The Mental, the Physical

Into You

"I want extra," Amber said, eyeing the gooey cheese on a pizza across the room. 

The waiter nodded and headed back to the counter to deliver her order. She turned to her friends. "This is going to taste amazing!"

"I thought you said you'd never been here."

"I haven't," she confirmed. "But look at how amazing the food looks and that dude definitely looks happy with what he got." 

Everyone else at the table couldn't help but to agree. It had been a while since Amber had been out to eat with this group of friends. They tended to spend most of their time in America, so chilling with this was a rare opportunity she had to take. 

"So," Paul said in that voice she knew meant he was going to ask her about her love life. "Any cuties catch your eye here yet?"

Amber rolled her eyes. "Half of the cuties are so arrogant they think I should feel blessed if they ask me out."

Kim nodded. "Or they have this idea in their head of what a girlfriend should be. The amount of my coworkers who regret their relationships are staggering. Well, the women more than the men." She waggled her eyebrows.

"So?" Paul said with a shrug. "Play for the other team. You'll love it." Ever since he'd started dating his boyfriend John, he'd been trying to matchmake everyone around him. He'd been hoping Kim and Amber had started something when they moved in together, but that hope had been quickly dashed by both the girls. 

"Am, come on. You've been single for ages."

"I've dated sometimes," she protested.

Paul rolled his eyes and looked at their other friends. "Ha. Ha," he said. "Going to dinner one time then friend zoning them doesn't count."

Amber folded her arms over her chest and leaned back against the leather cushion of the booth. "I'm just not ready for a relationship yet."

Kim glanced at her but didn't say anything. She'd noticed the way Amber and Krystal had been acting differently around each other or how Amber was kind of secretive with her texts. She'd overheard part of a conversation between them but didn't want to ask. It was obviously something Amber didn't want to talk about yet. She hoped Amber wasn't hiding the relationship just because it was with another girl, though. Amber had rarely shown interest in anyone, so Kim had started think Amber really just didn't want to get involved with anyone yet. But...was she just-

"Ooh!! Pizza's here," Amber cheered, raising her arms above her head. 

The focus of the group shifted from Amber to the food and she was thankful. She didn't like people prying into some parts of her life, even if they were her friends. She definitely wasn't up to announcing her special friendship with Krystal. She loved having that all to herself. There were very few moments that were only hers, but every minute she spent with Krystal outside of the light was exactly that. 

>I miss you. My bed feels so empty.

Krystal's eyes rounded in surprise at the sweet text, out of the blue. Even though they were sort of in a relationship, Amber's texts still sounded like the stuff she would send to a friend, but this? This was different. She tried to tell herself not to get too excited, but she couldn't help it. She sprang up from the stylist's seat and jumped around while replying. 

I'll be home soon. One more day and I'll be back.<

>Will I be the first person you see?

"Omigod, Omigod," Krystal murmured while replying. 

After all of the people at the airport? Yes. You'll be the first.<

>I miss you.

You already said that. I know. I'll be home soon : ) < Krystal replied. 


Krystal took a quick picture of herself with the big, pink hair rollers in, then sent it to Amber. 


>Very. Pretty. The prettiest girl I've ever seen.

Krystal felt her heart flutter. She thought Amber would joke about the hair rollers, but the compliment left her speechless. 

>Heart is pretty. Mind is pretty. Face is pretty. Body...

The younger girl's face flushed a soft pink. Was Amber flirting with her? Amber rarely flirted with her unless she was just kidding around. Maybe the words typed out just read differently than Amber meant. She bit her lip in frustration. Should she respond back the same way? 

"Miss Soo Jung, we really need to finish your hair. The shoot-" 

Krystal sank back down in her chair, her concentration sharp on her phone. Should she compliment Amber's body? What should she say? 

>Body could use a little more muscle, Amber typed before Krystal could say anything.

Krystal rolled her eyes. 

I could beat you up if I wanted. I'm stronger than I look<

>Prove it.

She tilted her head. Is she flirting?... She imagined heading back to Korea and wrestling around with Amber in the living room, no, the bedroom. She closed her eyes slightly, thinking about what it would feel like to have Amber under her again, those strong arms gone soft with need, that warm skin, firm lips, her hands sliding down Amber's waist to her pants. To sink her fingertips into-

"You're ready. Let's get you to set." 

Krystal's eyes snapped open and she glared at the stylist who looked offended and sashayed off. She sighed, wondering if there would be more comments on the net popping up about her bad character. Things were just about to get good, though she knew it couldn't happen in real life. Yet.

I've got to go< she texted. Facetime tonight?<


Krystal hadn't told Amber she'd already landed, she'd decided to surprise her. She couldn't stop her smile as she knocked on Amber's apartment door. She really hoped Amber would be there and was rewarded when she heard footsteps approaching. 

The door sprung open and Amber pulled her and her luggage impatiently inside.

"Why didn't you tell me you were already back? I look terrible," she said, running her hands through her mussed brown hair and fiddling with her glasses. 

Krystal grabbed her around the waist and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. She looked so gorgeous and cute, how could she resist her? 


Krystal shook her head, holding the taller girl more firmly, trailing her lips down her chin and around her jawline. 

"That tickles," Amber laughed, curling against her.

"Kim isn't here, right?" 

"No. I told you, she's on a company retreat for the next few days." 

"Oh. Yeah," Krystal breathed, her eyes becoming a bit predatory. "We have the place to ourselves." 

"Yeah?..." Amber glanced down shyly, feeling completely unkempt in her oversized sweater and sweatpants, but Krystal seemed unphased by her terrible outfit. She'd probably seen her in worse. 

"Kiss me," Krystal demanded.

Amber tilted her head down, pressing her lips gently against Krystal's.

"Like you want me," the younger girl said, sounded a bit frustrated. 

Amber's brow creased. "Krys..." 

Krystal cupped Amber's chin in her hand and brought their lips together firmly. She guided Amber back toward the large sofa and pushed her down onto it. She tugged at Amber's sweater until she managed to get it off her.

"I'm not-" 

"Oops," Krystal said, realizing Amber hadn't been wearing a bra under the clothing. She usually had a tank top, a sports bra, a t-shirt...something on underneath whatever she was wearing, although Krystal had never really been around Amber undressing so early in the morning, so most of that was assumption. "I just wanted to see your arms." 

Amber pursed her lips in disbelief, covering her small s with her forearm. 

Krystal laid flat on top of her, moving Amber's arm out of the way first. She propped her head up on her hand and looked down at the pretty girl beneath her. 


"Nothing," Krystal smiled. "I just like being with you. Like this." 

Amber's long eyelashes fanned over her cheeks. "Me too," she admitted shyly.

Krystal's smile broadened and she wrapped her arms around Amber. "Kiss me." 

Amber complied in her usual soft, exploratory way. It both frustrated Krystal and turned her on. It always made her feel like there was some imbalance in the relationship or that she was manipulating Amber in some way, even though she knew that wasn't the case. Amber had told her more than once that she liked their arrangement. Maybe it was something else entirely and Krystal really hoped someday that she would get to the bottom of it. 

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idkwhattoputheree #1
Chapter 39: Chapter 39: stayed up until 3am to read this under the covers im glad i did. my favorite kryber fan fic so far. thank you author! will def come back and reread a million times
Appledots5 #2
Chapter 39: 2023
snackplate #3
Chapter 39: Still beautiful after all these years of rereading.. thanks author!
Chapter 39: Ohmygad. This is soooo dreamy. I'm crying.
bluesky2275 #5
Chapter 39: Thank you for sharing. Love to read this fiction cos its different from others . Lead roles of Krystal , Henry and especially Amber. Good job. Author
Zaynthe44_f #6
Chapter 39: This is gooooooood. Good job author
amberaddict #7
Chapter 2: Thank you for this awesome fic, it gives all the feels
nubjudo #8
Chapter 39: after the tough journey they've been through to get to where they are, i'm glad they finally understood each other and got their happy ending! great story author-nim!
2072 streak #9
Chapter 39: I'm looking forward to an epilogue, if you're planning to write one :)
Jheszie #10
Chapter 39: I love it!!! Kryber forever!