Day 7

Pillar of Hope


"Can we go home and get our dance gear?"

Mingyu asked, and I nodded in response. Grabbing my hand, we walked out of the school compound. 

As per usual, I earned a few glares from the girls who loved Mingyu or how I refer to them, his 'fanclub' . They hated me for dating him as I was "inadequate" to Mingyu and I myself couldn't help but agree with them. I didn't know how he could love someone like me. I'm a big mess. I cut myself to relieve my emotional pain, I try to drown myself and I nearly jumped off the school building. But Mingyu was constantly there for me. Whenever I cut myself, Mingyu would wrap the dressing on my wounds and console me. Whenever I tried to commit suicide, I always recall his advice. 

"You are so much more,"

I suddenly heard the honking of a car and in seconds I was met with the floor due to a sudden force.  Darkness engulfed my vision. 


Wonwoo's POV

It was the second day of Mingyu's and Haeun's hospitalisation. Jihoon and Soonyoung left not too long after I returned from grabbing my stuff to stay the night. She was finally regaining her consciousness. Her eyes slowly fluttered open and she looked towards me meakly, clearly not having her full strength. She took a deep breath and looked around the room, her head moving very slightly. 

"What happened? Where is Mingyu?"

she asked in a weak voice, throat raspy. 

I looked to her in pity. I didn't want to tell her so I turned away, hiding my expression. 


The couple was walking out of the school gates when a car sped on the road. Haeun was in a daze and Mingyu looked exhausted and depressed. He wasn't in a good mood that day. I could tell. He barely spoke in his usual cheerful voice that day and he constantly gave a straight face. Maybe something at home bothered him. 

The car honked at them but only Mingyu noticed and he pushed Haeun onto the pavement. That was when the car ran into Mingyu, causing it come to a complete stop.  Mingyu flew a few metres ahead and he laid on the road, unconscious, blood flowing from his head and various parts of his upper body, his legs in an unnatural figure. I ran over to the scene, whipping out my phone to call an ambulance. A crowd of students followed after, being of no help and just staring at the two of them, some even taking out their phones to take pictures. After putting down my phone, I attempted to stop the bleeding by tying my spare towel that I had in my bag around Mingyu's uniform sleeve, stained with a huge patch of blood. 

In a few minutes, the red and blue flashing lights could be seen in the distance. Paramedics rushed to Mingyu and Haeun, putting them on separate stretchers. 

"Are you their friend?"

one of the paramedics asked, and I nodded hurriedly. I was ordered to take the same ambulance as Mingyu and after shutting the doors, the ambulance made a beeline to the hospital nearby. It was clear that Mingyu was in a very bad condition and needed to be tended to first but I felt guilty for leaving Haeun behind, knowing that she recently suffered a loss. Suddenly, I heard Mingyu whisper,

"Don't. Tell. Haeun."

before he was taken out of the ambulance and rushed to the emergency room. 


However, I knew that I couldn't lie to Haeun. She deserved to know since he was now a big part of her life. He is her one and only guardian. 

"He's in the ICU. He hasn't woken up yet. You nearly got into an accident but Mingyu pushed you onto the pavement and sacrificed himself,"

Her expression changed drastically. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and she sobbed lightly. 


Haeun's POV

It's my fault. 

It's my fault Mingyu is in the ICU. 

I caused all of this. 

Tears flowed down my cheeks thinking of Mingyu. How much pain he suffered just for me. How much love he had for me for him to sacrifice himself to save me. 

"I know that I'm not supposed to tell you this but Mingyu is still showing no signs of waking up. No worries, Mingyu's parents are with him,"

Wonwoo said, putting his hand over mine. He looked at me with his brown orbs as if he wanted to comfort me. I shifted my position so that I could sit up but I started to feel giddy and I held my temples in pain. With that, Wonwoo told me to lie back down and I complied. 

"Please don't leave me,"

I said, grabbing Wonwoo's hand with all the strength I could muster as he stood up.

"I'm just gonna change into my sweatpants and my shirt. I promised Soonyoung and Jihoon that I would take care of you so I decided that I should stay here for the night so that you aren't alone,"

Wonwoo said, tucking me into the sheets before grabbing his clothes and heading to the toilet. I waited a few minutes before Wonwoo emerged from the toilet. He grabbed a blanket from his bag and laid on the couch beside my bed, covering his body with his blanket like a cacoon before looking to me and saying,

"Good night Haeun,"

before switching off the lights and I shut my eyes, drifting to sleep. 


A day later, I was discharged from the hospital and I immediately ran to search for Mingyu's room despite the excruciating pain I faced after making payment. Wonwoo ran after me, shouting at me to stop running but I couldn't care less. I needed to see him. 

After a few turns, I saw a room with his name written as the patient and I swung the door open. That's when I saw him. Mingyu. He laid on the bed, his eyes closed and he had a bandage wrapped around his head like mine. Mingyu's parents were there too, husband hugging his wife tightly while she sobbed on the couch. I ran to the bedside, got on my knees and held his hand. I cried. It was all my fault. It was my fault that he was in this condition. 

Suddenly, I felt the hand I was holding move. He was awake. 


he whispered softly. He smiled weakly at me before interlocking our fingers and he shut his eyes again. The hand in mine loosened as Mingyu went back into unconsciousness. I couldn't help but break into a smile,
knowing Mingyu was fighting hard. 

As if on cue, the doctor entered the room. He checked Mingyu's vitals once again and he looked at all of us with slight uneasiness and said,

"I'm so sorry to say this but I think Mingyu is paralysed waist down temporarily.... I think it'll take a while before he can walk again,"

Mrs Kim nodded, sobbing into Mr Kim's chest. Then both of them walked to me. Mr Kim put his hand on my shoulder and asked,

"What happened to you and your mom? Wonwoo told us that you both are living together since your mom threw you out after a fight,"

"Yeah, my mom.."

The thought of my own mother brought me to tears, and in a few seconds, tears streamed down my cheeks. Where was she? Does she even know what happened to me? Does she even care to visit me? Too absorbed into my inner thoughts, the world started spinning and my legs gave in to gravity. I was met with darkness again. 


"Her mental health is in a very vulnerable state. If she has too much on her mind, she'll faint so I suggest that she does mind-calming exercises until her mental health stabilises,"

I heard the doctor said. I sat up and the three adults turned their heads to me. I looked to my side and I saw Mingyu. He was beside me, in his own bed sitting up. 

"Haeun-ah, don't worry.. I'm here for you. Please lie back down,"

Mrs. Kim looked at me and rushed to my side, hands encouraging me to lie back down. I rested my head on the soft pillow and tried to relax my mind. I had to calm my mind. 

"My dear, you need to rest. You've been out for 2 days,"

"But Gyu..."

"Don't worry about him. We will take care of him. Its our duty,"

Mrs Kim my hair lovingly, as if I was her own daughter. I couldn't help but to shed tears. I wish my mom was like this. 



"Eomma! Appa! I'm home!"

I shouted grudgingly, as I opened the main door of our house which felt like it weighed a ton. My world was spinning and I felt so weak. 

I was greeted with the open arms of my mother, who was smiling brightly at me. 

"How was school today?"

"It was fun but I don't feel too well,"

 I said, and without hesitation my mom ran to me, taking my bag and carrying it while holding my hand, heading to my room. 

She layed me on the bed, tucking me in and she my hair before kissing my forehead. She left the room momentarily and returned with a fever patch. 

"Its okay dear... I'll take good care of you until you get better,"


2 days later...

I pushed Mingyu to the front porch on his wheelchair. 

"How do we solve this?"

I said as I scratched my head. 

"Maybe you can put me on the step and I can crawl up using my hands while you carry the chair in,"

Mingyu stated, pulling the brakes of the chair. I helped him onto the porch and carried the wheelchair into the house. Mingyu crawled up the steps, his hands holding his body up and I helped by pulling his torso through the doorstep. I then carried Mingyu onto the wheelchair. He was lighter than how I expected him to be. 

"Babe, have you been eating?"

I asked, pushing him into the house. I parked the wheelchair beside the couch and using his hands, he plopped himself onto the couch. 

"Not really, considering I was knocked out for like 3 days,"

he said jokingly, smiling widely at me. Oh how I missed that smile. His canines. How they made his smile seem so cute. I couldn't help but break into a smile. His smile was infectious. 

He reached for the tv remote and switched the tv on. He started flipping through the channels until he found his favourite show and layed his head on the armrest of the couch, being absorbed into the show. I then headed to the kitchen to prepare lunch for the both of us. I skimmed through our supply of food in the fridge and cupboards and I decided to cook pasta. I took out all the necessary ingredients for the dish and started the prep work. I also took out a stock pot and started boiling water, not forgetting to add salt into it. After chopping up all the ingredients, I took out another pot which landed on my foot, causing me to yelp in pain and the pot to clang on the floor loudly. 

"Babe, you okay there? You need my help?"

a startled Mingyu shouted from the couch, his head turned to me. 

"Nah, its just the pot that fell cause of clumsy me. You just watch your show,"

I shouted back, taking the cursed pot and put it on the stove. I limped around the kitchen preparing the meal for us and in about 30 minutes, I was done. I dished Mingyu's portion first, which was more than how much I usually eat and grated some parmesan onto it. After finishing up my portion, I tried to walk as normally as possible to Mingyu so that he couldn't suspect anything but to my despair, I had a slight limp and he gave me a suspicious look as I passed jim his plate of food. 

"Are you sure you're okay? You don't seem to be walking properly,"

"I'm fine. Its nothing. Now you eat up, you look like a stick,"

"Fine mom,"

he said grudgingly, spinning his fork in the pasta and putting it his mouth. He closed his eye as he chewed his food slowly and I started to worry. Was the food not good? Did it taste bad?

"Gyu, does it taste bad?"

"I'm savouring the taste. Shut up,"

he said, chewing his food slowly. 

I smiled to myself. No matter the situation, he would always joke around, trying to liven the mood. 


After clearing the plates, I sat beside Mingyu on the couch and watched The Flash with him. Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms hug my upper body and pull me back. I shrieked at the sudden force. Before I knew it, I was lying on Mingyu's chest, inhaling his scent. 

"Gyu, you stink. Let's go have a shower,"

"Babe,can we stay like this for like another 5 minutes? I'm tired,"

he whined, hugging me closer to him. 



I took him in my arms and put him on his wheelchair. I pushed him to the toilet. I turned the tap and let it run, filling the tub with warm water and throwing in a bath bomb. 

"You have to strip your clothes. Tell me when you need help,"

I said, turning away. 

"Erm....babe, I can't take off my pants... wait hang on,"

I heard a lot of noise coming from the wheelchair and soon enough, the sound stopped. I turned around, with my eyes squeezed shut, and carried Mingyu in his glory into the water. 


"Call me when you're done okay? I need to bring all our stuff down from our rooms,"

and I walked away, only to have a hand grab my wrist, pulling me back. 

"Can you stay here? I don't want you to leave,"

and then I turned back and sat on the toilet seat cover, talking to Mingyu while he was washing up. We talked about our old memories together and passed time. 


As Mingyu changed into his sleepwear, I grabbed pillows and blankets from our rooms and layed them nicely on the couches. As if in cue, Mingyu wheeled himself into the living room, parking the wheelchair in front of the couch he was sleeping on. Using his upper body strength, he grabbed onto the couch with one hand on it, the other grabbing my hand and climbed onto it. I help him adjust his position and tucked him to sleep. 

I stared at him falling asleep snd soon enough, I fell into unconciousness. 



Happy New Year's Eve!!

I think its about time I posted this. SORRY FOR THE CRAP CHAPTER!! I'll try to edit the format and grammar mistakes when I have time..






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ForSehun #1
Chapter 8: Happy new year!!! Nice update ;) hope to hear from you soo
ForSehun #2
Chapter 7: Hi new reader here! And I love how sweet mingyu is, and maybe you should add some drama like maybe mingyu cheat on her or something. Also you could write about how haeun and mingyu met... Old update soon! :)