Chapter Four

Million Dollar Boy
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Chanyeol merely passed the yellow slip to the detention adviser before stopping in front of Sehun who was just two seats away from a very familiar girl. Jongin felt electricity run through him when his and Sehun’s eyes met.


Crap, he's the only middle schooler here. Chanyeol, Sehun, and that girl—they were all high school students. Aside from the fact that he's feeling very ostracized at the moment, he's starting to question his life choices. The only middle schooler in detention. You should be ashamed, Kim Jongin.


Jongin placed his own slip on the teacher's desk and roamed his vision about to choose a seat. He tried to ignore the intense feeling of Sehun glaring holes at the back of his skull and ventured toward the farthest chair away from the others, only keeping to himself. His head was throbbing so badly, and he's starting to burn up. This is going to be a long hour.


“Yo, the are you doing here?” Chanyeol chuckled as he took his place beside Sehun. His best friend looked like someone unworthy just insulted his beloved mother in front of him.




“Caught what?”


“Making out,” Sehun grumbled, jabbing his thumb toward Luna’s direction. The girl was busy with something on her phone, obnoxiously chewing bubble gum. For starters, she was the ‘It Girl’ of the campus, being the head cheerleader and all that. Chanyeol wasn’t really surprised that his best friend and said best friend’s girlfriend got caught making out because both didn’t give much of a flying rat’s about chastity and .


“Cool,” Chanyeol shrugged, fishing out his phone. He should probably text his butler to buy him a fully functional alarm clock; one that was sure to wake him up since he slept like a log.


“What about you?” Sehun asked, slanted eyes flitting over to Jongin’s direction. “Explain why you came in with that brat.”


“We just happened to enter at the same time,” Chanyeol coolly drawled upon sensing the dangerous aura exuding out of Sehun. He knew how much the other guy despised anyone from his circle of friends being associated with his ‘fiancé’ because according to him, it was plain embarrassing. “You're not jealous, are you?”


“Piss off,” Sehun uttered as he rolled his neck. He had been stuck in this damned room for about half an hour now, and it's starting to switch gears in his temperamental head. It's not helping that the detention adviser was too ing annoying for her own good, giving him that stink eye and reproving stare every so often. To be fair though, no teacher would be impressed either if a member of the student council, of all people, was serving detention. “Who’d be jealous of this kind of thing.”


“It’s either you, you, or you,” Chanyeol muttered while scrolling through his phone. “Since, you know, you’re the fiancé. A ty one at that.”


“Shut the up,” Sehun merely warned, rubbing his temple. “I don’t have any fiancé.”


“Sure, and I’m straight,” Chanyeol stuck his tongue out, to which Sehun only rolled his eyes. Sehun was well aware of his best friend being biual. And because he’s a cool , he had nothing against that. He’s not appalled at all that Chanyeol likes to kiss guys too. As long as they looked more harmless than Chanyeol then Sehun honestly didn't give a , because he really couldn't imagine the other with someone larger than him.


“You’ve been laying low for quite a while. Haven’t seen you making your little wifey’s life a living hell.”


“, Chanyeol,” Sehun cringed, disgusted at the little nickname. He swore he would never be able to stand anything that had to do with Kim Jongin. It just repulsed him to no end. “Stop talking, will you? Give me some ing peace at least.”


“No offense, but you don't deserve that, Sehunnie.” Chanyeol grinned, causing Sehun’s eye to twitch. Chanyeol knew he was starting to grate on his best friend’s nerves. It had always been one of his favorite past times to annoy the living out of Sehun because the expressions he'd make were too hilarious for Chanyeol to ever pass up. “You’re despicable and you need to go to hell.”


“I’ll take you with me,” Sehun responded in a resoundingly flat tone. Chanyeol let out a bark of laughter and it instantly earned him a deploring glare from their detention adviser. Immediately, he pursed his lips shut, but his eyes still retained the same amount of mirth in them.


A few minutes later and they lapsed into silence, the sound of their supervisor checking test papers the only noise filling the room. Chanyeol began to get bored, his expression stretching longer just like Sehun’s as the seconds tick by. Later on, Sehun found a way to be busy with his phone and Chanyeol realized that he and Luna were actually sending texts to each other even though they’re practically just two seats away.


Jongin, on the other hand, was struggling to open his eyes. He was sure it was already half an hour by now. Another half and detention would be over, but Jongin didn’t think he could still take it. He rested the flat of his palm over his forehead and felt just how exceedingly hot his skin was. The back of his throat was burning, his head was throbbing. Jongin thought it wouldn't hurt to take a rest for a short moment, and so he laid his head on top of his folded arms, however uncomfortable it was with this position.


Since it was his fault anyway that he’s in this predicament, Jongin forced himself to face the remaining half of the detention with barely clear senses, not even noticing it when Chanyeol turned his head around to check on him.


“Dude,” Chanyeol muttered beneath his breath, never parting his eyesight away from Jongin as his hand moved automatically to tap Sehun’s arm. Sehun turned to him, annoyed.




“Your fiancé looks bad,” Chanyeol responded, earning him an amused scoff.


“He always looks bad. And how many ing times do I have to reiterate that I don’t have a fia—”


“No, I mean he's in a bad shape. Pale, sick, that kind of bad.” Chanyeol rolled his eyes. Sehun's brows met and he briefly paused, turning around as well to have a look himself. He spotted Jongin with his head leaning on the wall beside him, his arms wrapped around himself, visibly shaking. He must be really cold.


“So what do you want me to do, worry about him and take him to the nearest hospital?” Sehun replied impassively, peeling his eyes off Jongin. Chanyeol’s brow twitched at his best friend’s blatant dismissal. Guess he shouldn’t have bothered telling Sehun in the first place. What was he expecting anyway? Sehun might even be glad if Jongin was well on his way to death’s doors.


Throwing the thirteen-year-old a last glance, Chanyeol shook his head and looked away as well. He checked his watch, noting the time. Ten more minutes and detention would be over.


“Baby,” Chanyeol whipped his head to his left upon hearing Luna’s hushed call. Sehun spared his girlfriend a glance, a questioning eyebrow raised. “The girls and I will eat at this Italian restaurant nearby. Do you wanna come with us?”


“Sure, babe.” Sehun flashed her a winsome smile. The juxtaposition of his attitude between Jongin and Luna astounded Chanyeol. Sehun was practically an angel to his girlfriend, that with just one call from her and he'd come with his tail wagging.


Did Sehun really despise Jongin that much? Chanyeol understood that it’s utterly gobsmacking and just flat out preposterous to be suddenly engaged to someone you didn’t even remotely like, but based on the explanations he gathered, their situation should’ve been the other way around.

Shouldn't Jongin be the one holding grudges because Sehun’s family practically owed their lives to his grandfather and they failed to pay their debts, which was why this arranged marriage existed?


Chanyeol rarely felt sympathetic to others but for some reason, Jongin's situation was starting to tug at his heartstrings. Which was weird since he didn't even care about the boy until this morning. He pitied Kim Jongin to an extent. Wow, Park Chanyeol. Do you hear yourself?


Sehun was up his feet in a hot second the moment their supervisor's timer went off. He automatically took Luna's bag and escorted his girlfriend out of the room without so much as a glance towards Jongin. Chanyeol stood up too but instead of following his friends, his feet stayed rooted to the spot. He eyed Jongin once more and made out how sickly he looked. Chanyeol bet the younger wasn’t even aware that detention’s over.


Taking a few steps toward the younger, Chanyeol bent forward a little, inspecting Jongin on a closer look. The younger’s lips appeared pale, though his cheeks were flushed rosy pink and his breathing, labored. Chanyeol brought forth a hand and tapped Jongin’s shoulder.


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Heyyy y’all! Yes im still alive and no, i havent forgotten about this story. I know i said i would update (and that was LAST YEAR holy 😅) Im really sorry for making you guys wait but your girl’s gotta study OTL. Anyways just hang in there, i wont abandon MDB. ill be back soon! 😘


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Chapter 39: Just had to re-read this entire story. Hahahhaa in 2024. I miss this story. <3
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Chapter 39: Yay! They finally said that L word!
This story could actually end here!
Yet, there is still an unfinished business with Junmyeon and Heyjin.
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Chapter 36: WT ... Chanyeol had more kisses with Jongin! That isn't fair!
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Chapter 32: qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;zxcvbnm,./qwertyuiopsdfghjkl;xcvbnm,!!!!
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Chapter 30: Another kiss and it is still not Sehun!
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Chapter 27: What was that? There was no kiss!
We are now in the 26th chapter and still no kiss!
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Chapter 25: Chanyeol has always been a kind hyung even if had had flashes of admiration for the young Jongin! But now, with the more mature Jongin, he sure is getting in.
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nurulhuda #10
I hope it will be updated huhu