

“Nako... isnt my biological child.”


“Nako... isnt my biological child.”


“Nako... isnt my biological child.”


Chaeyeon's head was going to burst any second now. She has too many questions on her mind, and she's dying to know the answer. But she cant open to speak.


While Sakura just stared at her reaction, probably expecting that this will happen.


The older girl let Chaeyeon process it and just held her hand tight.


“What?” The ash blonde haired girl could only mutter. She doesnt know what words to use since her mind's a mess. She was beyond shocked at the revelation.


Sakura snorted. “I always knew your reaction will be priceless. If you could only see your own face. By the way, is there any item on your pocket? Your phone or wallet?” She asked making Chaeyeon more confused than ever but she still replied anyway.


The taller girl slowly shook her head, her brows arched in confusion. “No, i left everything at my bag. Why are you suddenly asking me this when you literally revealed something very shocking i—” She was cutted off when the older woman rolled her eyes.


“You know what? Just shut up and swim.” Sakura said with a smirk and pushed her to the pool before she could ask more.


She lets out a shriek before her body hits the water and slowly sunk.


Meanwhile, Sakura just laughed and also went to the water.  The three girls giggled in a delight when they saw the two older girls finally swam after flirting endlessly— as Nako said it.


Chaeyeon gasped for air when her head finally got out of the water and choked when she felt some excess liquid went up into her nose. She glared at the older woman who's chuckling while swimming away from her. “Why did you do that? I'm wearing jeans!” She shouted before chasing the girl.


Of course she failed to catch Sakura since her jeans made her pace slow. After sighing in defeat, she just went to the kids and just hugged Nako who's wearing a floater.


The kid laughed wholeheartedly as they spin slowly to the water.


Sakura went up to the taller girl who's playing with her daughter and jumped on her back, snaking her arms on Chaeyeon's neck and wrapping her legs on the taller's waist.


It made Chaeyeon blush and her heart started hammering again.


They continued playing like that until they got tired and finally decided to dress up.



Chaeyeon was wrapping the clean towel to her shoulders to lessen the coldness she felt lingering on her body, she's still wearing the clothes she used for swimming.


She helped the three kids to take off their clothes and wrap some towels on them before sending them to Nako's room. Sakura was nowhere to be seen, she went missing a while ago when she was busy ruffling Gowon's hair with a towel.


She fixed the things at the table before finally deciding to go to Jinsoul's room and ask for some spare clothes since her place was close to the indoor pool. She would also just mop the floor later, she doesnt want to bother the two Japanese workers to clean the water that came from her clothes.


After putting the glasses on to the tray, she was about to go out when Sakura entered. She's still drenched and also like the taller girl, she only had a towel at her shoulders and she's holding a plastic bag.


The older woman extended her arm. “Here.” She said. Chaeyeon just didnt questioned her and grabbed the bag before scanning what's inside.


“Oh... It's clothes.” She whispered making Sakura chuckle a bit.


“Yeah. I'm the one who forced you to swim so i lend you some of my clothes. You can wear if for the mean time. I swear the undergarments are still new and clean! But that t-shirt, i wore it once or twice. I picked the most comfortable one so yeah. Just follow me, i'll lead you to the spare room. You can shower and dress there.” Sakura explained before walking away.


The taller girl followed her with hesitation.


They walked in silence. Chaeyeon's eyes was only focused on Sakura's back. Her mind was running again.


I still cant believe it... That's why Sakura doesnt have a husband or whatever


Because she's too busy thinking she didnt noticed the other girl stopped walking, her body crashed against Sakura's back, making her stumble backward a little.


“Hey, you okay?” The older girl asked worriedly. Chaeyeon nodded, embarrassed. “Yeah. I'm sorry, i'm just thinking a lot of things.”


Sakura smiled. “Sure you do.” She said, opening the door infront of them. She gestured the ash blonde haired girl to enter first and Chaeyeon did.


The taller girl slowly entered the room. It's a little bit bigger than her apartment but this room looks much more elegant and cozy.


“This room is yours for the meantime. You can use it as long as you want. It's the nearest room at Nako's room and my room.” She said, closing the door before walking towards her.


Chaeyeon didnt know why her heart flipped when Sakura did that. She nervously shifted a little bit away from the older girl. “Thanks for lending me clothes and a room.” She muttered before putting the bag in the middle of the queen-sized bed.


The older girl nodded. “Alright then. After you freshened up. Please go to my room, and we'll talk. Okay?” She asked, eyeing the taller who nodded immediately nodded at her command.


She threw a small smile on her before walking to the door and opened it. “Dont worry about Nako though, i asked Sana and Momo to play with the three kids while we discuss something later. I'm sure you already know where my room wad at. See you later then, Chaeyeon.” Sakura had said and gave her a nod before finally going out of the room making the taller girl breathe freely.


Chaeyeon cant breathe properly when she was alone with Sakura always. The attractive woman had this effect on her, and it's very bad.


After calming down, she finally went to the bathroom to shower. She's eager to know Nako more.


She didnt took long to bath and dress. As soon as she wore the clothes that Sakura lend her and dried her hair, she immediately went to the corridor to go to Sakura's room.


While she walks towards there, Chaeyeon would sniff the older girl's huge pink shirt and will squeal because it's exactly what Sakura smells like.


She halts when she saw the familiar huge mahogany door at the end of the hallway. But before she go there, she checked Nako's room. She saw the three kids playing with toys while Momo and Sana was watching them at the couch.


Chaeyeon gave the two Japanese girl a nod and closed the door before striding towards the door. With racing heart and a deep sigh, she slowly and carefully opened the door, making some creaking noises. She spotted Sakura almost immediately because the latter was sitting on the couch of her mini living room and she's reading something.


The older woman looked at the door when she heard it open and tossed away the book she's reading. She gave the newcomer a smile, “Sit.” Sakura ordered, patting the space beside her.


The ash blonde haired girl slowly took a step to the mini living room, scanning the unfamiliar surroundings. She still havent saw Sakura's room, Nako only pointed where the room was located— It's not like Chaeyeon can enter the room of her boss without her permission.


And as Chaeyeon expected, everything looks so elegant and expensive but it's cozy. She would never dare to touch the older woman's things.


What shocked her was a huge shelf of mangas between the shelves of law books. It was neatly organized and it's tempting Chaeyeon to read it.


Sakura's full of suprises


“You can borrow my mangas if you want.”


Chaeyeon quickly turned her head around and slightly blushed. “Someday. This shelf really looks badass though, it's at the middle of the shelves full of history, law, and business books.” She mumbled, slowly settling herself beside Sakura, she sat far away from the latter as possible.


“Hmm. Thanks. I did not want this shelf to be left out, so i decided that i'll just blend this in with those books. It's really cool, yeah?” The older woman said and smiled.


Nodding, she continues to scan the room. She also felt a gaze on her.


Next thing she knew, she felt a warm hand grasped her arm and pulled her. The ash blonde haired girl lets out a small shriek when she felt a force pulling her and stumble a little.


Chaeyeon looked up just to be met with Sakura's deep stare. The older woman was still holding her arm and was looking down at her with those sharp eyes.


“Why are you so far away from me? I dont bite,” Sakura paused, making the younger tilt her head.


The ash blonde haired girl saw how a smirk formed on Sakura's luscious lips before continuing. “That hard.” She said and even wiggled her eyebrows in a teasing manner.


Chaeyeon blushed so hard. “S-Stop.” Her heart was bursting.


The woman laughed. “I'm just kidding, you really looked like a tomato right now.” She teased making the red faced girl grew even more hotter.


“Anyway, let's talk about my sunshine now. I felt like i need to get this another heavy feeling out of my heart.  I want you to know everything, Chaeyeon.” Sakura turned serious. The ash blonde girl recovered and nodded but there's this part she cant understand.


“But why do i need to know everything, Sakura-chan? Why me?” She cant help but to ask. Out of all people, why her? She's just a mere babysitter of her daughter but why she's acting that Chaeyeon was more than a worker of her? She's getting confused. First, her family and childhood. Now, about her daughter.


It's very personal, like Sakura said— she doesnt like saying some personal stuffs but why she's opening so much on her. How did she earned Sakura's full trust in just two months? Is she that special? She's just typical, if you will ask her.


Sakura smiled sweetly at her making the thoughts vanish. “Because you're special to me, Chaeyeon.”


It's the only answer she wanted to hear. She hopes the special means something more but she wont take the risk, she still going to be hurt in the end no matter what happens anyway.


Chaeyeon doesnt want to assume.


The ash blonde haired girl smiled fakely. “I'm flattered.” She weakly answered.


Sakura noticed that, she's examining Chaeyeon's facial expression and trying to read her mind but she failed to do so. Chaeyeon's smiling but her eyes wasnt, and it's not sparkling like it do when she's talking with her.


Maybe i said something wrong?


“Uhmmm. Where should we start? How about when i met my real three friends?” Sakura started, trying to lessen the tension. She saw how Chaeyeon gave her full attention on her, so she went on.


The familiar ache on her chest slowly haunts her, but she needs to be strong.


“So i was forced to live with my father in Japan right? I thought Japan was just Korea— very harsh but it's actually better, i met three people that proved me that i'm also alive, and not just some android. The first one i met was Jo Yuri, we crossed paths on a orientation— she's also new to Japan and a full Korean. We became friends just like that, she's a year younger than me. Like normal people's reaction when i said i'm thirteen and already a senior, she's shocked but she still treated me just like her grade-level friend. Next was... Riko,” She momentarily paused and lets out a sigh.


Chaeyeon felt the despair and sadness from that heavy sigh and the latter really looked hurt when she mentioned the name.


Something bad must be happened


Sakura uncomfortably scratched her nape and went on. “She's a senior and my classmate. In my class, she's only the one who treated me nice. She's like an older sister to me, and protected me from the bullies. We became close and a little while, she became close with Yuri also.” She said, while Chaeyeon remained listening well.


“The last one is, Murashige Anna,” She paused again and bit her lower lip.


The ash blonde haired girl noticed the hesitation and pain. She knew that something was going on with her and that Anna girl.


After a few seconds, Sakura continues.“I met her through Yuri, she's classmates with her. We clicked instantly. Then, as the day pass by, we four became closer than ever. They're the one i lean onto. They're my everything. Suddenly, something happened. We're teenagers and sometimes, we fall in love and was craving for love. That happened to me and Anna. We fell in love on each other.” She revealed, and avoided to meet the ash blonde haired girl's gaze.


Chaeyeon didnt expected that, really. That must be the girl that Yujin was referring to when she said that Sakura had a girlfriend in the past, she thought.


But why does it hurt so much? She felt a pang on her chest. She wanted to tear up because when she saw Sakura's eyes, it's full of sadness and pain. Maybe, the older girl still havent moved on. It kills her.


“Everything was going fine. We loved each other dearly while Riko and Yuri supported us. Until me and Riko graduated college. I flew back to Korea and just to know that my mom died. When i went back at Japan to collect myself, Riko got by her ex-boyfriend and Anna went missing. I thought i'll be okay and will move on at the death of my mother but when i came back, my love just left me without a notice? It's so hard, and it's so devastating. Anna was forced to go to the States to study by her parents and didnt properly bid good bye at us. Then, Riko got pregnant— no one can support her because her parents are already dead and that scumbag ran away from his responsebilities. I really almost went crazy that time, no one can keep me sane because Anna was only the person who comforts me and makes me feel everything was fine. But jokes on me, she suddenly left me.” She said before chuckling bitterly.


The ash blonde haired girl chewed her inner cheek and sighed. The way Sakura tells about her ex-lover bothers Chaeyeon so much.


“Me and Yuri did our best to make Riko and her baby healthy. It's very hard, i'm still mourning over my mother and i'm still brokenhearted because of Anna while i'm trying to support Riko's. Can you believe that? I went through all of that when i was only sixteen, a minor. My evil father knew about this and offered me a help, because i have such a huge pride  i refused it and worked my off. Yuri also got some part time jobs while studying. Everything went fine until Riko finally gave birth.” Sakura paused again and looked at the girl beside her.


Chaeyeon's breath hitched when she finally got it.


No way in hell....


“She died after she gave birth to a little angel we named Nako. We took care of the child, we dont have any heart to give her away. I wanted to repay Riko's kindness to me. Yuri cant take care of Nako everytime because she's a graduating student while i need to work but she needs my attention and care. I finally lowered my pride for Nako, i begged my father to give me that Airline because i want that kid to live comfortably and happy. And here we are.” She said before smiling sadly.


Chaeyeon covered and gasped. She expected that Nako's real mother was Riko, but she was really suprised that she died.


Sakura suddenly stood up and went towards a table in the corner before picking up a picture frame. She examined it with a smile before going back to the couch. The ash blonde haired girl took a peek and saw four women happily looking at the camera.


“This is Jo Yuri, Yabuki Riko, and Murashige Anna.” She pointed the girls who's with her.


Yuri has this warm vibes on her and she literally looked like an angel. She also looks the calmest among the three.


Riko, she really looked like her daughter. Nako was a mini version of her. She also got this cheerful and cute aura around her like Nako has. She's also the smallest among the three.


While Anna— Chaeyeon felt so little when she saw the girl whom Sakura loved so much. Anna is super gorgeous and looked humble, unlike Chaeyeon. She cant compare herself to her. Anna got those pretty eyes, perfect nose, kissable lips— The girl got everything that's why Chaeyeon was not shocked when Sakura fell in love with her.


Chaeyeon was just nothing.


She liked girls like that? Guess who's gonna cry in the end?


“You must really love her so much huh?” She mumbled so sadly.


Chaeyeon doesnt know what to feel— should she be jealous? angry? sad? hurt? She doesnt know anymore. She's already numb.


Sakura quickly turned her head at the sad tone of the taller girl— she looks defeated yet there's no even a competition. Her gaze softened.


“Let me correct you, loved.” The older woman retorted, making Chaeyeon look up at her. She just threw her a small smile before interwining their hands together. The action made the ash blonde haired flinch.


“I dont feel the same way like before. After leaving me— us alone, you think i'll still love her the way i do before? I'm not dumb, Chaeyeon. Maybe there's still some left, but that feeling was no longer that strong. She's one of the few people i consider everything so i cant completely just despise nor forget her existence.” The woman explained, looking down at their interwined hands.


After hearing that, Chaeyeon felt so hopeful, so confident. Sakura doesnt have any strong feelings toward that Anna girl anymore, just the clarification she needed to be happy.


The ash blonde haired girl cupped Sakura's cheek with her free hand and lifted it up to meet her eyes. She stared at her lovingly.


“Your past was horrible than i expected. You went through hell. I can feel all the pain you are feeling. All i wanted to say is, i'll make your present much better than it is.” Chaeyeon said while caressing the other girl's cheek.


Sakura stared at her, not amused. “Why not present and future? You'll only going to make my present better? No future?” She asked.


The ash blonde haired girl gulped and bit her bottom lip. “I cant promise what i'm still unsure of, Sakura-chan. Everything can happen in the future, good or bad. Destiny was cruel, i wont take the risk.” She reasoned.


Chaeyeon was scared of what will everything turn out. She doesnt want to leave a promise. Besides, Sakura wont even like a girl like her but what the older woman was acting when she's around make her think wrong. Like she said, she dont want to assume, she'll be hurt— she doesnt want to experience too much pain.


Sakura smiled before putting her free hand on top of the ash blonde haired girl's hand that was caressing her cheek. “I'll make sure that i will be on your future. I'll do my best to fight the destiny. I cant just give you up when you already mean something more to me.” She said, smiling sweetly.


Chaeyeon's heart started to race once more, her stomach was full of butterflies.


Oh god, please dont give me false hope


“W-What?” The taller girl could only mumble because she's in awe of what Sakura had said.


The older woman chuckled. “I can already see my future with you, dork. I cant imagine without you in it. You started as my daughter's babysitter but soon, you'll be my daughter's other mom.” She announced with her infamous idiotic grin.


Chaeyeon's mind was blank and she's malfunctioning. She's too overwhelmed to think properly. Her hand also felt weak so from her cheek, it landed on her shoulder.


“I— i...” She doesnt know what to say because her lips were trembling.


Sakura chuckled a bit at the other girl's cuteness before slowly leaning in. The ash blonde haired girl froze as Sakura's face slowly gets closer at her's.


“You dont need to say anything. Just stay still, Chae.” She muttered, her eyes glued at the latter's lips and slowly s her hand at Chaeyeon's nape. Oh how Sakura craved to taste that luscious lips of her. Everytime the taller girl would pout, Sakura just wanted to kiss it forever.


Sakura's going crazy because of Chaeyeon. And Chaeyeon felt the same to her.


At first, they were indenial but they knew something already bloomed at their hearts. They were unknowingly whipped for each other. They're unknowingly quite possessive to each other.


The ash blonde haired girl gulped when she saw how Sakura's eyes was only focused on to her lips. She officially lost it when the older woman slowly closed her eyes and leaned closer that Chaeyeon can feel her breath. She aint dreaming, right?


So in reflex, she also closed her eyes, waiting to be kissed.


She can almost feel Sakura's soft lips on her. Her breath hitched. She's going insane.


When Sakura was about to press her lips on Chaeyeon's plump one, they heard a door banging and squeal after.




Chaeyeon hastily opened her eyes and  pushed Sakura on the floor in reflex before turning at Nako with a awkward smile and definitely a red face.


The little girl blinked and smiled. “Oh, Chaeyeon-unnie! You're here! I was searching for you. What are you guys doing? Why did you push Mommy off the couch?” Nako asked before skipling closer to them.


Chaeyeon pinched her nose awkwardly before nervously laughing. “W-Well, we're playing some game t-that... uhm— when you lose, the winner will push you suddenly!” She lied, laughing again and looked at Sakura who's already sitting on the floor while rubbing her head.


Sakura glared at her and pouted. “Yeah, baby. We're playing some game. But you need to be an adult to play that game.” She said while staring at her daughter. Nako gasped before jumping into her mother's arm.


Chaeyeon covered her face in embarrassment.


“I didnt know you were such a loser, Mommy! You never lose at games.” The little girl said and turned to red-faced Chaeyeon.


“Maybe it took you a while to win over her!” She chirped before clapping her hands.


The ash blonde haired girl caught that smirk on Sakura's face. “Yeah, it took her a while. We're both dumb.” She snorted.


I know there's double meaning on it!


“Wow, okay! I'm going to play that when i turn adult!” Nako yelled happily and the older woman piched her cheeks.


“Hmm. If you didnt suddenly entered, something might happen more. Something exciting. Well, i guess there's next time, right Chaeyeon?” Sakura said with a smirk and threw a pointed look at the embarrassed girl.


Chaeyeon didnt answered and just looked around, avoiding the older woman's gaze.


Nako beamed. “Eh!? What is it?” She asked curiously. Sakura just ruffled her daughter's hair. “You'll know soon.”


The little girl sadly nodded and pouted. “Okay... Anyway, i asked Kaeun-unnie to cook food for us! Let's go to the dining room now, the food must be already finished!” Nako shouted before getting out from her mother's grip.


Sakura slowly stood up. “We'll be right there. Go first, okay?” She said to Nako and the little girl nodded with a smile before Naruto running outside.


When there's no Nako in the room, she turned to Chaeyeon who's obviously hiding her face with her golden hair but Sakura can see that she's peeking.


“We're not done yet, Lee Chaeyeon.” She said while smirking then threw a wink at the girl before going outside.


Chaeyeon was sure she's going to die because her heart cant seem to calm down.


Did Sakura confessed to me?—  Stupid, she literally tried to kiss you!


She tried to calm herself down first before standing up and stared at the direction where Sakura went to.


“She's a confident gay, huh.”


First of all, Merry Christmas 🎄! This is my present to you guys, i hope im not late

Second, please excuse my errors because this was rushed i'll edit them later huhu im sleepy

So Sakura literally confessed, uhm... What do you think? Writing down a character's feelings... I'm not good with that kind of things, i'm more used to expressing their feelings through talking so sorry of it's badly written i'll improve in the neat future lol

Btw, Yabuki Riko is only an OC. Just think of her as Nako but with short hair and a little bit taller. Plus just imagine that Sakura can really WINK jshdhsbshsbshshs

And i chose Anna as her ex because she's the closest to Sakura in HKT? imma right?

I can also assure you that there wont be no more drama in the next few chap, just fluff! See you on the next update guys~ muah!

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Thank you again for supporting this crappy story of mine until the end :] i will be forever grateful to you guys! Love ya WIZONE and KKUCHAEN NATION !!!!! <3333

see you on my next works!


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Giefany #1
Chapter 21: love this story, curious about jangchae and hyebi couple, hope there side story ... but really love this, goodluck author ^^
alexandrarbd065 #2
Chapter 8: Rereading this story, I love it!
227 streak #3
I saw this while browsing my list of subscription.. and now i want to re read it.
1762 streak #4
rereading this masterpiece again! no matter how many times I read this, it's always good!
sclocksmith #5
Chapter 34: Oh, wow! Thank you for this special chapter, Jero!
Chapter 34: Thanks for this kid. Its really a stress reliever.
1762 streak #7
Had this sudden urge to read this again and boy it’s good every time I read this story!!
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 33: thank you so much author-nim, keep support kkuchaen!! hihihi nako is waiting for a little sister awww