Chapter 2 : First Talk


Baekhyun woke up the next morning early like he always did before he headed down stairs to get a coffee and relax until he herd the small foot steps of the twins as they came down stairs rubbing the sleep from their eyes. Baekhyun couldn't help but smile as he patted his lap.

"Good morning sleepy heads" Baekhyun said with a soft smile as the both climed onto his lap resting their heads on the crock of his neck. Baekhyun smiled softly as he their hair gently.

"Appa, can we have pancakes today?" Minyoung asked as she looked at Baekhyun with her wide eyes, he couldn't resist that look that either of them gave him and let out a sigh before smiling softly as he gently put them down on their feet once again.

"Ok, pancakes it is. But only today alright?" Baekhyun smiled softly when they nodded happily before they went to sit down. Baekhyun began to make the pancakes and began to hum softly before putting the pancakes on the table and helped the twins make them with the syrup, strawberries and other fruits they liked to eat before making his own.

Once they had finished eating Baekhyun washed all the dishes making the house spotless before he walked over to the twins that had gone off to the living room to play for a while, Baekhyun went over to them and gently bundled them and smiled when they giggled happily.

"Ok, time to get ready for school" he said as he got up heading to the bathroom with the two of them following behind him like little ducklings, he ran a bath for them and began to wash them once they where in the bath smiling softly at them as he let them play there for a while.

"Appa, will Mr.Park come back here today?" Minyeol asked as he played with the bubbles in the water, the question toke Baekhyun by surprise but he guessed he would have to after leaving his phone here but he wasn't sure if he would stay here again like last time. 

"I'm not sure sweety, but I'm sure you will see him at school all day" Baekhyun said with a smile as he put his feet into the warm water and began to wash their hair gently. Baekhyun could remember when they were just born and now they where nearly 6 years old. Once he finished washing their hair he got them out and wrapped a towel around each of them to dry them.

Half an hour later they where dressed and clean with their hair done nicely for school, Baekhyun had also just finished getting ready when there was a knock at the door, he watched as Minyoung ran to the door and followed behind her only to widen his eyes slightly in surprise when he saw Chanyeol standing there with Minyoung in his arms before smiling to him as he walked over to him with Minyeol handing his phone over to him.

"Morning Chanyeol, you left this here last night" Baekhyun said as he put everything he needed in his bag making sure he had everything for work, he looked up at Chanyeol noticing that he was standing there awkwardly.

"Um... would you like me to give you and the children a ride? It will be qicker then walking right? And I know you work far from here" Chanyeol said quickly since he wasn't sure if it would make Baekhyun uncomfortable or not. But to Chanyeols surprise he saw that Baekhyun had a confused look on his face.

"Are you sure that's Ok? I don't want to be a bother to you or anything... I mean we don't even know each other properly" Chanyeol chuckled softly at what Baekhyun said unable to help himself because he looked cute like that. Chanyeol shock his head slightly since it wasn't a bother after all he offered to help out.

"It's not a bother at all, I offered to help you yesterday right? So now I'm going to he around to help out weather you want me to or not" Chanyeol said with a soft smile looking at him. He waited for a reply since he was sure Baekhyun wasn't expecting that at all.

"Come on Appa, or all of us are going to be late" Minyeol said as he pulled on his father's leg gently with a small pout on his soft round lips. Baekhyun looked at him and couldn't help but smile and give in, he couldn't help but want to say no because of his pride but since the twins wanted to go with Chanyeol he had no other chose. He looked up at Chanyeol once again and nodded slightly.

"Ok, thank you Chanyeol" he said in a mumble before he walked over to the car with Minyeol. Chanyeol chuckled as he looked at Minyoung in his arms.

"Your Appa is stubborn isn't he?" He asked softly before letting out a small chuckle when she nodded in agreement with what he had said, Chanyeol walked over to the car and opened it before helping Minyoung into the car while watching Baekhyun do the same with Minyeol and buckled them in.

"Ok, let's go then or you'll be late" Chanyeol said to Baekhyun as he got into the car buckling himself in, he noticed that the other male hasitated to get into the car before giving up and got in. Chanyeol couldn't help but let out a chuckle at how cute Baekhyun was. Once Baekhyun was buckled in he started the car and drove to Baekhyuns work thanks to the directions he was given. Once they reached the place Chanyeol was surprised to see he worked at one of the well know designer companies there.

"How come you live in such a small house when you work here?" He asked without thinking until he noticed the frown that Baekhyun had given him knowing that he had crossed the line this time. Without a ward Baekhyun got out the car waving bye to the twins and headed into work, Chanyeol toke this time to role down the window.

"Have a nice day at work Baekhyun!" He called out loadly and he couldn't help but chuckle at how flustered Baekhyun looked as he ran into the building. He know that Baekhyun didn't like what he said and chuckled slightly finding him cute. Chanyeol had forgotten that he had the twins in the car for a second before he herd the twins giggle slightly, he turned to look at them and smiled.

"Time to go to school then" he said as he started to dive again making sure to drive carefully like he always did but he was extra careful this time.

"Mr.Park, your going to slow, we're going to be late" Minyoung said with a pout as she crossed her arms in front of her cutely, Chanyeol couldn't help but chuckle slightly at her actions but still kept his speed the same.

"Don't worry Minyoung, you won't be late we're nearly there, see?" He said while pointing at where the school was, Chanyeol had taken a short cut to where the school was so she wouldn't be upset since he know how much Minyoung enjoyed going to school.

"Yay! Minyeol see we're there!" Chanyeol chuckled slightly at how happy the two of them were at that moment just because they were at school. Chanyeol parked the car in the school carpark and headed to help the twins out of the car.

"Let's go!" Minyeol said excited as he grabbed Chanyeols hand and pulled wanting him to hurry up, Minyoung also did the same. All Chanyeol could do after he locked the car was walk with them chuckling softly at their impatience at that moment, as they walked into the school they where looked at confused since everyone know that they where Baekhyuns children.

"Mr.Park, why are you coming to school with Mr.Byuns children?" A teacher asked as she looked at the three of them confused as to why they were here together like this. Chanyeol hadn't thought about that at all so he had to come up with something, but in the end he decided to tell half the truth at least.

"Well, I met Mr.Byun outside so I told him that their in my class so I would bring them so he could go to work" Chanyeol know it was a lie but he wasn't going to tell them that he had gone to their house and picked them up. Chanyeol thought of what would have happened of he had told the teacher that.

"Ah, I see well I'll let you three go then since the lesson already started" she said with a sweet smile and went off to her own class. Chanyeol sighed in relief before walking to the classroom when he saw a teacher looking after the class for him. It was none other then his friend Kai.

"So you decided to show up, and with the Byun twins" Chanyeol had noticed the grin that Kai gave him and just rolled his eyes as he let Minyeol and Minyoung go and sit down in their chairs before going off to stand beside Kai and hit him on the arm.

"There's nothing going on, I just thought I'd bring them in to school" Chanyeol said with a frown as he looked at the children get on with the class. Although Kai loved to he was also a lot of help to the older male when Chanyeol needed it.

"Whatever you say hyung, Baekhyun hyung is really attractive, don't let him get taken away!" Kai said before laughing as he ran out the room before Chanyeol could hit him. After letting out a sigh Chanyeol went to his desk to put his stuff away before he walked around making sure that none of them where stuck or needed help.

The first two lessons went by quickly and it was lunch time, Chanyeol watched the younger children and his class play until he was the twins crying as a couple of older children, about a year older then them began to make fun out of Minyoung. Minyeol being the older brother he did his best to protect his sister from the bullies. Chanyeol walked over seeing what was going on.

"What's happening here?" He asked, his voice didn't sound happy at all as he picked the twins up from the ground and let them cry into his shoulders. Chanyeol was usually a calm man so when the teacher saw Chanyeol angry she quickly rushed over a little scared.

"Mr.Park, what happened?" She asked until she saw the twins crying in Chanyeols arms and know that not only Chanyeol would be angry but their father to. She had seen how scary Baekhyun was when he was angry but she never know that Chanyeol could be like this to since she always saw him smiling around children. 

"These two students made fun of the twins, please teach them some manners" Chanyeol said sturnly before he turned and walked away before letting out a sigh as he held the twins to calm them down in his arms. Chanyeol was kind of scared to tell Baekhyun about it since he had herd that Baekhyun was scary when it came to his family but he know he had to tell him.

The rest of the school day went by in a blur but half way through the last lesson he called Kai to take over for him since the twins stayed by his side not being their playful happy selves and he thought it would be best to take them home now after what had happened today, once Kai walked into the room Chanyeol thanked him as he held the twins in his arms.

"You owe me one Chanyeol!" Kai said earning a glare from Chanyeol and laughed it off as he watched Chanyeol leave knowing that Chanyeol loved the twins as his own, Kai know that it was only a matter of time before he fell for their father as well.

Chanyeol let out a sigh as he sat under a tree in the playground with a twin in both arm sound asleep. A while ago before he had sat under the tree he went to get Baekhyuns phone number so he could call him, it had taken a while until they finally gave it to him though. Chanyeol looked at the number in his phone kind of scared to call him but after a little while he finally called him.

Baekhyun had just finished a design when he got a call, he frowned slightly not knowing the number but he decided to answer to see who it was and what they wanted.

"Hello?" Baekhyun asked before his eyes widened when he herd the farmilar voice on the other line, all that Baekhyun could think of was how he got his number. Baekhyun hit himself mentally as he remembered that Chanyeol was a teacher.

"Baekhyun, something happened at school today and the twins ate upset, their with me sleeping right now but I'm sure they would rather see their appa and sleep at home" at Chanyeols words Baekhyuns eyes widened as he he quickly put his stuff away.

"Ok, I'll be there in a while" Baekhyun was a little worried and it was clear in his voice as he looked around before he spotted Kyungsoo and waved him over quickly still on the phone to Chanyeol.

"Ok, I'll wait for you... Baekhyun, don't do anything stupid Ok? I've already made sure it won't happen again" somehow Baekhyun had calmed down at what Chanyeol said bit the worry was still there as he hang up the phone after promising he wouldn't do anything stupid since Chanyeol already did everything.

"What's wrong Baekhyun? You look a little pale" Kyungsoo said as he looked at the younger a little worried, the last time he saw Baekhyun like this was when Minyeol had broken his arm.

"I'm sorry hyung but do you think you could take over the rest of my work today, something happened at school and I need to go get the twins" Kyungsoo smiled at Baekhyun knowing it had something to do with the twins and just nodded not minding.

"Thank you so much hyung!" Baekhyun said as he hugged the older male knowing that he had made friends with the right person, after getting all his things together he left the building and ran to the school like he had done yesterday so he wouldn't be late even though it made him more tired then he already was.

Once Baekhyun arived at the school he was out of breath only to find Chanyeol sitting under the tree with the twins and let out a long sigh as he walked over still catching hid breath after running for that long only stopping when he had to.

He walked over to the three of them and kneeled down to their height before smiling at Chanyeol when he looked up at him. Chanyeol was surprised to see Baekhyun kneeling in front of him before he smiled back and sat up trying not to wake the twins up as he did.

"I'm sorry Baekhyun, I didn't think that something like this would happen" Chanyeol said letting out a sigh knowing that he had made Baekhyun worry, even though Baekhyun wasn't showing it he could tell that he was worried and a little annoyed about it.

"It's ok Chanyeol, it isn't your fault, I'm greatful that you where here to look after them more then anything else" Baekhyun said in a soft voice which made Chanyeol smile relived that he wasn't the one Baekhyun was annoyed at. Just then he felt one of the twins move and knew that they woke up. Looking to see who woke up he saw Minyeol looking at Baekhyun with his wide round eyes.

"Appa, your early" Minyeol said cutely as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and reached out for Baekhyun. Chanyeol smiled as he watched Baekhyun take Minyeol in his arms and stood up with him.

"Are you ok, Minyeollie?" Baekhyun asked when he saw that his sons eyes were red from crying which only made him worry more about them, but Baekhyun relaxed once again when Minyeol smiled his signature heart smile nodding as well showing that he was fine.

"Minyeol helped Minyoung when she was getting bullied, he was a very brave young man" Chanyeol told Baekhyun as he got up carefully not wanting to wake Minyoung up just yet since she looked comfortable sleeping in his arms. Baekhyun looked at him before looking back at Minyeol with a proud smile on his face.

"You protected your sister? I'm so proud of you Minyeol, your our brave little man" Baekhyun said happily and kissed Minyeols cheek before grinning at the cute smile that Minyeol was giving him. Chanyeol smiled before walking over to them with Minyoung still asleep.

"Should I take you home?" Chanyeol offered since he knew that Baekhyun had ran there even though he had a car and wondered why he never drove it, even though he was curious he didn't ask about it since it was private and he was just a stranger at that moment to Baekhyun.

"You really like Minyeol and Minyoung don't you?" Baekhyun asked since he noticed the way he smiled and behaved around the twins and it was different to the way he was around the other children. Chanyeol was surprised by the question but what Baekhyun asked was true, he really cared about the twins and got angry with other people treated them wrongly.

"Yes I do, I've always wanted my own family but never had a chance since they always left me" Chanyeol admitted honestly as he started to walk to the car and smiled slightly when he noticed Baekhyun following after him quietly. Baekhyun was shocked at what Chanyeol had said since he seemed like a nice guy and very caring to when it came to children.

"I see, but I'm sure you will find someone one day, I mean there is someone out there for everyone you just need to fine them" Baekhyun said with a slight smile at the words his father had told him when he was younger. Chanyeol looked over to Baekhyun as he listened to what he said letting it sink in and smiled slightly before letting out a hum as he unlocked the car placing Minyoung in her seat gently buckling her in not wanting to wake her up.

"Guess your right... maybe I will find someone in the future that will stay with me no matter what" he said as he walked to the divers side and got in buckling himself in. Baekhyun smiled softly at what Chanyeol said and also hoped he would find someone like that to. After he buckled Minyeol in he want and got into the car himself buckling his seat belt and leaned back in the seat a little tired after the running.

"I guess you only plan to drop us off, why don't you stay a little longer since the twins have fun around you?" Baekhyun mumbled softly as he looked at Chanyeol. He didn't want to make him stay since it was his chose if he wanted to or not after all.

"Is that ok? Don't you want to be alone with them today?" Chanyeol asked once again surprised by Baekhyun and the fact that he offered for Chanyeol to stay longer, he had to admit though that he was happy that he got to stay with them longer but he wasn't going to admit that out load in front of them.

"Of course it's ok, I need to finish a couple of things off for work so a extra pair of hands would be really great" Baekhyun smiled slightly as he looked out the window leaning comfortablely against the seat watching as houses, tree's and other cars past by as Chanyeol drove.

"Baekhyun, how long have you been living here?" Chanyeol added curiously, even though it was none of his business he still wanted to know how long.

"For about 6 years now, we mover here after the twins father left me. It's more like a home here to me then where we lived before" Baekhyun said honestly as he continued to look out the window, he didn't even know why he told Chanyeol that but he just wanted to let it out.

"Then where did you live before... you don't have up answer if you don't want to, I'm sorry for asking you these kind of personanal questions" Chanyeol apologised since he knew that he was being nosey but he couldn't help himself, he just wanted to help and protect the three of them the best way he could. Baekhyun smiled even though he didn't really like being asked about his past.

"It was... smaller then the house we're in right now so I worked hard so we could go somewhere bigger" Baekhyun half lied, he didn't want Chanyeol to know about his past or what happened back then. Chanyeol frowned slightly not knowing if he was telling the truth or not but he knew better then to ask if he was telling the tuth or not.

"We're here" Baekhyun said softly as he sat up quickly since while they where talking Minyeol had once again fallen asleep just like his sister. Chanyeol pulled over and stopped the car before he turned to look at Baekhyun slightly not sure if he should ask the last question or not. Baekhyun noticed this and blinked slightly wondering what it was that Chanyeol wanted to ask him this time.

"What is it, Chanyeol?" Baekhyun asked after a while when Chanyeol didn't speak, he wounder what was making him hasitate to ask the question that he wanted to ask. Chanyeol let out a sigh hoping not to get Baekhyun angry at him since he had just gotten him to open up even just a little bit.

"Where... did their father go?" Chanyeol asked looking away from Baekhyun not wanting to see his face at the question. Baekhyun went silent before he let out a giggle before covering his mouth finding it funny that Chanyeol was worried about asking the question.

"I don't know, I haven't seen him for over 6 years now, he diapered after he found out I was pregnant... He probably went off and found someone else that he made a family with" Baekhyun said with a bitter tone of voice, he hated the man so much but he couldn't do anything about it, he just hopped thar he would never see that man again. Chanyeol blinked slightly in shock when the giggly Baekhyun disappeared and turned into a serious and angry person, but Chanyeol himself felt angry at the man that Baekhyun was talking about, he didn't know the guys name or face but he could tell that he was no good.

"Well then I'm glad the twins don't know him, he's no good to be a father" Chanyeol said,  his protective side coming out at that moment as he thought of that gut being beside Baekhyun and the twins. Chanyeol didn't know what the feeling was but he didn't like the thought of Baekhyun being with someone else at all. Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol before smiling as he got out the car to get Minyeol out carefully not wanting to wake him up. 

Chanyeol followed and toke Minyoung out of the car and went to the front door with Baekhyun after he locked the car, he went with Baekhyun and watched him putting Minyeol down on his bed to take his nap there. Baekhyun turned around and saw Chanyeol standing there with Minyoung, he walked out the room and showed him where Minyoungs room was.

"Good thing that they are still asleep" Chanyeol said after he had put Minyoung down on her bed, he followed Baekhyun down stairs to the kitchen  and sat down with him before looking around the house. The last time he came he only noticed how small it was but now he could see that it was clean and simple, he looked at Baekhyun thinking to himself that Baekhyun was a simple and clean man.

"Yes, it is now I can finish the bit of work I have left for tomorrow" Baekhyun said as he pulled out his scetchbook full of designs and a couple that weren't finished yet. Baekhyun brought out the notes and his pencil to finish and to make sure it had everything that they asked for. 

Chanyeol sat there watching Baekhyun curiously for a while before getting up and made coffee for him since he looked like he could use it. He gently put the coffee down on the table for Baekhyun and smiled when Baekhyun drank some.

"Thank you" Baekhyun said as he showed Chanyeol his signature smile before getting back to work. Chanyeol had frozen for a second before snapping out of his daze and smiled slightly not believing the effect Baekhyuns smile had on him.

"It's no problem" Chanyeol said softly before he decided to go and start cooking dinner so it would be ready by the time Baekhyun had finished his work, but Baekhyun had a different plan, by the time he finished his work the twins where awake and came down stairs still rubbing the sleep from their eyes.

"Chanyeol, I'll do this... you go and play with them" Baekhyun said not giving Chanyeol a chance to answer as he had taken everything and gently nuaged him to go. Chanyeol was surprised but gave in and went over to the twins and sat on the ground with them, he was actually glad that he had decided to do what Baekhyun said since the twins where great fun to be around and smart as well.

Baekhyun peaked into the living room and smiled when he saw all three of them having fun, he went back to cooking and let out a sigh, it was nice to have someone around to talk to but wasn't he getting to use to having the other around already? Baekhyun shock his head slightly as he set the table as he started to finish up.

"Chanyeol, Minyeol, Minyoung dinners ready!" Baekhyun called out to them as he put the food onto the table along with some side dishes that he had time to make. Chanyeol walked into the kitchen with the twins and was shocked to see what was on the table, he smiled as he sat down digging in once everyone had sat down.

"Wow Baekhyun, I never knew you could cook like this" Chanyeol said earning a laugh from Baekhyun, he looked at him seeing that Baekhyun was also eating while helping the twins get their food. Chanyeol couldn't help but smile at what a good perent Baekhyun was.

"Well I guess there's a lot you don't know about me" Baekhyun said with a grin as he shrugged. Chanyeol had to agree with that, he sidnt know a lot about Baekhyun at all but one thing was for sure, Chanyeol wanted to know more about him and the twins.

After a couple of hours of playing and talking with the twins Chanyeol had to go but this time the twins ley him go with happy smiles, he looked at Baekhyun and could tell that he was warming up to him.

"Well I'll probably see you tomorrow Baekhyun" Chanyeol said and laughed along with Baekhyun before seeing him nod and waved bye. Chanyeol found it cute before he waved to all three of them before getting in his car and serve home unable to hide the smile that spread across his face.

"So will we see oppa tomorrow to?" Minyoung asked excited since it was Friday, she know that on the weekend she wouldn't be able to see Chanyeol. Baekhyun chuckled as he walked back into the house and toke them up stairs with a grin.

"Well you won't be able to see anyone tomorrow if you don't sleep because you will be to tired" Baekhyun chuckled as they went into the bathroom to brush their teeth and get ready for bed and like always Baekhyun sang them to sleep before getting ready for bed himself and as soon as his head hit the pillow he was fast asleep.

Chanyeol had gotten ready for bed but unlike Baekhyun he couldn't fall asleep straight away thinking if he should go and pick them up again like he did today. Chanyeol shock his head and decided that he would text Baekhyun tomorrow to see if it was okay to do and with that he went onto a deep sleep. 


Hello everyone
I never know how long thus chapter was until I started to type it up lol xD

Anyway I hope you like the new chapter and that your enjoying the story 
The next one won't be to long hopeful but if it us if it sorry bit I need up get everything down of I will never finish thus story :(

Well thank you for reading :D

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New chapter added!
Hope you like it a d hopefully the next chapter won't take as long as this one did <3


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agsk98 #1
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
750 streak #2
Chapter 19: I managed to binge read all the chapters in two days, so glad I ran across this story. I am enjoying the characters and the plot. Something tells me that Sehun might try to take the twins, or cause some other trouble. I hope Chanyeol decides to pick them up that morning. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Beau1996 1381 streak #3
Chapter 19: As soon as you begin having fun and open yourself to new possibilities, your past comes back to haunt you 😧poor Baek - I'm sure his ex is not a great person...
Also, thanks for coming back to this story!!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 18: please update. they are getting to fall for each other soon. How and what happened to their relationship to be family. I can;t wait.
Chapter 18: Soo sweet
Beau1996 1381 streak #6
Chapter 18: Very sweet chapter - I have fond memories of going ice skating when I was a kid!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #7
Chapter 17: I love shy Baek 🤗I imagine Chan has a lot of teasing to do!!
Chapter 17: I am curious as well
Beau1996 1381 streak #9
Chapter 16: Even though Baek's not 100%ready, I'm glad Chan kissed him - in some ways Baek needs to process his trauma and recover so that he can be happy and live the life he wants to ... Thanks author-nim ✌️
Chapter 16: Cute cute cute