Chapter Eight

Million Dollar Boy
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As Jongin had promised, the little ramen shop a few miles from Seoul Academy was decent enough for Chanyeol's tastes. Although it wasn’t as grand compared to expensive restaurants he and Sehun were accustomed to, the view outside the tiny shop could beat all elegance five-star restaurants offered.


The shop was situated near the vicinity of the Banpo Bridge where the famous rainbow fountain was located. Water rushed along both sides of the lengthy stretch of road, splashing onto the Han River. With the evening sky, it allowed the different colors of the fountain to be easily identifiable thus making the view all the more spectacular.


The trio was settled at one of the tables outside the shop where the view was best. All of them had bowls of ramen served in front of them, the steam of the piping hot soup providing warmth against the early night’s breeze. The food tasted as appetizing as it looked but it seemed Chanyeol was the only one who was really enjoying the food. Jongin sat awkwardly beside him, peering down on his own bowl and taking small bites then and there while Sehun, perched across them, was scowling in distaste.


“Dude seriously, you have to try this!” Chanyeol ate like a pig, which was really unbecoming of his upbringing. It’s not like he’d been starved for years. Sehun resisted the urge to clobber his best friend’s face with his empty Soju bottle. “Best thing I tasted ever since your cracking voice when we were fourteen!”


Jongin’s eyes widened and he just about spat the soup out of his mouth. Chanyeol didn’t mean any harm with his words, but it’s too late to take them back now. Sehun looked menacing enough for anyone near the vicinity to run for their lives as he shot his best friend a glowering ‘is that ing necessary?’ expression. Jongin coughed, evidently choking on his food from having to suppress his laughter. Even his fiance’s threatening leers weren’t enough to get his together.


Quickly changing topics, Sehun turned to Jongin. “So this is the rock bottom kind of place you and your friends hang out at?” His eyes gleamed with clear aversion as he swept his eyes across the place, catching sight of rowdy and boisterous customers. One was even so drunk he turned the table upside down and got dishes all over the ground. “I expected nothing less.”


If earlier Jongin wanted to giggle because of Chanyeol’s antics, now his mood had become completely soiled. His expression faltered and he glanced down, inwardly cringing.


Great, Sehun had once again put him to shame. His words, manner, expression; they were all so demeaning. Here he thought Sehun would at least like the view, seeing as even Chanyeol was so amazed by it.


He never should’ve expected anything. Nothing thrilled Oh Sehun as long as he was included in the equation.


“Dude, nobody even asked you to come with us,” Chanyeol lightly kicked Sehun in the shin from under the table.


Sehun’s brows knitted dangerously. “And nobody ever asked you to hang out with that brat.”


“What? It’s a free country!” Chanyeol retorted, turning to Jongin with a charming smile and blatantly ignoring the pointed look his best friend was giving him. Then he muttered, only for him and Jongin to hear, “Don’t mind him. He’s a sorry excuse for a guy who needs a lot of attention and since he’s not getting it, he’s acting like a .”


Jongin’s lips twitched. Aside from the faint smile though, Chanyeol tugged no more reactions from him. Instead, the younger boy merely looked at his food rather dejectedly. Sehun doesn’t even know how much his words affect this kid, does he?


Chanyeol never really took Sehun’s rude attitude to heart since he’d been used to it so many times, on the receiving end of it or not. However, he felt a bit sorry for Jongin because it seemed that he’ll be the subject of said attitude for a long time. He’s no expert but he’s aware that kids like Jongin were sensitive and weren’t as strong-hearted as most adults were.


If nothing else, Sehun should at least consider what he’d say to Jongin. But that would be asking for the impossible because Sehun’s hatred for his fiancé blocked every kind of reasoning.


“Loosen up, Sehun. Just eat your food and enjoy the view.” Chanyeol broke the ice surrounding them before digging in again. Sehun merely scoffed, peeling his eyes away from Jongin who never failed to get on his nerves for various reasons.


For one, those wide eyes of his often display his emotions so vividly that it bothered Sehun. A lot. He always got that deer caught in the headlights look, so deceptively innocent. The way Jongin never even fought him back for the treatment he’s giving him, the way he managed to make Chanyeol act so out of character, the way he just sat there quietly with downcast eyes, evoking a lot of strange, alien feelings within Sehun.




Perhaps. But Sehun wouldn’t admit that ever, same for the fact that the rainbow fountain had absolutely taken his breath away the first moment he laid eyes on it. He had already made his point very clear ever since the beginning that he would never feel anything for Jongin except hatred.


But how was it that Jongin looking like a kicked puppy every time he insulted him…tugged at his conscience?


Sehun despised it. The purity Jongin had, the weakness he always showed.


Standing up abruptly and startling both Chanyeol and Jongin, the hot-tempered male marched off without so much as a word, heading back to his car with a dark scowl on his face. Jongin took a glimpse at Sehun’s bowl that was left untouched and once again, he felt so pathetic—like a huge failure.


“He’s never been the most enjoyable company around, that guy,” Chanyeol cleared his throat awkwardly after a while, patting Jongin on the small of his back. “So don’t take him too seriously. He’s gonna open up to you someday, I’m sure of that.”


Jongin could only stare somberly at the path Sehun took, a nagging thought in the pit of his mind. He’s never gonna open up to me. He hates me.


So much.




Seoul Academy started its morning assembly at six o’clock in the morning. All student council officers were tasked to make rounds on their designated areas to check if there were any students astray.


Having the vice president position, it was also Sehun’s responsibility to report loitering students instead of attending the mass aggregation back at the assembly hall. He did his own rounds in the high school department floor by floor.


Since no one was skulking about the corridors, he ventured to the middle school building. The hallways were deserted, not a soul to be seen. Some classroom doors were left open in the middle of the students’ haste to get to the assembly hall.


As he’s about to turn, his footsteps abruptly halted at the loud banging noise that snatched his attention. It echoed down the farthest corridor, seeming to come from one of the empty classrooms. Alert, Sehun began speed walking to where he thought the source of the startling sound was, coming to face the door of Class 4-C.


Gradually twisting the doorknob open, Sehun peered his head inside. His eyes narrowed the instant he spotted the lone figure standing near the huge windows, back turned to him, clutching a thick book high in the air. The student was standing in a stance suggesting that he’s about to throw it. He immediately recognized the boy as Jongin.


Sehun fully opened the door now and the sudden creak of the door sent Jongin jumping ten feet high in the air, letting out a scare squeal that effectively startled Sehun himself.


Jongin’s heart was pounding and he’s about to haul the book towards the person who just entered the room, but he decided against it upon realization that it was only Sehun.




Sehun noted how stiff and panicked Jongin was, if his wild expression was anything to go by. He crossed his arms. “What the hell are you doing?”


Jongin blinked, suddenly flustered. He held the book close to his chest. “W-Well—I...I was—”


Whatever the younger was about to say though, Sehun cut it off in a berating manner. “You’re really asking for trouble, aren’t you?” he stepped further into the room. “The headmaster clearly said everyone should be out on the quadrangle for the morning assem—”


A dull thump from somewhere caused Sehun to stop his words short. Sharply, he asked, “What was that?”


Jongin began to grow nervous again. “T-There is a burglar!” he whisper-hissed, almost as if he’s afraid someone would hear him.


Sehun’s brow met in between. What did the other just say? A burglar?


The older male stiffened at the thumping sound resounding twice. He looked around, straining his hearing to pick up the noise. There it was again. On the window.


Jongin remained standing there, anxious. Sehun cautiously approached the unlatched window, only to stagger back when a form leapt into the room out of the blue. Jongin squeaked and held the book high in the air again, body trembling while Sehun tried not to let his shock show.


A very tall man dressed in all black stood before them and was followed by two more, all wearing dark masks that completely concealed their faces. Sehun became apprehensive of the situation. He didn’t know who these people were, but he's sure as hell they came here with some kind of ill-intent. Their mere attire screamed dangerous to him.


Never dropping his guard, Sehun brought up his hostile question. “Who are you?” his eyes were surreptitiously darting around to find any random object that he could use as a defense weapon should these guys suddenly decide to attack.


“None of your business.” The man in the middle answered in a gruff voice, stepping sideways to exit the room first.


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Heyyy y’all! Yes im still alive and no, i havent forgotten about this story. I know i said i would update (and that was LAST YEAR holy 😅) Im really sorry for making you guys wait but your girl’s gotta study OTL. Anyways just hang in there, i wont abandon MDB. ill be back soon! 😘


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Chapter 39: Just had to re-read this entire story. Hahahhaa in 2024. I miss this story. <3
970 streak #2
Chapter 39: Yay! They finally said that L word!
This story could actually end here!
Yet, there is still an unfinished business with Junmyeon and Heyjin.
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Chapter 36: WT ... Chanyeol had more kisses with Jongin! That isn't fair!
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Chapter 32: qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;zxcvbnm,./qwertyuiopsdfghjkl;xcvbnm,!!!!
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Chapter 30: Another kiss and it is still not Sehun!
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Chapter 27: What was that? There was no kiss!
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Chapter 25: Chanyeol has always been a kind hyung even if had had flashes of admiration for the young Jongin! But now, with the more mature Jongin, he sure is getting in.
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nurulhuda #10
I hope it will be updated huhu