumpled to the ground.

He doesn't know how long he's been hugging Onew, arms curved around the man's back clutching him like a lifeline. Onew's hand curled on his back, steady and warm, the other holding him up with practice.

When he finally felt ready he moves his head away from Onew's shoulder, to get down and apologize. But Onew didn't loosen his grip, makes no move to set him down. And when Onew looks at him with such warmth and concern, he could almost feel himself break under such gaze.

“Are you alright, Taemin?”

Honestly he isn't alright. Not now. He hesitates for a moment before answering, “I'll be fine, hyung.” He's rather proud of how even his voice sounds.

Onew sighs. “That's not what I meant.” Onew's voice is gentle but it doesn't stop Taemin from looking away. “You were dropped into my arms by Minho with no explanation at all and you look worse for wear. You don't have to be okay right away.”

This is why Onew is the best, his concern and understanding. The man is always patient with him that sometimes it makes him feel guilty for dumping his troubles on him. “I'm better now.”

Onew looks at him carefully that had Taemin fidget at his gaze. When he see what he wants Onew loosens his grip enough to give Taemin the option to either stay in his arms or get down. Finally down Taemin mutters an apology for the intrusion, attempting to leave when Onew has a hand on his shoulder.

“No way I am letting you go home alone today after all that happened,” Onew answers Taemin's surprised look with an unimpressed one. “You'll spend the night here, there is a reason why Minho left you here with me in the first place.”

Taemin flinch at the name. That's right. Minho is the one who saved him from the kidnappers. It's uncharacteristic to leave him with Onew as someone who will make sure he's alright.

But it was also Minho who had him be in such a terrifying situation. Minho in all that rage and power, fire burning around him, ready to burn a man in front of him. He still shakes thinking how terrifying he can be when he's also the one who saved him.

“I can't impose on you any more than I already have,” Taemin's cheeks visibly turn red remembering how he had been clutching Onew like a baby.

Onew shakes his head. “Just for tonight to ease this old man's worries.”

Taemin gave a hesitant nod in response – probably feeling much safer here with Onew than at home where Minho might be waiting for him. He doesn't want to see him, not yet.

He felt himself being carefully tugged into Onew's home. This is actually the first time he's in Onew's home. Usually when they hang out they would either go to Taemin's or Key's apartment, or even the cafe. It just feels cozy here.

He felt himself being lowered onto a sofa, hands carefully turning his chin left and right. He avoids meeting Onew's concern eyes checking over him.

“Hmmm... nothing that needs a bandage, not even a bruise,” Onew mutters his assessment. “For the most part you just looked roughened up and... burnt smelling. Let's have you cleaned up.”

Taemin watches Onew close the unused first aid kit before getting up to get something. For the short moment he was gone Taemin gingerly touches his neck where earlier Luhan had something sharp pointed at him. He's surprised there wasn't any blood or scar but the phantom pain of what happened still lingers.

He quickly puts his hand down when Onew comes back with clean clothes and a towel to shower. In the bathroom alone Taemin sighs, taking off his clothes to finally take a good look at the mirror.

He really doesn't look good, mostly from the dirt smudged on his face and hands. The clothes he'd been wearing are wrinkled and pin pricked with little holes from the vines that had binded him earlier.

Vines, who would have thought.

With the heaviness of the situation weighing down on him, Taemin took his shower. He scrubbed until his skin feels clean and bright pink. He would have stayed under the spray forever but he's at Onew's and he doesn't want Onew to suffer from the high water bill because of him.

Freshly cleaned he reluctantly left the bathroom wearing the clothes Onew gave him. They were a little big on him as he readjusts the shirt from sagging over his shoulder. He sees Onew exiting out of the bedroom. “Thanks for everything, Onew.”

Onew smiles softly, tilting his head to his bedroom. “You should head to bed, I'll join you shortly.”

Taemin frowned, objecting he could take the sofa instead. Onew just raises an eyebrow, not impressed as he ushers Taemin in, no excuses.

They end up sharing a bed but Taemin couldn't fall asleep. Half of his worries were imposing on Onew and the other half on what has transpired. Thoughts about his kidnappers but mostly on Minho. And the thought of Kai became an afterthought that made him feel a little bit guilty about not worrying so much about him.

“What happened?”

Taemin turns his head, Onew is laying on the other side of the bed staring up at the ceiling. Onew's eyebrows are pinched and his mouth set, biting on the inside of his mouth. He had been dreading when the question would pop up because he is still processing what happened.

And what he feels about Minho.

“It won't do anyone good if you don't talk about it,” Onew said, keeping his eyes on the ceiling. “And Minho showing up out of the blue to dump you in my arms has me concerned. I know you don't like me to pry but I can't do anything if you don't tell me. You're not a burden Taemin-ah, and you shouldn't have to deal with this alone.”

Taemin turns, his body curling up on the other side of the bed. Despite those words of love and concern he knows he's being a burden to Onew being like this. But he doesn't want to dump all his troubles on Onew who treated him very well.

“I'm still trying to figure it out,” Taemin mutters, clutching the blankets to his mouth. Without breaking down and crying all over you. “It's nothing serious.” In short of getting kidnapped and almost killed. “And I'm getting past that.” Because I realize the demon whose been hanging around is very dangerous. “I'll tell you soon.” After some time hopefully you'll forget by then.

He could hear a huff from Onew's side from the bed before there was some shuffling. He felt himself being pulled and pressed into Onew's chest, head tucked in. Onew's hand on his back felt large and warm, offering silent comfort he doesn't deserve to feel. He never noticed how muscular Onew is with all the oversized layers he normally wears.

“I'll hold you to it,” Onew murmured on the top of his head. “But just know we might not be able to get a good night sleep because you'll be thinking about it and I'll be worried about you.”

Taemin sighs, shifting himself to be in a more comfortable position. “I'm not a baby.”

“You're not,” he could feel Onew smile, but it's not as bright as he's used to. “How about a story?”

Taemin tilted his head at the out of the blue suggestion. But the way Onew holds him and the hand carding through his hair has him too comfortable settling in his arms.

“Long time ago in the land of Goryeo,” Onew recites, “A bright blue star fell from the sky. A young scholar who had been on a walk was the first at the crash. The bright blue star shines so bright in the dark, it beckons the scholar to come. The young scholar carefully picks up the blue star, fits in the palm of his hands. I'm so far away from home, the blue star cried, I don't want to be alone. Taking pity of the blue star the young scholar takes it home.”

Onew always has a nice voice that can calm even the most unruly customers. His voice is so steady and soothing Taemin finds himself listening on every word. He never heard of the story before but the way Onew sets the scene, even doing the voices that fits the characters personality is easy for Taemin to get into. With the soft beat of Onew's heart and the smooth cadence of his voice, eventually Taemin finds himself fall asleep.



After he dropped off Luhan at Changmin's, Minho returns to the wreckage to finish off the other 2 kidnappers. Unfortunately by the time he returned they had disappeared. Needless to say he had been pissed and destroyed the field until it looks unrecognizable.

Now he's standing outside of Onew's house, doesn't dare go in to take Taemin home. Not because he is wary of Onew but because of Taemin.

Taemin who had flinched from his touch, who looks at Minho like he's a monster.

Minho is a demon, Taemin's reaction is considered normal for a human. What he looked like back there must have been scary. That was actually how Taemin reacted when they first met.

And now they are back to square one.

“I would have invited you in but considering the circumstances with Taemin causes me to have some doubts.”

Minho's eyes flickers over to Onew approaching him whose wearing a bathrobe over his pajamas. The normally cheerful cafe owner is in a somber mood, joining to stand beside Minho, leaning against the fence.

“Is he alright?” Minho finds himself asking.

“He's in perfectly good health,” Onew replies. “Not even a scratch. Don't think I didn't notice your handiwork on him.” The frown on his face is more prominent. “But in terms of emotionally, I think you were also the cause of that too.”

Minho bites the inside of his lips to stop himself from lashing at Onew out of irritation.

“The boy won't say what happened,” Onew languidly turns his head at Minho. “So I'll need you to fill me in.”

Minho glances at Onew from the corner of his eye before looking away, arms crossed over his chest. “I handled it.”

“That doesn't tell me anything.”

Whatever game Onew is playing, Minho won't fall for it. It's none of Onew's business. They are far from friends and the only thing connects them to each other is Taemin who is sleeping soundly in the house. The only reason he puts Taemin in his care is because he trusts Onew enough to keep him safe while he deals with the pests.

“You and Taemin share the same bad traits of not being truthful.”

“It's not something you need to know.”

Onew frowned before stepping away from the fence he was leaning on to stand in front of Minho. Minho had to hold back his grimace.

“You put Taemin in my care with barely a notice who is covered in dirt and smelling like ash,” Onew said in a tone that's close to growling, meeting Minho's eyes with simmering anger. “He was trembling like a leaf, literally flinched when I mention your name. That boy is in my house traumatized from what happened and wouldn't tell me anything. So you best tell me what happened or I might reconsider your presence hanging around here.”

Minho narrows his eyes at the implied threat, neither one backing down. It wasn't until Minho closes his eyes and breathes out through his nose as he grudgingly recounts the events. His explanation is short and terse, just thinking about it would make him want to burn something.

Onew had returned to his original position standing next to Minho. He doesn't interrupt but his hunched shoulders and tense expression makes it clear he is just as affected. When Minho got to the end, Onew finally speaks. “Do you need help finding them?”

“No, they'll come out eventually,” Minho smirks unkindly. “It's only a matter of time.”

Onew carefully regards Minho over. “Are you alright?”

Minho looks at Onew surprised. “Why wouldn't I be?” he answers like it's the most absurd thing he's ever heard. “I handled those three by myself with no problem. Their powers came as a surprise but it does nothing against me.”

Onew shakes his head. “Not what I meant,” he clarifies. “After everything that happened, I don't think Taemin is the only one who went through something.”

Minho's not sure what Onew had meant. He came out of the fight just fine and saved Taemin. Other than letting the perpetrators get away what more could he meant? “What do you mean?”

“It has to do with Taemin doesn't it?” Onew points out. “You showed up out of the blue with Taemin in your arms. The whole time we've been talking I could see something is bothering you.”

Minho frowned. It's true that something is bothering him. These pests that pop up should take precedence but all he could think about is Taemin.

Taemin had been kidnapped and gotten hurt because of him. And when he went in to save him, Taemin had looked at him like he wanted to be anywhere but with him. He knows he shouldn't be affected but the way Taemin looked at him felt like his nonexistent heart clenched at the sight.

And the way Taemin said his name for the first time. With fear.

Being fond of the human, caring for the human whether it's his well-being or emotionally, Minho finds himself feeling lost on what to do. He tells himself this is weakness, Taemin's soul is one of a kind that he is getting ahead of himself.

It would destroy him and now he doesn't know what to do.

Minho crossed his arms, glance at Onew with a sneer. “Caring about a demon? What would that pompous angel say?”

“I care about you because you are a friend,” Onew evenly answers. “I may not look it but I knew since the beginning you've been hanging around Taemin before you showed your face. I didn't say anything but I kept a close eye on you and saw you're not as bad as you make yourself to be.”

Minho raised an eyebrow. "Looks like I didn't give you as much credit as I should. Also friend?! Don't poke your nose in places you shouldn't. Otherwise you might get burned for your trouble.”

Onew rolls his eyes. “I still consider it true up to a point,” he replies. “And the fact you were just as affected from the way Taemin reacted tells me a lot. The way you feel for Taemin and the way Taemin feels for you are valid. Give Taemin some time to process what he feels and hopefully you both can reconcile.”

His tongue feels heavy when he asks, “What has my feelings for the human got to do with anything?”

Onew shoots a knowing look. “You already know the answer.”



Xiumin was thrown against the wall, falling down to the floor hard. The back of his hand wipes against the bruise slowly forming against his cheek. All the members are present in the open area save for Kai and Luhan who couldn't be found. Their expressions grim, watching one of their members being punished.

Suho narrows his eyes. “I told all of you not to confront that thing because we have no idea what it is,” Staring down impassively. “And what did you do? You went behind my back just to lose.”

Xiumin glares back, his arms shaking to hold himself up. “I don't see you doing anything oh so fearless leader.”

“It's because of you we are down by two members,” Suho's voice close to a growl. “We have no idea where Kai and Luhan are and D.O. looks worse for wear.”

“Just be lucky I even brought him back with me at all!”

At that Suho growls, raising his foot up to bring it down intend to smash into Xiumin. Instead the foot connects to the wall next to Xiumin's head, the concrete breaks under the impact.

Lifting his foot up, Suho spun on his heels to leave. He stops by where D.O. is lying unconscious with Lay next to him healing his injuries. Feeling eyes on him, Lay turns around.

“When you're done with D.O., don't heal Xiumin,” Suho orders, glancing behind him at the subject of his ire. “He will need to learn his mistake.”

Lay gives a tight nod and returns to his work. Suho takes one last glance at the rest of the group before leaving, meeting adjourned. Most of them dispersed. Xiumin glares at anyone who glance his way as he hobbles out the door.

“Man, I never knew Suho could be this scary,” Chanyeol commented, sidling down next to Lay. “Just glad he's on our side.”

“Wouldn't you if something like this happened?” Lay gestures.

“Yeah but like damn bro,” Chanyeol shrugs, not the least bit put off. “Anyway aren't you curious what happened to them? Xiumin and D.O. looked like both of them were put through a ringer. And what do you think happened to Kai and Luhan?”

“Careful Chanyeol, you seemed a little too excited,” Lay points out. “Don't want Suho to hear you like this.”

A pained groan from D.O. caught both of their attention. Lay pats D.O.'s cheek. “D.O.? You awake there?”

“I remember.”

Lay and Chanyeol meet each other's eyes, turning to D.O. with confusion. “Remember what?”

“My name...,” D.O. murmurs, his head lolled to the side. “My name... is Do Kyungsoo.”



My new year's resolution is to hopefully finish this fic so I can get started on the next big project. And I do have a few smaller projects waiting to be revealed very soon so keep an eye out for it.

And while you wait for the chapter, did you see my SHINee gen fic Surprise!? I guarantee you'll enjoy it. If you enjoyed what I wrote make sure you subscribe, upvote, and comment! Until then see you next time.

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Thank you everyone for coming along on this journey. As mentioned I will be taking a long break to recharge and plan. I'll be fixing some of my fics here to be posted on my AO3 account TGIntentX. See you next time, bye!


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kisstomylips #1
Chapter 37: It is my pleasure to read such a great work. I was moved by the feelings of SHINee five people, gentle warm onew, reliable Jonghyun, sweet key, awkward and lovely Minho, like the sun of the Taemin. Happy to finally see the reunion of Minho and Taemin, demon hyeong and his little one will always accompany each other as humans, can not find a better ending than this.Thank you for such a beautiful work💕
Chapter 37: Nice 👍
740 streak #4
Chapter 37: I just finished the ending as well as your author’s note. This was such an enjoyable story - both plot and characters. I am definitely glad that you saw it to the end, I also can’t wait to see your next adventure.

Quick question, did Minho keep the blue star and that is what turned him fully human? Also, is Onew just human now, without his powers?

It’s also interesting that Taemin’s parents are now in his and Taecyeon’s lives. The saddest scene was when Jongin hugged Taemin. I am still in hopes that they can see each other again at some point. Lastly, Minho and Taemin remembering each other almost brought a tear to my eye, as I can picture the whole scene. Thank you so much for writing such a great fic and sharing it with us.
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 37: Thank you for all the final explanation. It doesn't matter that it took you 4 years to finish it, I'm just so happy you did finish it. I've enjoyed that story very much with it intricate plot. And love the fact that everytime you gave answer to some questions, more questions pop up in my mind. This was a great story and I'm sure I'll be rereading it often. :) Take care and looking forward to reading another of your story in the future, no matter when that will be. :)
Chapter 37: Thank you for your explanation and story. I really enjoy it.
Beau1996 1372 streak #7
Chapter 37: Thank you for the detailed epilogue - I'm glad I read the story first though so I could develop my own movie in my mind !! This is one of my favorites and I was always happy to see an update!! Take care of yourself author-nim - rest and recharge!!!
Chapter 37: This had to have been a labor of love!
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 36: Wow.... Can't believe it is over already! I had been waiting (impatiently :P) for the ending but at the same time, I'm sad it is already over. Sorry if I was a pain and keep asking for update. :P I love this story very much and am very grateful you finished it. :)
I got a few questions:
- What happened to Onew? Since he gave his blue star to Minho, does it mean he will become old now? He is no longer immortal?
- For Taemin, since he got back, he doesn't have any recollection of what had happened? For him, live as usual for 6 months before he met Minho again?
- He said his brother was in the hospital and his parents is coming to pick him. So something change, since his parents are not death and his brother is also still alive?
- Is Jonghyun still there or is he gone back?
- Where did Jongin as well as the others that were present during the final fight gone?
- What is the future of Taemin and Minho? (you should have a second epilogue. :) )
So many answers, but so many more questions left....That has been the case from the beginning of this story. I really love it and I hope you will write many more. Can't wait to read your next one. :) Thank you so much for keeping us on our toes until the end!
Beau1996 1372 streak #10
Chapter 36: Was Jongin reliving a memory with Taemin before leaving and where did he go??

Such a good story!! I wondered if part of Minho's journey to save Taemin and accepting Onew's blue star would be giving up his demon powers.

Thanks for finishing your story!! So many times I come across a good fic only to realize that it has been abandoned! I'm already imagining what Minho and Taemin's life will be like now... 👏