Chapter Thirty-Three

Million Dollar Boy
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“Ten years from now…” Kyungsoo’s voice rang out in front as he underlined the words ‘where do you see yourself in 10 years?’ he scribbled on the board. “That is a long time. One can be alive, one can be dead. One can be single and one can be married.”


Baekhyun inwardly rolled his eyes at the fleeting glance the teacher threw over his direction. Others might overlook that simple movement but not him. And certainly not Jongin, who had half a mind to tease his best friend about that subtle stare.


“Many things can happen in ten years, and it’s foolish to believe that we’ll be exactly where we want to be in that time,” Kyungsoo swept his eyes around the room. “Therefore you need to know why you want to study, and what you want to do afterwards. As you all know there’s only a little over two months left ‘til you graduate and leave for college. So for this semester’s last essay, I want you to write a short piece regarding the topic on the board.”


“Wow, ten years from now? I’m not even sure where I’ll be ten days from now,” Baekhyun blew a raspberry, bone idle in his chair. “I really don’t think that far into the future or worry about stuff. Hakuna matata.”


“Sometimes I really wonder how you became the student council president.” Jongin shook his head, knocked his friend on the head with his pen.


“Because people love me,” came Baekhyun’s noncommittal shrug as a response. “That’s why as much as I disliked the idea of being a slave to the school faculty, majority of the votes got cast on me. I can’t help being so popular.”


“Ah, you’re really obnoxious today,” Jongin muttered, not sparing the other a glance. He heard Baekhyun cackle softly. “You better start writing if you don’t want to get Kyungsoo’s special attention again.”


By ‘special attention’, he meant getting reprimanded in class - which to be honest Baekhyun had gotten far too often to care. It’s already an undisputed fact that he’s a brat.


Jongin’s brain was already constructing answers in his head and all he needed to do was scribble it all down on his paper, hadn’t it been for the PA system distracting him from doing said task.


“Kim Jongin of Class 6-A, please report to the principal’s office immediately.”


All heads turned to Jongin’s direction, the once steady silence pierced by the low buzz of murmuring.


“Why are you being called to the…” Baekhyun trailed off. Then smirked. “Did you finally mess up, Mr. Perfect?”


“I have no idea,” Jongin answered, flushing at the attention. He met Kyungsoo’s eyes by chance and was given a nod of assent as his go signal to excuse himself. “Be right back.”


Once he was out of the room, Jongin began walking, anxious steps leading him to the planned direction. He’s not sure what he did, or if he messed up as Baekhyun phrased it, but it couldn’t be that bad, could it?


It wasn’t long until he reached the principal’s office. He knocked, feeling nerves catch up with him, and peeked inside. However, the person he expected wasn’t in sight and instead, the vice principal greeted him in. But the thing that addled him more was seeing the familiar face of Hyejin’s personal assistant.


“Good afternoon, Mr. Kim. I was sent by Madam Hyejin to fetch you from school.” The secretary bowed, polite and professional.


“Pardon?” Jongin blinked. “Why?”


“Something has happened and your presence is needed.”


“What?" The teen blanched. "Did something happen to grandma?”


“I’m sorry but I was told not to answer any questions and just bring you to her,” the secretary bowed once more. “If you’ll follow me this way, please.”


In his haste, Jongin almost forgot to bow to the vice principal himself, hot on the secretary’s heels. A sleek black car was already waiting for them by the gates and Jongin wasted no time getting in. On the way, he sent Baekhyun a text message informing him that he’s currently not in school grounds, promising to give him updates later.


“Young master-”


“Ah, no, you don’t need to call me that,” Jongin smiled at the man, despite the growing worry in him. “Just Jongin is fine.”


The secretary nodded easily. “Madam Hyejin instructed me to have you change into something more formal before meeting her.”


“Formal clothes…?” Jongin mumbled. He’d had a mind to ask questions again but remembered he wouldn’t be given answers anyway. What’s going on exactly? Why was he suddenly excused in the middle of classes and asked to change into formal attire?


“We’re here.”


This building…isn’t this the main branch of the Oh Corporation? Jongin was a little slow to process as the door was held out for him. To be on this hectic business district at this time of the day, surrounded by professional employees made Jongin feel so puny and out of place. The fact that he’s still on his school uniform made his unease much worse. So this is the company Sehun will inherit someday…


Although Jongin had an idea of how a place like this functioned, it’s still overwhelming nonetheless. Everywhere he looked was full of incessant, frantic activity that made him wonder: if they, the regular employees, were this busy, what more of the higher officials? What more of Sehun, who’s already helping out on running this corporation while still finishing his masters? Seeing all this somehow enlightened him that as a student, he’s still very lucky to only worry about meager things like term papers and final exams.


A short walk and an elevator ride later, Jongin was led to a small, empty conference room. Hyejin’s secretary faced him again, gesturing to the clothing rack waiting for him inside. “Feel free to choose the attire of your choice. I’ll be outside once you’re done.”


Despite flummoxed, Jongin did as he was told, grabbing a couple of clothes. He eventually settled for a light blue turtleneck cashmere, black slacks, and a long white blazer and went to change in the restroom. While doing so, he felt a vibration in his pocket, a familiar tune ringing out in the closed space.


Sehun hyung calling…


Oh? It’s been so long since he last called. I’m surprised he still has my number. Heart thumping faster than usual, Jongin picked up the call. “…hello?”


“Where are you?”


“I’m here at your office. Uh…changing clothes?”


“Good. Make it quick or you’ll be late.”


“Late for what?”


“You’ll know soon enough.”


Jongin blinked as the older male hung up, leaving him in an utter state of confusion. The call didn’t even last a full minute and worse, it’s as vague as it could get. Oh Sehun never really lost that frustrating flair of his, huh. What exactly on God’s green earth is going on?


Out of all things he was expecting, it was never the faces of Sehun’s parents on plain sight, let alone the dozens of reporters and journalists filling the function hall.


“What the…” Jongin’s eyes turned wide as saucers. This time, his brain wasn’t slow on the uptake to realize he was led to a private event - a press conference, to be exact.


The flashes of the cameras were blinding him; every natural body movement of his was on hold that he had to force some that mimicked what he should be doing: a smile and a bow of respect.


“Oh, you must be Jongin, I suppose?” Oh Seungheon’s eyebrows sloped in recognition.


In spite of feeling like his tongue was heavy as lead, Jongin attempted to be courteous at least. Especially with the ever so stern Oh Juhyun watching. “Yes I am, uncle. Welcome back.”


They weren’t able to exchange more words past greetings as the conference was about to begin. In a flurry of movements, Jongin found himself seated beside Sehun, the man looking handsome and composed as ever in a black suit.


“Glad to see you made it in time,” Sehun glanced sideways discreetly.


Jongin’s heart was racing in his chest again - not that it hadn’t already. “What am I doing here?”


There were too many camera lenses zooming into his face it’s quite perturbing. It’s still not fully sinking in that he’s sitting in front of the press, the very thing he’d been avoiding like a plague since he stepped foot into the Oh household.


Sehun took note of his father’s voice as he opened the conference, not sparing the younger any glance. “Stop asking questions. We’re on cameras.”


Jongin couldn’t help the pout that pulled at his lips. Yes, they’re on cameras, it didn’t take someone daft to catch onto that. It’s a press conference for god’s sake. But he was just asking, it’s not like-


And then it clicked. Oh no.


They’re on cameras.


That must mean live streaming among other things - his classmates would see him.


This would be all over the news later; his freaking face would be broadcasted on television! What would his classmates say about seeing him of all people, included in a press conference set up by one of the powerhouses in Korean business?


Noticing the other’s sudden silence and posture, all tense and on edge, Sehun deduced the younger must have finally realized the weight of the situation. Apart from his father addressing the issue of their employees’ mass refusal to work and the growing controversy surrounding the said labor strike, for the first time ever their family would announce Jongin’s existence as a new member of their family.


The effort he kept for nearly five years hiding the fact that he’s an Oh to practically everyone he knew would be brought out into the open today.


“Aside from the issues tackled today, I want to bring up my son’s position as the interim CEO,” Seungheon stated, to Jongin’s absolute surprise. From the occasional flashes of cameras, he turned his eyes to his right, where Sehun sat. Judging by his composed stance, he already knew about this decision long before.


“Due to circumstances, the current president is dismissed from work and is undergoing investigation for graft, which leaves the company successor, Oh Sehun, to assume position as temporary chief executive until he completes his masters in due time and secures his position as fixed.”


Most of what Jongin heard passed by like a blur after that big reveal. It looked like Sehun would have to be twice as busy now. Being an interim president was no bed of roses; he’s going to have to handle thousands of workers, deal with tons of paperwork and manage countless branches of hotels, beach resorts, and casinos. Although he’s not going to do all that by himself, this responsibility would inevitably cut away a huge chunk of his time and Jongin’s calling it now - they probably wouldn’t be able to see each other as much.


“-the other news would be Sehun’s engagement to Kim Jongin, the son of a good friend of mine.”


Those words jolted the younger back to reality. With wide eyes he faced the media, feeling the squeeze Sehun gave around his hand. Don’

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Heyyy y’all! Yes im still alive and no, i havent forgotten about this story. I know i said i would update (and that was LAST YEAR holy 😅) Im really sorry for making you guys wait but your girl’s gotta study OTL. Anyways just hang in there, i wont abandon MDB. ill be back soon! 😘


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Chapter 39: Just had to re-read this entire story. Hahahhaa in 2024. I miss this story. <3
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Chapter 32: qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;zxcvbnm,./qwertyuiopsdfghjkl;xcvbnm,!!!!
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I hope it will be updated huhu