The red suit




'Oppa look so good in red!' was written on small memo pad. This time it came with a box that contain red suit.

"Really?! No one saw this coming?" Shindong said while crumpling the small paper and put it in his pocket, evidence still needed. 

"sorry Shindong-shi. Lots of people come in here. It was hard to inspect each one of them. Why did you even sound so angry? It's a gift right?" said one of  the stylist noona with a frown,shocked at Shindong's reaction over a fan gift. 

"i..I'm sorry noona. It just, this must be expensive and i don't want fan to waste their hard earn money on me" Said Shindong with an excuse, forgot about the promise they made this morning about not telling anyone including the crew about this stalker or sasaeng situation. "Come on, try it!!!" said one of the staff  with excitement ,already pulled out the suit and ready for Shindong to wear it. It was indeed an expensive gift,made by famous designer, a detailed style satin suit.

 "Eoh? Noona!" Shindong trying to not wearing the suit knowing well it was from the stalker. But it was too late, the staff already shoving the suit on Shindong and making sure he will not escape from them. After a little more persuading and begging, Shindong giving in to the plead.

After making sure there's nothing wrong with the suit, he put on it over his shirt with the help of the staff.

"Hah... It's suits you well. Way too perfect on your body Shindong-shi." said the stylist noona while scratching her head out of habit. "i think this is from your friends or family, kinda impossible for a fan to send a well tailored suit without knowing your size right?" continue the noona.

'Oh. This .' thought Shindong, even though he likes the way the suit fit perfectly on him, he couldn't let his guard down,not after he saw what was written on the small memo pad that he received along the suit.

Again, the word keeps replaying in his head, 'oppa look good in red' that followed by the familiar letter,  Y.

"Ah! It could be. I'll ask them if they send this. Thanks noona, can i bring this back with me?" said Shindong while taking off the suit and put it back into the box.

"Of course!! That's your's. Now, you should go now,the manager already wait you in the car." said the staff, patting Shindong's shoulder.

'I need to tell Teukie-hyung! thought Shindong as he's making his way to the parking lot.




"I'm home! Teukie-hyung!!! You won't believe what i..." said Shindong, trying to finish his word when the word itself stuck on his tounge, what cuts him off is a scene. Almost all the member there,including Hangeng.

"Hangeng-hyung?!" without waiting for the said person to response, Shindong tackled Hangeng in the most heart-warming hug and succeed in toppling both of them down to the floor.

"Wow!! Easy there. Hi to you too Donghee-ah" Hangeng chuckling at his dongseng antic. Including Shindong's hug, this had to be the third time he got tackled down by his dongsengs.

After that they eat dinner together while catching up with Hangeng. Apparently Hangeng miss them so much and decide to take a holiday and meet with them. It was all planned secretly knowing well sm and Hangeng didn't go well. 

After dinner, all of them hanging around in the living room,they decided to make Hangeng stay for the night in the dorm.

"Now, back to our problems. None of you tells anyone about this right?"said Leeteuk, glaring at all his dongsengs just in case he heard someone broke their promise.

All of them shook their head,hell they didn't dare to break the promise as if the threat from the leader are not scary enough.

" Okay, now one of us got something again, thank you Yesung for telling me right away. Now tell the members what you got" command Leeteuk while yesung nodding his head and pull out something.

"i got this after i finish my schedule, it was placed in my waiting room. Its a glasses from whystyle. But i don't get it, its for shortsighted person. My eyes is a okay for now."said  Yesung while putting the glasses down.

"Who's has problems with their eyes here?" ask Kangin. He has been taking note of everything that the members ever  received, hoping that it will help them.

"Hyung, give me." said Kyuhyun, taking the glasses from Yesung. "Oh wow....This."  said Kyuhyun with a shocked face.

"Why? Is it yours prescription?" ask Sungmin curiously.

"Definitely not mine, but it is almost close to my prescription. Actually i lost my glasses few days ago in the practice room. I thought i misplaced it somewhere. Hyung... what if..." Kyuhyun remember that it was a hellish week for him without his glasses and had been using lens while dance practice. The thought of his glasses had been stolen and used to make the glasses that Yesung received send shivers to everyone.

"It's impossible. If you said you lost it in the practice room, how does this person had access everywhere? This is so weird. Why we got the most random thing?"Eunhyuk speak what's bothering him the most. Thought he still didn't receive any pieces of the puzzles lately but its still bothering him the most since he's the first one who got those weird gift. 

" Guys, i got something too" Shindong speak out after waiting for all of them inspect the item Yesung received, taking out the box that contain the suit he received that evening.

Curiously, Henry peeking into the box first and shout "A suit!?".

"Yes, and wanna know what's scary about it? It's my size" Shindong leisurely speak as he take out the suit and wear it to show how freakish fit the suit on him. Gasped can be heard like a dejà vu, still shocking the members with all the gift they ever get. 

"This getting weird. Is it an inside person? There's no way fans or even a stalker can know such a thing. Kyuhyun, are sure you lost your glasses and that's not your's? Shindong, are sure that's not from your family or something?" Leeteuk asking the question even thou he know well it was from the same person. Both Kyuhyun and Shindong nodded.

"My glasses is way more expensive than Whystyle and well prescribed" Kyuhyun said with a smirk and stole a glance towards the whystyle owner.

"Yahh!! How dare you! My design are the best! Give em back!" blurted Yesung, getting angry at Kyuhyun snarky comment and snatch the glasses.

"But why is it the thing that i got doesn't match me? Wait, Sungmin's text and Eunhyuk's gift is weird too. I don't get it."Yesung said, running his hand through his raven lock.

"Argh, thinking all this mess makes my head hurt!" shout Donghae in frustrated.

"Donghae-ah, don't think too hard, don't use the brain that you never use" another snarky comment came from the maknae.

"what! How dare you maknae!?" fumed Donghae. Kyuhyun immediately retreating behind Siwon hoping that it can shield him from the angry memo.

"Urg, I'm raising a bunch of 5 years old kids" sighing Leeteuk. 

After the comment made by Yesung, Kangin was so deep in thought. Thinking how all of this doesn't lead to one another. What's the meaning of all the gifts or even the text Sungmin received means. Is this some kind of a deeper meaning cases? Or was it just an obsessed fan giving a gift in a whole new way? "Haish!" without realizing, Kangin let out loud a frustration sigh.

"You got anything Hyung? I've been thinking that maybe all of this just a creepy fanatic. But Shindong-hyung and Kyuhyun or Yesung-hyung case is not normal" said Zhoumi who have been with Kangin in investigating all the gifts from yesterday.

"Nothing, none of them connected to each other. It just way too random. I don't know if we have to wait more, i don't want to wait till someone gets hurt." he answered, suddenly feeling tired of all this.

"Hangeng-hyung, what do you think about this? We forgot to tell yo----" paused Zhoumi after realizing Hangeng has been sleeping through the entire conversation.

"He must be so tired. He came here after he finished his work in China and came to this dorm right away too" said Heechul with chuckle,shaking his head watching the sleeping figure on the couch. 

"okay that's it, we're getting nowhere. Kids, let's wrap this up and go to bed. I know we got only one fanmeeting tomorrow but it's in the early morning,so brush your teeth and go to sleep. Kyuhyun! No game tonight!" hushed Leeteuk when he saw Kyuhyun was about to open the laptop that he's been holding. Kyuhyun closed his laptop and went to his shared room with whining, earning a laugh and chuckles from his hyungs.

After settling everything and deciding where Hangeng should sleep, all of them went to bed.




That night, someone who have been heavily disturbed by all the things that going off lately furiously reach for his phone. Typing something and closed his phone. Patiently waiting for a reply,holding maybe to tight on his phone that it manage to crack the screen protector. 


1 minute.


2 minute. 


3 minute. 


The waiting making him tossing around his bed. Anxious, hugging the plushie that was given to him by his fans dearly.


'Finally!' thought him.

Y: yes baby, you like it?

Him: No! Stop calling me that! I do what you want! Why you still give them those stuff? I thought we had a deal!

Y: Oh come on babe, you miss one thing. That's why the deal is off.

Him: What?! I didn't. I did it like what you told me!

Y:No baby, you didn't listen to me. Do you want to make thing go faster than i planned? No honey, there's no fun in it. Now go to sleep, i know you tired from today dance practice. See you tomorrow, i will definitely touch your hand this time.

Shivering after what the last text shown. Knowing it will be useless to reply, he close his phone. Silently, he crying to himself, recalling back to how he had became the target of obsessed stalker 2 months ago. Feeling scared and helpless,not knowing how the stalker look like, he's so not looking forward for tomorrow fanmeeting, thinking that he will meet and touched by his so called fan.

'I'm scared ' he thought, soon driven him to sleep,too tired to accept everything. 




A/N: did anynone get who was it? I swear i wanna make the sasaeng more creepy but for now i just give what i can. And do tell me how you guys feel foe my story. I feel giddy everytime someone said the feeling that they felt because its mean i achieve what i want!!! Thanks to whoever give advice in the comments below, I'll improve more of my writing, doubled check everything. 


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I will take a break from writing lol. Wait for my next story okay? And if i gone for too long, don't be shy to hit my message and scold me haha. Sometimes i become way to tardy lol.


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Chapter 17: Good story 💙
Chapter 8: Omg suspense *-*
401 streak #4
Rereading after so many years XD
Chapter 2: heechul saying "If you cut him again I'll post you nudes on Twitter" I can imagine him saying that in real life even OMG XD
401 streak #6
Chapter 17: Finish~ Upvote~ <33333
401 streak #7
Chapter 10: wua, okay, I felt like there was really a person who named Yesung before Jongwoon got that name XD;; It's hella creeeeeeppppy~
401 streak #8
Chapter 9: I cried when Leeteuk cried, my poor bias wrecker T____T

PS : how could you make my Sungie like this~~~
401 streak #9
Chapter 7: OMG OMG OMG~

I'm scared for my Yesungie's life >___<
401 streak #10
Chapter 3: This story really makes me really curious. I really want to continue reading it, but well, work T^T I'll read slowly, and don't mind me if I spam your comments section LOL