first apology.

Artificial Love.
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They’re settled on their sides, facing together. Yifan fights the heat crawling up to his face because Junhee keeps staring without a word. He does the same thing too because he doesn’t really know what else to do. “What were you trying to do earlier?” His cheeks flame up to the maximum when he recalls that he almost kissed her. “N-Nothing,” He lies, eyes wandering everywhere but at his wife. His vision ends up landing on the mole above Junhee’s upper lip.


Junhee seems to know the real answer but she just wants to hear it from him. She still can’t believe what happened but she’s somehow comfortable with their current terms now. “Okay, then.” She scoots closer to his side, her forehead almost meeting his chin. Yifan wants to explode. They have been close before but not this close.


He doesn’t know whether his wife is doing this on purpose or whether she wants to be near for real so he stays put, not wanting to move an inch which may scare her. From here, he can take in the lavender scented shampoo from his wife. Oh God, He mentally whines, I sound like a creep. Few minutes later, Yifan still can’t fall asleep. He assumes Junhee is the opposite. There are no sounds from her though. Maybe she’s on the way to her dreamland.


Or is she not?


Yifan gulps quietly before he whispers a soft, “Junhee… ?” No response. Relief washes over him in an instant. It seems like she’s asleep for real. He still can’t believe they’re this close. The corner of his mouth is lopsided after he shifts away a little just to look at her. He has finally let out his feelings from his chest. It feels great. Even though his wife doesn’t feel the similar, he’s fine with it.


Love takes time.


Sooner or later, she will surely like or even love him back.


His cheeks are hot once again by the thought. He can’t wait for the day to come. Yifan swallows before he bravely brushes away strands of Junhee’s side-swept bangs over her forehead despite his trembling fingers. He has been itching to do that whenever she has her hair in a loose ponytail. Yifan admires her face for a while. She’s really beautiful. Nothing else can beat her beauty.


His heart doing its thing again when he leans downward after that. Yifan plants his lips against Junhee’s forehead. It’s just a fleeting second. He has always wanted to do that whenever her forehead is on display. Moving a little closer to her, he takes a loose strand of hair from her temple and simply brushes it with his fingers, a fond smile colouring his mouth. He falls asleep with his palm settling on his wife’s cheek.


Unknown to him, a small shy smile stretches across Junhee’s lips.




Yifan stretches midway after turning off the alarm. He stops yawning halfway when he feels something around his middle. It’s not heavy. It’s not too light either. He then remembers yesterday night. Junhee shared the bed with him. Clouds of steam almost goes off above his head once he comprehends that her arm is draped across his waist almost too naturally. “J-Junhee?” He timorously pats her arm with a finger. He keeps doing that until she wakes up after a few minutes, her closed eyes flinching.


Junhee yawns and she blinks twice to ebb the sleep away. She lifts her head, her orbs blank, uncertain of her surroundings. Yifan has no idea why he’s blushing just by her sleepy gaze. She promptly sits on the bed after noticing their unexpected proximity. Trying to avoid the awkwardness, she slurs, her brain still not functioning well, “G-Goodmornin’.” Yifan crawls out of the bed before blabbering out, “I-I’ll get ready first.”


Junhee scratches on her temple as she observes the tall figure heading to the walk-in closet. Well, that was awkward. After releasing a deep sigh, she’s about to get out of bed but an intense prickle of pain of her hand stops her. The sleep in her system is totally washed away once she recalls the incident last night. Pleasant warmth spreads all across her face as she also remembers how shy Yifan was the night before.


Yifan still has his arms around her after he has said his part about the divorce. Junhee, too, can’t seem to leave from his embrace. It’s like something has finally clicked between them like a switch. “I’m sorry,” She starts knowing Yifan won’t, “I’m sorry for troubling you and Jongin. I wasn’t in the right condition—” “Baekri told me,” Yifan eventually parts away, his fingers curling tenderly around her arms while scanning her swiftly with a concerned look, “Are you still hurting?”


Junhee now gets it why her heart will always beat fast whenever Yifan has this special gaze on her.


She likes it.


She likes him.


He likes her too.


She ducks her head down, feeling bashful and awful and stupid all at once for not realizing her feelings sooner, “I-I’m okay.” is slightly ajar when Yifan cradles her cheek ever so gently, the soft gaze of his still there. “Tell me if it starts to hurt, okay? I’ll make lemon tea for you.” They’re staring into each other’s eyes for a few good minutes before Yifan backs away as if he touched something hot, as if he finally grasped what he was doing.


“Um, w-we should be sleeping.”


Junhee stares at the male heading out of the kitchen. She nearly chuckles. Yifan is back to his awkward-self again. There’s a source of pure happiness flowing through her veins right now. She grabs Yifan’s hand right on time before he can even get inside the master bedroom, “Can I sleep with you?” Yifan furiously flushes. It only takes a few seconds for her to notice that it sounded wrong. She pinkens horribly, “I-I mean, the bed. I meant sharing the bed with you.” Yifan tears their gaze but when Junhee feels a gentle tug from him pulling her inside, a soft smile comes up to .


Junhee touches her forehead where her husband kissed the night before.


Has he done this when she was sleeping in her room? Her cheeks flood with heat when she finally perceives something. Whenever she wakes up with her favorite novel on the dresser with the lights turned off, she always thinks whether it’s her or her husband. Well, she has her answer now. She doesn’t need to ask him about it. There’s no doubt that Yifan did it. She smiles to herself. Glancing at the closet, there’s no Yifan yet. She might as well get ready too.




It’s midday when the workers has just let her free from questioning about her bandaged hand. It was soaked with patches of red and her husband changed it for her before they left for work. Yifan is evading her again. Junhee obviously acknowledges it. He doesn’t even want to look at her. He’s nowhere to be seen during lunch even though she has been waiting for him for nearly thirty minutes. He must be cooped inside his office. She glances at her phone on the tabletop.


She wants to call Jongin and tell him what happened between her and Yifan. Or even to Jisoo. She doesn’t do any of those. Junhee ends up in front of Yifan’s office instead. She sighs, cupping her cheeks as she stares at the carpeted floor. What is she doing here? She should be eating right now but… If this keeps going on between them, Yifan will not talk to her at all. Junhee knocks on the door with the uninjured hand and opens it. The surprise on Yifan’s features is just as she has imagined.


“Are you going to avoid me again?”


She goes straight to the point right after she reaches his desk. Yifan is downright mute, eyes on her before wandering on the files. “I’m right in front of you and you won’t look at me,” She rests a palm on the desk, causing him to glance at her timidly. She’s staring right into his soul and Yifan’s heart skips multiple beats. “Answer me.” Yifan flinches, swallowing the lump in his throat, back on focusing the pastel files again. “Fine. Talk to yourself,” She sighs and simply walks away.


Yifan has never been quick in his whole life.


He stops her from leaving, looping his pinky with few of her fingers loosely right when she’s about to open the door. She stares at him skeptically. Yifan can’t look her in the eyes so he ends up staring at the nametag on her navy blue blazer, gabbling, “I’m sorry, I— I didn’t want to look stupid around you when you don’t even like me back—” “Listen, I’m supposed to be the stupid one here for not recognizing that I had feelings for you.” Yifan blinks. He stares at her, aghast etching his features.


Junhee somehow becomes warm under his gaze. The same gaze from the night months ago when they stargazed together. The familiar one she likes. The gaze which took her months to realize. She can’t withstand the air of intensity between them. She shyly envelops her short limbs around the taller and squishes her right cheek against his torso, catching the soft rapid beats of his heart. Junhee is so mad at him but now, she’s smiling so wide until her cheeks ache.


Yifan wants to combust.


He eventually hugs her back. He hugs her strongly until Junhee is squished against him, causing both to go red. Happy. He’s so happy. He can’t stop smiling. They part away but their arms are still around each other, having content smiles on their face. Yifan blushes first before Junhee follows suit and they embrace each other again. Yifan has so much things to question. About Jisoo. About Jongin. About her family. About herself. But right now, he just wants to bask in the happiness he’s currently clouded with.


“Junhee,” His mind goes blank right after their eyes lock because his wife’s questioning gaze is unbearably cute, “I…” His wife maintains eye contact so he picks up the courage to— The door bursts open and both instantly hear countless apologies. They untangle themselves speedily, staring at the intruder with flushed cheeks. “Um, Madam Wu wants you two at Busan as soon as possible,” Bogum informs, his voice becoming smaller as he finishes. Right. Tomorrow is the launch of the new orphanage.


A few days later, it will be their first anniversary.


As if they’re thinking equally, Yifan and Junhee’s gaze connect. Both are pink as they avert their attention to Bogum again before nodding at him simultaneously. “I’m truly sorry for the interruption. I didn’t know—” “It’s okay,” Junhee cuts him off, not wanting to make things even awkward than it already is before glancing at Yifan, “Lunch.” Yifan nods understandingly and sees her leaving. Bogum stares at him, face white, “I’m really sorry, boss.” Yifan nears the male and places a hand on his shoulder while scrutinizing him sternly, “Just… Don’t tell anyone.”


He obediently nods twice. At least his boss isn’t angry. His pink cheeks show it all. After the Director has left, he holds in a chuckle. He won’t tell no one but he must give this news to Joohyun. Lunch is awkward. They eat with silence wandering above them. Yifan keeps taking glances at her. Junhee copies his actions. When they’re almost done, they stare at each other for a few seconds. “You—” Both speak in unison.


Junhee presses her lips firmly from smiling. Yifan copies her. “You first,” Junhee offers him a shy smile. “No, you first,” Yifan sends her a familiar one. “Um, has your mother said anything… ?” Yifan understands she must be scared. The secret is out that they have been faking it but now, their feelings are mutual. Of course their mothers might not believe it if they tell them. “Nothing came from her but considering our mothers are close, Ma must’ve known,” He replies seconds later after taking a sip.


Junhee gulps the lump in . What if she doesn’t want to see her? “Don’t think too much,” YIfan gives her a comforting smile, “I’ll talk to her.” Junhee nods, her face still not changing from fear. Yifan did say he will talk to his mother but deep down, he’s scared too. His mother didn’t even inform him about Busan by herself. It only means she’s really upset. His father may feel the same too even though he rarely becomes angry. He wishes everything will go well.


Their secretaries send them off by the exit. “Don’t you think we should call our driver?” Yifan stops just when he’s about to enter the master bedroom, “I can drive.” Junhee comes forward, helping him to loosen his tie after noticing his apparent struggle, “It takes six hours to get there,” She smiles kindly up to him, “You need to rest too.” Yifan is very near from fainting. He knows his face must be changing colors. He only manages to utter out a weak, “Sure.”


She pulls the tie out and hands it over, smiling, “I’ll see you at downstairs.” Yifan nods wordlessly. Once she’s gone, Yifan heads inside and he nearly tumbles before he can even reach the bed. Sitting on the mattress, he stares at the floor blankly. He thought he will feel better after he told her the truth but if his wife does something like that again, he will definitely faint for sure next time. Yifan grumbles under his breath as he begins to fold the needed clothes, blaming his heart for being so weak.




It’s silent again between them. Yifan is shy as hell. They’re sitting side by side in the car. His brain keeps replaying about earlier. He doesn’t want to make things awkward so he keeps his mouth shut even though this is the right time to question about everything. Junhee silently glimpses at her husband. She wonders why he’s so quiet. Did she take it too far earlier for undoing his tie? It’s not like she signaled him for something… Honestly, flustered Yifan is something else.


With their employees, he exudes authority and power but with her…


He’s the complete opposite.


She kind of likes this side of him. Junhee still didn’t return her brother’s call but she did text him that she and Yifan are heading to Busan by car. He has just replied with loads of crying emoji and Junhee honestly feels bad. He must have waited for her text all day. She didn’t tell him about what happened between her and Yifan yet. She wants to talk about it when they meet. Kyungsu barges into her mind all of a sudden. She hopes the model is doing okay. She really hopes she’s ready to meet Jongin.


Her trail of thoughts then leads to her parents. Junhee heaves out a sigh. She must have disappointed them so much. Do they still want to talk to her? Her mother hasn’t even called her ever since. She didn’t only made her upset but her father too. She wonders how on earth she’s going to face them. Will they even believe that she and her husband have made up? Junhee breathes out deeply once again. “Are you okay?” She peers upwards to the voice.


Her husband is looking at her with an apprehensive gaze. She doesn’t respond but she lays her temple against his arm instead. She can’t stop feeling scared at the thought of meeting Yifan’s parents. Yifan doesn’t know what to do. He feels like she’s going to cry any second and he’s correct, she does cry. He acts on reflex, taking her hand and winding their fingers together, “I’ll be right beside you no matter what happens.”


Junhee nods, shut as she sniffles. “Sleep,” Yifan’s head stoops low to meet her eyes. He dabs the tissues on her cheeks with tender and then, he settles her head into his chest before his arm is loose around her back, his mouth making contact against her hair, “You need the most rest right now.” He doesn’t care if she can hear his racing heartbeats. Junhee feels the heat returning to her cheeks by the closeness. Nevertheless, she does what she’s told.


Everything goes black once she closes her eyelids.




After halting by a few rest stops, they finally reach to Busan’s branch of Peach Hotels’. There’s a bodyguard right at the entrance of their hotel. He helps them with their luggage and leads them to their suite. Junhee has never traveled in a vehicle for long hours before so she feels kind of jetlag, following the men with her own pace. Yifan ends the conversation with the male when he notices the absence of his wife next to him.


He swivels behind and sees her trailing behind with unhurried steps. She appears to be exhausted. Yifan feels bad to see her like that. “Hey,” He heads towards her and grabs her arm gingerly, “Let’s see them tomorrow.” Junhee’s brows are upturned with fear, “But won’t they be even—” “It’s okay. I’m sure they’ll understand. Come.” Junhee doesn’t feel good about this. What if his mother thinks they’re doing this on purpose? Yifan repeats about his decision to the bodyguard. He trusts his mother.


He prays everything will go well.


After changing her bandage, they crawl under the covers, their muscles making sounds as they did so. His body feels so sore. Thank goodness their secretaries have booked a flight on their way back. His wife has her back turned to him so he guesses she’s having a good sleep. It isn’t until a few minutes when he hears Junhee’s timid voice calling his name. Yifan glances next to him with squinting eyes, nearly reaching to his dreamland. He blinks thrice only to realize Junhee is facing him.


She’s crying.


Yifan remembers the nights she was like this when her father was admitted in the hospital. Her tears are getting soaked into the pillow, her lashes wet. She’s biting on her lower lip as if she’s trying her hardest not to let any sounds out. “Hey,” Yifan automatically reaches for her hand and brings it between their bodies. He knows why she’s like this. She’s scared. “Ma isn’t going to scream at you or anything… She’s not like that. She’ll list

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Chapter 24: We understand your decision :) Thank you for all of your stories all these years. And don't be sorry dear. Be safe and keep healthy :)
dhee1705 #2
Chapter 24: Will you keep this account active??
I love your stories and i haven't finish all your ff...
Hope you'll keep the account on...
Thank you 🙏
Baekie_18 #3
Chapter 24: It’s fine authornim. You don’t need to say sorry and such. Also stay safe.
Chapter 23: The amount of fluff and cuteness in this chapter had me melted while reading XD Their relationship are sure slow to progress but aaaaaaaaa they are so cute! I really love them and their cuteness (T_T)

Thank you so much for this update :) It's been a while so welcome back! Hoping to see more of adorable Junhee and Yifan from your future updates XD Thank you and fighting!
2448 streak #5
Chapter 23: authornim it's been so long! thank you for the update!!!

FINALLY!!! it's been so long so i might have a blurry memory, but why does it seem like they're always ed by family? the same people pitting them together, just always manages to ruin their moments! unbelievable! Yifan was just abt to say it! but why did Mama Kim have to call just then???

and ugh, Yifan was back to his shy and less confident self! taking Jun's words and actions too srsly once again! man, you guys have been in love wih each other for a while now but has just been dragging it on forever! finally, all the ended today! and it's so cute how it was Yifan who was planning to say it, but in the end, Jun said it first! CONGRATS YOU TWO SLOWPOKES! well, it's a honeymoon now, isn't it? HAHAHAHAHAHA
Chapter 23: Oh, Yifan cried when Junhee said she loves him. It makes me giggle like an idiot!
YiFan is so innocent. Pls protects him! Hahahaha!
Baekie_18 #7
Chapter 23: At last, I have been waiting for them to confess to each other for so long and now that it’s happen I’m very very happy and also welcome back authornim!
Chapter 22: I really enjoyed reading this chapter!! It was such a delight to read this again!!
Chapter 22: Omg! Hi! I miss you and your update! Awww reading this makes me realized how much i miss krisho ;;;;; huhuhu.

I’m so happy that their relationship is progressing magnificently from previous chapter.

Thank you for the updatee ^^
Chapter 22: All these fluffs are making me floating on cloud nine! Their progress is slow but strong. They are building comfort and trust around each other. Aaaaa I'm feeling soft for Yifan and Junhee because of this chapter!
Junhee didn't realize that she herself is Yifan's most treasured gift hehehehe... Can they be any more adorable than this??!!
Yifan nooo (T_T) his birthday should be a happy day but instead... Hopefully Junhee will cheer him up from now on.
Awwww... Junhee... Is she just teasing the birthday boy or what? Hahaha...

Thank you so much for this update! Like I said, the fluffs are making me sooooo happy!!! And the development of Junhee and Yifan's relation is definitely making me excited!!! So thank you and fighting!!!