

It's dark.

My mind's blurry. 

I'm suffocated. 



Help me..
I'm scared...


A sound of metal door opened from the outside, the only access in his new 'home'.

Listening carefully for the familiar tapping shoes walking towards him from his position, leg tied to the end of a bed. 

"Babyyyyy~ it's feeding time. Come on, you have to get use to this, aren't you? Besides-"

Feeling a hot breathe near his ear, he knows he can't run anymore. Not in this prison.




-A month ago-

"Hyung!! The car stopping!" shout Sungmin. He and Kangin, together with Siwon have been in car chasing for almost an hour. They almost ran out of gas but luck on their side,the car stopping few blocks from them.

They were now in the middle of busy street. Thought it's hard to hide the company van in the small alley way, they manage to fool the culprit in losing them.

The driver of the car come out  after a few minutes stopping in front of a shop. Once Sungmin making sure the guy walk further away from his car, he went to the car to check on Yesung but of course, he found nothing. The other two already trailing behind the guy,Sungmin furiously catching up with the two and reporting to them. After telling the two, three of them fasten their walk to catch up with the guy.

Quickly, one by one creeping up behind the guy,wearing a disguise, to avoid more problems.

Once they know they were inside a shop after been following the guy for quite sometime, they set a plan. Lucky for them,the shop were pretty small. Good for their plan,catching the 'rat'. The plan start by Sungmin went to the cashier to inform the possibility of a bad guy ruining their shop and to help them catch the guy. Siwon was waiting from the corner of the shop just in case the culprit manage to slip out of Kangin which put Kangin as the ambusher.

Once it was set,they realize the culprit become agitated and trying to get away. Kangin manage to to grab one of the guy arm and pull him down,with the help of Siwon, they pinned the guy down while Sungmin ask the cashier to call the cops. They still didn't know if the cop believe them because god know well this guy is alone now and  possibly had an alibi. Thought Kangin brilliantly snap few photos of the culprit's car liscene plate from the moment they exit Yesung's apartment building but still didn't convince anything related to Yesung's abduction. 

They decide to call Leeteuk to ask help. After confirming the involvement of polices already been made,they decid to interrogate the guy first by borrowing one of the shop's staff room.

After setting up the guy on a chair and tie him up, Siwon secretly record their conversation on his phone as evidence, not letting any chances.

"Now,tell me where Yesung-ssi" shout Kangin, slamming the guy further into his chair. Feeling a par on his shoulder, Sungmin trying to calm Kangin down. "No use of getting angry now." whispered Sungmin. 

"Ahaha... Playing good cop bad cop are we?" laugh the tied  guy. Looking calm and stoic.

"nuh uh, I'm not the bad cop here,this bunny guy is, now tell me where the hell is Yesung now!" shout Kangin more. Again,he felt another pat on his shoulder but not to calm him but to pull him away this time.


A quick punch right on the guy's face, it's take a few seconds for him to realize what just flying into his face.

"Told you. Don't mess with us. Now i know you know who we are. I had long conversation with someone that know the real stalker here. You better start talking before the police come" said Kangin, he do had a long phone call with Leeteuk who confirmed them that the guy they were chasing is not the stalker,and from Kyuhyun information too,they now know the stalker already got to Yesung after they gone.

"What,you gonna let me go if i told you before the police come? Haha, come on. By the time they come, your sweet, cutiepie and lovely Yesung already 'eaten' by him."said the guy with a smirk,still feeling calm for his condition.

Psychopath. The only word flying in Siwon's head. Feeling disgusted by his attitude, Siwon,willingly give another punch right in his bruised face,aiming for the same pain that he deserves. 


Groaned the guy,spitting his broken tooth but still keep his smile." You! If anything happen to him, God knows how long you would still be alive by the time we got you to the police after this!" shout Siwon, his clenched his knuckles, getting more angry with every word that come out from that guy's mouth. 

Right after that,the heard the sirens and bring out the guy. After informing everything to the police, the guy were send to one of the police who already handling the case.



1 week of abduction . 

The news about Yesung's M.I.A were not known by many people.  Be it E.L.F, the news or even the public. Only the higher management, the family and the group members know, to help the police in their investigation in more calm and faster way. SMent manage to make it look like Yesung currently were on a vacation leave. Much more to please the sad fans and more happiness for the stalker at the word 'vacation'.

There's still no clue to Yesung's abduction, each day were through with one of the members broke down with the thought of the stalker hurting their precious member. 

The only thing that get their hope high is a picture. Send to them few days ago. It was Yesung's photo, taken quite professional, why? It was Yesung's photo, him wearing his own stage clothes but looking rather pale and sick. In the photo, he was seated on a high class throne, no matter how he was seated on it, it's obvious that he's unconscious with head tilting sideways. 

This sick bastard had stolen few of Yesung's stage costume and dress him up for the photo. Few days ago,the stylist realize bunch of Yesung's clothing, only Yesung, were gone missing.  And now they know who took it.

It was sick feeling in the stomach knowing how disgusting the stalker had become, touching every part of Yesung's body, changing his cloth, even possibly drug him just to take his picture and send it to his family members. But for some, it was the onlyevidence of Yesung being still alive and not hurt, probably not physically. Who knows what kind of mental torture had Yesung went through. 

Days pass by week. 2 weeks since he went missing. Again,another picture, another costume, another setting. Knowing well the stalker trying to play with their mind,they keep stay strong. But not for some, not anymore. The photo, again it was taken rather professionally but something was off. It's Yesung. He was crying, his eyes red,his face pale, his lips blue and all of that, he look empty.

"Noo!!! I can't take this anymore!!! Please give back Yesung-hyung!!" shout Ryeowook, he was the most heartbroken, being that he is one of the closest dongseng for Yesung, he can't keep a strong facade anymore.

"Wookie-ah, calm down. Yesung will be sad if he see you now. Don't worry, at least he still safe. Right?" said Leeteuk while hugging Ryeowook. He himself trying hard to not broke down in front of his little brothers, at least one of them need to stand strong, assuring them,comforting them, in time like this, it wasn't his time to break.

"Is he? Is he okay? Look at this picture hyung! Is he??! He look so empty! He's tortured! That bastard torture him!" shout Ryeowook,  pushing Leeteuk from his hug, he know how far the stalker had gone, watching Yesung's crying face. Yesung were not that easy to cry or even broke down when he's sad or feeling down. He's a good actor,he know how to hide his feelings, he know how to smile when someone needs it and last he know how to give everything he had to make other smile,not crying even in the slightest bit.

Leeteuk can't hold his tear back anymore, little by little, his tear pouring a stream of emotions he been hiding. Feeling weak,not knowing how to help his dongsengs anymore. Shaking his head,cupping his own face,trying to hide the burden he felt. 

Realizing Leeteuk's sobbing, Ryeowook become silence, slowly, gathering his own strength to hug the now broken leader. "I'm sorry.... I'm sorry hyung....  Please.... Don't cry... I promise I'll be good after this. Please" cried Ryeowook.  

Few members who happened to be there right after Ryeowook wrath came running to them and hug them. They were now a bunch of hugger, whispering soothing words singing a soft comfort song to calm those two who more broken then them. 

Once making sure either Leeteuk nor Ryeowook calmed down, Kyuhyun start to broke the comfort silence.

"I know how to help Yesung" 



I'm sorry it's a short chapter, just need to separate the plot carefully, I'll upload the next one tomorrow (finger cross) i got more inspiration of writing style after marathon on bunch of Indonesia fanfic *coughkyusungcough*, they are the best! Thought i do have some word i don't understand but they style are so beautiful!  Please comment down below what you think of my weird fantasy ~~~


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I will take a break from writing lol. Wait for my next story okay? And if i gone for too long, don't be shy to hit my message and scold me haha. Sometimes i become way to tardy lol.


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Chapter 17: Good story 💙
Chapter 8: Omg suspense *-*
401 streak #4
Rereading after so many years XD
Chapter 2: heechul saying "If you cut him again I'll post you nudes on Twitter" I can imagine him saying that in real life even OMG XD
401 streak #6
Chapter 17: Finish~ Upvote~ <33333
401 streak #7
Chapter 10: wua, okay, I felt like there was really a person who named Yesung before Jongwoon got that name XD;; It's hella creeeeeeppppy~
401 streak #8
Chapter 9: I cried when Leeteuk cried, my poor bias wrecker T____T

PS : how could you make my Sungie like this~~~
401 streak #9
Chapter 7: OMG OMG OMG~

I'm scared for my Yesungie's life >___<
401 streak #10
Chapter 3: This story really makes me really curious. I really want to continue reading it, but well, work T^T I'll read slowly, and don't mind me if I spam your comments section LOL