Bar Light

High Hopes

Embo shrugged his shoulder, now looking sort of nervous and uncomfortable. They didn't really know each other and had only seen each other in the coffee shop and bookstore. Despite studying together over a month, acquaintance still felt like too strong of a word to use. 

"We could go to a club or-" 

"I don't really feel like being around a lot of people right now. I kind of just want to drink in peace," he looked at Krystal uncertainly and said hesitantly. "Are you okay with this?" 

"Okay with what?" 

Embo sort of gestured to the street where Sulli had been picked up. "Is your friend trying to matchmake us or something?"

"Erm..." more like push me into your bed, but I'm definitely never saying that out loud. 

Amber wondered why the girl was getting red all of a sudden. She was probably embarrassed. Amber sighed. "I just don't think we're that compatible. I mean, you're kind of nice and really pretty, but-" 

Smiling, Krystal held up a hand to stop Embo's rambling. "Let's just go get something to drink? I've been in classes all day and I don't really want to head home just yet. I'll find a bar we can go to," she pulled out her phone, not waiting for Embo's answer, fox crystal clinking against the case. 

Embo grinned and reached out to touch it. "You kept it?" 

"Yeah," Krystal said offhandedly. "There's a bar about two blocks from here and it stays open until late. It's got 4.5 stars." 

"I can't remember the last time I went to a bar," Embo said, falling into step beside Krystal as she started walking. "I think it was when I'd just turned 18. That was like, the only time." 

Krystal glanced at Embo, now wondering how old he was. Was it weird to ask? They'd both been being informal with one another for a while now since it was annoying to keep being formal during study sessions, so she guessed it didn't really matter. "Hmm. My dad has a lot of business functions that I'm required to attend a few nights out of the year," Krystal said, sounding like an overworn secretary. "It's annoying when all those old men get drunk and forget that you're the same age as their youngest child." 

Embo flicked worried eyes at her. "Did anything ever happen?" 

"No. A man gripped my thigh once and he was fired the next day. You'd think my dad would just stop requiring me to come, but he says it's important I get to know these men. One of them might be my father-in-law or potential connection for my husband." 

Embo's brows shot up and he watched her sympathetically as they were guided to a booth. He propped his guitar between himself and the wall. "Gross," he muttered. 

Krystal let out an annoyed breath through her nose and poured over the drink menu. "Yeah. Gross. That's why I'm going to a successful businesswoman myself. The roof over my head isn't going to rely on who I'm married to or who I'm the daughter of, it's going to be paid for by me," she smirked. "This looks good," she transitioned, pointing to some blue, cloudy looking drink on the menu. 

"What are you getting?" she asked Embo. 

He looked at the menu uncertainly then back up at her. 

"Oh, right, you haven't been out much. I guess I'll just order for you?" she asked. 

He nodded with relief. 

Krystal had been expecting him to turn her offer down since most guys still wanted to look like they were in control of the situation even when they had no clue. She liked that he gave in. She smiled and called for the waiter. She also ordered food for both of them. Since Embo hadn't drunk a lot before, it would be best he have food in his stomach so he wouldn't get drunk. Plus, they were spending someone else's money. 

Once their orders were taken, she gestured toward Embo's guitar, "So?" 

"Oh. Yeah," he leaned his elbows on the table and flicked his hair out of his eyes, long eyelashes fluttering over sharp cheekbones. He really was a very pretty man. "I write music. Well...I try to write music. I used to be better, but then...well anyway. I wrote a song and I auditioned for a songwriter position slash tried to sell my song but it was too rough and," he ran his hand through his hair. "Well let's just say they gave me quite a long critique that I will be sure to use as a guide in the future." 

"You're not giving up?" 

"No," Embo said with a laugh. "I knew it wasn't going to go well, I didn't have much time and it's been such a long time since I sang and played the guitar. There's so much more practice I need to put in. I'm glad for the critique. I was working without a guide before. Now I have some points to work on." 



Krystal shrugged. "I don't think I'd be able to do it. That sounds so scary." 

"You ever went after something you're not sure you were going to get?" 

Is that flirting? Is that what flirting sounds like? Krystal tucked her hair behind her ear, wondering if she wanted to be flirted with. She didn't have time for a relationship, but flirting with a cute guy could be good practice. "Only this college thing," she said with a flick of her hand. "I never really thought I could convince my dad to pay for it, but he did in the end." 

"What would you have done if he hadn't decided to pay for it?" 

"Erm, I probably would have been married or at least engaged by now to one of his colleagues' sons." 

Embo's brows shot up to his hairline. "Just like that? You wouldn't have tried something else?" 

"Like what?" 

Embo gestured with one hand. "I don't know, like maybe found a job and worked for the money yourself or something?" 

"No, my father doesn't want me to work." 

Embo's brow scrunched. 

"My mother doesn't either. She wants me to start my family soon like my sister did." 

"And your sister is happy?" 

"Uh...not exactly." Krystal fiddled with the ends of her hair. Why was the conversation so heavy already? Wasn't there something lighter they could talk about. 

Their drinks finally arrived in the awkward silence and Embo took a drink, scrunching his face at the aftertaste. "That's disgusting." 

Krystal laughed. "Well, the point is to get drunk, not discuss the flavors like we're at a wine tasting." 

"Never been to one of those either," Embo pointed out. 

They ended up shifting the conversation to all of the places Krystal had traveled too, Embo marveling at the stories and the photos Krystal showed him on her phone. Krystal told her to just follow her on Instagram since she would be traveling after the semester ended and he would be able to see her updates, but Embo stunned her by telling her he didn't own a phone. 

"You don't?!" she asked, shocked. 

"No," he shrugged carelessly. "I don't really have the money for it, so I just don't keep one."

"Oh..." Krystal wondered what it was like to not even have enough money to have a phone, but she figured it would be rude to ask more. "Well, maybe give me your address. I can send you postcards and polaroids. How's that?" 

Embo smiled. He looked beautiful when he smiled, dark eyes slanting and sparkling in the low light of the bar.  "That'd be great." He listed off his address as Krystal took note of it in her phone. "You're a lot nicer than you look," Embo said. 

Krystal pinched her lips uncertainly. "What's that supposed to mean?" 

"You look kind of cold and distant," he leaned his elbows on the table and did that y thing where he flicked his hair out of his eyes. "But you're really quite warm." 

Krystal blushed under his gaze and the compliment. "Whatever. I should probably head home soon. I'm supposed to taste some deserts for the cook and I don't want to be late." 

"I'll wait with you until your car comes." 

"I can have the driver drop you off at your home on the way back," Krystal offered, liking that Embo thought she was warm and wanting to keep proving it for some reason. 

"No, but thank you." Amber was a bit embarrassed at the state of her house. "I'll get home fine. I'm used to walking home much later than this." 

"You're sure?" 

Embo nodded giving her another one of those heart melting grins. "Yeah, I'm sure." 


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unknown_kx #1
Chapter 44: Update pls
Itsob_session #2
Chapter 44: Hi! I just wanted to tell you that this is my first ever fic and since then been here reading all the stuffs, I would love it if you could continue with this fic ....I love it so much 😍
Chapter 44: OK!!! We need more it's time to back... Pleaseee
Hades_LisaandJY #4
Chapter 44: When will you update author~nim? 🥺
Chapter 44: I love this so much. They're so cute
shumaixd #6
Chapter 44: Rereading this again 😊, will wait for your next update author-nim. 😁😁
Chapter 44: dear author-nim, i'm so lately find this interesting storyline, it's was great!
i really appreciate your hard work, please stay healthy and don't stress out
1138 streak #8
Chapter 44: 🥰🥰🥰
2072 streak #9
Chapter 44: I’m surprised they start again just like that
2072 streak #10
Chapter 44: I’m surprised Amber be able to kept her composure. Krystal left her at a really bad place and seeing Amber so nice to her after all of that is surprising