Day 5

Pillar of Hope


the entire crew turned their heads to the both of us at the same time. 

"Oolala, her boyfriend eh? You never told us!"

said Yunhye, the cheerful girl of the group. She was one of the members closest to me besides Hyeran and Junhui and she was the girlfriend of someone most complimentary to her, Lee Seokmin. 

"Yeah.. I would like to join this crew!"

Mingyu said, and I spit out my water which wet Junhui in the face. 
I apologised to him and wiped his face with my towel. Hyeran and Seungcheol walked forward to observe Mingyu. They stared at Mingyu for a while. 

"We'll see what you can do,"

said Hyeran, grabbing chairs for herself and Seungcheol. When Seungcheol sat down, she placed a short peck on his cheek. She then sat down beside Seungcheol and locked their arms together. 

"Junhui, get him some music,"

Seungcheol asked and Junhui went to the audio and played my favourite song by Justin Timberlake. As soon as the beat started, Mingyu started moving his body to the beat. He had slow, sensual moves sure to make any girl's ovaries explode and I'm pretty sure that mine did. His hip s and body waves made my heart beat furiously against my chest. I never knew he could dance like that. 

"Okay we're done, Junhui you may stop the music,"

said Seungcheol, and he stood up to walk to Mingyu, who was breathing heavily after his 'audition'.

"Welcome to the crew, Mingyu,"



"Why did you play that song Junhui?"

I asked him while nudging his shoulder. 

"I wanted you to enjoy the audition... and I'm pretty sure you did. Didn't you?"

asked Junhui, and he winked at me. I slapped his arm and ran to Mingyu. He gasped in pain before giving me a heartbroken look and afterwards, started to walk to Minghao, his close friend. 

"I never knew you could move that way..why did you not tell me?"

I said,hugging the new member of my crew. 

"You never asked,"

he said, whilst giving me a wink and a short kiss on my lips. 

"Why don't you introduce me to the crew,"


I called out for everyone to gather. They all gathered in front of us and I announced, 

"Guys, please introduce yourselves to Mingyu,"

"I'm Junhui and this dude is Minghao. I'm 20 and he's 19 and we both are from China!"

"I'm Hyeran and this guy with me here is Seungcheol..We're both 21 and we are the leaders of this crew,"

And so it went on until everyone revealed their identities and asked Mingyu questions about himself. During the Q&A, Hyeran called me for a small talk in the extra room. 

"Haeun-ah, why didn't you tell me about your amazingly talented boyfriend?"

"Actually, I never knew he could dance. I'm just as surprised as you are,"

"Well okay then..But you must teach him our dance routine since Battle of the Crews is coming up so  he should be familiar with it as soon as possible. I see loads of potential in him,"

"Thanks eonnie! You're the best! Thank you so much for letting him in,"

I hugged Hyeran tightly and she hugged back the same way. She was the mom figure I never had who cared for me when I felt down and was the one that trained me to be the dancer I am now. No wonder Seungcheol loves her so much. She's such a nice person despite a cold aura she gives off when you see her. We exited the extra room into the main dance studio, and Hyeran called for a group meeting and Seungcheol ran to her side, locking arms with her.  

"As we have Battle of the Crews coming up, we need to practise with more effort and we need to train our newest member, Mingyu, to his upmost potential. Seungcheol and I have decided that we will be having practice every Monday and Thursday after school here. Any objections?"

announced Hyeran, folding her arms with her voice booming across the room. A unanimous 'no' echoed the room and Junhui was ordered to play our dance track. It was "Fine China" by Chris Brown. Suddenly, Seungcheol whispered something in her ear and she giggled like a little girl. Must be some cheesy pick up line or something cause he's into that kind of stuff and Hyeran is easily amused by Seungcheol's pick up lines and lame jokes. 



After 3 hours of continuous practice, we finally took a break. Beads of perspiration flowed past my temples and cheeks, and my palms were damp with sweat. I turned to my fellow members who were in the same condition as I was. Even Mingyu. He was such a fast learner that he had learnt the entire choreo in about an hour. 

"I think that will wrap up today's practice..Good job everyone,"

Seungcheol announced, while packing his wet towel into his bag after changing clothes. After doing so, he left the studio together with Hyeran, who had changed her clothes to something more casual. 

I turned to Mingyu who was clearly drenched, trying as hard as possible to dry himself with my extra towel that I always kept in my bag. 

"Let's go babe, I need a shower asap,"

he said before he grabbed my arm and ran out of the room dragging me behind like he always does. 


Junhui's POV

Lovebirds these days. With Seungcheol and Hyeran, Haeun and Mingyu and Seokmin and Yunhye, it's always like a couples' hangout. With Seungcheol unable to stop his PDA to Hyeran, Mingyu such an attention seeker and teasing Haeun and Yunhye always doing weird stuff with Seokmin, the couples simply can't get their hands off each other. It's annoying sometimes since I have unrequited love. 


That is his name. Even after being the same school, same class, same dance crew and even living in the estate opposite mine, I have yet to confess to him. I have tried hinting to him once or twice before but somehow, he doesn't get the signal. 

Oh how I wish we ended up the way the three couples are. I packed my bag and left the studio, without bidding goodbye to Minghao like I always do. I glanced behind to see a confused Minghao staring at my walking figure, as though he wanted to bid goodbye to me but he was shy. So he didn't. 


Mingyu's POV

How can anyone survive those 3 hours of gruelling practice? I admit it was my fault for joining the crew but I needed to find out what Haeun's daily schedule. Sure, I may seem overprotective, but she often does things on her own and hurts herself. I hate that. She's perfect the way she is. She doesn't need anyone to pressurise her to do things that make her hurt herself. But so far, I think her dance crew is a pretty nice bunch. Hyeran and Seungcheol are good leaders who know how to care for their
members as if they were their own children. 

"Gyu, you look stressed.. Anything wrong?"

Haeun asked, her voice filled with worry and she put her hand on mine. 

"Nothing wrong, I was just thinking about school,"

I replied, keeping my eyes on the road. We were on the way home although I had planned on going out for lunch but now that I'm a big sweaty mess, maybe another time or dinner. 

When we reached our house and parked the car, Haeun went to her room for a shower. 

"Babe, do you wanna watch a movie today?"

I asked, after running to her room and holding the door before she closed it. 

"I feel tired... maybe we can go out later at night,"

"Dinner and movies?"

"Yeah I decide the movie kay? I'm gonna have a nap,"

"Rest well babe,"

and I closed the door. 


A few hours later...

Haeun's POV

I woke up from my long nap after a long practice. Hyeran and Seungcheol really pushed us to our limit this morning to the point we had already rehearsed the song over 30 times. Not only was the choreo difficult, but we also had to be perfectly in sync otherwise it wouldn't turn out well and it would look messy. 

I called Mingyu to come to my room. 

"Yeah babe?"

"Have you booked the movie? What time is it?"

"Yeah! We're watching Suicide Squad at 8:30 so we'll have dinner before that,"

"What time is it now?"


"I slept for so long.. oh my,"

"Yeah, I wanted to wake you up for lunch but you seemed like you needed your rest,"

"Dammit Gyu, why are you so perfect?"

"I don't know? Only for you I guess,"

I rolled my eyes and he gave me a cheeky grin . 

"I'll get ready now,"

"Come to my room later on, it's at the end of the corridor,"

and with that, he closed the door behind him and I started planning  what to wear for our dinner and movie date.  


I decided on wearing a plain black sweater with some denim shorts and a flannel tied around my waist as a belt since my shorts were a bit loose. I also decided to do light makeup which was a basic winged eye and red lip look. I packed my black sling with a small blanket and my basic necessities consisting of makeup ,my wallet and my phone. 
I then proceeded out of my room after tidying up my bed. 

When I reached the door to the room I hoped to be Mingyu's, I knocked on the door and I was replied with a 'come in'. I stepped into the room to find Mingyu, who was wearing a similar look as me, adjusting his hair in front of the mirror. He was wearing a plain black sweater with his ripped jeans.  He faced me and sighed before saying,

"You look beautiful Haeun, really beautiful."

I blushed at the compliment and  Mingyu, who was done with his hair, walked to me and put his arm on my shoulder. 

"Let's go,"


After reaching the mall, we decided on what to eat. There were so many food options to choose from. Mingyu then asked,

"What do you want? I'm fine with anything."

"Maybe we can go to that noodle shop downstairs? I'm craving some 자짱면(Black bean noodles)..."

We then rode the escalator down to my favourite noodle shop and had our noodles. After our heavy dinner, we headed to the cinema to collect our tickets and buy some popcorn and drinks. 

"What do you want?"

"Nachos and ice lemon tea,"

"I'll pay for everything,"

"No no no! I'll pay this time. You already payed for our meal, let me pay for this,"


I ordered our food and I observed that the cashier was giving seductive looks towards Mingyu. I felt like punching that girl's face. She battered her eyelashes and daringly asked,

"How bout I have you too, hot stuff?"

"Thanks, but my heart is sold to this beauty here,"

And with that, the girl rolled her eyes at me and I gave a smug look to her. After she half-heartedly gave us our food, we then went to the hall and sat at our seats. 

"Were you jealous of that girl who tried to flirt with me?"

"Obviously.. I get that you're gorgeously handsome but sometimes its painful to see girls throwing themselves at you,"

"You're so beautiful Haeun, I don't think any girl who tries to hit on me can compare to you. I'm yours forever,"

Mingyu said, holding my cheek in his warm palm. I leaned in to his touch and we stayed like that for a few seconds. A few moments afterwards, the movie started and Mingyu diverted his attention to the big screen in front of us, popping some popcorn into his mouth. I opened my bag of nachos and started eating them slowly. 



Suicide Squad was a great movie. Tears were shed, and throughout the entire movie, Mingyu and I held hands except times when either me or Mingyu wanted to eat or have a sip of our drinks. It was as though he was The Joker and I was Harley Quinn. He was always there for me when I needed him the most and he sacrificed so much for me and here we are, watching a movie even though there's school tomorrow. 

We walked out of the cineplex hand in hand after disposing our empty packets of food when suddenly I heard a familiar voice. 

"Well well, who do we have here? It's my backstabbing of a daughter,"




Hey guys!!! I'm back at it again with a long (sort of) chapter before I leave for my exams so I hope you guys enjoy the story so far (although its quite crappy) and do leave comments cause I could use some feedback and I also wanna talk to people!!(don't worry I'm not a e;) ) 

Also if you wanna know how the choreo for the dance crew is like, check out (!!

 I'll most likely be back in October so till the next time~<3

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ForSehun #1
Chapter 8: Happy new year!!! Nice update ;) hope to hear from you soo
ForSehun #2
Chapter 7: Hi new reader here! And I love how sweet mingyu is, and maybe you should add some drama like maybe mingyu cheat on her or something. Also you could write about how haeun and mingyu met... Old update soon! :)