Chapter 11

The Devil Besides Me

Wow, a lot of stuff happened in October. This fic made it past the Chapter 10 benchmark and 70 subscribers. I'll be sure to work hard on the coming chapters soon.

I was lucky to catch Key's insomnic Insta live in the afternoon and cursed my timezone for Taemin's Insta live because I was going to sleep (He was eating lunch or breakfast, i have no idea but he ate a meal and cereal like a mad man). Onew did a promo of serving bungeoppang to his fans which I find it very cute and Key visited to support him, just love it!! Word from the grapevine that Minho turned down his vacation to train the new recruits in his platoon. What do we expect from our kind-hearted idol <3 

And congrats to TVXQ Changmin for getting married! Wishing you nothing but happiness, good sir.

Warning: You can't have a SHINee fic without mentioning chicken



“Thanks for helping me, boys.”

Taemin yawned for what seems the hundredth time, sleepily gave Onew a smile. “No problem, hyung.”

Taemin, Onew, and Key are at the market place early in the morning. They and a couple of old folks are waiting for the warehouse to open up.

Onew is the only one who looks energetic and ready. It really is too early for a college student like Taemin to be up so early when he doesn't have class. Like normal college students he spent the night online till almost dawn. Key isn't faring much better but pulls it off; wearing his designer sunglasses to hide his dark circles fatigue and sipping on iced coffee.

Taemin is leaning against Onew with his chin tucked on his shoulder. He smacks his lips and wearily looks around. “I can't believe there are a lot of people here this early. I thought the sale would go on for at least another 3 days.”

Onew sighs, patting Taemin's head sympathetically. “Most of the good stuff are sold this early and cheap,” he said. “We can get our money's worth and buy in bulk. Normally I wouldn't bother with this because of the hassle but the company who normally ships me the supplies were delayed.”

“It's not that early honestly, Taemin is used to having afternoon classes,” Key loudly sips his coffee. “Why can't Mir be here then? He's your actual employee.”

“He didn't pick up his phone,” Onew shrugs. “I closed the cafe today so I'll make it up to the both of you.”

Taemin had dozed off again, his head jerked back and is wide awake for a second before his eyes drooped. He eyes Key who is sipping his coffee in a relaxed manner. “Key, let me drink it.”

Key elegantly arched his eyebrow behind his dark sunglasses and continues to sip his drink loudly. He intentionally finishes the whole drink in one go, letting out a huge sigh when he finishes. “I told you to get some before we leave,” he smugly replied to Taemin's dirty look. “We even stopped by Angel-in-us-Coffee and you didn't get anything.”

“I think at that time Taemin was asleep in the car,” Onew defended. “I knew I should have bought extra.”

The warehouse finally open for the people to go in. There were all types of things on sale ranging from fish to cleaning supplies. In the hustle and bustle of the crowd Taemin blearily follows Onew work his magic. Onew is used to this type of environment that it comes with ease when picking things he need.

By the time Onew got all that he needed, Taemin is finally wide awake. Mostly because he is using all of his energy to carry Onew's stuff. When they finally left the warehouse Taemin gave a shout of relief as they put their purchases in the car.

“I don't know how you can stand it, hyung,” Taemin complained, leaning his whole body against the car. He's so exhausted he doesn't care about his clothes getting dirty from the dust on the car. “It feels like we've been in there forever and you had so much stuff to buy. Have you not heard of online shopping?”

“I don't make it a habit to do this but unfortunately desperate times calls for desperate measures,” Onew replies, patting Taemin's head. “C'mon, as thanks I'll treat you good food today. It's a little bit early for food though – there's a huge walkway there near the river. We can go check it out.”

Taemin blearily nodded before looking around. “Where's Key?”

“I think he's still in the warehouse,” Onew frowned. “He still have my pandan powder.”

When Key finally arrived they made their way to the walkway that Onew was talking about. There were people jogging or biking but there is a pedestrian walkway with benches and tables for those who wanted to rest. They kept to the pedestrian walkway, looking out to the river flowing next to them.

“I swear Onew, you've been holding out on me,” Key gushes. “That place is a good deal – had I known I would have gone there a long time ago.”

“I don't make it a habit to go there too often,” Onew replies. “It's too much work and it gets real crowded.”

“I want to sit down,” Taemin complains, dropping down on the bench nearest to them with Onew and Key following suit. “We been walking for a while.”

Onew fondly shakes his head. “Aigoo~ You're young Taemin, you should have a lot of energy,” he said. “An old man like me have to take it easy.”

“I don't know why you complain for,” Key pointed out. “We didn't walk too long – ”

Whatever Key has to say cuts off, as Taemin and Onew looks over to where Key is looking at. A little bit away they can see Jonghyun jogging towards them. Jonghyun is wearing a tank and shorts, with earphones playing his music. His muscles glisten from sweat and flex with every bounce. The sun shines breaking through the treeline casting a warm orange glow behind him.

Taemin blinks and shakes his head. He looks over at Key who is enraptured by the sight. “You're drooling, Key.”

Jonghyun slows down and gives the group a tired yet sigh-worthy smile. “This is a nice surprise to see you all here.”

Taemin has to give a hard nudge into Key's side to get it together. “Y-yes it's nice,” Key stutters. “Surprise!”

“They're helping me with my shopping list,” Onew smiles, shoots a knowing look at Jonghyun. “You're kind of far from the city to be jogging here.”

“I get lost in the moment,” Jonghyun shot back almost immediately, his smile stiff on his face. “And I start real early.”

“Wow really?!” Taemin looks at Jonghyun with an amazed look. “That's real dedication.”

Jonghyun gives Taemin a fond smile but it dropped when he sees something. Taemin looks over his shoulder and felt the same way.

It's Minho.

Minho walks toward them with purpose and nonchalance air. His sophisticated designer ensemble along with dark sunglasses hides his seductive eyes can be compared as strutting down the runway. The treeline block the sun rays casting shadows in his path and when he looks up his eyes seem to glow. His sinful appearance alone has pedestrians do a double take and even trip on their feet.

It only fills Taemin with annoyance and worry. Even more so when Minho's devilish grin smiles straight at him, coming his way.

Key looks over his shoulder in a bored manner. “Taemin, your stalker is here.”

Minho approaches them, tucking the sunglasses into his pocket. “Well hello there.”

“Hello Minho,” Onew greets Minho pleasantly. “Are you also jogging in this fine weather?”

“Well why would I want to do that?” Minho purred. “I don't need to make some pitiful excuse to meet you all.”

Taemin frowned at what Minho is getting at. Jonghyun had met the Minho's gaze with a glare and a pursed lip, stepping up to him.

Jonghyun looks up and down like he is judging Minho's worth before answering. “And I don't need to wear a suit to overcompensate my short comings.”

It almost felt like hell froze over. Through the whole interaction Taemin noticed he is being subtly moved to stand behind Jonghyun and Key, who is also glaring at Minho. Only Onew is acting normal, not caring or being awkward of the impromptu staring contest.

The stare off would have continue if it weren't for Onew, clapping his hands for their attention. “Okay then. Now that everyone is here, let's go and eat. I know a really good fried chicken restaurant around here. Minho, Jonghyun, you are welcome to join us.”

Sometimes Taemin wonders if Onew is short on social cues. He tries to give a nudge or a hint that this might be a bad idea. No dice.

“Sounds fine to me.”

“Of course.”

They both accepted the offer. It's lunch time when Onew led them to a small hole-in-the-wall restaurant. It's almost packed with avid fried chicken lovers but luckily they got their own table for the five of them.

The prospect of tasty fried chicken still couldn't diminish Jonghyun and Minho's little glaring war, sitting on opposite ends of the table. And Taemin is stuck in the middle inwardly sweating, hoping Minho would calm down or leave, which ever comes first before bodily harm.

Onew pours everyone their drinks while waiting for their meal. “This place is really famous for how they make their chicken,” he explains with a dreamy expression. “The crispy gold batter, the hot thick meat – when you eat and hear that perfect crunch you just know that what you're eating is like no other.” He shoots a pointed look at everyone, particularly at Minho and Jonghyun. “So you guys better not ruin it. I'm being particularly generous and ordered enough for all five of us. My treat.”

At that Minho and Jonghyun reluctantly turn their glares away, opting to stare at the table or the wall. They make quite a pair, two sulking friends, even if one of them is a demon. Taemin looks at Onew impressed, maybe he isn't as oblivious as he thought.

The server finally came with their order, Taemin could practically feel Onew vibrating in his seat next to him. Pieces of fried chicken stacked high into two large plates. Onew wasted no time putting on his gloves and taking the first piece when it got to their table. They all followed suit in a much slower pace.

“Be careful, it's still hot.” Onew rips a big piece and offers it to Taemin to eat. “Aaahh~”

Taemin eats it out of Onew's hand, makes a happy sound. “This is so good – no wonder you were so excited for this.”

Onew nods, satisfied as he breaks off another piece. “I don't mess around with fried chicken.”

“Yah Onew! Stop feeding Taemin like that,” Key scolded. “He is not a baby!”

“I just can't help it,” Onew pouted. “Just watching him eat makes me feel fulfilled and hungrier for my love of chicken. But don't worry, I didn't forget about you.” He offers a piece to Key. “Aah~”

“The batter is oily for me,” Key sniffed before taking the offered piece. “It's going to mess up my face. But I have to admit, this is very good.”

Taemin subtly looks over at Minho and Jonghyun. They both just barely touch the pile. “Aren't you going to eat?”

Minho unsurely takes a chicken from the pile. Following what the rest of them did; he rips the chicken, dips it into a mixed sauce, and eats it slowly. The whole time Taemin watches him closely, similar as that time when Minho ate ramen. He could surely feel everyone at the table is watching as well. When Minho swallows, Taemin prods him. “Well? How is it?”

Minho had a blank look and answers, “It's acceptable.”

Taemin lets out a sigh of relief while Onew recoils beside him. “Acceptable?! Blasphemy! Have you no taste buds?!”

"Maybe he's used to eating souls instead of real food," Jonghyun muttered quietly, barely inaudible. He had been picking at his piece picked up the pace to avoid Onew's ire. “I'll eat it well,” eating his piece and hopefully going unnoticed.

Key throws a ketchup packet at Minho's head. To Taemin it feels like a movie moment when you know the killer is right behind a victim. All he can do is make aborting motion that goes ignored by everyone at the table.

“You just unleash Onew the chicken maniac,” Key hissed. “Now eat the chicken like your life depends on it.”

Minho looks like he's in a state between wanting to throw himself at Key or burn Key alive. That's how Taemin perceives the demon's thoughts with Minho's eye twitching and the shaking fists as indicators.

Taemin gave a forced laugh. “That's how Minho say it's good,” Taemin stutters out an excuse, subtly puts an arm across Minho's front as a precaution. “He doesn't normally eat fried chicken so that's actually a compliment.”

Minho glance at Taemin like he couldn't believe the lie and audacity. It goes ignored as Taemin takes a piece and breaks it off, offering it to Minho to eat.

"He just needs to try it a second time," Taemin said. "Here."

Minho looks down at the chicken offered by his human close to him. Taemin wants him to eat it out of his hands.


But upon a second glance at the rest of the table's reaction, he doesn't argue. Grudgingly Minho consumes another piece from the pile, making a satisfied noise for good measure to appease them. It actually tastes better than the first bite. "It's good."

Of course chicken tastes good with a lot of people eating it together. After awhile the group fell into a somewhat comfortable pace. Soon the pile of fried chicken diminish until all that is left is nothing but crumbs. Even then they still nitpick the small pieces to consume.



They left the restaurant sated and full and returned to the walkway where they all met. When Taemin and Key left to get drinks, the tension between Minho and Jonghyun came back in full force leaving Onew to be the moderator and a limited time frame to resolve.

“I thought I already made it clear to the two of you that I don't want any fighting,” Onew said in a tired manner. “I couldn't enjoy my chicken properly because of you two.”

Jonghyun glares. “How can I stand by and do nothing when a demon is planning to make a meal out of an innocent boy?”

Minho smirks. “It's the fact that you can do nothing that I am still here.”

Onew makes a frustrated noise, pinching the space between his brows. Fed up with the two ethereal beings' behavior, he grabs both of them by the shoulder and pushes them down on the bench to sit. It stunned both the angel and demon as it was impossible for a normal human to do so. But they both know Onew is not a normal human, they don't even know if Onew is a human.

With the two sitting down, Onew looms over them intimidating. “Listen carefully boys,” Onew said, low and dangerous. “My day has been going perfectly well so far. I finished my shopping list, I have two of my favorite people accompanying me, and I ate fried chicken. So whatever fragile measuring contest you boys got going on doesn't belong here.”

Onew points at Minho. “You can drop the act, Minho. It's getting annoying and painful to watch. The sooner you see the truth of what you feel for Taemin, the better for all of us and we can move on with our lives. Just know we all care of the health and well-being of Lee Taemin.”

The accusation had Minho snarl, his fangs lengthen, his eyes blazing gearing for a fight. “If you think you can tell me what to do – ”

But Onew doesn't seemed bothered, his hand right in front of Minho's forehead ready to flick him. Minho had look at the hand cross-eyed, even offended.

“I'm not done yet,” Onew said with quiet anger in his voice. He lowers his hand when he is sure Minho will listen. "You do not want to test me."

Onew rounded on Jonghyun with an irritable gaze who had been edging himself away from the limited space of the bench. “Minho won't be eating anyone's soul lest of all Taemin's so you can relax. You are literally encouraging Minho's misbehavior when you are being antagonistic towards him. Angels – demons, you both have things in common and fail to realize – you could be good friends.”

Probably not the right thing to say about eternal sworn enemies since the beginning of time. It had Jonghyun and Minho make exaggerated disgusted retching noises, moving as far away from each other that Onew would have allowed.

“Okay fine, you don't need to be friends. Just don't kill each other, is that hard to ask?” Onew gives a tired sigh, looking up to the sky for strength. “Just know that if the both of you are planning to stick around, you can't be mean like this to each other. So you both best behave.”

Jonghyun slowly stands up, his gaze calculating as he glances at Onew to Minho and then to Onew again. He knows better than to pick a fight but also knows not to blindly take a mysterious being's words granted.

“I'll be civil if the demon can do the same,” Jonghyun tilts his head. “Just know I'll be around more often to keep an eye on the both of you; I don't trust either of you.”

“That's perfectly fine.”

Minho roughly gets up, hands shoved into his coat pocket. He leers at Jonghyun before narrowing his eyes at Onew. He inwardly gloats that he is taller than all of them. “Who are you to tell us what to do?”

“Oh it's a simple answer,” Onew replies with a calm smile. “I'm the hyung here.”

Taemin and Key finally comes back with the group's drinks unaware of the shovel talk that had occurred.

Onew sips at his drinks and feels refreshed, giving the group a happy smile. “We should do this more often.”

No one in the group argued and yet no one agreed.



“Taemin-ah! Can you come here for a second?”

Taemin had just return from his outing when someone calls for him. It was Mrs. Kim who lives downstairs. She and her husband owns a convenience shop one block away. They adore him like he is their own son, letting him take drinks and snacks whenever he wants. They often deny his money but with some force on his end for them to accept his payment.

He stops by her apartment and sees boxes by the door. “Taemin-ah, I was wondering if you can help me take these off our hands,” Mrs. Kim said. “We're emptying out the room and found some stuff here that might be useful to you. Some of the clothes here are a little too big for you but I feel you might grow into them.”

Taemin opens one of the box and picks up a shirt. The clothes look nice even though is well worn. Mrs. Kim was right that the clothes are a little too big on him but nonetheless he will accept. “Thank you, Mrs. Kim.”

“No, thank you,” Mrs. Kim lightly pinches Taemin's cheek. “Originally we were planning to put these in storage but we don't have enough room. We thought about donating them to the church but for some reason the thought of it doesn't sit right with us.”

Taemin puts the shirt back into the box. “Who does this stuff belong to?”

“I suppose it must have been my nephew when he came over to stay for awhile,” Mrs. Kim replied, making a thoughtful expression. “But I don't remember him living here long enough to accumulate so much stuff. When I called my nephew about it, he said he doesn't want to come over to pick it saying it will be a hassle. He lives in Suncheon so that's pretty far.”

Taemin nodded. “Well thank you for giving them to me. They are in good hands.”

He declined Mrs. Kim's offer to help him carry the boxes. The boxes on top were light but the bottom boxes are heavy. It took some effort to bring all the boxes to the elevator and moving them to his apartment. By then he was so tired and sweaty he laid face down by the entrance of his shoes.

“You could have helped me carry the boxes,” Taemin murmured, his face squished on the floor.

Minho had been lounging on the sofa, amused of his human struggling with the boxes. He goes over to the prone human and lowers himself on his hunches by Taemin's head. “I could have, but I didn't.”

Taemin turns his body up, looks up at Minho with an angry pout. “Then what's the use of you – just watching me suffer?”

“You could always make a contract with me to grant you powers,” Minho suggested, a wicked grin spreads on his face. In the privacy of Taemin's apartment he doesn't have to hide what he truly is. “Super strength, speed, etc., carrying those boxes would be a breeze for you. Don't worry, I'm not so cheap about the deal.”

Taemin scoffed, putting his cool arm on his hot forehead to cool down. “I am not going to sell my soul for powers to do chores. I'm no chump. What do you take me for, demon hyung?”

Minho shrugs and gets up. He picks up all of the boxes with ease, some with his arms and some with his powers, and brings them into the apartment so that it won't block the entrance. Taemin glares at the demon before getting up to join him.

Minho opens a box and Taemin takes out a shirt to measure it across his body. “Mrs. Kim was right. These clothes are big on me but they sure will fit you. These are actually quite fashionable. Why don't you change into them?”

“Unnecessary,” Minho puts the shirt back into the box. “I can change my clothes with a snap of a finger.”

“Wait a minute,” Taemin shakes his head. “Do you mean to tell me that you have a closet somewhere in hell and with a snap of a finger you just change clothes? I thought you just wear a suit everyday because you have nothing to wear.”

Minho gives a look. He quickly finds something in the box and throws it at Taemin. “Why don't you try this one? Looks like you'll fit into it.”

Taemin held the shirt against his body. “I had the exact same shirt when I was in high school for gym class. It's strange, I wonder if they have the same school uniform because this is my size but the rest of the clothes are big.”

“Maybe Mrs. Kim's nephew grew out of it,” Minho suggested. “That explains the size difference.”

“And goes to my high school? What a coincidence, I'll have to ask Mrs. Kim about that,” Taemin studies the shirt. “I swear this shirt is exactly like mine but I don't know where mine is anymore. Probably threw it away I guess.”

Minho sniffs the box before he sniffs the shirt in Taemin's hands. “Strange...”

“What is it?”

“These clothes smell strange but the shirt that you claim is yours also smell strange yet it smells like you,” Minho frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. “In fact some of the items in here smells strange too and even some of the items here smells like you.”

Taemin gives a thoughtful look. “Maybe we use the same detergent. I don't know, demon hyung – you smelling things is weird enough. Like a police dog – are there any drugs in there?! Should I be worried?”

Minho pinches Taemin's cheek. “Brat...”

“Ouch,” Taemin rubs his cheek, pouted. “I'm just kidding.”

It took a while but Taemin managed to move all the boxes into a spare room. All the while Minho looks on impassively. “I think I smelt this scent before...”

Satisfied with his hard work Taemin grabs 2 banana milk from the refrigerator and drops down on the sofa. He pokes his straw in and holds it out for the demon to take. Minho looks at the offering weirdly before carefully taking it out of Taemin's hand. Taemin shrugs and pokes a straw in for his own banana milk while getting the remote for the TV. “Demon hyung, what do you want to watch?”

Minho sits beside Taemin, carefully watches the human. He's just sipping his banana milk while scrolling through the selections. He's fully aware of the dangerous demon taken a near constant presence in his wake and yet doesn't shy away.

After a while Minho asks “Why do you call me that?”

Taemin tilts his head at the question. “What do you mean?”

“Demon hyung,” Minho frowned. “I've never had anyone call me that.”

“Well you are older than me,” Taemin explained, slowly. “And you are a demon. A boy demon – unless I was mistaken, sorry. Do you not like what I call you?”

“I do not mind, just curious,” Minho takes a moment to think before answering, toying with the straw in his mouth. “I have been alive before the first kings of Korea and I am of course a demon.” Minho finishes his banana milk in one go. “Demons don't have assigned gender. We are created that way. We exist as is and if there is a gender we prefer then we formed our physical appearance as such. Those who choose the female gender would often seduce their prey while the male gender would dominate and over power their prey.”

Taemin makes a thoughtful noise. “I never thought about that before,” he said. “So the reason you choose a male form is because you want to dominate and over power your prey?”

“I am comfortable to be male but there are lots of reason why,” Minho explained. “I can dominate and over power my prey, seduce my prey with this appearance. But I can also take on a female form and do the same as I am a male. But that's not why I am choose this.”

Minho gives Taemin a knowing grin. “It's because this is the form that you most desire. Isn't that right, little one?”

Taemin's cheeks colored, turning his head away. “What?! No way! I did not – ”

“Somewhere in you desires this form. It may or may not have to do with your preference but not entirely,” Minho makes his empty banana milk container disappear. “I notice I share some of the same qualities as that brother of yours and that actor you favor.”

Taemin bits the inside of his mouth, putting his banana milk on the coffee table. “I guess you're right in a way. My brother is tall and handsome – he's so confident that he's not afraid to get what he wants. I'm not jealous of him, just envious that I won't be able to grow the same way as him.”

Minho reaches out, tucking some strands of hair behind Taemin's ear. The movement feels so natural but for a demon this goes against their nature. Taemin had looked up, surprised at the gesture and meets Minho's eyes. Taemin's eyes filled with curiosity and weariness, looking up at the demon for his next move.

Minho blinks surprised of his own action, breaking eye contact first. He turns his head away, feigning nonchalance. “Humans grow in different paces, they won't grow the same unless they are clones under the same circumstance. The way you are right now is something that your brother can't hope to emulate and even find envious.”

Taemin's eyes widened, moving close to Minho. “Like what?”

Minho fought the urge to back away, to not show emotions uncharacteristic of a demon. “Well for starters you have youth on your side,” he listed on the top of his head. “Your features are much softer than that of your brothers, which in Korean standard of beauty, is the most sought out feature.”

The smile that was creeping up on Taemin quickly turns into a pout, turning away and slumps on the sofa. “But I don't feel the same way,” crossing his arms over his chest, “and people are always hurrying me to grow up and get out into the world, not just because of my looks. I'm not smart as most people in my class and I double guess on my answers. I just don't feel ready yet at all.”

A human's shortcomings is something demons take advantage of. This is an opportune moment for Minho to bind Taemin into a contract. He could seduce Taemin with the promise to use his powers to fix his appearance. Taller, stronger, handsome. All he has to do is to apply some persuasion, a force of suggestion to his words, and Taemin's soul is his to claim.

But the idea doesn't sit well with Minho. To see his human feel unsure of himself and depressed stirs something inside. His hand twitches to reach out for him but he stills himself, fought the urge that he bit the bottom of his lip.

“Nobody is really ready for what the world will throw at them,” Minho finally said, putting some force in his words. “And what you are right now is satisfactory. Your presence of being draws people in, easily making friends and having them look out for you. It makes them feel safe and relax being with you. You're earnest in a way that is hard to find in today's society. Your innocence is what I truly say is the best of your qualities.”

“My innocence?” Taemin wrinkles his nose at the word. “I don't think I'm innocent. Sure I don't steal or murder but I know about... stuff...”

“Stuff...” Minho echoes the word with amusement. “Innocence is not something that can be easily described to a human. But I tell you, Lee Taemin, it is what I like best about you.”

Minho breathes out through his nose, having said what he wanted. He doesn't dare to look at Taemin beside him. The human shouldn't expect the demon to be supportive. There was nothing to gain from being nice, it's not in their dictionary.

Which is why he didn't notice until a warm weight leans against Minho's shoulder. He glances down wide eyed, a mop of fluffy hair meets his vision. Taemin has his head against Minho's shoulder. He doesn't shy nor shrug away from the contact as he could only stare at what the human is thinking doing such a thing.

“Thanks, demon hyung,” Taemin muttered, quietly picks up the banana milk from the coffee table and resumes consuming it.

Minho blinks, doesn't say another word. He wordlessly takes the forgotten remote and chooses something random on the TV. The feeling of having Taemin besides him is not something that he is familiar with. He doesn't hate that feeling and deep down hope they can stay like this a little longer.



No this is not a fried chicken cf chapter (not sponsored but I was craving it when typing it). Have you noticed a lot of korean shows have mukbangs all the time, it's practically their culture.

Self-promo time: Last week or so I made a new 2min oneshot fic Alluring. Give it a read when you get the chance and show some love.

Also check out my for things like my doodles. I made fanart of demon Minho for this fic and there might surely be more SHINee fanart in the future (I don't post the pic here because of the hassle of resizing the picture. If anyone has an easier to do it, please let me know.) I just need the practice and motivation to do future fanart and fics. If I get followers and some support (likes, reblogs, comments) I'll be sure to post fic ideas and updates, I might even do teasers and requests. I'm friendly and if you're shy, DM me :)

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Thank you!
Thank you everyone for coming along on this journey. As mentioned I will be taking a long break to recharge and plan. I'll be fixing some of my fics here to be posted on my AO3 account TGIntentX. See you next time, bye!


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kisstomylips #1
Chapter 37: It is my pleasure to read such a great work. I was moved by the feelings of SHINee five people, gentle warm onew, reliable Jonghyun, sweet key, awkward and lovely Minho, like the sun of the Taemin. Happy to finally see the reunion of Minho and Taemin, demon hyeong and his little one will always accompany each other as humans, can not find a better ending than this.Thank you for such a beautiful work💕
Chapter 37: Nice 👍
750 streak #4
Chapter 37: I just finished the ending as well as your author’s note. This was such an enjoyable story - both plot and characters. I am definitely glad that you saw it to the end, I also can’t wait to see your next adventure.

Quick question, did Minho keep the blue star and that is what turned him fully human? Also, is Onew just human now, without his powers?

It’s also interesting that Taemin’s parents are now in his and Taecyeon’s lives. The saddest scene was when Jongin hugged Taemin. I am still in hopes that they can see each other again at some point. Lastly, Minho and Taemin remembering each other almost brought a tear to my eye, as I can picture the whole scene. Thank you so much for writing such a great fic and sharing it with us.
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 37: Thank you for all the final explanation. It doesn't matter that it took you 4 years to finish it, I'm just so happy you did finish it. I've enjoyed that story very much with it intricate plot. And love the fact that everytime you gave answer to some questions, more questions pop up in my mind. This was a great story and I'm sure I'll be rereading it often. :) Take care and looking forward to reading another of your story in the future, no matter when that will be. :)
Chapter 37: Thank you for your explanation and story. I really enjoy it.
Beau1996 1381 streak #7
Chapter 37: Thank you for the detailed epilogue - I'm glad I read the story first though so I could develop my own movie in my mind !! This is one of my favorites and I was always happy to see an update!! Take care of yourself author-nim - rest and recharge!!!
Chapter 37: This had to have been a labor of love!
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 36: Wow.... Can't believe it is over already! I had been waiting (impatiently :P) for the ending but at the same time, I'm sad it is already over. Sorry if I was a pain and keep asking for update. :P I love this story very much and am very grateful you finished it. :)
I got a few questions:
- What happened to Onew? Since he gave his blue star to Minho, does it mean he will become old now? He is no longer immortal?
- For Taemin, since he got back, he doesn't have any recollection of what had happened? For him, live as usual for 6 months before he met Minho again?
- He said his brother was in the hospital and his parents is coming to pick him. So something change, since his parents are not death and his brother is also still alive?
- Is Jonghyun still there or is he gone back?
- Where did Jongin as well as the others that were present during the final fight gone?
- What is the future of Taemin and Minho? (you should have a second epilogue. :) )
So many answers, but so many more questions left....That has been the case from the beginning of this story. I really love it and I hope you will write many more. Can't wait to read your next one. :) Thank you so much for keeping us on our toes until the end!
Beau1996 1381 streak #10
Chapter 36: Was Jongin reliving a memory with Taemin before leaving and where did he go??

Such a good story!! I wondered if part of Minho's journey to save Taemin and accepting Onew's blue star would be giving up his demon powers.

Thanks for finishing your story!! So many times I come across a good fic only to realize that it has been abandoned! I'm already imagining what Minho and Taemin's life will be like now... 👏