
Higher Than the Eiffel Tower

They decide to take a breather, to explore the city during the day break they have until the next shoot. Paris has always been a city on Tiffany’s bucket list and having Taeyeon to accompany her was just an added bonus to her being able to finally tick it off.

The area they were in was bustling with locals. Small cafes line up the narrow street, the meet up place for catch ups as Parisians laugh over their hot cups of beverages. Fashionistas mix in with the homebodys, on the prowl as Paris’ fashion week nears. A good flow of men leave tailors with their brand new suits whilst dresses flow in the breath of wind that picks up the light fabric alongside soft, styled tresses. Tiffany takes in a deep lungful of air, intaking fresh aromas from bakeries and delightful concoctions of perfumes from nearby. She feels just at home, smack bang in the middle of her element. 

It's a picture perfect scenery, like capturing a moment in time representing the tranquillity of such life. Her steps fall lighter, a bounce in her stride at just being here, and given the chance to be a part of this unimaginable setting only movies provide. Her mind put at ease and fingers twitching to complete her dreamlike state, she weighs out the choice of throwing caution into the spring breeze, how it would be to latch onto Taeyeon’s swaying hand.

She contemplates the idea; how soft Taeyeon’s palm would be against her own, how she yearns to do nothing but soft circles into her skin. The city is the perfect location. It’s setting just waiting to be taken advantage of and Tiffany finds no wrong in something that feels utterly so right. So her gaze drops, body inching closer and hand moves in. She feels like she’s on a secret mission and it has her heart jumping.

But not everything is a fairy tale, even if the surrounding is taken straight out of one. She can sell her situation at this moment in time to Disney to make some modern day fairy tale out of it, but the characters are human and human’s are too real for cliches.

She misses her swoop when Taeyeon’s hand lifts up to grasp the camera hanging from her neck. Her own hand doing a clean 180° turn back to her side, pretending that she did not just get unknowingly rejected.

“Run up ahead.”

She holds her pout for a few seconds, pitying herself before letting out a puff of sadness. Listening to the shorter woman’s instruction, she jogs ahead, however not knowing when to stop. She turns her head to check every few steps, waiting for Taeyeon’s signal.

“That street sign is good.”

She grabs onto the cool pole, easing her body near it as Taeyeon kneels down on one knee in front of her. She takes a few snaps from a lower angle, onlookers beginning to crowd around them. Ironic to her occupation, Tiffany begins to grow a little shy the more people appear to stare at her.   

Like always, a proud smile graces Taeyeon’s lip. She dusts her knee without taking her eyes off the camera. Curious as to how a picture could make the girl so happy, Tiffany jogs up to take a look when two women break through the crowd, heading straight for the blonde.

“I see you've changed where you stand.”

Tiffany doesn't understand what the tan woman says even though the woman’s surprisingly not French. She might not have gotten the meaning behind the words, but Taeyeon’s head immediately shoots up, turning to where the voice came from.

“Curiosity doesn't kill the cat, it only makes it wiser. One’s ego however can be one’s demise.”

Everything puffs up into a cloud of confusion because if Tiffany didn't know any better, a game of words has begun between Taeyeon and the tanner woman.

“Using big words now, aren't we? Did you finally learn to read a book, Kim?”

So this woman did know Taeyeon, Tiffany notes. It’s obvious that they know each other even without the use of names, the attitude thick behind their words. The girl beside the woman is as quiet as a mute, face devoid of any expression with her eyes hidden behind large sunglasses.

“I chose not to use them in front of you, Bianca.”

The woman is clearly annoyed from Taeyeon’s jab at her intelligence, her right eyebrow slightly raising, easily seen moving from behind her sunglasses. She clicks her tongue, head moving to direct her attention to Tiffany.

“And what are you?” Tiffany doesn't need the absence of the obscuring glasses to know that this Bianca woman is giving her the once-over. “A model?” Unabashed mockery leaves the woman’s lips as the corner of her lip twitches up in a smirk, her stance slouching when she moves to cross her arms.

“Should I be surprised that you still don't know what a model looks like.”

Tiffany feels like she's been thrown into the middle of a fight. Taeyeon moves slightly, but just enough to stand in front of Tiffany, obstructing Bianca’s full view of her. The woman turns away from Taeyeon’s challenging stare, bottom jaw slacking for a slight second as her tongue swipes against her inner cheek, obviously ticked off from Taeyeon’s statement.

“At least when I was a model I didn't look like every American bimbo out there.”

It's a battle of harsh remarks and Tiffany’s somehow found herself wounded in a duel that's not her own. Her head drops, fingers playing with the hem of her sweater. Maybe wearing the branded clothing wasn't a good idea.

“Are you mixing her up with you? Because, if I remembered correctly, it was you who looked like every face in a plastic surgeon's flip book. And she's not a bimbo, thank you very much. Unlike someone who copies her answers from Wikipedia, she actually has a Doctorate in Juridical Science.” Taeyeon sounds overly annoyed at this point.

Surprised would be an understatement. Tiffany’s head shoots up in complete shock, because not only did Taeyeon rebut Bianca’s words perfectly, but the praise she had for her was touching. She didn't think Taeyeon would remember what she was talking about in the plane let alone what she had studied prior her modelling career. As if she hadn't already seen stars when looking at Taeyeon, she now saw her in a new, blinding light.

Tiffany didn’t seem like the only one in shock either. Bianca stood there, posture straight and arms by her side with clenched fists.

“Whatever. You better watch your back, Kim.”  

The woman aggressively bumps Taeyeon’s shoulder as she stomps by her, the silent girl following. It's a small exchange, the girl only halting for a few seconds before catching up to Bianca’s fuming figure.

“What'd you say?”

It was quick but Tiffany saw Taeyeon grab the girl’s wrist. It must have been something that'd interest her because she had given Taeyeon a slight nod before leaving. She didn't miss Taeyeon's hand press up against the girl's either.

“If she ever needed a new company, representative, anything, my number’s on the card.”

“Oh,” she nods at the answer. “So, who's Bianca?”

“An old colleague.”

Taeyeon begins to walk again and Tiffany follows suit. The answer she gave her was vague, but Bianca had stated that she was once a model, hence Taeyeon must have worked with her in the past. Thinking about it now, Tiffany barely knew anything about Taeyeon besides the fact that they both worked under the same company, she being a manager of some sort. Her curiosity and knowledge around a camera and what looks best seemed to be a plus. Her mind working hard to remember anything else about Taeyeon stops short when said girl's voice ruins her train of thought. 

“You hungry?”

Just on cue her stomach rumbles. She hugs at it, embarrassed at the volume it growled. Taeyeon only chuckles, her black beret threatening to fall if she dipped her head back any lower.


J’aimerais bien.” There seemed to be no better time than now, but still slightly embarrassed from before, Tiffany moves to link her arm around Taeyeon’s. Elated when its a success this time around. 

“I'll take that as a yes.” Taeyeon leads the way when all she gets is a large grin from Tiffany.

Clarification (possibly wrong): 

Attachante = Attached 

Attachée = Attached

J’aimerais bien ça = I would love to 

J'aimerais bien = I would love to 

Shout out to jung_soona for helping my lost with translations yet again :)

- Flying-Unicorns

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paperwhite #1
Chapter 3: Omg, this fic is so aesthetically pleasing. I love your writing style so much. I can't wait for more. Thanks for sharing this with us!
tipco09 #2
Chapter 2: I bet Tiffany uses the French endearments because she knows Taeyeon won't understand them. But she really wants to say those endearments to Taeyeon.
Chapter 1: Hurry up and update weenie!! And stop flopping in French!! Eeeep photographer taeng hOng.

-ur fav
Just_an_hedgehog #4
Chapter 1: HEY, I DIDN'T CRY!
Wait, what?

Anyway, I love the first chapter, can't wait for the next! *-*
(I laughed at the french sentence, i don't even know why ^^')
83 streak #5
Chapter 1: Wahhhhhh taeyeon is so clueelesss hahahah update again
jung_soona #6
Chapter 1: Hey ! Google's not always your best friend !
If you wanna say "Come on, my love", it would be "Allez viens, mon amour, or just "Viens mon amour" ;)
Hope it helps (I'm French by the way).
Love your story ! :D
83 streak #7
Cant wait heheh