七 。

Will You?
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A/N: I've been updating every day so far, but I think
I'll take a one day break tomorrow before returning to
updating again since I've got some things to do! c:

“I heard you’ve almost gone a week without dating anyone.”


“Ah, has it been that long?”


“That's not like you.”


“Then what is?”


It was break time between classes, and Sehun had gone out to the school garden, Jongin naturally following suit. However this time, Sehun wasn’t at all annoyed. Actually, there was a sort of curiosity built up within Sehun that afternoon, and he wanted some answers by digging into Jongin’s mind – even if the boy was quite evasive in his answers.


But it wasn’t even the fact that Jongin had made so many moves on him and he was growing irritated that brought on the curiosity – it was the fact that Jongin had ceased all other relationships he had with the other people in their class just to pursue him – which was quite unheard of. The Jongin that he heard about never spent so long trying to get the attention of one person.


The Jongin the school had come to know had always been more-than-willing to go on these trial dates with others to see if they were interesting enough for him, but recently, he had told them that he just wasn’t interested without batting another eyelash. That caused people to become extremely curious as to who had the ability to fully capture the well-known school player’s ever-shifting attention.


And now that the word had spread about Jongin rejecting their respected classmate and internet sensation, Irene, people were really beginning to talk. Well, not that Jongin really cared, but Sehun was feeling a little conflicted.


“Why do you pay so much attention to me?”


“Easy. You're interesting.”


“In what way?”


“Are you curious?”


“You’re dodging the question.”


“I know.”




“Will you believe me if I tell you, Sehun?”


And suddenly, Jongin’s eyes transformed into something much more gentle, much more sincere. While difficult to admit, it was likely the first time Sehun felt like beneath that flirtatious exterior, there was something much more human inside. And that something might have just slightly tugged at a single heart string, causing his attention to be focused on Jongin’s entire being.


It was the first time Sehun felt like he should take Jongin seriously – a refreshing feeling for Sehun to say the least. He suddenly felt like he was finally getting to know the real Jongin. So Sehun glanced at the boy before him, studying that simple expression beaming back at him, replying quite straightforwardly, without thinking twice.


“I will.”


“Even if I say that I like you?”


Is that a joke?



— ♡ —



“Hey, Joonmyeon. Where’s Sehun?”


Well Jongin had believed that Sehun had returned to the classroom before he did, but it was now five minutes until the class bell was about to ring, and the desk before him was still unattended – Sehun, nowhere to be seen. This only made Jongin a little uneasy as he had practically just confessed for the first time to Sehun – to anyone, really – and he was afraid he may have scared the boy off.


“A girl called him out earlier.”


“A girl?”


“I think her name was Yoona.”


“What did she want?”


“Probably a confession.”




How many thoughts ran through Jongin’s mind that moment? Way too many. Because suddenly, Jongin didn’t know how to react. He would’ve usually cracked a snide comment, made some sort of playful smooth statement, and brushed it off with ease, but with Joonmyeon’s three little words, he had managed to throw Jongin’s life into complete utter chaos.


The mere thought of Sehun dating someone else was just way too much too handle. It would be utter chaos, if it did happen. Well, utter chaos for Jongin's heart at least – rejection wasn't something he was nearly accustomed to.


Hey Sehun, remember how I said I loved a good chase?


Well I take it the back.


So don't you dare go dating anyone now.


And of course, his mind chose that moment to recall

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woo the whole story is finally done, a big thanks to everyone who subscribed, commented, and/or upvoted! c:


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970 streak #1
Chapter 13: I love the ending. You did very well. Thank you so much for sharing.
970 streak #2
Chapter 8: I subscribed to this fic earlier and I'm not really sure if I had read it. But here i am reading this now.
Jongin is now fully invested and Sehun is finally willing to look at Jongin closely. Reading on.
Niniskai88 #3
Chapter 13: SO CUTE
Pxnellyxq #4
Chapter 13: the chase was PERFECT
ReadRealize #5
Chapter 13: rereading this again. just love sekai dynamics here
Chapter 13: I NEED MORE! It’s so adorable so precious i love every part of this. It doesn’t have much drama but there are scenes that tug the deepest of my heart. I feel for jongin. How sincere he was. It was his first time feeling this way, he must had hard time dealing with it. But it’s good that he didn’t give up because he ended up getting sehun to himself. I’m happy for them.
Chapter 11: that kiss!kyahhhh❣❣❣
Chapter 4: so fluffy i am melting❣
Burnsie75 #9
Chapter 6: Persistent bugger that Jongin!
Chapter 13: This was so good omg thank you so much for writing this uwu