Hold Me Tight

Sixty Seconds
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"So wifey, lunch with me?"


Irene is contemplating whether should she answer or not. Because isn't it totally obvious that no matter what or how many times she declines, the gangster will always get things in her way? Addends to it the fact that her beloved friend just ditched her for a "crush", a HUGE "crush" of her to be exact. Maybe the next time Irene sees Yeri, she would also "crush" her bones into pieces.


"I don't take a "no" as an answer so.." Seulgi takes Irene's hand and entwines it to hers.


"Let's go."


Irene is speechless and flustered at the same time.






The scrutinizing eyes that look at you like you are the bad news in the school. The glare that gives you chills to the bone. The unpleased faces they flaunt at you like you did something wrong.. Those things are what Irene receiving right now.


They are now seated in the cafeteria table, side by side. The gangster ordered the remaining Elevens (as Joy is with Yeri) to go seat elsewhere as she wanted to have some privacy with her Wifey.


Pinching her food with fork, Irene's mind is filled with unreasonable questions she doesn't know the answers. Like, how did she ended up being here or is it a big mistake to agree with her parents coming back to Korea or what she did in her past life to deserve this. Those looks that despise her entire being which in the first place, she didn't do anything wrong. The second day of her in this school is already too much. Irene is looking forward to have many friends in her new school like she did back then in America but on what's happening right now, Irene doubts it. Is it her fault that a gangster likes her? Okay not she would admit that she likes the gangster too but, fine she admits it (only to herself), she would lie to herself if she didn't find the gangster as very attractive. Those six pack abs is narrating the whole possible reasons of why everyone are head over heels on the gangster. And absolutely, everyone's mouths are watering as of now.


"Is there something's wrong? Don't you like the food? Should I order a new one?"


Irene snaps out of her reverie.


"N-No it was just.." Irene glances around and like before, all eyes are on them.


"Don't think about them. Only think about me."


Irene sceptically looks at the gangster. She didn't clearly comprehend what the gangster had said as she was looking around.


"W-What did you say?"


Seulgi softly took Irene's hand to hers again and entwines it. She then caresses Irene's hand with her thumb.


"Don't think about anyone else but me."


Like on cue, Irene's face flash into beet red.


Seulgi laughs at the sight.


"Wifey you're blushing again. It's two times for this day. I wonder how many times you could do that. It's cute. Maybe I'll put it as my goal."


"No! You're crazy!" Irene said fanning herself in embarrassment.


Seulgi playfully smirk.


"Crazy for you."


If that even possible, Irene got redder than before.


Seulgi laughs again.


"Wifey that's three."


"Shut up! You're stupid!" Irene is pulling her hand away at the gangster but Seulgi grips it to hers.


"Na-ah. You're stuck with me and always be." Seulgi is only grinning at the glares Irene giving to her.


"Don't look at me like that, it turns me on."


Irene doesn't know how many times she blushes on their lunch.






"I'll see you later. Also, call your chauffeur to cancel your service today, I'll take you home."


They had finished their lunch and now the two are standing outside Irene's room again. The gangster accompanied her wifey as for the next period of class will start in a minute.


Irene's quirks her eyebrows.


"And why would I do that?" Of all the things happened at their lunch, Irene got a chance to bark back.


Seulgi walks closer in front of Irene. Irene's breath hitch as Seulgi is approximately a few inches away from her. The gangster then cups Irene's chin using her right hand, making the latter to look directly at her.


"Because I said so Wifey and you better oblige." The gangster's hot breath hits Irene's lips that it made her whimper. Seulgi smiles at the quivering Irene.


Seulgi's breath smells like citrus vanilla, something like that. It's minty as Irene thought maybe because of Seulgi's lollipop flavor. Seulgi angles herself, leaning in, closing the gap between the two of them. Irene is not anticipating but she closes her eyes tight. The gangster smiles on how her Wifey shaking a little in front of her. It's not even a first time they had kissed (See chapter 4) so why Irene is nervous right now? Perhaps the kissing can do next time. Seulgi likes teasing the tsundere Irene too.


"Do you really want me to kiss you on the lips?"


Irene's eyes immediately flares open and steps backwards away from Seulgi. Everything is so fast and Irene didn't have a presence of mind on what just happened. There's one thing she'd rather know, it is her heart that thumping hard on her chest.


"Of course not! Why would I want it?!"


Seulgi grins widely at her fuming wifey walking inside the classroom.


"That's not how your body reacts wifey." Seulgi tells to herself. On the way to her room, the gangster unwraps another tangerine flavored lollipop at her jacket and stuffs it in .


"You're so cute. I like it."






"Irene please forgive meeeee.."




"Irene please.."


"I said no."


"Irene I'm really sorry I didn't mean to do it I'm just--"


"You’re just what? You're so crazy to that crush of yours that you ditched me? How could you!"


Yeri bit down her lower lip, feeling guilty.


"I-I'm really sorry.. If you don't want to talk to me anymore, I'll understand." Yeri gloomily respond and turns her attention from Irene to the lecture their Professor explaining on the board.


Minutes passed and Irene can't take the silence between her and Yeri. Clicking the tip of her ball pen, Irene is deliberating to herself. Sure, she is still pissed off but she can't stay mad at Yeri. Not now when everyone reside in the class where Irene is in, are giving her cold shoulders. They detest her f

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2178 streak #1
Chapter 10: Will wait for next chapter. Ur story always got my attention👍
Chapter 10: Hope you're doing great authornim
565 streak #4
Chapter 10: I'm still here ?
565 streak #5
Chapter 10: Still waiting...
I like the poster
Cdival #7
Chapter 10: Studying for your future is important!!!...I wish you success dude, adult life can get really messy some times, but you'll do it well...if I did it, anyone can do it...hahahaha XD.

And you can take as long as you need for the update, I'll be roaming around...don't worry too much about it, there's a lot to read oor re-read in here and also, I'm subscribed so I'll know if you update someday...

Be strong, be healthy but most important!...Be happy... ;)
MaxTheCatnip #8
Chapter 10: FIGHTING!!!! i'll support you with whatever decision you'll make. good luck with the adult life!
Chapter 4: Joyri!
Chapter 2: Awww Wifey