二 。

Will You?
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A/N: Um 440+ subscribers in a day?? Are half of you robots???
How did this even happen LOL my heart is weak for anyone
who has subbed or upvoted, and even moreso to those who
bothered to leave a comment! Now without further ado... c:

“Hey Sehun, what’s your type?”




“Ah, is that so? I wonder how much a change costs these days.”


“Was that supposed to be a joke?”


“I don’t know. Did it make you laugh?”




“Then, I guess I was serious.”


To any bystander, the two may have seemed to be friends – or at the very least, acquaintances. But the conversation was quite eccentric, with the amused player trying to capture the heart of the uninterested boy.


Jongin had been quite stubborn, not taking no for an answer when Sehun told him that he didn’t want to be escorted home like some fragile princess. But knowing Jongin, Sehun guessed he has probably never been told ‘no’, and probably didn’t even know the meaning of the word. Jongin was seemingly terrible with instructions.


How frustrating.


Especially now that it seemed as if Sehun had become Jongin’s new plaything of the week, Sehun knew he had to keep his guard up in the case Jongin does something completely unpredictable. But Sehun was also pretty certain he knew all of the plays from his playbook, and none of the plays would be truly effective.


Sure, Jongin was a little too good-looking for his own good. He had those charming eyes, dark and alluring, easily captivating those around him. Not to mention, those cherry-stained lips, sweet and appetizing – the words spilling out, even sweeter still. It was clear that his picture-perfect appearance didn’t lose to that wickedly slick tongue of his.


But Sehun was different.


Actually, Sehun was straight.


Well, probably.



— ♡ —



“Late again, Mr. Oh? That’s the third time this week, and it’s Wednesday.”


“Sorry, I missed my stop.”


“How could you be so careless?”


“I fell asleep.”


“It’s almost noon, Sehun.”


“I’m really not a morning person.”


Sehun’s words earned a few chuckles from his classmates. Guess they had found him relatable. Unsurprisingly, as Sehun made his way back to his seat, he could feel Jongin’s intense gaze upon himself. Those dark orbs of his were really digging into his skin, and he could practically feel his skin crawl – not necessarily in a good way either.


Who would like being watched so deeply by a classmate?


Certainly not Sehun. He shifted in his seat uncomfortably as he made repeated attempts to ignore the one behind him. Even if he were to be interested in Jongin – which he’s obviously not – this was a classroom. There was a time and place for flirting, and well, this was definitely not it.


But Jongin wasn’t accustomed to being ignored. Actually, Jongin had been waiting for Sehun to come to class from the moment he woke up, and now that Sehun was here, he couldn’t help but smile. His eyes were fixated on the back of the male before him, and the more he stared, the more he wanted to touch. When he could no longer contain himself, he found himself whispering.


“Hey Sehun, will you let me touch you?”


“Definitely not.”


The reply was immediate, subtle. But Jongin only asked as a courtesy, and he didn’t really think twice about the response he received. Instead, he reached forward and slowly ran his fingers down the boy’s back, lightly tracing the outline of his spine.


Sturdy, strong, and very well toned.


Sehun noticeably stiffened in response to the gentle touch, much to Jongin’s liking – as Jongin was trying to provoke a reaction from the expressionless Sehun. But Sehun didn’t dare turn around. He didn’t dare reach behind him and slap the boy’s hand away. He didn’t dare do anything that would draw unnecessary attention towards him. Instead, he spoke in a much harsher whisper than Jongin had done.


“I said no.”


“I know.”


“Then stop.”


“I’ll stop

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woo the whole story is finally done, a big thanks to everyone who subscribed, commented, and/or upvoted! c:


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961 streak #1
Chapter 13: I love the ending. You did very well. Thank you so much for sharing.
961 streak #2
Chapter 8: I subscribed to this fic earlier and I'm not really sure if I had read it. But here i am reading this now.
Jongin is now fully invested and Sehun is finally willing to look at Jongin closely. Reading on.
Niniskai88 #3
Chapter 13: SO CUTE
Pxnellyxq #4
Chapter 13: the chase was PERFECT
ReadRealize #5
Chapter 13: rereading this again. just love sekai dynamics here
Chapter 13: I NEED MORE! It’s so adorable so precious i love every part of this. It doesn’t have much drama but there are scenes that tug the deepest of my heart. I feel for jongin. How sincere he was. It was his first time feeling this way, he must had hard time dealing with it. But it’s good that he didn’t give up because he ended up getting sehun to himself. I’m happy for them.
Chapter 11: that kiss!kyahhhh❣❣❣
Chapter 4: so fluffy i am melting❣
Burnsie75 #9
Chapter 6: Persistent bugger that Jongin!
Chapter 13: This was so good omg thank you so much for writing this uwu