first move.

Artificial Love.
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Yifan is horrified upon hearing the news. When Junhee is frozen, simply standing there, he heads to her side and gently cradles her wrist. Their eyes meet in silence. The bubbly Junhee he witnessed earlier is totally gone. “Lets go,” Yifan gives her a short smile before tugging her to his side as they walk together. Yifan doesn’t say anything once she laces their fingers solidly as they enter the elevator. He knows she needs emotional support right now. She cries all the way to the hospital and Yifan feels useless because he can’t do anything about it.


The nurse guides them after Yifan inquires about Mr Kim. Junhee lets out a sob once she witnesses her father through the transparent door of the ICU ward with a heart monitor beeping next to him. She rests her palm against the glass door, sniffling, eyes never leaving the man resting on the bed. Yifan stares at both of them with worry. “Junhee… ?” She turns around to meet her puffy-eyed mother. Another sob is heard before she crashes into her mother’s embrace.


Jongin doesn’t greet him as he sticks close to his family. Yifan then notices another presence but the nurse calls him before he can confirm who it is. “We’re keeping a close eye on him,” She politely explains to Yifan, “No visitors are allowed until the doctor in charge is here. I’m sorry.” The taller only nods wordlessly. He journeys to the women and pats their arm, motioning them to sit. He then shifts his sight to the person again who’s leaning against the wall, occupied with his phone. He’s right. It’s indeed Jisoo.




Junhee stands next to her mother, her lower lip trembling. Her father still hasn’t regained conscious even after they’re allowed to visit. Her mother is holding his limp hand, seated next to the bed on a chair, eyes glued on him. The doctor in charge comforts Madam Kim with encouraging words. Jongin can only sigh. His mother called him and said that his father has fainted while heading to the bedroom. He couldn’t call his sister because he immediately called for an ambulance.


His eyes travel outside the ward and spots his sister’s husband and the person he detests the most. He shifts his vision when Yifan’s eyes connect with his. Now that his father is admitted, he’s becoming even more restless. There’s still no news about Kyungsu. His informant has done his best but the search has gone into a dead end. He exhales deeply while leaning his head against his sister’s shoulder. Junhee wraps an arm around his middle and pats on his hip, keeping him close.


“Both of you should head home,” Madam Kim looks up to her children with teary eyes. She still manages to smile despite the situation. “Mom—” “I’ll head home with Jongin. You and Yifan must be tired. He’ll be fine,” Kyurin glances at her husband who have his eyes closed, “Go home.” Junhee nods. She hugs her mother and her brother before pressing pecks on their cheeks to which Jongin groans in reply. It made the ladies to share a small laughter.


“How’s he doing?”


Jisoo is the first to see her coming out from the ward so he’s already standing by the door. “He was in a critical condition but the doctor stabilized him. He’s fine. Where’s…” Junhee trails off as her eyes search for her husband. She gasps silently when she finds her husband sleeping on the given seats, his head slowly tilting sideways. She goes to him and gently wakes him up with a few shakes on his shoulder. “Did you guys go for a date?” Jisoo questions behind her when Yifan isn’t showing a sign of waking up.


“No, we went out for the year-end dinner,” Junhee halts. The ceremony must be put on hold. There’s no way her father is going to be recovered within a month. “Dinner? Is that what you just said?” Junhee pinches her temple as she thinks about rescheduling everything. A meeting must be held too. They need to cancel all the appointments they have made for the rentals. “Junhee?” She delivers a sharp look when Jisoo annoys her with his endless questions, “Will you stop—” 


“What’s wrong, noona?”


Their heads turn to Jongin who’s watching Jisoo like a hawk. “Was he bothering you?” Jisoo snorts out a laughter before giving Jongin a shoulder-hug, “Why would I bother her?” Jongin hastily swats away the other’s arm on him, “Why are you still here? She’ll go back on her own. There’s no need for you to be here any longer.” Jisoo fakes a pained expression and it pisses Jongin even more. Everything this guy does irritates him to the core. 


Junhee can sense an unknown tension building up as the males keep staring. Rather than focusing on them, she turns away and pats Yifan’s cheek this time to wake him up. “Junhee… ?” She smiles apologetically once he’s up, “Hey. I’m sorry for making you stay for so long—” “It’s no big deal. I’m sorry for accidently sleeping. How’s your father?” Junhee is about to explain briefly about her father but both are startled by a loud shout from Jongin.


When she returns her sight on them, she witnesses Jisoo putting his hands in the air while Jongin is heaving, his ears red with anger, probably. “Can you please leave, Jisoo? You’re interrupting my family’s privacy. I’ll see you again next time.” Jongin can’t believe what he heard from his sister. Even Yifan is surprised but when Junhee mentioned she’s going to see him next time, it irritates him a little. “Alright, then. Bye everyone.” Junhee sighs with relief once he’s gone.


“How did he know about Dad, noona?”


Jongin narrows his eyes at her with suspicion. Without even listening to her explanation, Jongin goes, his ears red again, “How could you tell him? This is supposed to be within our family, noona. He’s an outsider. He doesn’t belong to the family—” “Jongin, stop—” “I won’t stop until you open your eyes!” A baffled Junhee watches the angered Jongin. What did her younger brother mean by that? Yifan only sits there, dumbfounded by Jongin’s outburst. He mentally takes note not to make the guy angry.


The doctor pops between them out of the nowhere, giving the siblings a stern look, “I apologize for intruding but please do know this is a hospital. There are other patients on this floor.” The Kim’s are silent as Yifan apologizes to the doctor on their behalf. Jongin doesn’t speak a word as he marches inside the ward to awake their dozing mother. Junhee grumbles under her breath, covering her face with her palms. Her headache is getting worse. “Hey.” Junhee lifts her head and sees Yifan sending her a smile.


She feels a little light. “Let’s go home.” She nods, following him. “Sorry about Jongin,” She mumbles once they’re in the car, “He doesn’t seem to like Jisoo at all.” Yifan doesn’t say anything else as he starts the car. He doesn’t like Jisoo too but he won’t voice it out. “What are you thinking?” Yifan stares at her by the question. He smiles shortly, “I’m worried for Mr Kim.” At that, Junhee becomes silent. She also feels the same. Will her father be the same as before?


Even though it’s a mild , there might be side effects. She covers from preventing a sound escaping. Junhee prays for her father to have a speedy recovery. That’s all she wants. Yifan notices her silence. “He’ll be okay,” He squeezes her shoulder on a red light, eyes on her, “He’ll be fine, Junhee.” The lady nods before looking ahead of her, sniffling from time to time. Yifan sighs internally. He really hopes Mr Kim will be fine.




Exactly after a week, an urgent meeting is conducted in the morning. It’s the earliest meeting they ever had. Everyone is drained from preparing the ceremony but they come right on time. Yifan sits on the leather chair with a firm wish of good morning once the boardroom is filled. Junhee is soulless. From the moment she woke up and until now, her soul seems to be wandering away. She keeps staring endlessly at the door straight ahead of her as she thinks about her father.


She’s startled when Yifan tugs on her blazer. She blinks at him and sees him motioning his head to the front, an encouraging smile on his mouth. Right. She needs to inform about of her father and the delay of the year-end dinner. As she stands next to the Director, she stammers, pulling down her sleeve out of anxiousness and something else she can’t point out at the moment, “Th-The year-end dinner… It… um, i-it’ll be…”


The people are watching her with intense and fixed looks. Junhee isn’t able to focus as she stares at every questioning faces in the room. Her legs are suddenly weak and all she wants to do is sit down and bawl her eyes out. She opens after putting the perfect words in her head together but then, the image of her father in the ICU disrupts. Junhee ducks her head down, feeling dizzy and just, nervous. She has presented for a long time. Why is she reacting like this?


Yifan obviously notices her state the moment she peered down. He can’t stand seeing her all frail so he stands up. He attracts his wife’s attention as she stares at him, unshed tears pooling in her wide eyes. Yifan offers his chair as he gestures his hand to it, gaze soft on her. Junhee shakes her head curtly but Yifan gently gives a little push on her back before taking over. The others are terribly silent as they watch the scene. Junhee’s hands are on her lap, fiddling with her fingers as an attempt to stay calm.


The Director declares about Mr Kim’s condition. Instant gasps and whispers of worry fills the boardroom. Yifan gives them a few seconds to speak with one another. He places his hand on Junhee’s shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze as all have their eyes trained on her. “So due to that, the ceremony will be postpone to the following year. Please do send in your ideas in our group chat. We have more time to make a memorable memory for Mr Kim.” Everyone nods with determination in their eyes.


Yifan smiles at that. “Any questions?” None raise their hands. “Let’s all pray for his health. Meeting is dismissed.” The department from Junhee’s side wants to see and talk to her but the Director is close by her side. After having a quick discussion among themselves, they decide to leave to respect their privacy after glancing at her for one last time. It’s worrying them because their Deputy has never been like that before. They hope she will be okay soon.


Junhee never thought last week’s event will affect her this badly. She just can’t stop imagining her father not making it. A tear slips from her eye and she hurriedly wipes it away but then, there are more. Junhee sniffles, her sight blurring dangerously fast. “Junhee?” She stands up with abrupt to face her husband, apology already at the tip of her tongue for her behavior earlier but she isn’t able to do so because instead of meeting an upset or an disappointed Yifan, a smiling Yifan greets her. 


“Relax. I’m not angry at you. Are you okay now?” 


Junhee nods even though her face is showing the opposite. She keeps staring ahead of her as she tries hard not to cry even though she just wiped a few tears with haste. “Junhee,” Yifan holds her shoulder again, pressing it lightly, “It’s okay. You can cry.” With that, she really does cry. “I-I’m so sorry— The meeting— I—” Yifan hugs her to shut her up, “It’s okay. I understand. You don’t have to be sorry, Junhee.” 


Junhee isn’t able to speak as she resumes sobbing into Yifan’s chest, clutching the hem of his navy blue blazer of his suit. Yifan holds her tight, rubbing her small back and not saying anything. Joohyun unhurriedly closes the door and presses her back against it. That was close, She heaves out a breath of relief. She rushed here as soon as possible after she heard from Baekri about Junhee. “Is she okay?” Bogum asks worriedly after catching up with her.


“I don’t know. Your boss is with her inside. Let’s not disturb them.”






Yifan knocks on the door to the master bedroom. He spots her on the bed, her knees drawn to her chest. Yifan’s heart hurts instantly by the sight. She appears to be smaller than she already is. Her mother has been staying in their house for a couple of days so they need to act they’re sleeping the same room like married couples do. Junhee’s room has been locked before her mother has made her stay. Yifan sits hesitantly at the edge of the bed, eyeing her with extreme concern.


“Oh, Yifan. Hi. Sorry. I didn’t hear you,” Junhee rubs her tears away with her sleeves before she sends him a small smile. Yifan feels sad for her once he sees her puffy eyes and tearstained cheeks. He knows he shouldn’t ask if she’s doing okay because she clearly isn’t. “Can’t sleep?” Junhee chortles dryly, “Yeah. It to be a girl. I can’t stop crying even though it’s been two weeks already.” Yifan regrets asking the question. He smiles when he has an idea.


“Junhee,” Yifan extends his hand to her with a tender smile, “Let’s go.” Junhee blinks and a few more tears fall, “Go where?” Yifan swiftly glances outside before to her again, “Stargazing. We haven’t been doing that these past days. It might clear your head a little.” Junhee’s mouth curls upward as Yifan uses her phrase. She takes his hand and lets Yifan lead the way. Sliding the balcony door open, both step outside, the chilly night breeze welcoming them. Junhee hugs herself as the wind seeps to her clothes. 


“Wait here,” Yifan tells her before hurrying back to the walk-in wardrobe and returning with a spare duvet, “Put this on.” Junhee takes it. She jumps a little on her feet to spread it over Yifan and then to herself. Yifan tries his hardest not to blush as they share it. The duvet is short so their arms are literally squished against each other. “Thank you,” Junhee speaks after a long while, gazing the dark sky with glistening stars twinkling here and there, “I feel kind of good now.”


Yifan isn’t able to say anything as he simply focuses his wife’s side profile. She has her hair up in a high ponytail tonight so he can see the acute jaw and her round cheek. She’s ethereally beautiful. His heart does a skip once Junhee turns to look at him. “I’m glad,” Yifan succeeds not stuttering, “Ever since you shared this hobby, it somehow becomes a habit of mine. It really helps to ease my mind.” Junhee hums, sleep and exhaustion drawing in so she leans her head against her husband’s shoulder.


It isn’t until a few seconds when a knock is heard. “Must be Mom, I’m sure of it,” Junhee mumbles. Yifan attempts to ignore the fact what his wife did just now as he follows her, the duvet in his hold. “Junhee, Jongin just called me. His informant found out where Kyungsu is living.” Both Yifan and Junhee exchange knowing glances. Only they, Chanyeol, Kyungsu’s manager and Kyungsu herself know where she is. How did the informant find out?


“Is he heading there right now?”


Her mother nods, “I hope he finds her. Her parents aren’t talking to us ever since they find out she isn’t living with him. I really hope they reunite…” Junhee hopes so to but Kyungsu isn’t in the condition to meet Jongin. “Let’s head downstairs, Mother. You need a drink,” Yifan throws a conscious look to his wife before leading Madam Kim the way out. Junhee snatches her phone from the nightstand and calls Kyungsu rightaway.

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Chapter 24: We understand your decision :) Thank you for all of your stories all these years. And don't be sorry dear. Be safe and keep healthy :)
dhee1705 #2
Chapter 24: Will you keep this account active??
I love your stories and i haven't finish all your ff...
Hope you'll keep the account on...
Thank you 🙏
Baekie_18 #3
Chapter 24: It’s fine authornim. You don’t need to say sorry and such. Also stay safe.
Chapter 23: The amount of fluff and cuteness in this chapter had me melted while reading XD Their relationship are sure slow to progress but aaaaaaaaa they are so cute! I really love them and their cuteness (T_T)

Thank you so much for this update :) It's been a while so welcome back! Hoping to see more of adorable Junhee and Yifan from your future updates XD Thank you and fighting!
2438 streak #5
Chapter 23: authornim it's been so long! thank you for the update!!!

FINALLY!!! it's been so long so i might have a blurry memory, but why does it seem like they're always ed by family? the same people pitting them together, just always manages to ruin their moments! unbelievable! Yifan was just abt to say it! but why did Mama Kim have to call just then???

and ugh, Yifan was back to his shy and less confident self! taking Jun's words and actions too srsly once again! man, you guys have been in love wih each other for a while now but has just been dragging it on forever! finally, all the ended today! and it's so cute how it was Yifan who was planning to say it, but in the end, Jun said it first! CONGRATS YOU TWO SLOWPOKES! well, it's a honeymoon now, isn't it? HAHAHAHAHAHA
Chapter 23: Oh, Yifan cried when Junhee said she loves him. It makes me giggle like an idiot!
YiFan is so innocent. Pls protects him! Hahahaha!
Baekie_18 #7
Chapter 23: At last, I have been waiting for them to confess to each other for so long and now that it’s happen I’m very very happy and also welcome back authornim!
Chapter 22: I really enjoyed reading this chapter!! It was such a delight to read this again!!
Chapter 22: Omg! Hi! I miss you and your update! Awww reading this makes me realized how much i miss krisho ;;;;; huhuhu.

I’m so happy that their relationship is progressing magnificently from previous chapter.

Thank you for the updatee ^^
Chapter 22: All these fluffs are making me floating on cloud nine! Their progress is slow but strong. They are building comfort and trust around each other. Aaaaa I'm feeling soft for Yifan and Junhee because of this chapter!
Junhee didn't realize that she herself is Yifan's most treasured gift hehehehe... Can they be any more adorable than this??!!
Yifan nooo (T_T) his birthday should be a happy day but instead... Hopefully Junhee will cheer him up from now on.
Awwww... Junhee... Is she just teasing the birthday boy or what? Hahaha...

Thank you so much for this update! Like I said, the fluffs are making me sooooo happy!!! And the development of Junhee and Yifan's relation is definitely making me excited!!! So thank you and fighting!!!