
High Hopes

"What are you doing?" Sulli asked Krystal, noticing that she checked her phone and looked disappointed for the fifth time in under two minutes. 

"What do you mean?" Krystal asked, going back to high lighting her notes. She was at Sulli's house to study since Embo hadn't been at the bookshop when she'd gone by. 

"You keep checking your phone then looking like someone kicked a puppy. What's up?" She folded her book in her lap and focused all of her attention on her friend. "Come on." 

Krystal sighed and flopped back on the bean bag chair she was resting on. "What does it mean if someone doesn't call you after you kiss?" 

Sulli's eyes widened and she abandoned her book altogether. She leaned forward and clasped Krystal's hand. "Oh my god! You kissed someone?! Finally," she gushed. "How was it?!" 

Krystal smiled shyly, remembering Embo's hand on her cheek and their lips touching in the darkness. 

"Woah, you don't even need to answer. Most people's first kiss . Oh my god, wait," she said, thinking. "You did not! When you were at Embo's during the storm!!!!" 

"Ah!!" Krystal gasped when Sulli smacked her hard on the leg. 

"What did I tell you about snuggling with the poor? You've gone and kissed him and you're making goo-goo eyes over him. You should've just slept with him and moved on. Now, look at you, waiting for his phone call." 

"So what?" 

Sulli narrowed her eyes in disbelief. "What are you even going to do with this? You plan to marry him or something?" 

"No. It's too early to even think about those things." She bit her lip and hugged her book to her chest. "It was amazing." 

"And now he won't call you?" 

"Well, we saw each other yesterday, and the day before that, but we just studied at the bookstore and he didn't make a move on me or anything. I mean, he laid his hand on top of mine for like a second, but that's about it." She pouted and scuffed her feet on the floor. "What does that mean?" 

Sulli sighed, frustrated at her friend, but she couldn't really control someone else's life. Krystal would learn from her own mistakes. "It probably means he's as much of a clueless idiot as you are. He'll probably text you tonight with some stupid update like 'I just had mandu'. I have a photoshoot in Bali Friday so let's get back to studying before you melt my brains as badly as yours already are." 

"Are you sure about this?" Amber asked, looking at Jung Mo skeptically. He'd put an application to be an assistant at a music production company in her hand. "I barely graduated high school." 

"Yeah. They just need a hard worker who's willing to learn. Plus, he's my friend, so I put in a really good word for you. The pay is way better than at that bookstore and the hours aren't always set, so you might actually get to see what the sunlight looks like every once in a while." 

She held the application tightly in her hands then looked up at Jung Mo through blurry eyes. "Really, why are you helping me so much?" 

He patted her on the shoulder, then ruffled her hair. "Because you deserve it." He held her chin lightly in his hand. "Just be yourself in the interview and I guarantee you'll get the job."

She smiled brightly up at him. "Thank you. I'll do my best." 

She left his house, nerves all over the place. She wondered if she should buy a new outfit for the interview. She wasn't sure if the outfit she'd worn the last few years to job interviews would work for this one. She'd probably need an entirely new, classier wardrobe if she became an assistant. 

She didn't really have the money for that just yet. Maybe a nice blazer and slacks. She had plenty of button-ups to switch out underneath. 

Amber kept having to remind herself not to overthink it. The interview was in two days and if she blew it out of proportion in her mind, she was bound to mess it up. She couldn't imagine having an actual, full-time job. She could make her part-time wages all at once and actually have time to do things. 

The concept was impossible to grasp.



Krystal glared at Embo's cheerful expression. He hadn't called her at all yesterday, now here he was in the bookstore as bright as a new penny. 

"You weren't here yesterday." 

"Oh yeah. I had an important guitar practice to go to. My teacher is going out of town for two weeks." 

Krystal leaned her elbows on the desk, getting right up in Embo's face. "You're not going to apologize?"

Embo leaned forward, completely unintimidated. Krystal swallowed hard, thinking about the last time they'd kissed. 

"What should I apologize for?" 

"Umm," she tried to pull her thoughts together. "I came to study and you weren't here." 

"You can study without me. Your room's always open." 

Krystal bit her lip and confessed. "I wanted to spend time with you." 

Embo looked a little surprised, then happy. "Oh." 

"You're still not sorry?" 

Embo leaned forward a little more. Krystal couldn't help wanting to close the gap, but Embo stopped short and said with a smirk, "Nope." Then pulled back, nearly causing Krystal to fall across the table. "I have an interview on Friday so I won't be here then either." 

"Oh? Where?" 

"I don't want to talk too much about it cause I don't want to jinx it," his slender hands clasped together. "But I'm excited and if I get it we can celebrate, okay?"

Krystal put her chin on her fist and tilted her head attractively. "And how would we celebrate?" 

"I'll buy you an ice cream?" 

Krystal grinned. "At the Han River? I want to go someplace with you other than just the bookstore." 

"L-like a date?" 

Krystal cocked an eyebrow at him and winked.

Embo laughed. "Okay. Maybe hiking or something. Hiking, a picnic, ice cream on the way back?" 

"You have the time to do that?" 

"I took Saturday off because I was going to be so stressed waiting to hear back after the interview. Besides my paycheck is already pretty much ashes after the storm cost me work. So why not. You'll be free?" 

Krystal nodded eagerly. "Yeah! I have hiking boots already and everything. This is going to be great!" she squirmed, happy that Embo wanted to take her on a date whether he got the job or not. "Wait, since we're doing this Saturday before you've heard back, does that mean we'll find a different way to celebrate once you found out if you have the job." 

"Wow, you really want to spend that much time with me. You like me that much?" 

Krystal fiddled with the little paper clips on the counter. "I don't know how to play games. I've never been in a relationship or dated. So...I want to be able to be honest with you." She glanced up. "I like you and I want to spend time with you and I hope you feel the same way cause I really, really like kissing you." 

Embo leaned across the desk and touched Krystal's cheek lightly. "I like kissing you too." 

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unknown_kx #1
Chapter 44: Update pls
Itsob_session #2
Chapter 44: Hi! I just wanted to tell you that this is my first ever fic and since then been here reading all the stuffs, I would love it if you could continue with this fic ....I love it so much 😍
Chapter 44: OK!!! We need more it's time to back... Pleaseee
Hades_LisaandJY #4
Chapter 44: When will you update author~nim? 🥺
Chapter 44: I love this so much. They're so cute
shumaixd #6
Chapter 44: Rereading this again 😊, will wait for your next update author-nim. 😁😁
Chapter 44: dear author-nim, i'm so lately find this interesting storyline, it's was great!
i really appreciate your hard work, please stay healthy and don't stress out
1149 streak #8
Chapter 44: 🥰🥰🥰
2078 streak #9
Chapter 44: I’m surprised they start again just like that
2078 streak #10
Chapter 44: I’m surprised Amber be able to kept her composure. Krystal left her at a really bad place and seeing Amber so nice to her after all of that is surprising