Chapter 9

Vampire in Love 2

Fany's House


Tiffany exits to find her father out by the street, stuffing trash into the bins. He talks with the neighbor, who also attends to his trash with two old, beat up motorcycles.


Seung-gi: It’s about time you got rid of those. Seen one too many bikers smeared on the highway.

Neighbor: Save the lecture, Chief. Soon as the garbage truck hauls ‘em off, you and my wife can rest easy. Oh, hey, what’s the word on those killings?

Seung-gi(distracted): Nothing yet.


Seung-gi watches Fany walk to her truck, head down. Their Neighbor sees her, too


Nieghbor: How you doin’ there, Tiffany?


Tiffany, in her own world, doesn’t respond. He gives Seung-gi an understanding shrug and heads off. As she opens her truck door. Suddenly, it gets slammed shut again by Seung-gi.


Seung-gi: That’s it.

Fany: That’s what?

Seung-gi: You’re going back home to live with your mother.

Fany: What? Why?

Seung-gi: I just - don’t know what to do anymore with you. You act like someone left you or more like someone died.


She looks away. That’s how it feels to her.


Fany: I’m not leaving Seoul.

Seung-gi: Fany-ah, the not coming back.


She nods and knows this all too well.


Seung-gi: It’s not normal for this behavior. And frankly, it’s scaring the hell outta me, and your mother. You are going back to California. Make some new friends.

Fany: I like my old friends.

Seung-gi: You never even see them anymore.

Fany: I do, too. In fact, I’m am going to see Kahi and Uee tomorrow to go shopping.

Seung-gi: Okay, alright shopping. It is good to see you friends from time to time.

Fany: Yeah, but I am going to my room to call Kahi what time we should meet up.

Seung-gi: Alright


Tiffany goes to her room and grabs her phone. She dial Kahi's number.


Fany: Hey Kahi, it’s Tiff... 

Kahi: Oh, hey Tiff. How you doing?

Fany: I am doing goo, but I want ask you something.

Kahi: Okay, what's up?

Fany: Want go shopping tomorrow?

Kahi: Oh my god yes! I have to go get some new stuff anyways.

Fany: Okay, and can you invite Uee?

Kahi: Yeah, when should we meet up?

Fany: Lunch time.

Kahi: Okay, well see you tomorrow Fany-ah.

Fany: Yeah, bye.


Fany ends the call with Kahi and puts her phone on the table beside her bed. She lays down and drifts to sleep.




Sorry I didn't know what to call this chapter so just called it Chapter 9. And, I am finally back after a long time. Finally graduated from school and have a lot of time to get stuff done now.


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