First Day.

Artificial Love.
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Both sway side by side gracefully, careful not to run into other guests, her face almost pressed against his wide torso. They aren’t dancing awkwardly anymore. To be very honest, Junhee doesn’t feel nervous anymore too. She feels calm, but she doubts it’s the same for Yifan. Her husband keeps on missing his steps, resulting her to step on his shoe from time to time. “This might be random but…” Junhee peers up to her husband and tries not to be bothered by the close proximity of their faces. 


“There’s one fantasy novel that I like, and in one of the seven series, they have a ball for a tournament.”


Junhee has to prevent herself from smiling wide because it looks like her husband is a fan of The Boy Who Lived. She continues listening since she’s curious of his next words. “How does one spin and throw her girl just a little to the air?” Junhee almost laughs by the terror on Yifan’s face. It looks like he hasn’t danced at all. “It depends on your confidence,” Junhee says quietly, her arm slightly numbing as she has kept it on Yifan’s back for too long.


It kind of hurts, to be honest. She’s kind of jealous by Yifan’s towering height. “How do they do it?” Yifan looks down to her again. She tries not to splutter nonsense by the look of determination which actually suits the taller male’s handsome face. “Um,” She looks away, only her eyes to fall on her husband’s parents. She sends them a little smile before staring mindlessly onto Yifan’s collar. “You should’ve known even if you’re a fan of the novel,” She replies and the next thing she knows, she feels Yifan’s palms on her hips.


“May I?”


Junhee parts her mouth to give an answer, but nothing comes out so she nods instead. She awkwardly places her hands on Yifan’s shoulders which she never thought they will be so broad and so strong. Junhee almost lets out a shriek when Yifan swiftly lifts her up by her hips, feeling nothing below her feet, before he lets her down gently. “You okay?” She slips out a laughter of joy before she peers up to Yifan, “Yeah. That was, um, that was fun.”


Yifan sends her a satisfied smile. Junhee feels even better. She then notices everyone is doing the same thing. Junhee totally isn’t ready for Yifan to take her right hand above theirs heads and spinning her around for a couple of times but she adjusts to it nevertheless. She loses her balance as her hand suddenly slips away from her husband’s hold but in an instant, there’s firm a grip around her middle. Junhee slowly raises her head and her breaths hitches as Yifan’s face is an inch close to hers.







Junhee snaps her eyes open, the dark ceiling greeting her vision. She looks to her left and sees her husband sleeping. She reaches out for her phone from the nightstand and checks the time. Junhee rolls her eyes before settling her phone back to its place. Only half an hour has just passed. She has no idea why she dreamt of their waltz. Moreover, it was exactly the same on what happened before their parents called out for them.


It felt so real. Junhee sits on the bed and rubs her eyes. She then pouts, unable to sleep. That’s when she hears Yifan’s voice. Junhee throws a strange glance towards her husband. Her brows are then upturned in worry when she notices that Yifan is frowning and also mumbling in his sleep. “Yifan?” Junhee touches his forehead and gasps as she quickly retreats her hand. Yifan is burning up again. “Hey,” She tries to wake him up, poking his cheek lightly.


It’s pointless. Yifan still isn’t waking up. He’s mumbling something in his mother tongue. Junhee mentally reminds herself to practice Mandarin. She really wanted to learn the language before but she had no time. Junhee leaps off the bed, forgetting that she’s wearing a nightgown, and heads inside the huge bathroom. Once she finds a small towel, she damps it with cold water and returns fast to the bed. Junhee lifts the covers off from Yifan’s body to keep him comfortable from not sweating too much.


Ignoring the man’s veins on his built arms, she sweeps away the strands of hair from his forehead before placing the folded towel. “Mn…” Junhee sighs in worry as Yifan doesn’t stop mumbling. Maybe Yifan really is homesick. She covers her folded legs after sitting close next to the lying Yifan. She wonders if he can or can’t make it for the meeting tomorrow. It’s really an important meeting that he must attend but she’s worried that… What if Yifan faints at the office tomorrow?


Or will he faint during their meeting? Yifan doesn’t stop mumbling and murmuring. Junhee can’t stop worrying. She wonders if she can sleep without keeping an eye on her husband. Junhee is reluctant at first but then, she decides to go for it. She’s just going to help him to be okay. That’s all. She isn’t doing anything intimate. She’s just going to help him. Junhee rests her right palm on Yifan’s clothed torso, ignoring how firm it is. She then starts to pat on his torso tenderly.


Yifan’s mumbles have stopped after a few pats. Junhee smiles. “Ma…” Her smile fades but she doesn’t stop the pats, What should I do? She hovers her face over Yifan’s a little, just a little, noting that he has gone paler, I should call Mother but she must be sleeping right now… Junhee sighs but continues the patting his chest after flipping the washcloth on his forehead. She then tries something. Slowly hovering over Yifan’s face once again, she softly hums a lullaby.


She used to sing this song to her younger brother when he had bad dreams. She even closes her eyes without herself knowing, too immersed into the song. Junhee doesn’t stop until Yifan has stopped making noise. When she hears soft snores from her husband, she opens her eyes. Junhee smiles in relief. He’s already sleeping. Taking care of Yifan is like taking care of the younger version of Jongin. She’s confident that she can take care of Yifan.


She can do this. Don’t be nervous, She mentally encourages herself, You can do this, She then exhales heavily, Love will take time. “Good night, Yifan.” The time is eleven twenty-two. Junhee lies back on the mattress, bravely facing Yifan’s side. When her husband continues snoring softly, she finally flutters her eyes close in peace. Junhee drifts off to sleep easily after a few minutes, not knowing that her phone’s screen lights up by a text from her mother.




Yifan hates whatever he’s feeling right now because it’s hurting his head. He wonders when he can fully recover from this troublesome fever. A deep groan leaves his lips once he tries to move. Yifan clutches his bed-hair in agony, grumbling incoherent words. He forces himself to bring his gaze upwards to the ceiling and a sigh passes his lips as he succeeds, even though his eyes waters a little. The sound of the door being open catches his attention. Yifan swallows the lump in his throat by the unexpected view.


Junhee is clad in a bright violet sports bra and yoga pants. Her hair is sleekly tied into a high ponytail, a white towel draped around her shoulders. He keeps staring until out of nowhere, he’s in a coughing fit. He panics when he realizes that Junhee is now beside the bed, next to him, making him to sit up straight. He sighs unconsciously when he feels the not-so-warm palm feeling his forehead. She says, “Your temperature is still the same. Do you want to go to the hospital after I cancel the meeting?”


Yifan cracks his eyes open once he hears the last word. “Don’t cancel it,” He coughs, “Or else the ceremony will be delayed.” His wife runs a hand on his back and he’s somehow grateful for that rather than being flustered. “But you’re still terribly sick.” He tries his best to smile even though everything hurts inside. Stupid cold, stupid high fever, He cusses inwardly. “What’s the time?” His voice comes out rough. “Almost seven. Do you really want to attend the meeting today?” She asks again.


“Yes. Do we have any formal clothes to wear?”


“Oh right. Mom sent me a text yesterday telling that our clothes and attire for work will be sent by yesterday’s driver. He came around six-thirty just now and…”


Yifan notices that she’s looking quite uncomfortable. “What is it?” He succeeds to ask without coughing. “He didn’t give me keys for the spare rooms maybe because our mothers didn’t want to so I guess we have to share this room again.” Yifan doesn’t mind sharing a room, but it seems like his wife is thinking otherwise. “There’s a gym on the same floor and I― Goodness! I’m sorry!” Yifan acknowledges that she must have only realized that she’s in her sportswear.


“It’s okay―”


“I’ll be right back with your attire after I’m done!”


He sees the young lady sprinting to the walk-in closet, disappearing in a second. He chuckles a little, shaking his head. The image of Junhee in her sportswear is sure hard to erase from his brain even after he have showered. “Do you need any help?” He can hear Junhee’s concerned voice near by the doorway of the closet, since Yifan is wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. He informs, “It’s okay, Junhee. You can go and get ready.”


After he’s done wearing a dark gray suit where Junhee has given him earlier, he has a little problem with his tie. His mother used to buy the clip-on ones since it’s way easier and time-saving. He doesn’t understand the sudden change but he doesn’t ponder too much either. He tries to do it again, trying to remember how to tie his school tie. It’s been years though but still, he wants to try. Taking it out, wrapping it back around his neck, tieing it, the result is still the same. Yifan sighs, feeling his headache is getting worse.




Said male turns around from the mirror and sees Junhee who’s already in her formal attire. Her gray ruffle blouse goes very well with her gray dress pants. Oh and, their outfits match. This must be their mothers’ doing. She sends him a small smile, as if she knows what he’s thinking. He notes that there isn’t much make-up on her natural pale-skinned face. Yifan can’t see the difference between yesterday’s wedding. Maybe his wife isn’t into make-ups.


“I, um, I’m sorry. For earlier. I totally forgot that I was still in my… You know. Please don’t think I was trying to seduce you or something,” She says everything to fast without looking at him. Yifan actually chuckles for real this time. He doesn’t have to know that Junhee’s face is getting warm as he busies himself with the stupid tie, “I didn’t think any of that. Don’t worry.” Junhee notices his apparent struggle, “Do you know how to tie a tie?” Said male stays silent.


“Let me do it. I’ve been doing my Dad’s when he was working before.”


Yifan fails to hide his embarrassment and lends the damn tie to her. She skillfully folds and fiddles with it before it’s done within seconds. The look on his face must be funny because his wife slips out a soft laugh. “It’s nothing special, really. Try doing that for years and you’ll be just like me.” Yifan nods as he tries to put the tie on but the problem is… “Um, let me do that again.” It’s too small and too tight around his neck so Junhee has to do it again. But it’s still the same.


“I think I have to do it while putting this on you.”


Yifan freezes. “May I?” Junhee is standing in front of him now, holding the edge of the black tie with her hands. Yifan nods. He has to remember how to breathe properly when Junhee swings her arms around his neck. She then stands much closer. Yifan tries not to make any sounds in his throat or else she will hear it, trying to look anywhere but the woman in front of him. He fails as he notices their actual height difference. He smiles a little at the focused face of his wife’s, brows furrowed and lips pursed in a thin line.


“I think it’s good now. What do you think?”


Junhee flattens the tie on his torso, just like she used to do to her father before staring up to him for his affirmation, so oblivious of their current distance. Yifan has to hold back a gasp, knowing that Junhee doesn’t seem to realize their close proximity. He looks behind her to his reflection on the mirror and adjusts the tie, “It’s perfect.” Junhee smiles in satisfaction and Yifan mirrors her countenance. His heart still doesn’t calm down by then but he pays no attention to that.


Breakfast doesn’t go very well. The restaurant is packed with people because it’s Sunday. Families and other business individuals are all over the place. Yifan is starting to get dizzy because of the crowd. Junhee has to keep an eye on him from not falling or worse, fainting. Some businessmen and women who recognize them congratulate Yifan on his promotion and Junhee for their wedding. The newlyweds know they don’t really mean it anyway.


Junhee can’t help but to worry. Yifan doesn’t seem like eating anything. He hasn’t even consumed half of his meal. They can’t even talk because the place is so loud and so noisy. She has to raise her voice in order for him to listen properly. In the end, Junhee packs up lunch for Yifan later. Both got out of there after she paid for their breakfast because Yifan is swaying and struggling to stand properly. She can only hope he won’t faint during the meeting.


Peach Hotel’s lobby is bronze-themed, even the walls are painted in the same color, causing the ambience to be a calm sight to look at. Walking towards the elevator, the color changes into light cantaloupe, patterns of peaches can seen as the hotel’s trademark sign. The board room is located just a floor below the director’s and deputy’s office. It’s wide and modern-designed.The conference table is oval-shaped, making everyone to have a clear view of each other. 


There’s a projector hung on the wall and a projector screen at the end of the room so that everyone can see the presentations clearly without any heads blocking their sight. At the opposite of the table, there’s a special chair at the head of the table. It’s for the director, of course. The door to the board room is also peach-colored. It has a styled plate on it with a fancy font which reads, Peach Hotel’s Meeting Room. 


The meeting starts around nine-thirty. Junhee feels honestly glad that people from her side are already in the board room, whispering about the new director’s arrival which doesn’t reach to her ears. She already has a few dozens of files in her hold and assists Yifan to his seat. None stood up to greet him, except for Yifan’s people from his department. Junhee starts sighing already. She hopes that no one starts to do anything childish to Yifan because the male is barely healthy. 


The meeting starts with Yifan introducing himself, and then same goes to the others. Junhee has already memorized the people from Yifan’s department. Most of them are Chinese and only two is pure Korean. Her department only has one Chinese and the others are Koreans. “The name won’t be changed. I would like the current name to remain since it’ll be memorable for the former director. It’s his effort to where his chains of hotels are now spreading to the overseas,” Yifan fnishes with a smile.


“That’s lame.”


Junhee sends a glare towards Jackson, the Head of Revenue Management. The male has the nerve to rest his legs on the table after crossing them, “If I were you, I would change it to my name. We should think the same since we’re both Chinese, right?” Junhee internally wants to strangle the guy because she knows he doesn’t seriously mean it that way, but she wonders why the people from Yifan’s department aren’t showing any looks of surprised or even disrespect, a total contrast to her department where they’re all smirking, some whispering to themselves.


She’s already worried on how Yifan will handle him. “That’s so unwise of you, Mr Wang.” Junhee blinks her eyes rapidly because Yifan’s tone sounds kind of menacing. He even remembers Jackson’s surname. Even though she’s standing by the door, practically a few feet behind Yifan, his tone isn’t wavering or isn’t weak at all. Isn’t he sick? Is something wrong with him? The rest have already turn their heads towards their new director. They look so scared now.


Something tells her that Yifan has a dead serious look on his face. “If I was to terminate your position straightaway just on my first day and first hour of being here, is that lame of me, Mr Wang?” Junhee hugs the remaining files to her chest. Her husband is sure being scary right now. Jackson seems to be finally affected by his deathly aura, face all pale and all scared. “Legs off the table, please.” The petrified Chinese male obeys in an instant by the very polite plus devilish voice.


“As I was saying … ”


Yifan starts to talk about an upgrade their working system and now, almost everyone (including Yifan’s people) is jotting down on their little notebooks where Junhee thinks it’s super clean inside. Her people never really take notes because she knows they do well on their work but Yifan’s way of talking seems to be very, very detailed as he already knows about the flaws in the hotel. Junhee sighs in relief.


Maybe her husband isn’t sick anymore. Maybe he’s okay now. She just have to wait more so that she can talk to her people and give a good long scold to Jackson. Junhee ends up waiting for more than an hour for the meeting to finish. That’s the longest period she has been standing there, listening attentively to Yifan and his side’s suggestions as well as opinions. She feels a little down-spirited because the people from Yifan’s side seem to be mature and very polite.

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Chapter 24: We understand your decision :) Thank you for all of your stories all these years. And don't be sorry dear. Be safe and keep healthy :)
dhee1705 #2
Chapter 24: Will you keep this account active??
I love your stories and i haven't finish all your ff...
Hope you'll keep the account on...
Thank you 🙏
Baekie_18 #3
Chapter 24: It’s fine authornim. You don’t need to say sorry and such. Also stay safe.
Chapter 23: The amount of fluff and cuteness in this chapter had me melted while reading XD Their relationship are sure slow to progress but aaaaaaaaa they are so cute! I really love them and their cuteness (T_T)

Thank you so much for this update :) It's been a while so welcome back! Hoping to see more of adorable Junhee and Yifan from your future updates XD Thank you and fighting!
2448 streak #5
Chapter 23: authornim it's been so long! thank you for the update!!!

FINALLY!!! it's been so long so i might have a blurry memory, but why does it seem like they're always ed by family? the same people pitting them together, just always manages to ruin their moments! unbelievable! Yifan was just abt to say it! but why did Mama Kim have to call just then???

and ugh, Yifan was back to his shy and less confident self! taking Jun's words and actions too srsly once again! man, you guys have been in love wih each other for a while now but has just been dragging it on forever! finally, all the ended today! and it's so cute how it was Yifan who was planning to say it, but in the end, Jun said it first! CONGRATS YOU TWO SLOWPOKES! well, it's a honeymoon now, isn't it? HAHAHAHAHAHA
Chapter 23: Oh, Yifan cried when Junhee said she loves him. It makes me giggle like an idiot!
YiFan is so innocent. Pls protects him! Hahahaha!
Baekie_18 #7
Chapter 23: At last, I have been waiting for them to confess to each other for so long and now that it’s happen I’m very very happy and also welcome back authornim!
Chapter 22: I really enjoyed reading this chapter!! It was such a delight to read this again!!
Chapter 22: Omg! Hi! I miss you and your update! Awww reading this makes me realized how much i miss krisho ;;;;; huhuhu.

I’m so happy that their relationship is progressing magnificently from previous chapter.

Thank you for the updatee ^^
Chapter 22: All these fluffs are making me floating on cloud nine! Their progress is slow but strong. They are building comfort and trust around each other. Aaaaa I'm feeling soft for Yifan and Junhee because of this chapter!
Junhee didn't realize that she herself is Yifan's most treasured gift hehehehe... Can they be any more adorable than this??!!
Yifan nooo (T_T) his birthday should be a happy day but instead... Hopefully Junhee will cheer him up from now on.
Awwww... Junhee... Is she just teasing the birthday boy or what? Hahaha...

Thank you so much for this update! Like I said, the fluffs are making me sooooo happy!!! And the development of Junhee and Yifan's relation is definitely making me excited!!! So thank you and fighting!!!