Chapter 17: one step at a time


Baekhyun woke up the next day after his alarm went off knowing that it was back to work and another long day, but what happened last night kept going through his mind over and over making him feel bad for the way he acted. He didn't know how he was going survive today as he got up to shower and get ready to clear his mind, once he had calmed down a little he went down stairs to start breakfast knowing the twins would be up soon. Baekhyun sat the table as he let out a sigh wondering if he could act the same around Chanyeol again or if he would change after what happen.

Chanyeol woke up after his alarm went off but unlike Baekhyun he was full of energy and happy about yesterday since he did what he wanted to do for a while, but then a thought crossed his mind, had he been to direct? But he just pushed the thought away as he had breakfast not wanting to put himself down. Chanyeol finished eating and cleaning the kitchen before heading to the shower and to get ready.

Baekhyun had finished making breakfast when the twins arrived making him smiled at them again because of their cuteness, he went over to them picking them up with a smile before going to the table showing them what they had for breakfast today. Baekhyun chuckled softly at the existed claps as he put them down so they could sit and joined them to eat, once the twins and himself finished he washed the dishes then toke the twins to wash up and get ready for school trying to act as he usually would.

Chanyeol left his house a little earlier then usually since he wanted to see the twins and most importantly Baekhyun, he didn't know what the others reaction would be after what happened yesterday but whatever it was he was ready to bear it. Chanyeol parked his car once he arrived before letting out a sigh feeling a little worried about what was going to happen. Once Chanyeol had calmed down he finally got out the car and headed to the found door giving it a knock, he didn't know why he was so nervous all of a sudden.

Baekhyun had just finished brushing Minyoungs hair when he herd the door knock already knowing who it was making him feel a little nervous, without a second thought Minyeol ran to the door as fast as his legs could carry him and opened it. Chanyeol smiled when the door opened showing him Minyeol standing there with a bright smile on his face, he crouched down so he could talk to Minyeol better.

"Well good morning Minyeol, you missed me already?" He said with a chuckle though if he was honest it was him that missed all three of them, he looked back into the house seeing Baekhyun and Minyoung standing there aswell but the first thing he noticed was that Baekhyun wasn't looking straight into his eyes. Baekhyun didn't know why he felt so shy seeing Chanyeol crouching there with Minyeol like he always did when he came over, so much for acting normal but he didn't want Chanyeol to see the effect of what happen yesterday had on him.

"Morning Baek, want me to drop you to work today?" Chanyeol offered though he left it up to Baekhyun this time since he didn't know if Baekhyun wanted to be next to him or not, he was ready for this little distance that Baekhyun would put between them so he didn't mind either way but it still felt weird, after all he was use to the small distance they had before this. Baekhyun broke out of his thoughts when he heard Chanyeols voice finally looking up to look Chanyeol into the eye, he gave a nod not wanting to make himself or Chanyeol feel awkward in the silence before braking eye contact again.

"Yes, thank you Chanyeol, I would like that" Baekhyun said with a smile before grabbing his bag and putting on his shoes as he left the house locking the door behind him, he turned around to face Chanyeol as he toke Minyoungs hand into his. Chanyeol smiled when he agreed and headed towards the car when Baekhyun finished locking the door, he know that Baekhyun was confused and also had to overcome his trauma so he didn't want Baekhyun to feel more awkward or embarrassed then he already was.

"Appa, are you okay? You are really red?" Minyoung asked holding onto her fathers hand a little tighter wondering what was wrong since she had never seen him like this before. Baekhyun blinked in surprise before looking at Minyoung gently squeezing her hand shaking his head slightly, he bent down to pick Minyoung up and smiled at her as he walked to the car while talking.

"Nothings wrong lovely, don't worry" Baekhyun reassured her as they reached the car, he put Minyoung into her chair seeing that Minyeol was already in his and smiled softly before closing the door and getting into the car himself. Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun after he got into the car noticing that his face and ears hand gone red and wondered if it was his presence that was making him react like that, he was happy if it was but also a little scared since this could make more distance between them, he quickly pushed those thoughts away and drove into the direction of Baekhyuns work place in silence until they reached Baekhyuns work place.

"Thank you for the ride, Chanyeol" Baekhyun said before undoing the seat belt and got out the car, he walked quickly into his office without looking back still embarrassed about the way he had reacted around Chanyeol just now. Chanyeol couldn't help but smile as he watched Baekhyun going to work since he could see his red ears if not his face, he faced forward once again shaking his head a little before driving to school with the twins quietly. 

"Appa was blushing just now" Minyoung said with a chuckle though she didn't know or understand why, but it wasn't something that they would see normally. Chanyeol tried to hide the smile but it was hard since all three of them where adorable in their own way, he continued to drive in silence while listening to the twins talking in the back just enjoying their company. Chanyeol parked the car and got out before helping the twins out of the car and walked into the school greeting the other teachers they met along the way.

"Good morning Chanyeol" kai greeted like always and earned another glare from Chanyeol (like always) making him chuckle as he waved to the twins. Chanyeol sighed as he walked into his usual class with the twins and ksi fallowing behind him, he let the twins and the other children go to their seats before facing Kai once again knowing that he wanted something or wanted something from him.

"What do you want this time?" Chanyeol asked obviously done with the other, but since he was a friend he couldn't say no even if he wanted to because kai had been their and helped him through a lot so how could he not do the same for him, right? Kai grinned knowing that Chanyeol already know that the only reason he would stay is if he needed something.

"Well, there is something I wanted to know actually. How did it go with Baekhyun hyung?" Ksi asked with a smirk knowing that he must of done something by now. Chanyeol looked at kai before frowning slightly not knowing that he know about that, he decided to tell him since he somehow knew anyway so what was the point in hiding it now.

"Well...I kissed him yesterday" he said honestly not really caring about kai's reaction because after saying it out load he had just realised what he had done, a blushed showed on his face at the realisation and covered his face slightly. Kai couldn't help but laugh at Chanyeols reaction to his own words and action's, honestly kai was happy for him since it had been a while since he had seen Chanyeol like this and hoped that everything turned out right for him and baekhyun since they both deserved to be loved fully.

"I see, just continued to do what your doing and you'll be fine hyung" kai said sincerely before he patted Chanyeols shoulder before leaving the room since they both had classes to teach. Chanyeol watched kai leave and smiled slightly before he got into the lesson just enjoying being with the children today, but he also toke on Kai's advice and decided to act normal to see how things go from their.

The day went by quickly both for Baekhyun and Chanyeol since they where doing everything they couldn't not to think about it for now at least, Chanyeol said goodbye to the students before taking the twins hands once he got all his stuff and headed to the car.

"For once let's go see your appa first ok?" Chanyeol said as he helped the twins into the car and buckled them in, he smiled when they both got happy at the idea before closing the door and putting his stuff into the boot of the car. Once Chanyeol was done he got into the buckling himself in before driving to Baekhyuns work place while listening to music and singing with the twins, he was curious to see Baekhyuns reaction to this.


Hello everyone, this was just a nice chapter for once but we will get back to the dark and drama filled Part again soon 

hope you enjoy this chapter and see you in the next one

And sorry it takes me so long to update each chapter but life happenehappethsts that's 

But really thank you to everyone that reads I'll continue to do my best for you guys ♡♡


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New chapter added!
Hope you like it a d hopefully the next chapter won't take as long as this one did <3


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agsk98 #1
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
750 streak #2
Chapter 19: I managed to binge read all the chapters in two days, so glad I ran across this story. I am enjoying the characters and the plot. Something tells me that Sehun might try to take the twins, or cause some other trouble. I hope Chanyeol decides to pick them up that morning. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Beau1996 1381 streak #3
Chapter 19: As soon as you begin having fun and open yourself to new possibilities, your past comes back to haunt you 😧poor Baek - I'm sure his ex is not a great person...
Also, thanks for coming back to this story!!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 18: please update. they are getting to fall for each other soon. How and what happened to their relationship to be family. I can;t wait.
Chapter 18: Soo sweet
Beau1996 1381 streak #6
Chapter 18: Very sweet chapter - I have fond memories of going ice skating when I was a kid!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #7
Chapter 17: I love shy Baek 🤗I imagine Chan has a lot of teasing to do!!
Chapter 17: I am curious as well
Beau1996 1381 streak #9
Chapter 16: Even though Baek's not 100%ready, I'm glad Chan kissed him - in some ways Baek needs to process his trauma and recover so that he can be happy and live the life he wants to ... Thanks author-nim ✌️
Chapter 16: Cute cute cute