Netflix and Chill

Into You

How did the recording go?

Fine, but exhausting. <

You sure you still want to come over?

Amber chuckled and quickly texted back. She was already on the bus and on her way over anyway. The minute she reached her stop, she got off the bus and put the wheels of her skateboard to pavement. 

I'm almost there.< she responded. I'm not turning around. <

A bump in the pavement caused her to gasp in surprise, so she shoved her phone into the pocket of her hoodie to minimize distractions. 


"Amber's almost here?" Jessica asked, her legs crossed, one foot jiggling in the air as she watched Krystal shift pillows around on the sofa. 

"Yeah. She's probably like a half hour away or something. Can you help me clean up a little?" she whined, propping her hand on her hip and looking around the large room. Nothing was really out of place, she just needed something to do while she waited. She didn't know where all the nervous energy was coming from. 

Jessica scoffed and rolled her eyes. "I'll make you guys some popcorn and then I'm heading out. I can't stand to watch you pretend not to flirt with her." 

"She's my friend." 

"Yeah, okay, whatever," Jessica said, holding up her hands and getting to her feet. "You want me to put some soda in the fridge so it'll at least be cool by the time she gets here?" 

Krystal nodded and pursed her lips, looking critically at the couch again, knowing Amber wouldn't even notice. She'd just toss her skateboard in some corner, kick off her shoes, then flop down and put her feet up on the table, if she didn't skip the couch all-together and just sit on table. So she gave up trying to make the place look presentable and wandered into her bedroom, thinking about changing out of her pajamas. After spending ten minutes in her closet, she decided not to since Amber would find it strange she was in an actual outfit on one of her nights off. 

Feeling grumpy all of a sudden, she headed back to the living room, threw herself onto the couch and pulled up Netflix on the big screen. Halfway through an episode of Chopped, the doorbell rang. Not wanting to look too eager, she stayed where she was while Jessica opened the door for Amber, then let herself out, probably heading to a party one of her friends threw on a fairly regular basis. 

"Yo, Krys!" 

She heard Amber shuck off her shoes and prop her board up by the door. Then the sound of Amber's slippered feet shuffling across the floor. A weight settled near her head and feet, decorated in watermelon socks, came into her field of vision as Amber propped them up on the coffee table. The smell of popcorn hit Krystal's nose. 

"What are we watching?" 

Krystal shrugged without looking up, though a smile tugged at her lips. "I don't know. I just picked the first thing at the top of the page." 

A warm hand settled on the top of her head and ruffled her hair before shooting out to take the remote from her hands. "Let's watch The Office. I don't feel like anything too intense today." 


She shifted away when Amber poked her in the head. "You're really like a sloth today." 

"Shut up." 

"Why'd you ask me to come over if you're just gonna lay there?" 

"When do I not just lay here?" Krystal retorted, rolling onto her back so she could look up at Amber's face but was startled when a palm full of popcorn squished against Krystal's mouth. 

"Say ahhhhh," Amber laughed, feeding Krystal the popcorn whether she wanted it or not. 

"Ugh, I hate you," Krystal complained, munching on the salty snack then scrubbing her lips to rid them of the oily feeling the butter had left behind. 

"You love me." 

It earned her a light punch to the thigh.

"How was your trip?" 

"Pretty good. Went to a few museums between work." 

"You sound like my Grandma." 

Krystal scoffed. "Your grandma doesn't like museums."

"And who gave you permission to talk about my grandma? She loves museums," Amber said, poking Krystal in the head again, knowing it annoyed her. "She's facking classy." 

Krystal sat up, folding her arms over her abdomen. "Your grandma know you talk like that?" 

"Of course," Amber declared. "Who do you think I learned it from?" 

"Oh my god," Krystal laughed, leaning sideways against the back of the couch and folding her legs so she could rest her chin on her knees. She didn't even bother to pretend she was watching The Office anymore. "You're really annoying, you know that?" 

Amber pointed toward the door, setting the bowl of popcorn down on the coffee table. "I could leave you know?" 

Krystal grabbed her arm. "You just got here." 

"Awwww, you missed me?" She wriggled around, putting her face closer to Krystal's. "Did little Soojung miss me?" 

"Ew. No." 

"Awww, she did. Ujuju." Amber put her hands on each side of Krystal's head, making her laugh while she continued to make ridiculous baby sounds. 

"Ammberr," she whined, pushing against Amber's shoulder. 

"Did you cry? Did little Soojung cry?" 

"Shut uuup~ Ah!" 

Amber pinched her cheeks.

"You're gonna give me wrinkles!" Krystal exclaimed.

"You just now got into your twenties and you're already stressing about wrinkles?" Amber asked in disbelief, huffing a laugh.

"My face is important you know." 

"Pffffff!" Amber laughed, covering with one hand. "You're ridiculous." 

Krystal blushed, feeling a little ridiculous. Every once in a while, she forgot what it was like to hang out with Amber. No extensive conversations about skin care or the new purse design that would be in the mall next season. She shifted around until she faced the television again, wrapping her arms around her legs. "Just because you're not worried about looking old before your time, doesn't mean I shouldn't be. I bet you didn't even wear sunscreen at the skatepark the other day." 

"I forgot, okay?" 

"You know what this industry is like, Amber. You've got to take care of your skin. I have this new lotion. It won't take you a lot of time-" 

Amber dropped an arm around Krystal's shoulders and pulled her into a side hug. "Aww, first you missed me and now you're worried about me?" 


Amber lightly petted her head while Krystal swatted at her hand, pretending she didn't like the warmth radiating from Amber's body. "This lotion? Is it a present you bought me while you were traveling." 

"No. I bought it for myself. I was just going to give it to you because I know you barely take care of your skin and this would be easy. It's a three in one and-"

"Are we seriously going to talk about lotion?" 

Krystal turned her head, forgetting they were so close together and felt her face flush when she realized their noses were barely two inches apart. Amber had gotten so tan recently, but it really suited her, especially with the fluffy blonde hair resting on her forehead. Her long dark lashes-

Krystal blinked when she realized Amber had said something. 


"I said if The Office is really that boring, maybe we could find something else to watch." 

She made to reach for the remote, but Krystal stopped her. "No. It's fine."

"You're not even watching it." 


Amber chuckled and pulled the popcorn back onto her lap. "Fine, but can we seriously stop talking about lotion? My team already got onto me about my tan today. I don't need it from you too." 

"Okay, but you're taking it with you when you go. It'll at least help with all those blemishes." 


"What?! You seriously need to lay off the candy. All of your teeth are gonna fall out." 

"I'll be even cuter with no teeth," Amber said, pretending to gum the popcorn. "Look. Cute, right?" 

Krystal scrubbed a hand through her hair and sighed. She really didn't know what it was about Amber that made her gut feel all twisted up inside. Especially when Amber was acting like this. 

"I have to fly out again next week," she blurted.

"But you just got back," Amber complained. 

"Yeah. you want to come over again Wednesday?" 

Amber's mouth folded down in a frown. "Oh, Krys. Sorry. I already have plans." 

Krystal twirled a strand of hair around her finger and pulled it across . "I figured. With Ellin?" 

"Maybe. I was gonna try to teach Minah a new trick on her board. She's actually getting pretty good. Well, no...she still can't really stop by herself...or turn..."



"Can I come too?" 

Amber's brows shot to her hairline. She tried to remember the last time Krystal had asked to come to the skate park with her. "You want to learn how to skate?" 

Krystal thought about saying yes, but thinking about risking falling on pavement was really not something she wanted to do. "" 

"Then why'd you want to come?" Amber asked, completely perplexed. 


"...are you mad at me for some reason? You're being weird." 

"You're weird." 

Amber's eyes widened. "Woah. Nice comeback?" she said sarcastically.

"You joke about everything." 

"'re really starting to sound like you're mad at me."

"Can we just watch the show?" 

Amber wasn't really sure if she wanted to stay. Krystal seemed to be in a weird mood and was kind of adding to the stress she'd wanted to relieve by just hanging out and chatting while watching a few shows. She blinked in surprise when she felt Krystal's weight settle against her side and her chin press into the top of her shoulder, Krystal's soft hair against her neck. 

"I got a spare toothbrush..."

"Are you asking me to spend the night?" 

"You don't have anywhere to be in the morning, right?"

Amber went over her schedule in her mind. "I don't think so." She looked down into the bowl of popcorn. "Did Jessica put something on these? You're being so strange." 

"The spare room is being refurbished, though."


"I have a new bed." 

"" Amber murmured, wondering where Krystal was going with this. 

"It's bigger than the twin that used to be in there." 

"...awesome...more room for you to stretch out I guess..."

"We could share," Krystal suggested softly.

"Oh. Hah. Okay. I thought I would have to crash on this couch for a minute there. No offence, but it's a bit lumpy." 

"didn't make it," Krystal chuckled. "Why would I be offended?" 

"So, you got a spare pillow? I know all of yours are probably covered in drool." 

Amber dodged a smack on the arm from Krystal and laughed, leaning back into the chair. 

"I really can't stand you, you know?" 

Amber grinned. "I know."

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idkwhattoputheree #1
Chapter 39: Chapter 39: stayed up until 3am to read this under the covers im glad i did. my favorite kryber fan fic so far. thank you author! will def come back and reread a million times
Appledots5 #2
Chapter 39: 2023
snackplate #3
Chapter 39: Still beautiful after all these years of rereading.. thanks author!
Chapter 39: Ohmygad. This is soooo dreamy. I'm crying.
bluesky2275 #5
Chapter 39: Thank you for sharing. Love to read this fiction cos its different from others . Lead roles of Krystal , Henry and especially Amber. Good job. Author
Zaynthe44_f #6
Chapter 39: This is gooooooood. Good job author
amberaddict #7
Chapter 2: Thank you for this awesome fic, it gives all the feels
nubjudo #8
Chapter 39: after the tough journey they've been through to get to where they are, i'm glad they finally understood each other and got their happy ending! great story author-nim!
2078 streak #9
Chapter 39: I'm looking forward to an epilogue, if you're planning to write one :)
Jheszie #10
Chapter 39: I love it!!! Kryber forever!