Distant Girlfriend

Into You

Two months had passed and Krystal felt a bit like a stalker fan. Watching old videos of Amber when she missed her, staying up a few extra hours at night to watch her Instagram stories or to wait for a phone call, and occasionally asking Amber to send her updated photos, not just the ones she posted to instagram. Krystal, of course, did the same. When Amber worked, she became a bit forgetful though, so occasionally the phone calls were all Krystal got. Krystal hated that she was one of those things that Amber forgot for a moment. 

-"You said you would call me two hours ago." 

She could hear the regret in Amber's voice through the line. -"I'm sorry. I got caught up in editing and I've been barely getting any sleep." 

Those reminders made Krystal feel bad. She hated feeling bad for asking for a little bit more attention, but she also felt bad for pulling Amber's attention away from her work. Constructing an album was not easy, especially when you were the one responsible for writing, producing, and directing your songs and videos as well as finding funding and assistance. 

-"I know. I didn't mean it that way. Do you have time to talk right now?" She could hear other voices in the background though and didn't expect it to be the case. Amber was probably still working even though it was past 1 am in California. 

-"I can actually step out for a minute," she heard her girlfriend say to her relief. "I missed you." 

-"I think we say those words most to each other." 


Krystal cleared . -"I was just thinking about the last time you were here." 


Krystal rolled onto her back in her bed and trailed her hand down her own smooth stomach, remembering how Amber had crouched over her and started pressing kisses down . 

-"Um. Yeah." 

She heard a door click closed on Amber's end. -"There's really no chance you'll be in LA anytime soon? It's a full month before I can get back to Korea." 

Krystal's heart sank and she tried not to let a silent tear run down the side of her face. She'd been down often the past few days, it was why she was in bed already even though it was barely 9. She'd had a few drama offers, but they were all the same type of character. She was hoping for a chance to evolve and be taken seriously as an actress. She wanted to be something other than another crying female falling in love on television. Even her goddess character had been another aspect of the spoiled character she'd played in her teens. Plus, she already felt like she was playing the crying while in love that part in real life. It would be awful to compound that during her work like too. 

-"A month?" 

Amber must've heard the catch in her voice because she hurried to reassure her. -"I'll call you twice tomorrow and there's a present on the way to you too." 

Krystal scoffed. -"I don't want just your voice, or presents."

-"We decided-"

-"No! You decided and I'm trying to support your decision because I know that it's right for both of us, but I want intimacy, Amber. You know that. You know how important intimacy is to me. I can deny it, put it off, ignore it for only so long. But when I'm lying in bed alone, all I think about is how much I don't want to be alone." 

The silence on the other end of the line ate at her. Why didn't Amber ever get upset like Krystal did? Why did it seem like she never missed her except in words alone? How much did she really care?

- "I want to touch you again and be touched by you. Talking to you is nice, but being able to hold you and smell you and taste you-"

She heard Amber clear . -"Listen, call me back in an hour, okay?" 

Frustration bubbled to the surface so quickly turning to anger Krystal could barely get her words out. -"I just now managed to get you on the phone and you wa-" 

Krystal heard a heavy sigh and nearly threw her phone across the room. 

She growled into the phone, -"You make a promise and then you break it and I forgive you and-"

-"I-I wanted to try phone ...!" Amber blurted, sounding completely embarrassed, her voice a half whisper. "To see if it would, you know, help." 

-"What?" Krystal asked, unable to hear Amber clearly since she was mumbling.

-"Phone !" Amber whispered, slightly louder.

Krystal sat in her bed, contemplating Amber's words, thinking about what she would be asked to do by Amber's husky voice on the phone, imagining Amber in her ears. She in her bottom lip. -"Stop breaking your promise and call me when you say you will." 

-"Sometimes I fall asleep or get really caught up in work," Amber whined. 

Krystal pulled her blankets up. -"This relationship is an absolute mess." 

She heard Amber chuckle lightly. 

-"I'm glad you think this is funny," Krystal pouted. 

-"I don't. I really don't," Amber assured her. She'd also lay in bed at night, wishing she wasn't alone, wishing Krystal could be there to hold her and melt the stress away. That she could see and touch Krystal's face when they talked about their day, but saying it out loud seemed to make it worse. Wallowing in it made her worry about the pain she was not only causing herself but also her girlfriend.

-"So, one hour?" Krystal asked, bringing the topic back to what would hopefully make the night more interesting.

-"Ohe hour," Amber promised her and had to end the call.

Krystal groaned and set the alarm on her phone for an hour. She hoped it would be enough to wake her up when Amber called her because even though she desperately wanted to talk to Amber and see what their first phone experience would be like, she was extremely exhausted. Did she really want to try this while she was so tired? 

She quickly texted Amber that they could try tomorrow night instead so they could be a little more well-rested, less-stressed, and slightly more prepared. 

Amber responded back almost immediately, but Krystal was already asleep. 

"Alright, tilt her face into the light. Yeah. Like that. Perfect." 

Krystal thanked the photographer and his staff as she headed to the dressing room to take off the fashion clothing and put on her everyday outfit. 

"Oh my god, she's so cute. I wish I could be there with her." 

"She's a woman!" 

"I know, but...I would completely give up men for her, ya know." 

Krystal glanced over at the two makeup artists giggling over a handphone. She heard music playing in the background and something that sounded like Amber's laugh and the higher pitched voice of another girl. Curious, she went and peeked over their shoulders. The first image was Amber dancing to a pop song, the second was her trying on a dress, pulling her shorts so high she exposed nearly her entire legs. 

She knew Amber didn't work all day and needed time to relax just like everyone else, but...no. She rubbed her temples and tried to let it go. She could hear the girls still talking about how hot Amber was when she left. 

It was only 8pm for her but nearly midnight for Amber, so Amber would be calling her soon. No matter how much these other girls looked at Amber...Amber was her's and she was Ambers. 

Her heart settled and she asked her manager to send her home without stopping for dinner. She sort of wanted to shower first and put on something y, maybe some light makeup. She wondered what Amber would be wearing and couldn't help giggling with anticipation. She covered her face, a little embarrassed to be thinking about in front of her manager, but she couldn't help it. She was excited. 


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idkwhattoputheree #1
Chapter 39: Chapter 39: stayed up until 3am to read this under the covers im glad i did. my favorite kryber fan fic so far. thank you author! will def come back and reread a million times
Appledots5 #2
Chapter 39: 2023
snackplate #3
Chapter 39: Still beautiful after all these years of rereading.. thanks author!
Chapter 39: Ohmygad. This is soooo dreamy. I'm crying.
bluesky2275 #5
Chapter 39: Thank you for sharing. Love to read this fiction cos its different from others . Lead roles of Krystal , Henry and especially Amber. Good job. Author
Zaynthe44_f #6
Chapter 39: This is gooooooood. Good job author
amberaddict #7
Chapter 2: Thank you for this awesome fic, it gives all the feels
nubjudo #8
Chapter 39: after the tough journey they've been through to get to where they are, i'm glad they finally understood each other and got their happy ending! great story author-nim!
2078 streak #9
Chapter 39: I'm looking forward to an epilogue, if you're planning to write one :)
Jheszie #10
Chapter 39: I love it!!! Kryber forever!