Chapter 9: What Is He To You?


Baekhyun sat down on the sofa next to Chanyeol just like his mother had wanted, he was curious as to what was going on since his mother wouldn't do this unless she had something to say which kind of made Baekhyun feel a little uncomfortable. Chanyeol had glanced over to Baekhyun and could tell that he was nervous but he didn't know why, he turned his head to look back at Baekhyuns mother waiting for what she had to say.

"The both of you seem close, even the twins like you Chanyeol which is a surprise since that don't really get close to people that quickly just like Baekhyun" Baekhyuns mother started of which made Chanyeol blink in surprise, but when he remember when they first came to his class what she said was true.

"I know I shouldn't really ask this but I'm really curious about this, what are the two of you to each other?" The question toke both Baekhyun and Chanyeol by surprise. Chanyeol felt conflicted with the question since he didn't know, what did he really think of Baekhyun? Why did he care about him so much? He didn't know. Baekhyun sat in silence not knowing what to say or think since he hadn't really thought about it, he was already use to having Chanyeol around that he just thought it was normal.

"It seems like the both of you don't even have an answer yourselves, well whatever the reason I'll be waiting to hear your answer" Chanyeol could tell that was directed more to him then to both of them, he could tell that Baekhyuns mother was really protective of him and he wasn't surprised. Baekhyun lowered his head embarrassed about the conversation they just had.

"Your always welcome to come over and talk whenever you want Chanyeol, we'll be happy to get to know you better" Chanyeol smiled back when he saw the sincere smile she was giving to him, he was thankful to the way Baekhyuns family was treating him.

"Thank you every much, I'll definitely come and visit when I have the time" chanyeol replied with a soft smile. Baekhyun had looked up slightly and saw the exchange between his mother and Chanyeol which surprise him a little but also made him feel happiness inside.

"That's good to know then, why don't you to relax and start the dinner for all of us I mean it's been a while since we've eaten together" baekhyun smiled over to him mother and nodded slightly still not recovered from the question.

"Thank you, we really appreciate it" chanyeol said with a smile as she headed to the kitchen. Once she was gone both Chanyeol and Baekhyun fell into awkward silence, they where still thinking about the question which only made them feel more awkward as time went on.


Taehyung was laughing as the twins made jokes and played around even joining in now and then, they also reminded him of Baekhyun in a lot of ways which he was glad of.

"Uncle Tae, you will come back and play with use again?" Minyeol asked holding onto his right arm once they had finished the game they where playing, Taehyung looked at him and smoked softly happy that they wanted him to come back.

"Of course, I'll be around when I have time, I promise" Taehyung said before doing a pinky promise with the both of them, he felt warm inside when he saw their bright smiles and he regretted leaving when he did even if it was for school.

"Yay, let's go and tell appa!" Taehyung chuckled as Minyoung and Minyeol grabbed one of his hands each and dragged him put of the bedroom and headed down stairs only to see the awkwardness between Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

"Oh, hello you three" Baekhyun said with a smile as he got up and walked over to them since it was a way to get everything off of his mind. Taehyung was curious about what happened but he also guessed it was something that his arnt must have said to the both of them.

"Appa, uncal Tae said that he would come over and play when he has time!" Minyoung cheered happily as she let go of Taehyungs hand and ran over to him happily. Baekhyun grinned happily before he pickedMinyoung up in his arms before looking over to Taehyung.

"You will?" Baekhyun asked just as happy as the twins where at that moment forgetting for a second about what happened before. Chanyeol smiled softly at the interaction before getting up and heading to the kitchen to leave the four of them alone.

"Of course, I will definitely come back when I can" Taehyung said with a happy smile of his own, he noticed Chanyeol get up and head to the kitchen. Baekhyun went to sit down with Minyoung also noticing that Chanyeol was gone and gently pat the empty place so Taehyung could sit down as well.

"So what have you been up to TaeTae?" Baekhyun as once Taehyung had sat down beside him, he wanted to know more about what happened in the tome he had been gone. Taehyung thought if he should answer or not and just decided to talk.

"I've been in collage learning about photography, I've also been looking to see what university dies that course as well" Taehyung said honestly with a soft smile, he know that Baekhyun know about his love for taking pictures. Baekhyun was happy that Taehyung was going after his dream but it still made him feel upset since the place he goes was far from where they lived.

"That's great, I'm happy that your doing what you love!" Baekhyun said happily, since he was happy about that. Taehyung could tell that Baekhyun looked and sound happy but he know that he was upset that he was so far away.

"Hyung, I promise I'll come back and see you when 8 can and maybe even take you and the twins, Chanyeol to if he wants, to someplace nice" Taehyung said gently nudging Baekhyun to show that he ment that from the bottom of his heart. Baekhyun smiled softly as him before nodding, he didn't really need to say anything since Taehyung know him well enough.

Chanyeol entered the kitchen completely once he finished listening to what they where saying and saw Baekhyuns mother standing there cooking.

"It seems like Baekhyun and Taehyung are really close, it's nice to see" Chanyeol said with a soft smile as he sat down on the dinning table. Baekhyuns mother  looked over to Chanyeol and smiled slightly.

"It is nice to see, but it would be nice to see if he was like that with someone other then his family members" she said since us even a while since she's seen Baekhyun act like that with anyone outside the family. Chanyeol blinked before looking at her curiously wondering what she had ment.

"Chanyeol, your the first person ever since the twins where born that has made Baekhyun smile like that, apart from his family of course" chanyeol looked down at his hands as she said that not sure how to take that.

"Is that a good it bad thing?" Chanyeol asked not really sure himself right now, the inherent question that she asked was going around his glad making him think to much about everything at that point. Baekhyuns mother let out a soft chuckle before she walked over and gently place her hand on Chanyeols shoulder.

"Well it depends on the way you think about it, though I do know you have a proactiveness over the twins and Baekhyun" chanyeol let out a sigh and shock his head slightly since that didn't help at all, though it was the truth that he did feel super protective over the three of them.

"Oh and one more thing, if you hurt him you'll be a lot of trouble" Chanyeol was surprised as he watched her walk back over to continue cooking, he didn't know what to feel about what she had said. Chanyeol had come to talk to her hoping that she could help bit this conversation just made everything more complicated.

Chanyeol let out a groan and put his head in the table not in the mood for stuff like this. Baekhyuns mother smiled slightly knowing what she had done was to help him, she just hoped that Chanyeol would find out the answer himself.



hello everyone sorry it toke so long to update, I seriously hate writers block so much tbh

but I hope you enjoy this chapter, everything will get interesting and a little hard for Chanyeol and only Chanyeol lol

Thank you for waiting patently for this chapter and hopefully the next one won't take as long as this one 

until next time o/

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Hope you like it a d hopefully the next chapter won't take as long as this one did <3


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agsk98 #1
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
750 streak #2
Chapter 19: I managed to binge read all the chapters in two days, so glad I ran across this story. I am enjoying the characters and the plot. Something tells me that Sehun might try to take the twins, or cause some other trouble. I hope Chanyeol decides to pick them up that morning. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Beau1996 1381 streak #3
Chapter 19: As soon as you begin having fun and open yourself to new possibilities, your past comes back to haunt you 😧poor Baek - I'm sure his ex is not a great person...
Also, thanks for coming back to this story!!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 18: please update. they are getting to fall for each other soon. How and what happened to their relationship to be family. I can;t wait.
Chapter 18: Soo sweet
Beau1996 1381 streak #6
Chapter 18: Very sweet chapter - I have fond memories of going ice skating when I was a kid!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #7
Chapter 17: I love shy Baek 🤗I imagine Chan has a lot of teasing to do!!
Chapter 17: I am curious as well
Beau1996 1381 streak #9
Chapter 16: Even though Baek's not 100%ready, I'm glad Chan kissed him - in some ways Baek needs to process his trauma and recover so that he can be happy and live the life he wants to ... Thanks author-nim ✌️
Chapter 16: Cute cute cute