

“So... What did you guys talked about? Please say that she didnt showed my baby photos!” Sakura whined while driving the car. Chaeyeon chuckled.


They were heading home now, after Ahyeon gave the necklace to the taller girl, she told some few embarrassing stories of Sakura in her childhood days and showed one photo of kid Sakura that was on the study table, they finally went back to where the two girls was seated.


Sakura and Ahyeon talked a little then finally bid goodbye. And here we are.


“Dont worry, we just talked about some... things.” Chaeyeon replied, snuggling to Nako more. The little girl was watching some bunny videos at her phone.


The older girl glanced her for a second but didnt asked anything and continued focusing on the road.


Chaeyeon busied herself by watching the videos that was Nako playing. But a few minutes later, she heard Sakura spoke beside her. “Can we really stay on your apartment, just a half hour will already satisfy me.” She said. It caught Nako's attention and looked up, meeting the ash blonde haired girl's gaze, smiling brightly.


“If you guys really wanted to. Why would i refuse?” She answered with a smile and instantly the little girl on her arms squealed like she always do.


“Yeyyy~! We going into Chaeyeon-unnie's house.” She shouted, jumping on the taller girl's lap because of excitement. Chaeyeon ruffled Nako's hair and pecked her head.


“I really do hope that you guys wont be bored. I have bored games stocked there if you guys wanted to play.” She said, and looked at Sakura who's also smiling brightly like her daughter.


“Make us food! I heard from Nako that you're quite a good cooker.” Sakura said, and Nako nodded.


The ash blonde haired girl blushed a bit. Well, she knew how to cook, of course. She only lives alone and if she doesnt know how to cook then she will starve to death or her stomach was only full of noodles all the time.


“I do know how to cook. But we just literally ate lunch?” Chaeyeon asked.


Sakura snorted. “We're always hungry all the time, right Nako?” She replied and lifted her right hand to fist bump with her daughter.


“Fine. Uhmm, i think i dont have any food or ingredients left on my fridge though.” Chaeyeon said, scratching her head. She still havent doing grocery shopping for a week now.


The older woman smirked and glanced at her. “Leave it to me.” She said before taking a sudden U-turn. Chaeyeon's eyes widened at the sudden turn of the way. “Whaaaa—”


But before she can even finish her word, Sakura spoke. “We're going to the grocery store. We need to buy many foods.” She said and smiled at her.



They reached the nearest grocery store around the area and Sakura immediately parked her car, even drawing some attention for it. Their reaction was priceless, like Chaeyeon's reaction of seeing this car for the first time.


Their hanging jaw dropped even more when Sakura came out. Of course, who wouldnt be flustered with the beauty. Sakura ignored the attention and went to the other door to open it for the two girls.


They silently went to the front of the store and stopped at the carts. Chaeyeon got one and about to go inside when she felt Sakura wasnt following them. The older woman was still standing there, looking at the carts and she's thinking deeply.


“Hey.” Chaeyeon softly called her but she didnt turned her gaze to her.


“One isnt enough. Should i get three carts? I think i'll call Wonho, we need assistance.” Sakura mumbled before turning to Chaeyeon who's standing dumbly there. “Right?” She said, and smiled.


Nako clapped her hands happily. “Yiieee! More carts, more foods!” She shouted.


“No! One cart is more than enough already!” Chaeyeon whined and tried to stop Sakura from getting two more carts. The older woman looked at her confusedly.


“Eh? I'll pay for it. Besides, we'll trash your house so let me, pleaseee?” Sakura begged, pouting her lips while looking at the ash blonde haired girl. Chaeyeon almost, almost fell for that one. She was about to refuse when Nako went infront of her and flashed that damn puppy eyes.


The ash blonde haired girl fell for that one and sighed, she cant refuse to this precious child. “You already paid for our lunch...” She whined.


Sakura stared at her for a second and laughed. “Who said i paid for that lunch? It's completely free. And like i would let you pay for everything.” She reasoned and finally grabbed another cart.



“I cant believe i let you pay for all of these.” Chaeyeon mumbled while they're walking to their car, referring to the seven huge plastic bags of goods.


The scenario at the grocery was chaos. Sakura would put the thing or food she will see at the cart and Chaeyeon would put it back if it's unnecessary, and Nako did the same like her mother but she put every sweets she see.


The ash blonde haired girl was exhausted of scolding and putting back the items at the shelves because the two girls was persistent and stubborn. She had a hard time arguing to the older girl because she will use her debating skills on her. Everything went smooth until they reached the counter.


The cashier was literally flirting with Sakura even if the older woman already showed no interest at her— even if a whole Lee Chaeyeon was already infront of her, death glaring at the flirty cashier as she tried to get Sakura's name and number.


The cashier even mistaken them as Sakura's cousin and that bursted Chaeyeon's bubble. You wont believe what words came from out of anger, mostly— jealousy.


She raised her chin up and rose a brow at her before confidently saying.


“Excuse me? I'm her wife and this is our daughter. Please dont touch her, and flirt with her. It's very displeasing to see.”


Even Chaeyeon herself couldnt believe she said that. After realizing what she had said, she was very embarrassed. She can felt the hard gaze coming from Sakura making her more embarrassed than she already was. Nako was also looking at her with a teasing manner that time.


The cashier immediately apologized at the false behavior she just acted and gave their items. Sakura was smirking and staring at her the whole time.


“Wife huh? What a level of confidence you got! I love it! I cant believe we're married!”


And since they got out of the mall, Chaeyeon tried to change the topic when Sakura would about it. She even distanced herself a little bit away from the older girl because of the huge embarrassment she felt.


Sakura smirked at the low voice. “Oh, that's fine. That's what married couples do, right wife?” She teased again, making Nako giggle and the ash blonde haired girl became red again.


On their way to Chaeyeon's apartment, the latter wasnt also safe from Sakura's constant teasing. Even if she stayed silent, the older woman would say such random things like:


“The weather's lovely, dont you think, wife?”


“Oh, would you look at that! Fresh flowers. Do you want me to buy it for you, wife?”


“Hey, my lovely wife. Can you change the music? It's boring.”




Chaeyeon's already getting crazy because of embarrassment and drumming heart. Plus Nako also calls her mom to . Mother like daughter, she guess.


Mom! I'm excited to see your house, hihi.” The little girl said, giggling endlessly.


The ash blonde haired girl sighed and facepalmed herself. “You guys wont stop teasing me, huh?” She murmured, definitely regretting saying the word wife and daughter. She could've shutted up and let jealousy fill inside her. Her and Sakura still doesnt have any label, yet. But why are her reaction was like they're literally in a relationship.


Yes, there's something going on with them. They still havent talked about it yet and doesnt have a plan to do so because they're contented of just knowing that they like each other (maybe love for Chaeyeon, because what she felt for Sakura was stronger than like or adoration). But the ash blonde haired girl thought for a second. If they have a label, it will be much easier because she knew well what they are now plus Chaeyeon would be confident and wont be afraid to do a move because they already have a label or a relationship that she can brag about.


The older girl pursed her lips together in a thin line, appearing to have been thinking before glancing at her. “Nope, i do not have such plans of stopping, wife.” She answered before her damn smirk slowly crept up of her lips.


Nako tilted her head and looked at her also with a teasing smile playing on her lips. “It's really fun teasing you, Mom.” She said before chuckling.


Chaeyeon sighed. They doesnt really looked like they would stop any sooner so she let them. She's actually having fun being called by that, specially when Sakura call her wife. Because of the embarrassment, she cant really admit what she had felt.


While Sakura? She doesnt know but she's very very happy and cheerful.


Actually earlier, she was about to snap the cashier for doing things to her but she tried to hold herself from firing that employee out of her job because Chaeyeon was there. She knew the girl wont like the attitude she will give to the poor cashier, so she let her. Sakura gave her glares and her CEO aura for the flirty cashier to stop but that girl didnt got the signal and kept on doing what she wanted to the CEO.


Until, that happened. She was beyond shock. Sakura knew Chaeyeon was getting mad and jealous when she felt an intense gaze at her and that cashier. She only thought the ash blonde haired girl would keep her feelings in and sulk later at the car but she did earlier was better.


Sakura liked teasing her by calling her wife. She's also enjoying it because she really feel that they're literally a married couple, she's trying to enjoy it while it lasts.


Like Chaeyeon, Sakura's also aware of their unlabeled relationship. She already had a plan to ask Chaeyeon to be her official girl though, she just need timing and a better preparation.


Dont judge her, all she knew was she needed go court Chaeyeon first before asking her to be her girlfriend. She maybe had a experience before at a relationship but there's nothing to gain there. Anna and her just confessed they had some feelings towards each other then became official, but they didnt acted like girlfriends through the relationship, but more of as a bestfriend. So yeah, her experience was also no help.


They finally reached their destination after a ride while their minds running. Sakura parked the car at the most hidden and farthest vacant parking space so the car wont draw more attention that it is. They tried to carry all the bags of grocery in one go because it'll just waste their time if they would go back to get the left ones again. The apartment doesnt any have guys or staffs who can help them plus Chaeyeon's apartment unit was located on third floor and there's no such elevators.


“There's no elevators here.” The ash blonde haired girl said while they were walking to where the stairs was located. Sakura and Nako was following her, looking around and scanning the surroundings carefully.


“Yeah, i expected that. It's fine though. I'm not lazy nor a queen. Nako likes running on stairs also.” She replied, finally reaching the stairs.


Nako was intently looking at the worn and cracked walls, and squinted her eyes. “Yep, it'll be fine, unnie. But are you certainly sure that this apartment was safe? The building looked like it would fall down any second.” The little girl said, slowly walking up to the stairs, still looking around to spot some cracks and webs. Typical observant kid.


Sakura nodded, walking up. “I agree with that, sunshine. The place also looked like it wasnt been cleaned for centuries. I dont approve this. Are you sure you'll be okay here, wife? I'll give you the biggest apartment i owned or better, live with us, if you want to.” She said. They finally reached the second floor and it looked like Sakura was having a little bit hard time.


Chaeyeon chuckled and shook her head. “No, i'm okay with what i've got this moment. This place saved me when i was going through difficult time also, i wont trade this for luxury. It also been part of my life. Since i was been abandoned by my parents, i had no money, and place to sleep. The owner of this place saw me wandering on the streets at night and gave me a chance. He said i can live here and pay my rent whenever i have money or i can. He's also a lifesaver.” She explained and finally reached her floor. She led the two girls at her unit.


When she finally saw the familiar door with number 48 in it, she stopped and proudly pointed it. “This is my place!” She said and fished her keys on her pocket then opened the door.


Sakura and Nako immediately took a peek and slowly took steps while Chaeyeon laughed at their reaction.


“Welcome to my place, i guess. Feel at home, i dont mind, it'd be better actually.” She said, taking of her shoes and went to the small kitchen on the corner and putted the bags at the counter. “Please put it here.” She asked Sakura which the older girl obeyed.


Sakura took off her shoes, and Nako did the same. The older girl went to Chaeyeon while the little girl went to the middle scanning the small room.


It maybe small but it felt so cozy, and comfortable. The things and furniture was also well-organized and clean. The room was much neater than she thought because the building looked so dirty and creepy.


Sakura putted the bags on the counter like what had Chaeyeon told her to and slowly looked around while Chaeyeon just watched her and smiling.


Chaeyeon was indeed right. The place's size just her bathroom's size but she doesnt feel weird at all. She even felt like she's home, like she's been living here for years now.


“Your apartment doesnt look awful at all.” Sakura breathes, still looking around, amazed at the neat room.


Chaeyeon scoffed. “You thought i'm a messy person? I beg to differ.” She said before going to the mini fridge and patted it.


“I'm really thankful to you. Because of the salary you gave me i bought many useful things. I'm really lucky.” She said making Sakura turn to her.


The older woman smiles before walking up to her. “I'm luckier that i met you. We maybe started off as a stranger and just a babysitter of my child but i'm glad of what we are today.” She said and pinched Chaeyeon's fluffy cheeks.


“Ehem, ehem! I'm hungry, again. I want kimchi fried rice!” They heard Nako's voice behind them making them jolt in suprise and pushed each other away.


“Okay, fine. Anymore requests?” Chaeyeon said and tossed her handbag at the chair. Sakura scratched her head.


“Anything. What do you have in mind? Suprise me.” She responded and slowly took off her blazer then threw it at the chair also. Chaeyeon stared longer than she should do.


She blushed when she saw Sakura was smirking at her when the older felt her intense gaze. “Y-Your blazer reminds me of something. Wait! Dont you have work today?!” Chaeyeon asked.


Sakura gave her a simple shrug. “I ditched it. No more questions. Where is the board games at?” She said and proceeded to go to the small living room. The ash blonde haired girl sighed.


“Is this woman really a CEO of an Airline?” She mumbled, crossing her arms. “It's located at the cabinet there,  below the shirts.” She shouted then and finally turned to the counter, thinking what to cook. After she finally thought of it, she started making it.


Meanwhile, Sakura and Nako are playing snake and ladder. It was meant to be fun but they played it seriously and intense.


The older woman doesnt know if she just at this game or her daughter was just lucky today. Nako kept getting six or five dots when she roll the dice, and always got to skip the punishments while she always get one or three dots, and she always go back from the start because of that damn rule/punishment. She was always groaning while Nako keeps on cheering.


“What the? I'm going back from the start again? I literally got there three times in one game. This !” Sakura whined while her daughter laughed at her.


“I'm just really cool, Mommy. Want to play another game then?” Nako bragged, fixing the snake and ladder board and went back to the cabinet to get the jenga. Sakura gasped at the remark.


“Where did you got that arrogant attitude, missy? I'm certainly not that arrogant.” She said, and lied down to the floor then watched Chaeyeon make their food.


The taller girl was cooking seriously. Sakura found it hot and also at the same time, adorable because Chaeyeon's cheeks became more puffier and her tongue was poking out. Plus, her ash blonde hair was on a high ponytail, revealing her sharp features and jawline. Sakura cant help but to gawk.


She's busy admiring the scene when Nako popped out suddenly, she was holding jenga and her brows were arched. “Stare later. Jenga first.” she said and shook the box gently.


Sakura groaned before standing up. “Ahh, i was admiring a beautiful view.” She replied, forgetting that Chaeyeon can understand Japanese.


The ash blonde haired girl was blushing but acted like she didnt heard anything.


The two girls played jenga until Chaeyeon finally called them over. They immediately went to the table, their mouth watering at Chaeyeon's food because it looked nice.


The mother and daughter, immediately dugged in, leaving Chaeyeon stunned. They just ate few hours ago and they looked like they havent ate for three days.


In the middle of eating, Sakura spoke. “Can we stay here until tomorrow?” She asked, her eyes still fixed at the food.


The taller girl stopped what she's doing and looked up on her. “Eh? Why at the sudden ask? The bed was only meant for one person, and i only had one extra futon.” She responded, before taking a spoonful of rice.


Nako beamed. “That will work! Me and Mommy will share the futon. Problem solved.” She said, giving Chaeyeon a thumbs up.


“Like i would allow that! Why would you guys wanted to sleep in, anyways?” The taller girl narrowed her eyes.


Sakurs shrugged and smiled sheepishly. “We just wanted to. Is it bad?” She asked and glanced at her daughter. Nako nodded then looked at Chaeyeon.


“Ugh, fine. I cant win over you two. I'll take the futon and you two will share bed.” She said before eating again. Sakura would argue with her again when Chaeyeon made a gesture to stop her. “Hep. Let's eat first and discuss it, later.” She said and the older woman nodded like a obidient puppy.



They watched movies after that, many  movies so they could kill time. They didnt even noticed it was already ten o'clock in night.


Sakura finally decided to stop and just continue it next time because Nako was literally dozing off. Good thing, she already made Nako change her clothes into more comfortable one before watching shows, she also changed her clothes to the ones she borrowed from Chaeyeon— her sweater and shorts smelt good like her. She carried the little girl at the bed and carefully tucked her in the blankets.


Nako instantly spreaded her arms and legs wide, getting all the space on the bed. Chaeyeon blinked while Sakura face-palmed.


“Ahh, i forgot. Nako's really like that when she's sleeping. I think none of us can sleep with her.” The older explained, rubbing her cheeks then looked at the futon that was already settled beside the bed.


“Our bodies are slim, i think we'll fit here.” She said, pointing at the futon. Chaeyeon's mouth was already agape and ready to speak when Sakura cutted her off. “Dont you dare to sleep at the couch. It's too short for your body.” She said, setting herself at the futon, fixing the pillows.


Chaeyeon was panicking already. She's sleeping in a futon with Sakura.


“No! It's fine, i'll sleep on the floor—”


“Nope. I said you're sleeping with me. Dont be shy, married couples sleep beside each other.” Sakura insisted, tugging Chaeyeon's sweater while wiggling her brows in a teasing manner.


Chaeyeon still stood there, not daring to go near beside the futon. “No. I'll sleep on the floor. It's okay.” She said, hugging her favorite bunny plushie.


Sakura's aura suddenly went dark and cold. She putted uo her CEO aura. “I order you to sleep beside me.” She said, seriously making Chaeyeon gulp.


Sighing, she slowly sat beside Sakura who's already smiling brightly at her.


They finally settled their position for sleeping, their backs was facing each other. They're still awkward at each other. Of course, this is the first time they shared a bed and this close, minus their almost kiss.


So awkward and shy that Chaeyeon cant barely breath. She tightened the hug to her plushie, trying to calm her racing heart down because Sakura would definitely feel it because it was beating so hard. The situation from the other side wasnt any different. Sakura's heart was also beating wildly.


They tried to sleep but they really jusy cant. They were feeling each other's movement.


Chaeyeon shifted uncomfortably at the futon and Sakura felt alarmed. “Chae?” She spoke, making the other girl shock.


“Sakura-chan? You still havent fell asleep? It's been thirty minutes. I know it's uncomfortable to sleep here.” She whispered, peeking over her shoulders.


Sakura shook her head. “It's not like that... I'm just— nevermind.” She said and turned her position, she's facing Chaeyeon's wide back.


The ash blonde haired girl tensed when she felt the sudden movement and the boring gaze of Sakura to her back. She sighed and hesitated to turn around her body but she did it anyway. Slowly, she changes her position, her eyes meeting Sakura's sparkling one. It's still shining as ever even though it's dark.


They stared at each other, their hearts beating in sync. No one looked away, no one moved.


It's just like that for the past fee minutes and Chaeyeon felt so overwhelmed. How can such a beauty like Sakura would like such a simple girl like her? Her mind started running again.


While Sakura, she's thinking how she got to met a person like Chaeyeon. She consider herself lucky. For her, Chaeyeon was perfect but the girl herself doesnt think that way and saying she's just a plain girl. Sakura knew what was Chaeyeon was thinking.


The ash blonde haired girl's eyes was not glowing nor sparkling, it was so sad and gloomy. She's thinking some negative things again.


Sakura slowly lifted her hand up and s it to the other girl's cheek, caressing it gently while she stares at her lovingly. Chaeyeon was a little bit shocked at the touch but she recovered to it and let Sakura do what she pleases. The older woman traced Chaeyeon's eyebrow, her eyes, nose, and lips with her thumb.


“Did i already said you're beautiful?” Sakura mumbled, tucking the younger's hair before putting her hand back at the cheek again.


Chaeyeon's cheek felt warm. “No. And i'm not.” She whispered back, and closed her eyes, leaning to the touch. Sakura rose her brow.


“But you are. Look at me, Lee Chaeyeon.” She ordered with her authorative voice but softer. The ash blonde haired girl slowly opened it, her eyes meeting Sakura's for the second time again.


“You are a beautiful and wonderful person, Chaeyeon. I want you to remember that, hmm? My beautiful girl.” Sakura said, staring intently at her. The taller girl blinked and pursed her lips. They stayed for a while like that.


Chaeyeon wanted to ask something. But something was stopping her. The fear of rejection. She's scared of being rejected but nothing's gonna happen if she will stay coward than she already was. By taking a deep breathe, she stared at Sakura like how she's staring back at her.


“What are we Sakura?” She finally asked, her heart raced more than three times than earlier. She cant even properly breathe now.


“Are we just like this forever? Only aware of our feelings towards each other? Heck, i dont even know if you really like me.” Chaeyeon breathed, laughing bitterly while Sakura watched her. She's starting to tear up now. “Are we just gonna stay with no label or anything? No official relationship? Answer me.” She practically begged, tears forming into her eyes.


She doesnt know what to think anymore. Maybe, Sakura's feelings for her was just a mere attraction. That's all. If it was, then good luck at her poor heart. She cant handle that.


Sakura slowly smiled, and wiped her tears away. “I didnt know you badly wanted that. I'm sorry.” She whispered, and shifted closer to Chaeyeon. She s her hand to the younger's waist and pulled her closer.


Chaeyeon buried her face to the older's neck and silently sobs. Sakura tried to comfort her. She made her girl cry and she wanted to punch herself for doing that. She really hated seeing someome crying because her mother used to cry a lot when her father left them.


“P-Please dont cry. I'm so sorry for not noticing your deep feelings for me and that you wanted to have label. I really dont have any experience with this. I've been into a relationship in the past but it's just... we're still young and immature, we dont know how to handle and what to do in a relationship. I wanted to court you first because i want you to fall for me harder, to see the charm of Miyawaki Sakura.” Sakura explained, chuckling at the last part and panicked when Chaeyeon literally cried and whined. She just hugged her tighter, not knowing what to do.


“Y-You wanted to c-court me first? Oh my god. I-I'm the who s-supposed to be apologizing because i-i'm impatient. Kkura-yah. I'm s-sorry.” Chaeyeon chokes, also hugging Sakura.


“I already had a plan to court you officially on Saturday. I'll ask you out to go on a date with me in the rooftop of the Airline building then ask you if it's okay if i would court you. Then a few months after, i'll officially ask you to be my girl.” The older woman said, smiling at the thought. Chaeyeon whined again.


“Y-You already had a plan? I'm h-horrible, why did you even liked me?” She sobs and cried again.


Sakura grinned and kissed her forehead. Chaeyeon leaned away and wiped her tear-stained face before looking at the older woman who's smiling sweetly at her. “You're a great person, dont say such a thing. And i liked you for being yourself, Chae. So dont say anything like that because we both know that it's just a false.” She said, and cupped her cheek again.


Chaeyeon finally admits. She already fell inlove with this woman. Sakura's just perfect, who wouldnt love her?


Chaeyeon stared again at the woman infront of her before tearing a bit again upon realizing and admitting her true feelings for her.


“I love you, Miyawaki Sakura.”


Chaeyeon said while staring at Sakura's sparkling eyes. The older woman's heart bursted when she heard that line. Her smile faded because of the mixed emotion and feelings she felt. She's happy, and at the same time overwhelmed, sad and angry because she made this beautiful girl girl tear up.


But her smile went back again and kissed her forehead, eyebrow, eyes nose, cheeks, and every part of the face except for lips. She leaned away and stared at Chaeyeon's now also sparkling delicate eyes for a second and took a look at the other girl's face before slowly leaning again but now, she's aiming for lips now.


Chaeyeon also closed her eyes when she saw Sakura closed hers too. She waited for a soft pair of lips crash onto her's. Her crave for Sakura's lips got deep since when Nako interrupted them.


And there it was. Chaeyeon's heart exploded when she felt a soft and warm lips pressed on her's. Her mind was malfunctioning and was only thinking of how Sakura's lips was so soft and perfect on her pair ones.


The kiss was just short and simple. But it was enough for them to go crazy. When Sakura pulled away, she muttered something that Chaeyeon desperately wanted to hear.


“I love you too, Lee Chaeyeon.”


“So, are we girlfriends now?”



“Yeah, i think so. We literally confesses our love for each other. Technically, we're in a relationship now, plus the kiss— if you want to, we're a married couple. You already called me wife anyway.”



“Oh my god. Shut up and sleep, lets talk about this on the morning.”



“You think i can sleep in this state?”



“We're cuddling, you can.”



“Fine. Good night, wife.”



“Nighty, baby.”


And cuttttt!

Waaaaah! Finally, i finished it! Sorry if i havent posted it sooner. We had a unexpected trip yesterday so i cant continue writing it sorry~

Finally, ChaeKura confessed to each other and kissed omg i was so embarrassed while writing that. i donr have any experience with love ir whatsoever lmao i hope you'll like it or just be satiesfied with my work. see you soon on the next update, i think i wont be updating early because lol school will start soon and we have tests to greet us! so no promises, i'll ve just posting some update on twitter

And also, i havent proofread this, i'll just do it tomorrow. i'm super sleepy

twt: @rosesrunaway_

(follow me because i post spoilers there, but only if you want lol)

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Thank you again for supporting this crappy story of mine until the end :] i will be forever grateful to you guys! Love ya WIZONE and KKUCHAEN NATION !!!!! <3333

see you on my next works!


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Giefany #1
Chapter 21: love this story, curious about jangchae and hyebi couple, hope there side story ... but really love this, goodluck author ^^
alexandrarbd065 #2
Chapter 8: Rereading this story, I love it!
219 streak #3
I saw this while browsing my list of subscription.. and now i want to re read it.
1753 streak #4
rereading this masterpiece again! no matter how many times I read this, it's always good!
sclocksmith #5
Chapter 34: Oh, wow! Thank you for this special chapter, Jero!
Chapter 34: Thanks for this kid. Its really a stress reliever.
1753 streak #7
Had this sudden urge to read this again and boy it’s good every time I read this story!!
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 33: thank you so much author-nim, keep support kkuchaen!! hihihi nako is waiting for a little sister awww