

The door to the dorm 12 been kicked open rather harshly, without thinking the damage that could be done to the poor door, all of them rushing inside. The main priority for the leader is to get Yesung who obviously shocked by the blood to anywhere he can rest. After making sure that Yesung all seated on the couch, he went to the kitchen for a glass of water.

"Here Yesung-ah,drink it slowly." urge him. Once he make sure Yesung calmed down,he begin talking. " Feeling better? I thought you never disturbed by the sight of the blood? Is there something been bothering you? You know anything about all this thing? Did you see anyone suspicious today?" questions been ask without stopping, of course he won't stop, as a leader, watching one of his dongseng looking so pale and weak worried him too much.

"Wow Teukie-hyung, he won't be able to answer you like that. Give him some space and time." said the maknae.

"Ah,sorry. I'm just so worried about you, Yesung-ah. What Siwon said just now makes me thinking about the  worst." replied Leeteuk. 

"Nah, it's okay hyung. I'm just... The smell is too nasty, kinda triggered my acid reflux thingy. I'm okay now. Siwon just over-react, right Siwon?" said Yesung while looking towards Siwon, begging him to agree to his words. 

Siwon really doesn't want to give in with Yesung's stubbornness but looking at his hyung's eyes, begging for it, he nod to the leader. "yeah, Hyung. I'm sorry, i got panic just now." He then look into Yesung's eyes and give the 'you and i, we need to talk' look. 

"It's must be because you eat too little for breakfast this morning, I'll make you something for you now. And you better eat it!" exclaimed Ryeowook, making sure that Yesung wouldn't say no to him. 

Once all of them gathered around in the living room, left Ryeowook and Donghae to cook something for their dinnner, they taking out all the gifts that they got. Checking it one by one till they heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it." Said Zhoumi.

It was the security and couple of polices who had been called by the manager. After inviting them in,they make a space for the police to give any information they got from the scene. 

After talking to the manager a little bit, the police turn around towards them. "So,first of all. Is there any of you ever got threaten like this before?" said one of the police. All the members looking at each other by now, knowing well they do get it but they still can't trust anyone. By anyone, it's mean the manager and the building security. Everyone is the possible culprit. 

"No, never. This is the first. Possibly antis. Do you find anything on that " thing"?" said Leeteuk, beating anyone before they blurted too much information. 

One of the police holding up two zip lock plastic bag contains the shredded wine bottle and another bag contains the paper bag that once wrapped the bottle.

"I think the target is someone who drink wine,because from what I heard your manager said, the fans know some of you like wine and it's normal for you guys to accept such a gift,am i right?" said the police who holding the remaining of the wine bottle. 

" Wasn't that Kyu?" said Donghae who been listening from the kitchen counter.

"It's possible. Anything else?" answer Leeteuk. 

" And this paper bag have nothing on it except the Y design printed on it."

All of them bite back the gasp that threaten to spill from their mouth. Not in front of the stranger. 

"We will bring this back to our facility and run a finger print test on it. We will contact you guys once we know who send this." said the police, making their way to the door.

"Wait! Can we know what blood is it? I mean, is it animal or..." Kyuhyun said,feeling rather not finishing his word.

"We will run a test on that too. Thought it's already rotten, but we will figure it out. Now, if you excuse us" the police officer bow and take their leave. 
Waiting until the guest went out including the manager who went back to the headquarters to make a report , they decided to continue they work on the gift. 

"This is too much, what if Kyuhyun drink that? Gosh, its horrible"  said Henry while patting Kyuhyun's shoulder. 

"Yah! I'm not that stupid! Even if i open up the bottle, I'm surely puke first by that nasty smell!" shout Kyuhyun. 

All the members chuckled at the two maknaes antic. After the two maknaes bickering, they continue to open all of the gifts,looking for at least a little bit answer.




"Nothing! I guess that wine bottle is the newest gift. Tsk, we should call it clue now. I feel like this sender trying to tell us something." said Zhoumi who by now feeling frustrated by not getting any hint since him and Kangin has decided to be the one who investigate all this.

By now, everyone feeling exhausted,not just because the thing that happen that day, but also it was the fanmeeting day. Feeling that everything ready to be serve,Ryeowook calling few of them to help him serve the food.

Once they finished, all of them gathered around the dining table and filling up their stomach.

"Here hyung, you should eat more. You look so pale" said Ryeowook passing the bowl of kimchi stew towards Yesung hoping to help him with Yesung appetite knowing it's his favorite dish.

"Thanks Ryeowook" replied Yesung, to be honest he still can't stand any smell yet but not wanting to worry his dongseng, he take it.




That night, a sob can be heard in one of the members room. Siwon who woken up to get a glass of water shocked by the muffled sobs. Following the sounds,he found himself in front of his hyung's room, Yesung's room.

"Hyung?" he creaked the door open and widen eyes by what he saw. Yesung was now curling on his floor, a crying mess. Holding his knees towards his chest while laying on his side. In front of him is an open laptop. Light beaming on his crying face.

"Hyung!" whispered Siwon,not wanting to awake any of other members knowing it's already 3 am. He pick Yesung to a sitting position.

" Hyung what's wrong, why are you crying?" Siwon trying to sooth the crying man, wiping the tears of his face that keep flooding out.

Yesung still silently sobbing. Not ing himself to speak but he can't keep it to himself anymore, he pointed his finger to the open laptop. Siwon follow his finger and his gazed fall on the grotesque edited image. It was the image of him and Yesung. 

He begin scrolling up and down,looking at the photos one by one. First picture is him and Yesung at the fanmeeting today, he was sitted right beside Yesung that time,but there's a big X in red on his face. Second picture, it's now him and Yesung inside the car, apparently it was taken from outside of the fanmeeting building. He sit just besides Yesung, talking to each other, his face crossed again. The last one. Is the picture both of  them,at the bloody scene. The picture shows him helping Yesung from pass out,again, his face crossed out. It was taken quite near their distance. 

"what is this hyung?! When did you receive this!?" ask Siwon. Yesung who's clearly still a sobbing mess, trying to speak without stuttering but fail. "i--i.. Just now... 1 am...i--... I'm scared.." 

"Hyung...please, let's tell Leeteuk hyung tomorrow... I know all this thing was happening to you. I know this even before Eunhyuk got his puzzles."  said Siwon.

"what? H--how... How long, Siwon?" stuttered Yesung. He was so sure that no one knew what's happened to him for the past two months. 

"One month ago. I saw you receiving bunch of stuff but then i never heard you talk about it. I got curious and went through your stuff. I'm sorry, i know I'm rude by breaching your privacy but knowing you, i doubt you'll tell me. You got the same puzzles right? I thought you gonna tell them after Eunhyuk talk about his. I guess by looking at this photos, the stalker been contacting you,huh." huffed Siwon. he's been eager to ask Yesung about this thing but he waited for too long. If it wasn't because Yesung clumsily put his stuff in the open space,he wouldn't found the stuff that Yesung got.

"I.... I don't want.. Urghh" feeling worst than before,he couldn't help but to cry more, thinking he has let down his dongseng. 

Siwon pulled Yesung into his arm,letting Yesung cried on his shoulder. " i know you don't want to burden us but not letting us know is a lot more worse, you know hyung? Now, calm down. I'm not mad. I'll promise, I'll help you in this. But promise me tell them once you ready,okay? Now you have me, so please don't fight this alone. This bastard are way too much. It can hurt you and eventually hurt us  too. You understand!?" 

Feeling a small nodd on his shoulder that lead to a soft snore. Yesung had fallen asleep from the crying and laying on the floor for two hours after he received the creepy email from the stalker. 

'And you so tired that you can fall asleep like this, Yesung-hyung' thought Siwon. He cradle Yesung for a moment and carrying him to his bed. After tucking his hyung, he was about to return to his room when he remember about the pictures. He went to his room and grab his phone. He decide to take a picture as evidence just in case the stalker threatening Yesung to delete the photos. 

'If you think we don't care about you hyung, you're so wrong. We will help you no matter what.' thought Siwon before making sure he close the laptop and went to his room to catch some sleep.







A/N: i wanna upload more chapter tonight but its not night anymore. I have work tomorrow so I'll upload tomorrow and i promise it will be kinda for the story. Im so gonna need help with this sleeping problem lol. But alas, give me your thought, i don't want to make it hard for you guys so I'll needing your thoughts on this, thansk for reading!!!! 


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I will take a break from writing lol. Wait for my next story okay? And if i gone for too long, don't be shy to hit my message and scold me haha. Sometimes i become way to tardy lol.


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Chapter 17: Good story 💙
Chapter 8: Omg suspense *-*
401 streak #4
Rereading after so many years XD
Chapter 2: heechul saying "If you cut him again I'll post you nudes on Twitter" I can imagine him saying that in real life even OMG XD
401 streak #6
Chapter 17: Finish~ Upvote~ <33333
401 streak #7
Chapter 10: wua, okay, I felt like there was really a person who named Yesung before Jongwoon got that name XD;; It's hella creeeeeeppppy~
401 streak #8
Chapter 9: I cried when Leeteuk cried, my poor bias wrecker T____T

PS : how could you make my Sungie like this~~~
401 streak #9
Chapter 7: OMG OMG OMG~

I'm scared for my Yesungie's life >___<
401 streak #10
Chapter 3: This story really makes me really curious. I really want to continue reading it, but well, work T^T I'll read slowly, and don't mind me if I spam your comments section LOL