Birthday Girl

Vampire in Love 2

No One POV

She lies atop her bed,  Fany sits up, cluttered with pictures of Taeyeon and of the Kim’s. There was a knock on the door and Seung-gi enters carrying two gifts, one wrapped, one not.


Seung-gi: Happy Birthday, Fany.

Fany: Dad, we agreed, no gifts.

Seung-gi: At least mine's not wrapped.


He hands it to her and it was a digital camera and Fany is pleased, despite herself.


Fany: Okay, this is actually kind of great. Thanks, Dad.

Seung-gi: This one is from your mom, we coordinated - well, she coordinated me.


Fany opens the wrapped gift to reveal a scrapbook.


Seung-gi: To put your pictures in, record your senior year -- man, your last year in highschool. How'd you get so old so fast?

Fany: Not even that old dad. I’m only 17, I’m nots old as you are.

Seung-gi: I don't know about that Fany, I see something on your face. Is that a wrinkle?


Fany gets out of bed and races to the mirror, she searches all over face.


Seung-gi: I was kidding, you don’t have any, jeez.

Fany: So not funny, Dad.

Seung-gi: Well, you should get ready now. Got to get to school, don’t be late.

Fany: Okay dad, but first get out of my way if you don’t want me to be late.


20 minutes later


Fany runs down the stairs and past her dad.


Fany: Bye dad, see you later.

Seung-gi: Yeah, see you later. Bye.


Fany gets in her car and starts the engine. She reverses and drives off.



Fany climbs out of her truck, grabbing her bag and shouldering her book bag. She looks around the parking lot, seeking for Taeyeon.


Yoochun: Wherefore art thou, Bella?


She turns as Yoochun, Jaejoong, Uee, and Kahi approach.


Yoochun: You finish the Shakespeare assignment?

Kahi: He means will you finish his assignment?

Yoochun: No, I don't -- okay I do.

Fany: I can help you with it -- but first --  I need a picture. My mom's expecting a scrapbook full of memories.

Uee(holds up her own camera):  I will take them, I don't pose for photos.

Fany: You do now today chickie. Get in the photo or I will be upset.                                     


She pushes Uee to the others and they arrange themselves --    


Kahi: You'll Photoshop my nose if it looks big, right?                                      

Jaejoong: Don't worry, I'm in the picture, no one will be looking at you guys.


Kahi scoffs at him and Uee gives Fany the camera. Yoochun and Jaejoong get ready. Fany takes the picture. It freezes on them, fun, delightfully carefree... but when the camera lowers, their playfulness has dissipated as they see someone behind Fany. She turns to see Taeyeon climbing out of his silver Volvo.


Yoochun: Oh yay, the Kim's are here.                          

Kahi: Yay, were gonna go, see you in class later. Bye.


The friends, uncomfortable, move off, not wanting to be awkward around the Kim’s.


Jaejoong: Um, check ya later Fany-ah.


But Fany doesn't register their tone because she is transfixed by Taeyeon who approaches, eyes never leaving hers. He reaches her, washing away all her concerns, except that one. Her face falls.


Tae: Happy birthday, babe.

Fany: Please, don't remind me.

Tae: Your birthday is definitely a day to celebrate, it only comes once every year.                                       

Fany: It isn’t for me, I feel old right now.                                      

Tae: Seventeen is a little early to be worrying about your age.

Fany: It's one year older than you.

Tae: Fany-ah, I'm ninety.

Fany: True. Maybe I should be creeped out that I'm dating such an old guy.                  

Tae(smiles, amused): Yes, it's the age that's creepy, not the fact that you're dating a vampire.           

Fany: Yeah, I should be, but your age creep’s me out more than the fact you are a vampire.

Tae: Hah, whatever. One day you will be creeped out by the fact I am older and a vamp.


Then he pulls her close and kisses her, tenderly, adoringly. She kisses him back, despite their restraint, the passion mounts, until he pulls away. As always, both are left wanting more. Tae nods toward the school building.                    


Tae: We at school and we still have class.                                           

Fany: Right, yeah, class.                                  


Catching their breath, they started walking toward the school but Tae stops, hearing something in his mind and feeling irritated.        


Tae: Someone wants you babe.

Siwon: Fany-ah!


Siwon, 16, jogs up, carrying a used car part. He looks 18 due to his tall, muscular body, but Siwon is a little klutzy, still catching up to his growth spurt. He nods to Tae, who moves off to the side but eyes them before walking away.


Fany: God, Siwon, what are they feeding you, steroids? You're huge, you look like you can be a bodyguard. Your new name is gonna be bodyguard.

Siwon: Haha, funny, it wouldn't seem so drastic if you came around more, Fany-ah. We miss you, you know that right?

Fany: Yeah, I will, soon. But isn't your school,  like, ten miles that way?

Siwon: Just here buying this for the Princess.  I'm almost done with the rebuild. I gotta come take a ride when it's done. Oh, and hey, happy birthday. Your dad told my dad. So...


He pulls from his coat a small box, wrapped with a pink ribbon. Tiffany’s favourite color. He handed her that box and she untied the bow and opened it. To find a necklace, that has a silver heart and has pink hearts on one half of the heart.


Siwon: I saw it the other day and thought I would get it for you because pink is your favourite color, and the heart is because you have such a full heart of kindness and love.

Fany: This, it is great, I love it. Thanks Siwon, oops, I mean bodyguard.

Siwon: Hah, your welcome.

Tae: The bell's about to ring, we got to go now.


The bell rings. Siwon gives Tae an amiable smile, with just a hint of snark.                                            


Siwon: Ooh, look at you, all psychic.                     

Tae: I don't have that particular gift. But I can read a watch. I'm clever that way.                                          


They share a tight smile. Fany intercedes, squeezing Siwon's arm.                                                     


Fany: Bye, Siwon, and thank you once again. I’ll drop by soon.

Siwon: Yeah, you better drop by soon, bye.


Tae guides her away. As they walk off --              


Tae: How come Siwon gets to give you a gift and I don't?

Fany: He's just my childhood friend, were friends.

Tae: "Friends" don't spend two weeks looking for the perfect necklace.

Fany: Stop reading his mind if he bothers you so much.

Tae: Little hard to tune out his thoughts.


She just laughs, but Tae looks back at Siwon with resentment. Siwon holds his gaze.


Taeyeon and Tiffany enter the double doors and suddenly a small, wrapped gift appears in Fany's face. Seohyun presents the gift.


Seo: Happy --

Fany: Shh!


Seo whispers in her ear as she hugs Fany


Seo: Happy Birthday.


Over Seo's shoulder, Fany sees Yoona, keeping his distance. He offers her a pleasant nod. She tries to hide Seo's present, hoping no one noticed.


Fany: Seo, didn't I say no gifts?                    

Seo: You did. I didn't. I've already seen you open it and guess what? You love it.

Fany: You had a vision about my birthday.

Seo: And about the green dress you'll be wearing to your party tonight. Great color on you.

Fany: ... My party?                                    

Seo: Please? It'll be fun.                         

Fany(beat, confused): I.. guess I can deal --                          

Seo: Great! See ya at seven!                        


Seo hugs her again and races off before she can change her mind. This is when Fany realizes Yoona’s mood.                         


Fany: Wait, Yoona, no fair with the mood control.                                          


He offers an apologetic bow before Seo drags him away.         


Tae: Vampires. You can't trust them.                


They went to class, and continued school. After school they went to Tiffany’s house quickly so she can get dressed. Tiffany was wearing a black leather jacket, blue jeans, a grey t-shirt, black high heels, and sunglasses. They had left to the Kim’s house to have Fany’s birthday dinner.







Let's pretend Siwon is 16, in the movie, Jacob is 16. That is the age they turn into a wolf.


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84 streak #1
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