
Sixty Seconds
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"Seulgi-ya! What happened to your face?!"


"My poor baby!"


"My heart hurts seeing you like that!"


"Who the hell did that to you? I'll sue them!"


"I swear whoever did that to you will pay!"



When there's crowd, you can immediately expect that there's the certain gangster everyone loves, Kang, Seulgi. And when there's Seulgi, there must be Mystic Twelve.


"Stupid girls. Why are they always so noisy?" Seulgi hisses and grabs a tangerine flavored lollipop inside her jacket. She opens the candy, and stuff it in .


It's the next day after the gang fight occurred at the Vixens' place. Mystic Twelve are making their way inside the school when girls are already surrounding them. Seulgi had a small cut at her bottom lip and a purple bruise along with it. That's why girls are going wild. Nobody should dare to lay a finger on the gangster.


"Iyaaahhhh! Kang, Seulgi I like it when you eat lollipop! It's !"


The gangster sends her infamous death glare to the girl. Instead of being threatened, the gangster earns another ear-deafening squeals and screams from the crowd.


"Kang, Seulgi you're so y!"


"Please glare at me!"


"Even if you choke me to death, I would be really happy!"


"Seulgi-ya say bad words to me!"


"Please be harsh on me!"



"-OFF!" Seulgi have no patience any-longer and burst out to the girls. The gangster hates people's attention but it can't be neglected. As of her family status and her own charismatic well-being, it can't be avoided.


Albeit shock, this time, girls screams and squeals are getting hundred times louder more than ever. Pissed off, Seulgi just ignore it and continued her way to her room together with Elevens. There's no point on shouting to them. When was the last time again the gangster shouted at them telling them to stop and they listen? None. It's a waste of time and not even worth it. Only Irene can get all her time and attention. Only her Wifey.








"Dahyun, how's your arm?" Tzuyu asked as she glance at the casted right arm of the Eagle.


"Yeah, it looks terrible." Mina jested in.


"It's getting fine. The Doctor said it will heal within three weeks." Dahyun smiled.


"I-I'm sorry you got your arm broken because of me.." Sana said in a verge of crying again. Last night, she was crying hard as they rush Dahyun to the hospital. The Doctor said Dahyun's arm will be fine but tears from Sana's eyes continuously flowing. Even when Dahyun's arm had casted on, Sana's cries won't stop.


"N-No baby, don't cry again. It's okay. Please don't feel sorry about it. I would never forgive myself if you're the one who get hurt." Dahyun wipes the tears from Sana's cheeks.




"Smile for me and I will be fine."


Dahyun got her arm broken when she shielded her arm to protect Sana from being hit by a steel bar. Mystic Twelve had bruises here and there but Dahyun had it worst. But it's not really a big deal compare to what she gets from Mystic Twelve's Martial Arts training in the Kang, Mansion's dojo. Every time Dahyun remembers the beating she gets from sparring with Seulgi before, the intensity of pain she experience from Seulgi's kick and the steel bar hit her arm on the last fight is no much at all. Because of it, Dahyun got hospitalize for two months healing her broken ribs. Yeah, the broken arm is more bearable than the leader of Mystic Twelve's kick. It's deadly.


Despite of crying, Sana tried to muster a smile. She plastered a crook smile instead.


"That's it. You're beautiful when you smile." Dahyun grins widely making Sana to do so.


"Look! Because of your smile it feels okay now." Dahyun wiggled her right arm and the pain instantly registered on her face.


"Fucckkkk.." Dahyun curses and holds her arm, silently ingesting the pain.


"You're so stupid! You shouldn't do that!" Sana smacks Dahyun's shoulder.


"I'm already hurt and you're hurting me again!"


"Because you're stupid!"


"I'm not stupid!"


"Yes you are!"


The Mystic Twelve burst out laughing.


"Seriously, you two are such dorks." Jihyo chuckles.


"Yeah, and dubu dubu Dahyun is so sweet for protecting Sana." Nayeon dreamily said.


"Unlike the other one there." Nayeon sarcastically said pertaining to Jeongyeon.


"H-Hey! Are you referring to me?!"


"No! No! I'm referring to the wall!"


Mystic Twelve burst out laughing again.


"Why are you always like that to me??" Jeongyeon creases her brows together and pouts.


"You're always teasing me!"


"Because you're so dumb!" Nayeon said and Mystic Twelve laughs again.


"Of course, what I mean is you. Sometimes I wonder why I end up to you." Nayeon shakes her head.


"Maybe because that's what you like about her." Chaeyoung chuckles.


"You know.. Jeongyeon might be kind of naive sometimes but she's cute." Momo nonchalantly said.


Mystic Twelve nodded in agreement.


"And she's handsome." Joy addends.


"And y." Wendy addends too.


Looking away, the flushes of red hues is evident on Nayeon's cheeks.


"I-I hate it that it's true."








"Biology is the science of life. Its name is derived from the Greek words "bios" means life and "logos" means study." Their Professor said as she continued lecturing to the class.


Irene is taking down notes on what's written on the board when she felt her phone vibrates in her blouse pocket. She takes out her phone and there's a displayed text message from the gangster. Irene is having second thought if she should read it or not but she swipes the screen to unlock anyways.




Did you attend school today?




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2189 streak #1
Chapter 10: Will wait for next chapter. Ur story always got my attention👍
Chapter 10: Hope you're doing great authornim
575 streak #4
Chapter 10: I'm still here ?
575 streak #5
Chapter 10: Still waiting...
I like the poster
Cdival #7
Chapter 10: Studying for your future is important!!!...I wish you success dude, adult life can get really messy some times, but you'll do it well...if I did it, anyone can do it...hahahaha XD.

And you can take as long as you need for the update, I'll be roaming around...don't worry too much about it, there's a lot to read oor re-read in here and also, I'm subscribed so I'll know if you update someday...

Be strong, be healthy but most important!...Be happy... ;)
MaxTheCatnip #8
Chapter 10: FIGHTING!!!! i'll support you with whatever decision you'll make. good luck with the adult life!
Chapter 4: Joyri!
Chapter 2: Awww Wifey