
High Hopes

Amber wondered if Krystal would get upset if she took her hand from hers. Her palm was getting really sweaty and it was awkward to walk holding on to someone else, dodging low hanging branches and reaching plants. Krystal kept smiling over at her though, so she held on a little longer and ended up at the end of the trail before she knew it. 

She couldn't help grinning to herself as they set up the picnic site, placing a blanket over the grass and spreading out the food. 

"Here, I'll do that," she said, taking the thermos from Krystal and pouring the both of them a drink. 

"Umm, this is good. What is it?" 

"Orange blossom tea." Krystal bit her lip. "The scent of it reminded me of you, so I asked JungHwa to make it for us." 

Amber felt a pleased little frisson in her chest. She was thinking about me?

Amber wasn't used to this. She decided to put a little more into the date and take her mind off other things, so she took Krystal's hand and they sat down on the blanket together. 

"What should we eat first?" Amber asked, unfamiliar with some of the dishes, though she'd seen a few at SunYoung's house since they were always cooking something different over there.

"Hmm, let's play a game."

"Oh, um okay?"

Krystal turned toward her, then lined up all the food next to them. "I don't know what some of this stuff is either. I told JungHwa to make date food, but it's been years since she went on a date. That one looks like army rations," she said, pointing to one of the containers. 

"Looks tasty." She raised her eyebrows. "So, what's the game?" 

Krystal narrowed her eyes at her and smirked a little. "Truth or dare." 

Amber sighed. "That's always the game. Alright. Let's do this." 

"Okay," Krystal rubbed her hands together. "Truth or dare?" 


"I guess you're not hungry, huh?" 

Amber laughed. "Not really. No." 

"So have you ever-" 

"Too late. You already asked one." 

Krystal smacked her hands on her thighs and looked devastated. "No!!!" 

Amber chuckled, but didn't let her get a do-over, no matter how much she pleaded. 

"Your turn. Stop pouting. Truth or dare?" 

"Truth," Krystal said sadly. 

Amber put a hand on her knee and shook it around a bit, hoping she hadn't actually upset Krystal. "Why did you keep the pink fox?" Amber asked, curious about why Krystal had kept the keychain when they barely knew each other. 

"Because it was cute, and I liked knowing I had made someone feel the way you told me you felt." She put her hand on top of Amber's. "And I was already, crushing on you a little bit." 

Amber, surprised by the answer, leaned forward and gave Krystal a quick kiss. "Thank you." 

Krystal's grin could've lit up the day without the sun. "Truth or dare." 


"Kiss me again." 

Amber leaned in again, and nearly kissed her, but veered at the last moment and picked up one of the mystery dishes. "Sorry. Suddenly hungry." 

Krystal's forehead crinkled and she smacked her knee against Amber's. "Annoying." 

"Uhmm, this is delicious." She took some on a chopstick and pushed it toward Krystal. She still looked a little angry but ate. 

"Truth or dare?" 

"Truth," Krystal said. 

Amber fiddled with the food for a moment, wondering if she should ask Krystal what she really wanted to ask her, but went with a lighter question than Why do you like me? "How badly do you want me to kiss you?" 

Krystal scoffed and folded her arms. "I don't." 



Amber put the food down and put her hands on each side of Krystal's legs. 


Krystal's eyes dropped to Amber's lips and she shook her head. 

Amber wrapped her arms around Krystal's waist and pulled her forward.

Krystal nodded and Amber kissed her, smiling against her lips. She could feel Krystal smiling too so ended up kissing her longer than intended. 

She finally pulled back when they were both sort of breathless. 

Krystal bit her finger and looked up at Amber through her lashes. "Truth or dare?" 


"Umm, this is kind of personal." 

"That's okay," Amber assured her. They were getting to know each other, she was glad Krystal wanted to asked her something personal. Maybe she was a little more serious than Amber had first thought. She was flattered. 

"Have you ever...um.." her cheeks pinked. "Had umm... before?" 

Woah, thinking about already? "Umm, yeah. It's been a long time though." 


Why does she look disappointed? "Are you a or something?" 

Krystal didn't look like she wanted to answer, but nodded, looking down.

"Oh. Um, oh." Am I not an experiment then? She really likes me and wants to date me and...sleep with me? "Well, if we ever, uhm, have ," geez talking about on the first date,  "we can figure out what you like together, okay?" 

Krystal was full on red now, but she looked happy about Amber's answer, so she considered that a win. 

"Truth or dare?" 

"Truth," Krystal answered quickly.

"How embarrassed are you feeling right now?" 

Krystal huffed out a little laugh. "Shut up. Truth or dare?" 


The game went on until the food was done and their minds were full of new information about each other and Krystal had eaten three tree leaves and Amber had done a headstand. 

They now lay on the blanket just staring up at the sky watching the clouds drift against the faded blue. 

Krystal was playing with her fingers and kept scooting slightly closer like she wanted to lay her head on Amber's shoulder. Amber pretended not to notice and just let her struggle her way there. 

She laughed when she felt the soft strands of Krystal's hair brush against her neck. 

"What?" the younger woman asked. 

"Nothing," Amber said, slipping an arm under and around her to pull her closer. "You're cuter than expected, that's all. I like it." 

Krystal huffed a little. "When I'm a professional businesswoman, no one will be allowed to call me cute." 

"You might not allow it, but they'll do it anyway." 

Krystal propped herself up on her elbow so she could look down at Amber's face.

"Trying to kiss me again?" Amber asked. 

"No. Just looking at you." 


Krystal reached up and brushed her finger over Amber's long eyelashes, down the bridge of her nose, then over her lips. It did something strange to Amber's heart. Then she kissed her. Something felt special about it. Unique. Amber didn't know how to describe it. She'd never been kissed like that before. When the younger woman pulled back, Amber felt slightly lost. 

She caught Krystal's face in one hand before she could lay back down on her shoulder. "This has been the best date I've ever been on," she said sincerely. 

Krystal wiggled happily and lay back down, snuggling even closer. "Me too." 

"Isn't this your first date?" 

"Shut up." 





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unknown_kx #1
Chapter 44: Update pls
Itsob_session #2
Chapter 44: Hi! I just wanted to tell you that this is my first ever fic and since then been here reading all the stuffs, I would love it if you could continue with this fic ....I love it so much 😍
Chapter 44: OK!!! We need more it's time to back... Pleaseee
Hades_LisaandJY #4
Chapter 44: When will you update author~nim? 🥺
Chapter 44: I love this so much. They're so cute
shumaixd #6
Chapter 44: Rereading this again 😊, will wait for your next update author-nim. 😁😁
Chapter 44: dear author-nim, i'm so lately find this interesting storyline, it's was great!
i really appreciate your hard work, please stay healthy and don't stress out
1138 streak #8
Chapter 44: 🥰🥰🥰
2072 streak #9
Chapter 44: I’m surprised they start again just like that
2072 streak #10
Chapter 44: I’m surprised Amber be able to kept her composure. Krystal left her at a really bad place and seeing Amber so nice to her after all of that is surprising