
Higher Than the Eiffel Tower

Her teeth slice through the cheese, acting as a manual grater as her eyes dart around foreign faces in hopes of finding large, thick, black framed specs on the brink of sliding off a cute, button nose.

Anxiety begins to settle in her and she only nibbles faster on her cube of cheese. Usually Taeyeon would be beside her every second of an official photo shoot, with the exception of the actual picture taking, doting on her. Having Taeyeon on her toes to fix her hair or the light, sliding of hands on her body to straighten out her clothes always found a way to calm her bubbling anxiety. But with no Taeyeon in sight the feeling only thickens with no blonde to alleviate it.

The photographer shouts something out, but it's in French and Tiffany only knew phrases and what the travel guide taught foreigners. Unless he’s saying hi she wouldn't have any idea what he was spouting. Feeling lost and isolated, Tiffany begins to shrink further against the snacks table. There were so many people speaking over one another and she understood none of it. She wasn't even sure if any were directed towards her or not. Taeyeon’s still not present yet when she feels someone from the crew lightly nudge her, making her walk to where the photos were to be taken.

With a translator on stand by Tiffany’s first photo shoot goes by without a hitch, with the exception of the normal changing of positions, facial expression and such. The photographer yells something out again which Tiffany thought was out of anger, but champagne bottles are being popped and people begin to mingle. She can't remember any other photo shoot that has had her as uneased as this one, but maybe that was because she's grown accustomed to her own personal destresser.

Pretending to understand, she smiles back at the ones given in her direction, nodding at anyone who says anything towards her. The translator has merged into the crowd of people, abandoning her to fend for herself. Where are the subtitles when she needs them?

When the eyes on her become too much and the voices begin to swallow her up, she's all the ready to hide away at the snacks table again with her cheese. Too preoccupied finding her escape route, Tiffany stops short of her destination when a warm palm holds her at her shin. 

A scream is at the edge of when she hears, "Hold up, you'll trip.”

A language her ears recognize and understands spoken from a voice she has been waiting for all day since its disappearance, Tiffany looks down to see blonde hair tied into a tiny ponytail. Cheese now forgotten, she feels her anxiety dissipate, a sigh of relief replacing the scream she held back. She doesn't know how Taeyeon does it without really doing anything, but her episode of being reclusive a moment ago is gone without a trace. With Taeyeon by her side it was as easy as putting on a pretty smile to her. Just like that and the worry eating away at her disappears. With the shoot all wrapped up she finds it amazing that here she is, still finding ways to dote on her.

"There we go,” Taeyeon has a small smile as she stands up.

Tiffany looks down, a smile of her own making its way across her lips when she sees the newly tied shoelaces. It's the little things that matter most and are the ones that makes the biggest impressions, she thinks to herself.  She looks back up to say thank you but is shushed when something is shoved into .

"I'm sorry I was late for your photo shoot, but I bet you had everything in check or else I'd have come back to an angry photographer,” Taeyeon slightly turns her body, looking elsewhere, “Not a drunk one.”

Tiffany grabs the pastry from her lips, tearing it off from the part she bit into to keep it in place when Taeyeon had let go. She tilts her head to catch a glimpse at the red faced photographer, a small chuckle leaving her full mouth when he staggers. Maybe everything wasn't as daunting as she made it out to be. 

"I thought you'd be hungry, since cheese was the only thing you were eating before.”

Tiffany’s eyebrows slightly raise. She thought Taeyeon had vanished long before she retreated to the snacks table. Something tugs at her chest knowing that Taeyeon in fact was there somewhere, most likely conversing, when Tiffany had thought she was ditched. Even when she wasn't in arms reach Taeyeon seemed to still be looking out for her, in her own little ways.

Taeyeon’s small, but plentiful, concerns for her wellbeing always found a way under her skin, warming her up from the inside. She always fulfilled her role without having to be told twice, and was still being able to look after her without even being asked to, even when it wasn't actually her job to do so; she does her job immaculately.

"I remember you blubbering about how you wanted to try authentic croissants when in France on the plane ride here,” Tiffany’s eyes dip when she hears the brown paper bag crinkle under Taeyeon’s fidgeting fingers. “So, um, I asked around and they told me this was the be-”

"Non, je te remercie, ma chérie.” She whispers against Taeyeon’s soft cheek as she goes in for a peck. That small quirk, another Tiffany has noticed, was too cute not to react to. Taeyeon would go out of her way for something Tiffany said as a passing thought, but only to fall shy later on. She didn't know how else to explain it other than it being such a Taeyeon thing to do. That little bashful moment that follows only adds to the loveable trait. 

The blonde’s fingers glide over the area where Tiffany has just pulled away from, fingertips touching upon the lipstick left behind, staining her pale skin. Taken aback was the initial reaction, followed closely by confusion.


Tiffany mimics Taeyeon’s earlier action by swiftly tearing half of her croissant and placing it in Taeyeon’s open mouth, successfully shutting her up.

"Nothing, let's just enjoy the night.” Her thumb gently rubs away the lipstick at Taeyeon’s cheek as the girl awkwardly munches on the pastry, avoiding any possible eye contact that Tiffany was blatantly beaming at her.

Clarification (possibly wrong):

Dépendre de = Depend on

Dépendante = Depend on

Non, je vous remercie, ma chérie = No, thank you, my darling

Non, je te remercie, ma chérie = No, thank you, my darling

Google always lying to me. Big shout out to jung_soona again for the translation corrections!


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paperwhite #1
Chapter 3: Omg, this fic is so aesthetically pleasing. I love your writing style so much. I can't wait for more. Thanks for sharing this with us!
tipco09 #2
Chapter 2: I bet Tiffany uses the French endearments because she knows Taeyeon won't understand them. But she really wants to say those endearments to Taeyeon.
Chapter 1: Hurry up and update weenie!! And stop flopping in French!! Eeeep photographer taeng hOng.

-ur fav
Just_an_hedgehog #4
Chapter 1: HEY, I DIDN'T CRY!
Wait, what?

Anyway, I love the first chapter, can't wait for the next! *-*
(I laughed at the french sentence, i don't even know why ^^')
83 streak #5
Chapter 1: Wahhhhhh taeyeon is so clueelesss hahahah update again
jung_soona #6
Chapter 1: Hey ! Google's not always your best friend !
If you wanna say "Come on, my love", it would be "Allez viens, mon amour, or just "Viens mon amour" ;)
Hope it helps (I'm French by the way).
Love your story ! :D
83 streak #7
Cant wait heheh