
Sixty Seconds
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"You people at the back! Why all of you are eating lollipops in my class?! Don't you know it's strictly forbidden to eat anything in class?! Also, why all of you are not wearing uniforms and why did you dyed your hairs?! That’s a big offense! How this school tolerates such delinquents like you! And please sit properly on your seats!" The new Professor shouts to the twelve students sitting at the back. It is his first day at this school and he already encountered wrong doings of his students in this early in the morning. They are in star section but they behave the opposite of what star students should be.


The twelve students sitting at the back, like he said, are not wearing uniforms. Their attire is all black. Black leather jacket with black crop top underneath, black skinny jeans and black high heels. Except for one who wears white crop top and black ripped jeans. They also have dyed hair colors and lollipops stuff in their mouths. About the sitting arrangements, the classroom consists of four rows of tables with six columns on the left, then a vertical space in the middle where teacher’s table located, then six columns on the right. However, there’s a lone table placed at the back along the vertical space in front of the teacher’s table. Making it five rows in total. The one sitting on it is the girl wearing the white crop top underneath. (A/N: I provide image for you to visualize the positioning of Mystic Twelve)





The other students keep their mouth shut. They are silently praying for the new Professor. It is unwise to go against the Mystic Twelve. How they wish their not in the same placed where the disaster might take place. They don’t want to witness blood scatter everywhere.


It pisses him more when the twelve students only laugh at him.


"What's your name teach?" Said a black haired girl, with pink and blonde tilts at the end of her hair.


"Manners young lady! I'm your professor!"


"Tch. As if we care." She said and all of them laughs again.


"Whatever your name teach, if I were you, just leave us alone." Said the short blonde haired girl.


The green haired girl, who is sitting next to the left side in front of the one wearing white crop top, swirled the lollipop inside . Then she pulled her green apple flavored lollipop slowly and uttered,


"Get in our way and your dead."


The teacher gasps. What the hell is happening in this school? They just not tolerated these students but they also let them to be like this. There's no proper guidance been applied to them. How these little brats’ barks harshly at him is the enough proof of it.


"What the--! How dare you threaten me like that! Can't you see I'm your teacher?! I can make all of you get suspended!"


"Suspended he said?" Said the navy blue haired girl and points her blue berry flavored lollipop to the Professor. Then the twelve students laugh again.


"Do you not know us? Do you really wanna die?"


"You little--!" The Professor has been cut off when the one wearing white crop top speaks.


"Can you please shut up?" She said and leans fully on her chair and put her left hand in her pocket while holding her tangerine flavored lollipop in her right hand. She then crosses her legs.


"You're annoying." She addens and cracks the lollipop in .


The Professor suddenly got chills down her spine. He doesn't know why but the girl speaking is making him feel that way.


"What's your name old man?


He can't bring himself to speak. His lips were quivering and his knees were slightly trembling.


"I said what's your name."








"Professor Jung." She uttered and bite the end of the lollipop stick where the candy is place which is now empty after she cracks the candy before.


"Didn't the Principal tells you about us?" She stated and drops the lollipop stick on the floor.


"N-No he didn't."


"Not good." Then she fished out her phone from her pocket. She dials a number and held it in her right ear.


Meanwhile, the Principal is walking back and forth at his office because he forgot to inform the new Professor about the Mystic Twelve. He bit his thumb nail in anxiety. What is he gonna do when the leader of the said gang gets angry? Yes, you read it right, they are a gang. Gangs should not be allowed in school premises but in his condition, they are an exemption. The Kang Family, which is where the leader comes from to, now owns his school. He got in a big debt one time because of his addiction in gambling. He lost a lot of money and even his bank account turns into zero. His so desperate, he asked help to the Kang's. The Kang's proposed to buy his school. They offered to make it times two from the original price and still make him as the Principal. So the set up will be, him working for the Kang’s. If you look at it, the times two price means hundreds of millions of Won, it is really tempting but it also means losing his ownership in his school. But when he back tracks the remaining debts he has, it leaves him no choice and thus he gave in. In short, the Kang's is technically the owner of the said school. Their daughter, which is the heir of the Kang Family, is what he fears the most. Aside from being the top student and so smart AF, she is also a delinquent. She does what she wants. And when you get in her way, your dead. Many Professors has been kicked out because of her. No one says no to her. What she says is what is right. She is so evil, even him, the Principal, threatens by her to be kick out in his school. Which she has a power to do so. And when she gets angry, I advise to run for your life, because she will literally kill you.


Speaking of the devil, he got a call from her. He tenses up. He knows with every fiber of his being, he's doomed. He gulps hard and immediately swift the screen to answer the call. This student hates not to answer her call at one ring. If you do, then bye bye my blue. You can kiss your goodbye.


"H-Hello Ms. Kang?"


"There's a new Professor here and he said you didn't inform him about us. Is he correct?"


He is so dead.


"Y-Yes Ms. Kang I forgot to tell him."


"What did you say? You forgot? How about I kick you out of my school? You can forget your life too."


See? She's evil.


"I-Im really sorry Ms. Kang. I promise this won't happen again."


"Don't promise, do it. However, I don't like him. So you choose, it's either you resign or him. I'll give you five seconds to decide. The counting starts after I hang up this call." She said and ends the call.


How can someone decide in a crucial situation within five seconds? It’s insane. Kang, Seulgi is making him insane. No one can do that. But if you don’t follow her orders, she will m

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2188 streak #1
Chapter 10: Will wait for next chapter. Ur story always got my attention👍
Chapter 10: Hope you're doing great authornim
575 streak #4
Chapter 10: I'm still here ?
575 streak #5
Chapter 10: Still waiting...
I like the poster
Cdival #7
Chapter 10: Studying for your future is important!!!...I wish you success dude, adult life can get really messy some times, but you'll do it well...if I did it, anyone can do it...hahahaha XD.

And you can take as long as you need for the update, I'll be roaming around...don't worry too much about it, there's a lot to read oor re-read in here and also, I'm subscribed so I'll know if you update someday...

Be strong, be healthy but most important!...Be happy... ;)
MaxTheCatnip #8
Chapter 10: FIGHTING!!!! i'll support you with whatever decision you'll make. good luck with the adult life!
Chapter 4: Joyri!
Chapter 2: Awww Wifey