
Higher Than the Eiffel Tower

Pebbles scruff under her sudden movements, hands flail trying to get the camera ready in a haste; Tiffany holds back an amused smile witnessing all of this. She doesn't question it anymore when a nice, brisk walk abruptly turns into an impromptu photo shoot. She doesn't question anything anymore when any little thing she does could turn into an impromptu photo shoot.

Taeyeon’s blonde, fluffy hair bounces as she jogs ahead of her. Her face is scrunched up in all seriousness with a pout caused by frustration as she presses a flurry of buttons on the DSLR camera. Taeyeon's attention always seems to be on that camera of hers, either she was tangled up in the strap or was too preoccupied choosing which lens would be fitting of the occassion. Enjoying the sight of a busy Taeyeon at work, she continues walking leisurely, the game on her phone long lost and forgotten when she took her eyes off of it.

The sun warms up her face, albeit coming second to the busy blonde’s affect on her. The small garden they decided to walk through as a shortcut turns out to be more delightful than she had anticipated. The bare trees hold their own rustic look, trimmed hedges enough to liven up the garden with its vivid leaves. The atmosphere is calming and a wonderful setting for a memorable moment with her personal, little photographer.

Paris. The city of love. The city of romance. Tiffany’s in Paris and she hopes, staring at the girl who's face is obscured by the large camera, that the city will bring her just that. 

Just the thought has her smiling, and it only widens when she sees Taeyeon’s lips hitch up into a small, quick smile, a light bounce on the spot revealing her happiness. Everything the girl does is adorable in her eyes. Learning all of her little quirks is what Tiffany soughts out to do, and the more she discovers the more she falls. 

It’s a habit Taeyeon has when she's captured the “perfect” picture. When she first noticed it she could barely hold back her squeal. That small, innocent quirk coming from her usually professional photographer made it harder for her to resist the already very endearing girl. She's never seen Taeyeon as happy as when she takes a photo that meets her expectations. What makes Tiffany happy and gives her that little extra bit more joy behind her wide smile, how stupid it may sound, is the small fact that that picture was of her, and knowing that she had involuntarily made Taeyeon smile was enough to make this small photo shoot the highlight of her day.

"Allez viens, mon amour," Tiffany walks towards Taeyeon who's still fidgeting with the camera.


Her smile reaches her eyes when she sees the confusion painting Taeyeon’s face. With her eyebrows furrowed and eyes shining against the reflection of the Sun’ rays, Tiffany thinks she looks utterly adorable. She has to resist pinching her chubby cheeks.

"Nothing, just come along. Don't want to be late now, do we?”

I'm sorry if I butched the French language. Google is my best friend, but it isn't always as reliable. But to be honest, I wrote this a while back and was smart enough not to put a translation down for myself. So even I don't know what these words mean, nor where I was going with them. 

Clarification (possibly wrong though): 

Fugace = Fleeting

Venir sur mon amour = Come on, my love

Allez viens, mon amou = Come on, my love (UPDATE: I would like to thank jung_soona for clarifying with me that I dun fudged up on the translation)


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paperwhite #1
Chapter 3: Omg, this fic is so aesthetically pleasing. I love your writing style so much. I can't wait for more. Thanks for sharing this with us!
tipco09 #2
Chapter 2: I bet Tiffany uses the French endearments because she knows Taeyeon won't understand them. But she really wants to say those endearments to Taeyeon.
Chapter 1: Hurry up and update weenie!! And stop flopping in French!! Eeeep photographer taeng hOng.

-ur fav
Just_an_hedgehog #4
Chapter 1: HEY, I DIDN'T CRY!
Wait, what?

Anyway, I love the first chapter, can't wait for the next! *-*
(I laughed at the french sentence, i don't even know why ^^')
76 streak #5
Chapter 1: Wahhhhhh taeyeon is so clueelesss hahahah update again
jung_soona #6
Chapter 1: Hey ! Google's not always your best friend !
If you wanna say "Come on, my love", it would be "Allez viens, mon amour, or just "Viens mon amour" ;)
Hope it helps (I'm French by the way).
Love your story ! :D
76 streak #7
Cant wait heheh