Visiting Siwon

Vampire in Love 2

Siwon's House-Next Day


Tiffany pulls up in her truck, a tarp covering something big in the back. Siwon comes out of the house. A huge grin.


Siwon: Fany-ah!!!!


Tiffany hops out, and Siwon gives her a hug. Tiffany surprised by his affection but doesn’t mind.


Siwon: 'Bout time you came by.

Tiffany: I brought you something.


Tiffany pulls the tarp back, revealing her neighbor’s two dilapidated, rusting motorcycles.


Siwon: Scrap metal. You shouldn’t have.

Tiffany: I rescued them from the dump. They’d cost more than they’re worth to fix... unless one had a mechanic-type friend.

Siwon: Me, being the mechanic-type friend? Since when are you into motorcycles Fany-ah?

Tiffany: Just recently.

Siwon(studying the bikes): The parts alone will be pricey.

Tiffany: I have a college fund I can dig into.

Siwon: Your dad is gonna love that.

Tiffany: My dad won’t know.

Siwon: Wow. Lying to your Dad now. Blowing through college money. Repairing dangerous machines and that I’m guessing you’ll want to ride?

Tiffany: I really get it if you think this is stupid and reckless.

Siwon: Oh it’s totally stupid and reckless. (leans closer, grins)But, when do we start?


Tiffany's face spreads into something we haven’t seen in a while... a wide smile. As they pull the bikes off the truck, they laugh and joke. It's as though Siwon has brought Tiffany back to life. But someone’s watching as the two of them wheel the bikes into the garage. It was Baekhyun and next to Baekhyun stand two others, Kris, 17, and Lay, 18. All three have cropped hair, sleeveless shirts, cut-offs. It’s unsettling how they watch Tiffany and Siwon acting like that together. The ferocity in their eyes, the danger. Baekhyun turns and the others follow his lead. The three slink soundlessly into the darkness of the woods...




Remeber how I said that Siwon is 17 in this story, so Lay, Kris will be young to. It is like the movie So, don't get me wrong. I know there real ages.

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84 streak #1
Chapter 18: Will i u comebackk :(
Chapter 1: Ahora este
mayataufik1 #3
Chapter 1: Sorry to say that My mind only stuck for yulsic
tipco09 #4
Chapter 18: Hmm what's happening to Siwon?
1131 streak #5
Chapter 18: Welcome back authourssi ^_^
Beetlebee #6
Chapter 16: Update :(
tipco09 #7
Chapter 10: Sorry for auto correct. They are both miserable without each other.
tipco09 #8
Chapter 10: They should get back together soon. They're both. Isle rabble without each other.
eunyeon1998 #9
Chapter 8: Awsome when comes the next chapter