The Mall

Vampire in Love 2

At The Mall- Tiffany POV


I was standing at the entrance of the mall waiting for Kahi and Uee. It has been 10 minutes and I finally see them walking towards me.


Kahi: Hey Tiff.

Uee: Hey, Fany-ah.

Tiff: Hey guys, so what should we do first?

Kahi: I need to get new make-up so, we should go to the make-up store.

Uee: Yeah, I need a new brush.

Tiff: Okay make-up store it is. Let's go!


We arrive at the make-up store and look at all the make-up in the store. The girls and I were looking at lipstick.


Tiff: Where should we go next?

Kahi: The movie theatre. There is some movies that just came out.

Uee: Yeah, that sounds fun. I haven't been to the movies for a while.

Tiff: Okay, then we should go now to look what is new. 

Uee: Okay, let e just pay for this brush.

Tiff: Okay


Movie Theatre


We had just exited the movies after finishing our movie. We had watched a scary movie. It was a zombie movie of course. Kahi and Uee were dying to watch it cause they watched the trailer. I didn't really care what we watched. Just at least I had fun with them, and even hearing Kahi scream whenever there was a really scary part.


Fany: I don’t get why are there so many zombie movies.

Uee: It’s, like, a metaphor? For class consumerism or something like that.


I glance at Kahi trying to look for help to understand what Uee just said.


Kahi: Don't look at me. I don't know anything about consuming. But, I recognized you didn’t buy anything today.

Fany: I bought something today.

Kahi: Socks don’t count. ‘Course, I was surprised you even called.

Fany: I’ve been kind of... out of it.

Uee: Kind of? I mean, at first, I was worried.

Kahi: Then I’m like, okay, she’s still bumming? It’s not like I wasn’t going through things, too. Like Yoochun deciding he wanted to “just be friends?” That was really hard and...

A random guy: How ‘bout a ride, girls?


Just as I look across the street, four rough guys loiter out front next to their motorcycles. They’re in shadow, so we can’t see their faces. Then they come out from the shadows, and I had a flash back.



I was surrounded by four guys and Taeyeon’s Volvo skidding to a stop. Taeyeon gets out of his car and is staring them down--


Back to reality


I felt a chill going down my spine, I froze and was staring at the foursome across the street. Then suddenly, a pair of lips leans next to my ear


Taeyeon(whisper): Move, Fany-ah.


I turn to find Taeyeon standing next to me. Or so it seems. But he’s an illusion; an apparition which becomes clear to me when Kahi steps right into him, dissolving him into nothingness.


Kahi: Come on.

Uee: I am scared can we go.

Fany: I know them... I think...

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84 streak #1
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