He's old

Not A Passing Fancy
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Sun Ah’s POV:


I woke up in the morning with a huge headache and wondered what had happened. I closed my eyes and tried to remember the last thing I did but it was all blurry.


The last thing I could remember was flirting a little with Ricky, then snatching the wine glass away from his hand and everything after that was still unclear. Instead of trying to remember it, I decided to go and get ready for school.


I took a shower and went down the stairs, found my little brother playing alone and when I was about to sit down with him, I heard my parents talking in the kitchen.


At first I wasn’t really interested in eavesdropping but when I heard them mentioning Ricky and me from the previous day, I couldn’t help but get closer to the kitchen to listen clearly.


I heard pretty much everything. I mean everything. From what I did to everything else they spoke. Just listening to it, I was embarrassed enough by my actions. I don’t know how I was going to face Ricky after this. I was pretty sure he wouldn’t want to see me from now on.


But just as I was thinking of that, I also heard my parents talk about how one was favoring me over my brother. You all would think it would be my mother making that complain against my father. But it was the other way around.


My father was complaining how my mother favors me over her own son Sang Ki. Well, I guess he was kind of right in a way. Just like my dad, even I thought she did all that because she wants to earn brownie points as our relationship haven't been good, ever since I found out she wasn’t my mother.


But after listening to the explanation she gave to our father, I started to question myself. Was I being too hard on her when all she has been doing was genuinely care for me?


However, there was this thing that bothered me. What did my father mean by ‘She brought Sang Ki and me together.’? What had happened and what did I do?


Just as I wondering about the last part I heard, a figure zoomed past me. I looked in the direction of the kitchen and then in the direction the person took off. I was confused whether to continue standing there and listen to the rest of the conversation or go after my brother who took off upstairs.


Something in the way my brother’s back looked as he went up the stairs, told me that I should do the latter. I let out a sigh and took off in the direction my brother went. I opened his room’s door and found it to be completely dark with him sitting on the bed with his hands wrapped around his legs.


“Oppa?” I called out to him softly as I felt up for the light switch.


“Go away.” He replied and the blanket rose up in the air and covered him, just as I turned the lights ON finally.


You do know that my brother has got telekinesis power that he only uses at useless instance like now, don't you? I shook my head at his childishness and walked up to his bed. I grabbed hold of the blanket and tried pulling it off but damn! This kid was so stubborn that I ended up falling down.


“Ouch” I yelped as I hit the floor.


A small portion of his blanket lifted up a little and he asked softly, “Are you alright?”


“So you care?” I rolled my eyes as I got up and brushed off my dress. “Now will you let go of that blanket and talk to me?”


“Not now, Sun Ah-ya.” He replied from under the blanket.


“Are you going to do it now? Or should I call eomma?” I waited for a second but there was no response from him. “Fine then, mother it is! Eomma~” I called out the door a little louder, but not really loud enough for our mother to hear it.


Midway through my yelling, the door to his room shut and a blanket covered me to muffle my yelling. “Okay, keep quiet! Please don’t call her.” I heard him say.


I removed the blanket off me just in time to see him wipe away his eyes which were kind of moist. “Oppa?” I called out to him, a bit taken aback and walked up to him. “Is everything alright?” I asked as I flopped down beside him while he just nodded.


I stared up at him to the point that he started getting uncomfortable, “What?” he finally snapped.


“Do you want me to believe that?” he nodded. “Seriously? C’mon, Lee Sang Ki! I know you a lot more than that. What about your eyes? Dust fell into them? Or some ghost cutting onions in the room?” I mocked him.


Well, I know I’m calling him by his name instead of oppa. But he doesn’t really mind it. Like I always say, he's my sweetest brother and the most precious person to me.


“Fine! You got me. What do you want to know now?”


“My dearest oppa, tell your darling sister the reason your eyes had tears on them. Or else, this little monster would tell it to our mother.”


“I cannot escape from you now, can I?” I shook my head while he let out a sigh. “I just happened to overhear our mom and dad. It brought back some memories. You won’t r

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14/09/2016 Hey dearies ^^ Sorry for the long wait. I have 2 exams this week. So couldn't write. Anyway, will update in another 2-3 days. Once again I'm sorry...


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fayrenz #1
Chapter 32: Aw that was perfect. I wanted this story to last hence I read one chapter a day instead of my usual 2-3. It was so cute, such an awesome story ❤️ you really wrote this so well and esp in this chapter... Chunji being so sneaky sending the lil one behind Sun Ah but eventually it backfired. So cute. I really loved reading this ^^
fayrenz #2
Chapter 31: Awww yayy Shownu passed the prelims haha x3
fayrenz #3
Chapter 30: I bet thats Chunji at the door haha. But these two are so cute, And I feel Shownu has nothing to worry about but still can't wait to see how the meeting turns out to be ^^
fayrenz #4
Chapter 29: That was so sweet. Even the scene with Ricky taking back the rings was just ;;;; i got a mini heart attack seeing "the end" written there and then I remembered there are more chapters. Phew haha
fayrenz #5
Chapter 27: Honestly Sang Ki really deserves so muchhh better than Miyeon. Her getting slapped was so satisfying... But poor Sang Ki got hurt ;;; its all Miyeon's fault and not Sun Ah's... I hope both are able to accept that... And that scene when Sun Ah pecks Hyunwoo's lips and says 'i love you' it was so precious ❤️
fayrenz #6
Chapter 25: Wow I didn't realize I read so much today wow that was a ride haha..i m glad that sun ah is getting over ricky bcz hyunwoo is just so dreamyyyy and that last part asfgjkl it was both cute and hot and im dead
fayrenz #7
Chapter 18: Oh nooo i hope Sun Ah is alright ;;;
fayrenz #8
Chapter 16: Im so happy Sang Ki woke up and hopefully now things for Sun Ah will begin to get better. Will be back to read more ~
fayrenz #9
Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Miyeon... She is so despicable... I mean, Sangki is SunAh's brother before he is her boyfriend. That was utter rude. I am so angry at her behavior @$$&?!*&@$ Even Chunji tbh
fayrenz #10
Chapter 9: Oh noooo no matter who it was im so anxious and scared >w<