


“Hey, Chaeyeon. Wanna hang out later with us?” Hyewon said, full of cupcake. Eunbi playfully slapped her arm and scolded her.


The ash blonde haired girl hummed. “I dont know... I need to babysit, Nako.” She replied before turning her attention on the book again.


She heard Yena snickered beside her. “Pshh! It's been more than a month or two since you worked there and we havent hung out for a while! Is Nako more important than us?” Her friend sadly asked, leaning her head closer to Chaeyeon.


“In a time like this? Yes. I need money, you cant provide me shelter and food.” She answered flicked Yena's forehead.


The younger girl rubbed her forehead and growled at her. “Ugh, I swear Lee Chaeyeon.” She whined and comtinued eating her lunch with a grumpy expression.


Minjoo laughed because of Yena's face and almost choked on her juice.


The oldest among them, Eunbi spoke. “I really want to hang out now because for sure when Saturday comes, Soonyoung will borrow some money from me again.” She said while writing down some notes.


Chaewon turned to the reading ash blonde haired girl. “I'm sure Sakura wont mind you being late at your work. Jinsoul can take care of Nako for the meantime.” She said and took out her phone, ready to call the woman.


Chaeyeon looked at her in horror and tried to get the phone from the shorter girl. “Noooo!” She shouted, earning attention from the students who's also in the cafeteria.


Minjoo looked at her, weirdly. “Woah, Chaeyeon. When did you ever loved your job? You will kill for a day-off.” She remarked before snorting.


Chaeyeon awkwardly laughed before looking at Eunbi. She narrowed her eyes on her which means help. But the older girl just shrugged.


She then turned to Chaewon who's also looking at her suspiciously, and her brow was arched. “Uhhh... It's e-embarrassing if i will request some few hours. I-I dont want S-Sakura to think that i'm d-ditching my job and just taking a-advantage of her kindness! Yeah, t-thats it...” She said, rubbing her nape awkwardly.


“Sakura isnt the kind of person who judges people easily by just doing a small thing, Chaeyeon. I swear she will understand. Besides, i'm the one who will request though, why so nervous?” Chaewon said before slowly putting down her phone.


Before Chaeyeon can respond, Yena spoke. “Yeah! It's so weird seeing you act like this Chaeyeon. And is this Sakura, your boss? Why do you look like you're afraid of her? As what Chaewon said earlier, she doesnt look like she's scary at all.” She asked, before putting a spoonful of rice on .


The ash blonde haired girl scoffed. “She's a CEO of an Airline, Choi Yena.”


Her friend squinted eyes on her. “I know. But she's not the one you're babysitting though.”


“It's her daughter, fool.”


“Dont glare at me like that! One more and i'll think that you're ditching us for her!” Yena yelled, raising her chin up.


Chaeyeon blushed but immediately recovered. “It's n-not like that! I-I dont want to lose this job! The pay is high and there's free food.” She reasoned.


Yena made a face and Eunbi smirked.


“Or you dont wanna lose her.” The oldest whispered suddenly and all of the girls in the table turned their heads in her.


Chaeyeon looked at her with wide eyes while the others was confused. Eunbi pursed her lips and mentally facepalmed.


“What do you mean? Who are you taking about?” Hyewon asked, while munching some chips. Minjoo and Yena looked at each other and blinked.


Chaewon was just calm and Chaeyeon's nervous as heck. Her eyes darted on Eunbi.


Fix this mess, you hag!


The oldest faked a laugh and scratched her head before making some excuses. “I mean, s-she doesnt wanna lose Sa— Nako! The kid is easy to b-babysit, of course, kids like that are r-rare these days! Hahahaha, yeah. Chaeyeon's lucky.” She stuttered before downing her iced tea and smiling brightly at them.


Chaeyeon sighed in relief and unknown to them, Chaewon was observing them with spy eyes.


All of them started doing what they're casually doing. Chaewon just silently thinks.



In the end, Chaewon still called Sakura and as expected— the woman agreed in a blink. The ash blonde haired girl slumped her shoulders in defeat and sighed while the oldest just patted her back with a smirk.


“I wont see her today. I'm sure she's already at her office when i came for work.” Chaeyeon sadly mumbled making Eunbi laugh and then ruffled her hair.


“Aww! It'll be fine, Chae. You'll see her tomorrow for sure. For now, just enjoy, will ya? We havent go out for a long time. Being broke !” The oldest assured and wrapped her arm at Chaeyeon's back.


The younger pouted and looked at her other friends who's happily walking a little bit far away from them— except for Chaewon, she's reading a book as she walks beside Hyewon. They really looked happy. They couldnt hang out often like in junior high times, they have way more responsobilities now because they're graduating students plus their jobs so they can support themselves.


Chaeyeon felt guilty all of a sudden. The guilt slowly started eating her up as she realized that her friends wont be that happy when one was missing at their hang out.


She cant believe she rejected them, just to see the love of her life for just a minute. She's so selfish, love made her selfish, she guess. Her friends was the first one who entered her life, they're so loyal and trustable friends. When her parents abandoned her, they're the first one who helped her. They gave her temporary shelter and food to eat. Although there's a time they cant help her, like if she needs money but they dont have any to lend some because like her, they're also working. Chaeyeon can see the sadness and guiltiness in their eyes when that happens. They tried their best just to help her in many ways.


She realized, even if her friends clown her, they still care and love her.


God, even if they're crackheads i love them... I guess i need to pay them back little by little


The ash blonde haired girl sighed before jogging up to the others while Eunbi follows her. She went infront of them, making them stop on their tracks.


“What's the matter?” Minjoo spoke with a confused expression. Yena puckered her lips and blinked at the taller girl who's blocking their way.


Chaeyeon slowly smiles before taking out her new bought black wallet and waved it. “My treat today since Yena failed her Math quiz today.” She announced happily and grinned like an idiot.


Instantly, Yena glared at her and jumped at her. “You dont need to remind me i at Math and you're not!” She said before playfully choking Chaeyeon in her arms.


The taller girl laughed, and unwrapped Yena's arms on her neck and clung on one of them. “So, do you guys want ramyeon or samgyupsal or both?”



Chaeyeon opened the front door of the Miyawaki's house and immediately called for the kid who's probably waiting for her. “Nako-chan?! Where are you? Chaeyeonnie is here, sorry if i'm late!” She shouted as she took off her shoes and proceeded to go inside.


She scratched her head in confusion when she didnt heard any squeal or response. Nako always make some cute noises when she heard her voice even if the kid's in the second floor or backyard.


Shrugging, she went to the spacious living room and saw no one there. Nako usually watch Naruto or One Piece at this time but she didnt find any small figure sitting on the huge couch.


When she finished glancing around the room, hoping she could find a certain small girl— she then proceeded finding through the long and wide corridor, there, she saw two maids cleaning the super expensive framed paintings.


The ash blonde haired girl strides towards them, and the two maids turned around when they heard a approaching footsteps. “Oh, Chaeyeon. Hey.” One of them named Momo greeted her with a warm smile.


She smiled back. “Uhm, where is Nako?” She asked. Momo hummed and thinks for a while before turning to her friend, Sana who's grinning like an idiot.


“I dont know, i just got here. How 'bout you, squirrel? Did you saw Nako-chan?” She asked, rubbing her nape. Sana beamed brightly and her eyes sparkled.


“Yes! They're at the indoor pool.” She chirped before swaying around.


Chaeyeon's eyes widened. “What?!” She squeaked.


There's an another pool here beside the huge one at the back of the house!? But even if there is, why are they swimming? It's almost November and it's getting colder!


“Where is the pool located?” She asked, and ready to dash after they give her the direction. Momo pointed the end of the corridor.


“Just go straight then left—”


“Then there's another left and right, go to left again then just walk, you will see a glass door and that's where is the indoor pool located!” Sana butted in and made some noises. Momo smacked her head. “Dont in, you squirrel.” She scolded and Sana pouted.


Momo turned to her again. “Yeah. They're must be there.” She said and Chaeyeon nodded eagerly.


“Okay, Thank you!” She shouted before running towards where the two instructed to. She heard Sana yelled from a far. “No problem, Chaeyeon-chan! Ohyo ohyo!~”


She reached it after a minute and when she reached the glass door Sana's referring to, she heard some giggles and shouts. A very familiar one.


She pushed the door open and her socks and feet felt wet, so in reflex, she squealed in shock and jumped away from the mini puddle.


She looked around, transparent walls greeted her and there's huge pool in the middle— Nako, Gowon, and a unfamiliar child was looking at her.


Nako immediately ran up to her. “Unnie!!!” She shouted while Chaeyeon crouched and opened her arms.


The little girl stopped infront of her and didnt jumped into her arms, The ash blonde haired girl looked at her with confused face. “I'm wet, unnie. I dont want you also to be wet.” she answered with a big smile.


Awwwwww!! This kid


“Smart.” Chaeyeon mumbled and ruffled Nako's wet hair.


She heard another light steps going towards them so she looked up and saw the other two kids.


“Hey, Gowonnie and...” She greeted with a smile and threw a pointed look at the new-face girl. The chubby-cheeks kid flinched in suprise and instantly hid behind Gowon's back.


Nako smiled before grabbing the kid's hand then dragged her infront of the ash blonde haired girl. “This is Honda Hitomi! My bestfriend! She's super shy because she doesnt know how to speak Korean well like me. Please use Japanese on her, unnie!” She said and pointed at Hitomi.


The chubby cheeks girl was flustered and blushed before hanging her head low, keeping quiet. Chaeyeon's heart warms again at the sight.


She putted a big grin on her lips. “Hello there, Hitomi. I'm Chaeyeon, Nako's babysitter. How are you?” she asked in Japanese before shifting closer to her.


Hitomi looked at her with wide eyes making her even more cute. “Y-You can speak Japanese?” She squeaked.


The taller girl nodded eagerly. “Yes, so dont be shy on Chaeyeon-unnie. Hmm? You can talk to me.” She said before ruffling the girl's hair.


Nako beamed. “Unnie, where did you go? You're late.”


She turned to the other girl again. “Sorry. Unnie went out with her friends. Wait, are you three only here at this pool? There's no one watching you guys!?” She asked and looked around, there's no other person. She immediately took off her socks and threw it at a basket beside the door.


The little girl shook her head. “Nooo! Of course not! Mommy just went out to get us some drinks.” She answered.




Before Chaeyeon could ask, the door behind them suddenly opened— and she turned around to see casual Sakura while holding a tray full of drinks. She also looked shocked as well.


“Oh, Chaeyeon. When did you arrived?” Sakura asked before putting the tray at the table near them.


The familiar tingling sensation from her stomach acted up again when she saw the certain woman.


The taller girl scratched her head. “Just a little while ago. Wait... Why werent you at work?” She asked before lowkey checking out Sakura— the attractive woman was just wearing her casual clothes. Chaeyeon blushed after doing that.


“Well, i need a break too y'know? And besides, Hitomi went here.” Sakura replied before getting two glasses of orange juice. “Hey kiddos. Get your drinks here. Dont drink while you're on the water, okay?” She announced and the three kids quickly grabbed their glasses before skipping beside the pool and dipped their feet on to the water.


The older woman extended her arm. “Here. I actually brought extra one for you for later. Good timing, i guess.” She said and handed the glass of juice to the flustered girl.


With shaky hand, she slowly took it from Sakura's hand and thanked her. The latter just gave her a nod and went to the side of the pool while sipping her drink while Chaeyeon followed her.


The older woman also sat down at the edge of the pool and dipped her feet at the water and the ash blonde haired girl did the same. She first rolled the hem of her pants above her knee.


Chaeyeon yelped when she realized that the water is hot, she blinked in confusion and curiousness crept out to her so she dipped her hand and swayed it underneath.


A pool can be this hot!? This is definitely not an hotspring


The woman beside her seems to noticed her confusion about the pool's water was warm. “I purposely made this pool can change its water's temperature so if Nako wants to swim in a hot water, she can go here. Like now, when it's winter.” Sakura said while staring at her.


Chaeyeon nodded in amazement.


Damn, this rich woman


They watched the three girls giggle and laugh everytime Gowon made some jokes about witnessing Jinsoul banging her head at the table yesterday until they finished drinking their juice and started to swim again.


Chaeyeon looked at the woman again before throwing a question so it wont be awkward. “Is it really fine that you wont work today? I mean, i'm already here.” She asked. Sakura turned her head.


The taller girl hissed at how close they are on each other. Chaeyeon can even hear Sakura's breathing.


“Yes. I can take rest whenever i want, actually but things are complicated.” She responded, and the ash blonde haired tilted her head in confusion.


Sakura took another sip from her juice before continuing. “My job there was only to sign some papers and approve the planes to flight and land. And call the board if there's a problem. Oh, and also make the Airline is alright. That's it.” She said.


Chaeyeon was shocked, and not satiesfied at the answer. “That's what CEO of an Airline only do? I thought CEOs' works are really heavy to the point that you cant really rest.”


Sakura shrugged. “Some CEOs are like that, very workaholic. I beg to differ. I already hired people to make my job easier. Smart move, right? I can also work here at home, i just need to approve some documents.” She answered looking down at the water.


“Then if that's the case. Why dont you just work here at home and just take care of Nako?” Chaeyeon asked.


The woman chuckled. “I already did that. Probably in my first year as a CEO. I often stay at home to work and just focus on Nako. Then, something happened. Because i'm so busy taking care of Nako, i almost killed hundreds of people. Like i said, everyday different thousands of people are on my hands. After that happened, i decided not to slack off. Nako was actually the one who pursued that i should focus working and she understood. You dont know how much i love and look up to that kid.” She answered with a big grin on her face while staring at her daughter.


Chaeyeon was once again, amazed.


Nako, she's a brilliant child. Sakura must be so lucky to have her.


“Heh, you dont look like a person who slack off. I'm bewildered.” Chaeyeon joked and sipped on her juice. The older woman laughed it off.


“That's why i have two me. You probably noticed that? The true Miyawaki Sakura, she's also likes to slack off and just really dumb.” She answered.


The woman sighed suddenly. “I'm glad you earned my trust and made my ice stoned heart warm. You made me happier.” She admitted shyly.


Chaeyeon awkwardly laughed and tried to ignore how her heart started to race again when Sakura revealed that. “W-Woah! Hahaha, w-welcome. I'm grateful that i m-made you happy hehe.” She stuttered, trying to hide her red face.



Awkward silence.



Chaeyeon decided to continue the conversation. With last courage she had, she spoke while trembling.


“Uhm... About Hotaru Airlines. Why here at Korea? Not on Japan?” She asked, playing with her fingers.


Sakura shifted closer, just a little bit. She noticed that and frozed on her spot.


“I'm half Korean if you dont know. And my main office is located at Japan.” She revealed with a smirk.


Chaeyeon choked with that and almost fell into the pool because of shock.


She turned her gaze on the woman with wide eyes. “What do you mean?”  She asked.


Sakura laughed and wrapped her arm on the ash blonde haired girl's shoulders. Chaeyeon flinched at the sudden skinship.


“My mother is Korean and very important to me so i decided to built the Airlines here but my main office was located on Japan. Everyday i go to Japan, actually.” She responded.


“Huh!?” The taller yelped.


“Why are you so shocked? The flight is only one hour.” Sakura looked at her.


“Very hard working...” Chaeyeon muttered making Sakura laugh again before whispering something.


“That's CEO Miyawaki Sakura for you.” She winked. Chaeyeon's heart raced once again.


They stayed like that for a while. They watched the kids play around like that.


“Wanna know about my family? I just felt like i need to tell you.” Sakura suddenly spoke.


Chaeyeon looked at her. “No need to...”


Sakura smiled. “I want to.” She insisted and started fixing their position into more comfortable one— the older girl rested her head on Chaeyeon's tensed shoulder.


Chaeyeon knew she cant stop Sakura from telling her stories. And she also wanted to know anyways.


She heard Sakura sighed before started speaking.


“I didnt came from a perfect family. I came from a broken one. My Dad was the heir of a huge company in Japan while my Mom is a flight stewardess, and she didnt came from a wealthy family unlike my father, she's working her off to live. Then, one day, my Dad had a business meeting at  Korea and my Mom was the one who assisted him. My Dad asked her out the moment they landed and the rest was history. A few years later, they got married and i was born. Everything was okay and perfect even though my grandfather from my father's side was against the marriage. Until, my grandfather retired and passed the company at my father. He was forced to go to Japan to manage the company. Me and my mother stayed here at Korea because my grandfather might bother or harm us. Dad will visit us once a week then turned into once a month then thrice a year. They grew a part as day passes. My Dad changed so much after getting that position. He wont answer any call or messages. He even didnt appeared on my birthdays or didnt send any messages.” Sakura said, her breathing started to get rigged.


Chaeyeon bit her lips and stared at her worriedly.


Her childhood was really... ed up


The woman sighed and closed her eyes for a second before continuing. “I didnt hated my father that time and just understood him. I did everything i can do when i was in school. I aced my test, and got the highest grade then teachers decided to accelerate me. I tried my best to excel all of my older classmate so i can brag it to my father that i'm doing good and he will be proud of me. I just focused studying, i didnt even had friends or whatsoever, my main goal is to excel. My mom, she got worried about me but she focused on missing my father more. Then, my father, he didnt appeared anymore. I was ten that time. Two years after, my mom decided to go to Japan and search for my father. We found him, but he's not the father i know anymore. His personality and attitude changed. He doesnt care anymore about us. He filed a divorce and threw my mom away at Korea and he took me. That's the worst years i had. I thought he will change but he became worse. He controlled my life. When i was in school i was scared, sad, and depressed. Good thing, i met Yuri, Anna, and Riko— they made my life normal, they made me feel that i'm also a human. When i graduated when i was sixteen, i rebelled and flew to Korea. Then my relatives greeted me with...” She stopped and her sighed deeply.


Chaeyeon unknowingly held her hand tight.


“T-They said, my mom.. d-died year ago because of cancer. I was devestated. My world turned black. My life was meaningless of all a sudden. That was the worst day of my life. I-I didnt even spend a day with her, i didnt got to glance at her face for the last time. Worse is, we last saw each other when she got dragged away from my father's house, begging and crying. I thought of killing myself that time because me, being alive was meaningless without her. I thrived at Japan with my father ruling me over and i did everything so i can go back to her, but i was a year late. She's the reason why i still keep breathing and going. Then, one of my auntie gave me a box. It's full of letters from my mother. And the letters was for me. After reading it, i changed my mind. She wanted me to be happy, and continue living because she's watching me from above. So i did as she wished but i still didnt know my purpose of living at all. My father gave me choice what business should i take from him because i'm not interested with his empire. I said Airlines and he gave me what i wish. I renovated that Airlines and made it better. Why Airlines? My mom loved travelling and planes, she always liked the feeling of flying in the sky. Why Hotaru? It's Japanese of Firefly. Me and my mom always catch fireflies at night, she introduced it to me in Japanese because when Dad and her was still so inlove with each other, they also liked to chase fireflies when they're in Japan. That Airlines was dedicated for my mother... That's it, i guess.” Sakura said, and smiled sadly.


She felt her body was so light and everything felt so right. The heavy feeling was already gone after bottling it up to herself for years. She managed to tell her horrible past to someone without breaking down, well— she almost. She cant even tell Yujin the whole story but she managed to tell it to someone whom she just met two months ago? Chaeyeon is special to her, more than special.


She looked at Chaeyeon and was suprised that the girl was teary eyed. “Why?” She stuttered.


The ash blonde haired girl sniffed before cupping Sakura's cheeks and wiped her tears. “You're very brave, Sakura-chan. I adore you.” She whispered with a smile.


Sakura's heart flipped. She stared at Chaeyeon's features. This girl really make her heart go crazy and make her go nuts. She's aware that she's on danger.


Maybe, loving once again wont hurt, right? 


Instead of answering, the woman held her hand and sadly smiled. They stared at each other like that. Their minds running.


They snapped in reality when Nako splashed some water on them. The little kid snickered and made some disgusted faces.


“Mommy! Chaeyeonnie! Stop flirting and swim, my god!” She joked before swimming away from them.


Chaeyeon blushed and tried to distance herself from the other girl but Sakura held her hand tight and interwined their fingers. The ash blonde haired girl looked at her in disbelief but Sakura's gaze was focused on Nako.


“Wanna know something more? Bet this will shock you and i know you're dying of curiousity.” She said with a smirk. Before Chaeyeon can protest Sakura spoke making her heart stop.


“Nako... isnt my biological child.”

Okay this took loooonngggggggg

Sorry huhu i couldnt write because something happened

I also wont update much because some unexpected events happened, i hope you'll forgive me... I apologize

This chapter was also rushed sorry. You might encounter some typos, please do tell me if you spotted one because i'm so sleepy and tired omg send help

Now we knew Sakura's parents' past and the last line... Hehehehehehehehe i'll explain it on next chap huehue

Also, i dont know how CEOs do at work lol all i know was they just make their company in a good shape lmao—

And i'm dropping some hints :3

See you soon i guess— just comment your questions and i'll try to reply!

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Thank you again for supporting this crappy story of mine until the end :] i will be forever grateful to you guys! Love ya WIZONE and KKUCHAEN NATION !!!!! <3333

see you on my next works!


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Giefany #1
Chapter 21: love this story, curious about jangchae and hyebi couple, hope there side story ... but really love this, goodluck author ^^
alexandrarbd065 #2
Chapter 8: Rereading this story, I love it!
219 streak #3
I saw this while browsing my list of subscription.. and now i want to re read it.
1753 streak #4
rereading this masterpiece again! no matter how many times I read this, it's always good!
sclocksmith #5
Chapter 34: Oh, wow! Thank you for this special chapter, Jero!
Chapter 34: Thanks for this kid. Its really a stress reliever.
1753 streak #7
Had this sudden urge to read this again and boy it’s good every time I read this story!!
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 33: thank you so much author-nim, keep support kkuchaen!! hihihi nako is waiting for a little sister awww